2 Missiles fired against Russian civilian aircraft over Syria


Nordwind AirlinesTwo missiles were fired at a Russian passenger plane flying over Syrian territory with 200 people onboard, according to the Interfax news agency.

“Syrian [officials] informed us that on Monday morning, unidentified forces launched two ground-to-air missiles which exploded in the air very close to a civilian aircraft belonging to a Russian airline,” the “informed sources” told the Russian agency, as cited by RT.com (Russia Today).

The pilots managed to maneuver the plane in time, “saving the lives of passengers,” they added.

According to the Russian Federal Agency for Tourism, the plane belongs to Nordwind Airlines, a Russian charter air carrier. It was en route to the city of Kazan, in Russia’s republic of Tatarstan, from Egypt’s resort city of Sharm el-Sheikh, reports RIA Novosti.

“No one was injured, and the plane was not damaged. The aircraft landed in Kazan as it had been planned,” the tourism agency’s press service told RIA Novosti.

New Europe



24 responses to “2 Missiles fired against Russian civilian aircraft over Syria”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Russian planes have enough trouble staying up as it is … who would take a tourist on this adventure?

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Russian planes have enough trouble staying up as it is … who would take a tourist on this adventure?

  3. lebanesesam Avatar

    The pilots managed to maneuver the plane in time? What kind of BS is that. how the hell do you maneuver a passenger plane from a rocket that fast? it’s not a Mig-27 or F-16- hahahah, what a lie. This sounds a bit fishy and something is behind the story. WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP

    1. AntiFSA Avatar

      Why is hard to believe, most on this blog believe everything bad that is said about Assad, Hezbollah and Iran. Why is this any different.

      1. bobby day Avatar
        bobby day

        thats cuz they deserve it Allah comes for u and them

        1. AntiFSA Avatar

          I wish Allah would come for me. Your an Idiot.

          1. bobby day Avatar
            bobby day


      2. Reasonableman Avatar

        To change the opinion of a person is impossible without wisdom and putting it to use anti, and who is everyone?the real question is why dont ‘you’ believe anything bad about assad iran and hezballah.

        1. AntiFSA Avatar

          I have always said that Assad caused a lot of atrocities when he was in Lebanon. Something that is as clear as day light. However what I can’t believe is all the BS written on this blog where any news when it comes to the above 3 is always bad. You can’t tell me that the FSA terrorist aren’t causing atrocities in Syria. And please don’t use the Al Nusra or Al qaeda BS. Although you support the uprising, you seem to be smarter than that.

          1. Reasonableman Avatar

            In war all doctrines are thrown out the window, you have maybe 3% from opposition to the people in power to the people all over the world who really dont have a hidden agenda and stick to the doctrines and firm in there beliefs. Thousands of those pro fsa are from all nationalities and religions and some dont even know how to pray and reverting unfortunately in the medias eyes every single one of them is muslim and follows the salafi wahhabi sect wich doesnt even exist. There word salaf derives from pious predeccessors and wahhabi derives from an ‘individuals’ lastname who in his time had preached the same version of islam the salaf preached. Same with the pro regime there a hundreds of different nationalities and beliefs who cause atrocities and are all labelled with either alawi or shia. I believe allah brings down only good upon mankind and mankind brings evil to itself. The media is just a tool to keep us busy lol we read but always want to comment never act its not a very practical tool. Like a bad job your boss screws you over yesterday today and you know hell do the same tommorrow but you stick around anyway to see what happens next 😉

      3. lebanesesam Avatar

        It’s called facts about the maneuvering abilities of passenger plane you dummy. But with that kind of thinking no wonder you pull with the other side. Plus, I was not pointing to any side, I was just stating a fact about the plane – but again, why go down to your level of brain

        1. AntiFSA Avatar

          My brain level, lol lol. I was merly being sarcastic. however obviously you are to stupid to realise. Oh and btw, what other side are you talking about. I though we were all Lebanese and only supported Lebanon. You fool.

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      They didn’t mention ‘Altitude’ …. must have been at 20,000 ft at least, by that time, if not the usual 30,000 …. which only larger SAM-type missiles could reach …. which in this case would be Russian. Portable-by-a-man systems don’t reach that height … So the question would be ‘who fired them’ from a ‘missile battery’ if they came ‘close’ ?? And if fired from a shoulder, what idiot thought he could reach out and touch a plane up there??

  4. lebanesesam Avatar

    The pilots managed to maneuver the plane in time? What kind of BS is that. how the hell do you maneuver a passenger plane from a rocket, it’s not a Mig-27 – hahahah, what a lie

    1. Why is hard to believe, most on this blog believe everything bad that is said about Assad, Hezbollah and Iran. Why is this any different.

      1. bobby day Avatar
        bobby day

        thats cuz they deserve it Allah comes for u and them

        1. I wish Allah would come for me. Your an Idiot.

          1. bobby day Avatar
            bobby day


      2. Reasonableman Avatar

        To change the opinion of a person is impossible without wisdom and putting it to use anti, and who is everyone?the real question is why dont ‘you’ believe anything bad about assad iran and hezballah.

        1. I have always said that Assad caused a lot of atrocities when he was in Lebanon. Something that is as clear as day light. However what I can’t believe is all the BS written on this blog where any news when it comes to the above 3 is always bad. You can’t tell me that the FSA terrorist aren’t causing atrocities in Syria. And please don’t use the Al Nusra or Al qaeda BS. Although you support the uprising, you seem to be smarter than that.

          1. Reasonableman Avatar

            In war all doctrines are thrown out the window, you have maybe 3% from opposition to the people in power to the people all over the world who really dont have a hidden agenda and stick to the doctrines and firm in there beliefs. Thousands of those pro fsa are from all nationalities and religions and some dont even know how to pray and reverting unfortunately in the medias eyes every single one of them is muslim and follows the salafi wahhabi sect wich doesnt even exist. There word salaf derives from pious predeccessors and wahhabi derives from an ‘individuals’ lastname who in his time had preached the same version of islam the salaf preached. Same with the pro regime there a hundreds of different nationalities and beliefs who cause atrocities and are all labelled with either alawi or shia. I believe allah brings down only good upon mankind and mankind brings evil to itself. The media is just a tool to keep us busy lol we read but always want to comment never act its not a very practical tool. Like a bad job your boss screws you over yesterday today and you know hell do the same tommorrow but you stick around anyway to see what happens next 😉

      3. lebanesesam Avatar

        It’s called facts about the maneuvering abilities of passenger plane you dummy. But with that kind of thinking no wonder you pull with the other side. Plus, I was not pointing to any side, I was just stating a fact about the plane – but again, why go down to your level of brain

        1. My brain level, lol lol. I was merly being sarcastic. however obviously you are to stupid to realise. Oh and btw, what other side are you talking about. I though we were all Lebanese and only supported Lebanon. You fool.

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      They didn’t mention ‘Altitude’ …. must have been at 20,000 ft at least, by that time, if not the usual 30,000 …. which only larger SAM-type missiles could reach …. which in this case would be Russian. Portable-by-a-man systems don’t reach that height … So the question would be ‘who fired them’ from a ‘missile battery’ if they came ‘close’ ?? And if fired from a shoulder, what idiot throughout he could reach out and touch a plane up there??

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