Vigilantes target Hezbollah by humiliating Syrian in Tripoli


Stripped to the waist, his face heavily bruised and a rope around his neck, the grey-haired Syrian man was led by his captors on a humiliating parade through the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli.

A Syrian man, with a rope tied around his neck, is being led by his captors on a parade through the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli April 22, 2013.
A Syrian man, with a rope tied around his neck, is being led by his captors on a parade through the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli April 22, 2013.
“I am an Alawite shabbiha,” read slogans daubed on the bare chest of the man, referring to militias from a minority sect fighting for President Bashar al-Assad in neighboring Syria. Vigilantes led the man through Tripoli, a predominantly Sunni Muslim city, on Monday.

No one stepped in to stop the degrading procession until he was handed over to army intelligence, Tripoli residents said, his treatment yet another sign that the Lebanese state is losing its battle to contain street tensions over Syria’s bloodshed.

Long-standing sectarian tensions in Lebanon have been further fuelled this week by heavy clashes in the border region. Lebanese Sunni Muslims support the Sunni-led opposition fighting Assad. Most Lebanese Shi’ite groups support Assad and the Alawite sect to which he belongs, an offshoot of Shi’ite Islam which has largely supported the Assad family’s four-decade rule.

Along the border, pro-Assad forces – including fighters believed to be from Lebanon’s powerful Shi’ite guerrilla movement Hezbollah – have made strategic gains in recent days.

They appear to be creating a crucial corridor between Assad’s seat of power, Damascus, and the Alawite stronghold region along Syria’s Mediterranean coast.

On the same day the Syrian man was dragged across Tripoli, two prominent Sunni clerics called on Lebanese men to defend the rebels in Syria, either by sending weapons or joining in combat.

“It is a duty for any Muslim who is able to reach our Syrian brothers, to enter Syria to defend its people, its mosques and religious sites,” Sheikh Ahmed al-Assir told supporters in Lebanon’s southern port town of Sidon.

Assir singled out the besieged rebel-held town of Qusair, near the Lebanese frontier, and central Homs, Syria’s third largest city, as strategic priorities. Homs has been roughly divided between government and insurgent-held areas.

The porous border around Qusair and Homs is a vital smuggling route for the rebels. But the rebels also want to seal off the border from government forces to sever Damascus from Syria’s Alawite coast.

As clashes intensify along the border, rocket fire has been hitting Lebanon with increasing frequency. Suspected rebel rockets hit the Shi’ite town of Hermel, 10 km (six miles) inside Lebanese territory.

Rebels have threatened to “move the battle into Lebanon” if the Syrian government offensive, which they described as Hezbollah-led, continues.


Assir’s call to arms and the vigilante action in Tripoli further undermine Lebanon’s tattered policy of “dissociation” from Syria’s turmoil – a stance which Assad himself mocked in a meeting with sympathetic Lebanese politicians at the weekend.

“No one can distance himself (from the conflict) while being consumed by flames,” Assad told his visitors.

His remarks could further fan the fear of many Lebanese that their country is vulnerable to being dragged into Syria’s bloodshed. Syria has historically dominated its small neighbor, where it maintained a military presence for 29 years until 2005.

Since the start of the anti-Assad uprising, which has mushroomed into civil war, Lebanon has been hit by street fighting in Tripoli between Sunni and Alawite gunmen, cross-border shelling, and the assassination in October of a top security official.

In Tripoli, the popular hardline preacher Sheikh Salem al-Rafei told worshippers on Monday that Sunni Lebanese fighters should go into Syria.

He argued that Hezbollah fighters were killing Sunni Muslims in Syria and justifying their actions as defense of Lebanese Shi’ites who live just inside Syria’s side of the border.

“If Hezbollah is defending the oppressed Lebanese Shi’ites, we will also defend the oppressed Lebanese Sunnis in Syria,” he said. “We will send support – men…and weapons to support (them).”

Hezbollah denies it has sent guerrillas to fight alongside Assad’s forces inside Syria, but has held regular funerals for fighters it said were carrying out “jihadi duties”. It says any Hezbollah fighters involved are local Shi’ite residents of Lebanese villages inside Syria, defending their territory.




88 responses to “Vigilantes target Hezbollah by humiliating Syrian in Tripoli”

  1. Hannibal Avatar

    Humiliating human beings is an act of cowards… This is another stain on the conscience of the nation… We should be above that. I do not see humans here, I see a bunch of animals with brains the size of a fava bean (no wonder why we call Fava “fool” in Arabic).

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      Its reasonable to say with the massacres this man has taken part in and ive seen the videos this humiliation is only a slap on the wrist because he was left to live another day.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        eh rab7o jmiile, he lived another day in torture and humiliation… I’d rather be dead. ๐Ÿ™
        Sad thinking from an unreasonable man.

        1. JoeyAli Avatar

          It looks your brain equates to the size of a fava bean that you describe above Seรฑor Hannibal!

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            wulak ahlaaan be yalle esmo nos masii7e nos muslem…
            aal Joey wu Ali aal weyn khabasta hall khabsa?
            Tell me please what did I say that disturbed your sleep? Logic?
            Go back to where you were at before you deal with people bigger than you intellectually and physically. ya qazam… Go back to the majruur where you were born and leave as7aab el 3elm to dialogue the problems at hand.
            JoeyAli aal leyk malla khabriyye… men wayn byejo hall orta hole ma ba3ref… he he
            May be 5th has them in the drawer… lol

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (ooops … frantic search … no … 1st 2 drawers … only empties …)

  2. Hannibal Avatar

    Humiliating human beings is an act of cowards… This is another stain on the conscience of the nation… We should be above that. I do not see humans here, I see a bunch of animals with brains the size of a fava bean (no wonder why we call Fava “fool” in Arabic).

    1. Reasonableman Avatar

      Its reasonable to say with the massacres this man has taken part in and ive seen the videos this humiliation is only a slap on the wrist because he was left to live another day.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        eh rab7o jmiile, he lived another day in torture and humiliation… I’d rather be dead. ๐Ÿ™
        Sad thinking from an unreasonable man.

        1. JoeyAli Avatar

          It looks your brain equates to the size of a fava bean that you describe above Seรฑor Hannibal!

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            wulak ahlaaan be yalle esmo nos masii7e nos muslem…
            aal Joey wu Ali aal weyn khabasta hall khabsa?
            Tell me please what did I say that disturbed your sleep? Logic?
            Go back to where you were at before you deal with people bigger than you intellectually and physically. ya qazam… Go back to the majruur where you were born and leave as7aab el 3elm to dialogue the problems at hand.
            JoeyAli aal leyk malla khabriyye… men wayn byejo hall orta hole ma ba3ref… he he
            May be 5th has them in the drawer… lol

          2. 5thDrawer Avatar

            (ooops … frantic search … no … 1st 2 drawers … only empties …)

  3. Reasonableman Avatar

    Qatada said,ย โ€œAllah has created angels having reason but with no desires, animals have desires and no reason, and man has both reason and desires. Therefore, if oneโ€™s reason is stronger than his desires, he is like an angel. On the other hand, if his desires are stronger, he is like an animal.โ€(ibn Al-Qayyim โ€“ โ€œThe Way to Patience and Gratitude.โ€)

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      Therefore those people are animals… because reason says rise to the occasion… Humiliation is not humane neither is torture… When God sends the rain He sends it on the good and the wicked… If you were to tell this guy what he has done, treat him well, then release him, you will start an avalanche of paying it forward where he will refuse to hurt people because you have awaken his conscience.
      Jesus worked this way and conquered a Roman empire without lifting a finger.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Indeed that was a noble victory but hannibal at the times of jesus peace be upon him his path was written for him already as it is for you and i and for anybody. Although it is wrong for me to say times have changed it is people who have changed and on that train of thought dont respond to things like they used to. Killing of every innocent soul is evil, but so is silence. Allah the blessed used to wipe out nations until allah revealed the messenger mohommed peace be upon him and introduced jihad l kital wich is more of a ra7ma to the world. Then the total wipe out. Ofcourse this is a complex issue but very straight forward to a person who wants to understand.

        1. Reasonableman Avatar

          “AND AS FOR ISHMAEL, I have heard you: I HAVE HEARD YOU: I WILL SURELY BLESS HIM; I WILL MAKE HIM FRUITFUL AND WILL GREATLY INCREASE HIS NUMBERS. HE WILL BE THE FATHER OF TWELVE RULERS, AND I WILL MAKE HIM into A GREAT NATION..”[Genesis, 17:19-21] was there a great nation from the offspring of ismael before mohommed peace be upon him?

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            Was there a great nation from the offsprings of Ismael after mohammed? NOPE
            What did that nation bring to the world? Look at the state of the nation and mourn it.
            While the West is discovering cures for major illnesses and the Americas landing probes and rovers on Mars the offspring of Ismael are fighting each others to determine who was the rightful heir to Mohammed. Religion as interpreted today does not mix with modern man. It needs to be revisited to dissociate from governance… I know you disagree… I am at peace with following a secular governance and praying to God for my spiritual salvation. However, I will never carry weapons in HIS name because He creates life not to destroy it.

          2. Reasonableman Avatar

            You contradict yourself you ask me to concider the state of the world today and then you tell me religion and the modern world dont mix. Concider islam is the fastest growing religion in the world? You have a right to your diplomacey i am not stripping you of your liberty i show you facts and you can act or procastrinate. Did allah not wipe out nations?
            “Thus says the Lord of hosts, โ€˜I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he set himself against him on the way while he was coming up from Egypt. 3 โ€˜Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey,โ€ (1 Samuel 15:2-3). The smallest of things any human can think of is tsunamis? I stick firm to my previous statement killing of the innocent is injustice. Ofcourse allah makes no mistakes when these “natural” disasters occur.
            Hence more reasoned to believe the unlettered prophet peace be upon him and what he was commanded…

          3. Reasonableman Avatar

            Isaiah 42:1-13ย speaks of the beloved of God. His elect and messenger who will bring down a law to be awaited in the isles and who “shall not fail nor be discouraged till he have set judgement on earth.” Verse 11, connects that awaited one with the descendants of Ke’dar. Who is Ke’dar? According toย Genesis 25:13, Ke’dar was the second son of Ishmael, the ancestor of prophetMuhammad.
            What i am telling you can save your life and guarentee you paradise.

          4. Hannibal Avatar

            I am already in Paradise… and you as you waste your life are already in Hell.
            You despise the Jews yet you read their books… Myth PURE Myth… Read Gilgamesh He speaks of the same Long before the Genesis was written oops I mean plagiarized from it.
            OH yeah now you’re thinking this Hannibal is 666 satan in action. NO my friend Satan is in the head of Islam blowing kids watching the marathoners in Boston. THAT WAS SATAN in ACTION.

          5. Reasonableman Avatar

            societies books not “there” books. Interesting you bring up gilgamesh more reason to believe there has been messengers sent down. Yes your friends in the whitehouse blowing people up as usual very satanic.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            errr … allo? .. ah .. Akbar ??

          7. Hannibal Avatar

            Pure lunatic myth.
            Europeans existed before those books were written. They had their gods too. they evolved faster than the Mideast and came back to haunt the land for centuries. Did God send them? Godless people against the people of God?
            God is closest to be understood as consciousness of the many. He does not kill humans. Humans kill humans. God did not make the African continent starve… It is the doing of humans. When rich countries have the means (Arabs) to feed a continent they splurge on Lamborghinis for their police and sprinkle Gold on their food. This IS NOT GOD IN ACTION… THESE ARE HUMAN ANIMALS IN ACTION.
            Go bury yourself in your books and your hadith and stupidity instead of working towards the betterment of humanity through DEEDS. DEEDS get you to heaven NOT reading books written by men hallucinating with power to control the minds of the poor.

          8. Reasonableman Avatar

            Your delusional so with your conscious or uncle joes conscious the water was put perfectly in the in place the humans exist with all there complete attributes all from uncle joe mahek?

          9. IraniAngel Avatar

            i completely acknowledge the advances of the west, but somehow christians outside the west like constantin for instance keeps trying to associate himself with the west just because they “share” the same religion or what ever.. he fails to understand that westerners actually despise christianity…

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Irani … I would rather think that’s because a great number of them discovered how ‘religion’ held them (as humans) down for so long. But not understanding the basic reasons for a ‘political thought’ and the BASE reasons for any particular ‘Constitution’ is as dangerous as allowing ONE ‘religious head’ to direct your life anywhere. At the very least, ‘Religion’ should be a ‘Higher-School Subject’ of the future where all forms of it can be open to review by brains old enough (theoretically) to then make a choice about what to ‘believe’. Having it drilled into many at very young ages goes against the grain for some of them later in life – when they are more capable of independent thought, and it leads to confusion in personal lives. The ‘free’ society allows the ‘personal’ – but the early religion sets them all up for a life-long ‘Guilt Trip’ if they can’t see the ‘message’ beyond the ‘politics’ – and they attempt to run away from it.
            Some things about ‘life’ no-one can run away from.
            But … In ‘the west’ you can change the politician. (Without killing him. :-))

          11. Hannibal Avatar

            For me that is not a war between Islam and Christianity or any other religion, but a war of cultures… Therefore one cannot attribute him/herself to a religion or its success… People and nations make discoveries not religions.

          12. Constantin7 Avatar

            Reasonableman: please define “GREAT” in great nation ! You find that the present Islamic world is GREAT ! Eh Mabrouk alayk this great nation !

          13. Hannibal Avatar

            LOL great nation my friggin a55… bunch of Camel riding jokey towel headed morons. They invented the deshdeeshe…

    2. JoeyAli Avatar

      Her is a reasonable guy talking!

  4. Reasonableman Avatar

    Qatada said,ย โ€œAllah has created angels having reason but with no desires, animals have desires and no reason, and man has both reason and desires. Therefore, if oneโ€™s reason is stronger than his desires, he is like an angel. On the other hand, if his desires are stronger, he is like an animal.โ€(ibn Al-Qayyim โ€“ โ€œThe Way to Patience and Gratitude.โ€)

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      Therefore those people are animals… because reason says rise to the occasion… Humiliation is not humane neither is torture… When God sends the rain He sends it on the good and the wicked… If you were to tell this guy what he has done, treat him well, then release him, you will start an avalanche of paying it forward where he will refuse to hurt people because you have awaken his conscience.
      Jesus worked this way and conquered a Roman empire without lifting a finger.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Indeed that was a noble victory but hannibal at the times of jesus peace be upon him his path was written for him already as it is for you and i and for anybody. Although it is wrong for me to say times have changed it is people who have changed and on that train of thought dont respond to things like they used to. Killing of every innocent soul is evil, but so is silence. Allah the blessed used to wipe out nations until allah revealed the messenger mohommed peace be upon him and introduced jihad l kital wich is more of a ra7ma to the world. Then the total wipe out. Ofcourse this is a complex issue but very straight forward to a person who wants to understand.

        1. Reasonableman Avatar

          “i will raise them up a prophet from among their brothern, like unto thee, and i will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that i shall command him”[duet 18:18]

          1. Hannibal Avatar

            where there a great nation from the offsprings of Ismael after mohammed? NOPE
            What did that nation bring to the world? Look at the state of the nation and mourn it.
            While the West is discovering cures for major illnesses and the Americas landing probes and rovers on Mars the offspring of Ismael are fighting each others to determine who was the rightful heir to Mohammed. Religion as interpreted today does not mix with modern man. It needs to be revisited to dissociate from governance… I know you disagree… I am at peace with following a secular governance and praying to God for my spiritual salvation. However, I will never carry weapons in HIS name because He creates life not to destroy it.

          2. Reasonableman Avatar

            You contradict yourself you ask me to concider the state of the world today and then you tell me religion and the modern world dont mix. Concider islam is the fastest growing religion in the world? You have a right to your diplomacey i am not stripping you of your liberty i show you facts and you can act or procastrinate. Did allah not wipe out nations?
            “Thus says the Lord of hosts, โ€˜I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel, how he set himself against him on the way while he was coming up from Egypt. 3 โ€˜Now go and strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey,โ€ (1 Samuel 15:2-3). The smallest of things any human can think of is tsunamis? I stick firm to my previous statement killing of the innocent is injustice. Ofcourse allah makes no mistakes when these “natural” disasters occur.
            Hence more reasoned to believe the unlettered prophet peace be upon him and what he was commanded…

          3. Reasonableman Avatar

            Isaiah 42:1-13ย speaks of the beloved of God. His elect and messenger who will bring down a law to be awaited in the isles and who “shall not fail nor be discouraged till he have set judgement on earth.” Verse 11, connects that awaited one with the descendants of Ke’dar. Who is Ke’dar? According toย Genesis 25:13, Ke’dar was the second son of Ishmael, the ancestor of prophetMuhammad.
            What i am telling you can save your life and guarentee you paradise.

          4. Hannibal Avatar

            I am already in Paradise… and you as you waste your life are already in Hell.
            You despise the Jews yet you read their books… Myth PURE Myth… Read Gilgamesh He speaks of the same Long before the Genesis was written oops I mean plagiarized from it.
            OH yeah now you’re thinking this Hannibal is 666 satan in action. NO my friend Satan is in the head of Islam blowing kids watching the marathoners in Boston. THAT WAS SATAN in ACTION.

          5. Reasonableman Avatar

            societies books not “there” books. Interesting you bring up gilgamesh more reason to believe there has been messengers sent down. Yes your friends in the whitehouse blowing people up as usual very satanic.

          6. 5thDrawer Avatar

            errr … alloh? … Akbar ??

          7. Hannibal Avatar

            Pure lunatic myth.

          8. Reasonableman Avatar

            Your delusional so with your conscious or uncle joes conscious the water was put perfectly in the in place the humans exist with all there complete attributes all from uncle joe mahek?

          9. IraniAngel Avatar

            i completely acknowledge the advances of the west, but somehow christians outside the west like constantin for instance keeps trying to associate himself with the west just because they “share” the same religion or what ever.. he fails to understand that westerners actually despise christianity…

          10. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Irani … I would rather think that’s because a great number of them discovered how ‘religion’ held them (as humans) down for so long. But not understanding the basic reasons for a ‘political thought’ and the BASE reasons for any particular ‘Constitution’ is as dangerous as allowing ONE ‘religious head’ to direct your life anywhere. At the very least, ‘Religion’ should be a ‘Higher-School Subject’ of the future where all forms of it can be open to review by brains old enough (theoretically) to then make a choice about what to ‘believe’. Having it drilled into many at very young ages goes against the grain for some of them later in life – when they are more capable of independent thought, and it leads to confusion in personal lives. The ‘free’ society allows the ‘personal’ – but the early religion sets them all up for a life-long ‘Guilt Trip’ if they can’t see the ‘message’ beyond the ‘politics’ – and they attempt to run away from it.
            Some things about ‘life’ no-one can run away from.
            But … In ‘the west’ you can change the politician. :-))

          11. Hannibal Avatar

            For me that is not a war between Islam and Christianity or any other religion, but a war of cultures… Therefore one cannot attribute him/herself to a religion or its success… People and nations make discoveries not religions.

          12. Constantin7 Avatar

            Reasonableman: please define “GREAT” in great nation ! You find that the present Islamic world is GREAT ! Eh Mabrouk alayk this great nation !

          13. Hannibal Avatar

            LOL great nation my friggin a55… bunch of Camel riding jokey towel headed morons. They invented the deshdeeshe…

    2. JoeyAli Avatar

      Her is a reasonable guy talking!

  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    The kind of picture that makes it around the world … as opposed to the pics of the ‘Peace Parade’ only 1 day before. Lebanese Advertising … ‘No-one stepped in to try to stop it.’

    But it is not the first time they have led men in their underwear around in Tripoli.
    The ‘army’ hand-over is unique. Maybe next time, the army will come out to meet their little parade??

  6. 5thDrawer Avatar

    The kind of picture that makes it around the world … as opposed to the pics of the ‘Peace Parade’ only 1 day before. Lebanese advertising … ‘No-one stepped in to try to stop it.’

  7. simple math that represent the failing culture that lacks restraint and often returns to its vomit, 2 steps forward 3 step backwards. welcome back to the seventies where civilized on lookers gag , nice story to attract more tourists.

    1. Prophettttt Avatar

      geo, Greetings; With their high level of ignorance, some one must have convinced them that this could be a unique tourist attraction.
      Don’t be surprised, I know you still remember the pet shop owner you encountered ,lol

      1. howdy prophettt,
        I still am traumitized over beirut petshop visit, ironicaly there seems to be a parrarel between caged animals with no control of their lives and caged humans that are trapped in civil wars ,bigotry and sectarianism when they simply have no desire or the stomach to partake in this nonsence yet they are subjected and affected by the blood thirsty followers of one group or another , glad to be out of the pit.

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        He lives!!!!!!!!!

  8. simple math that represent the failing culture that lacks restraint and often returns to its vomit, 2 steps forward 3 step backwards. welcome back to the seventies where civilized on lookers gag , nice story to attract more tourists.

    1. Prophettttt Avatar

      geo, Greetings; With their high level of ignorance, some one must have convinced them that this could be a unique tourist attraction.
      Don’t be surprised, I know you still remember the pet shop owner you encountered ,lol

      1. howdy prophettt,
        I still am traumitized over beirut petshop visit, ironicaly there seems to be a parrarel between caged animals with no control of their lives and caged humans that are trapped in civil wars ,bigotry and sectarianism when they simply have no desire or the stomach to partake in this nonsence yet they are subjected and affected by the blood thirsty followers of one group or another , glad to be out of the pit.

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        He lives!!!!!!!!!

  9. Prophettttt Avatar

    Ignorance leads to bigotry,and prejudice.When faced with such bigotry and racism, the question of birth control becomes an easy one to decide on. Even dirty condoms are less offensive to humanity.
    The thought of living in such a culture makes you want to vomit. I no longer can tolerate reading some of the stuff posted here.So much hatred and ignorance,so much negativity and intolerance,and so much defense ,advocacy ,and justification of violence and prejudice.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Understand that feeling, Prophet.

    2. Reasonableman Avatar

      You dont know where your going until you know where youve been, unfortunately i hate to be the bearer of bad news welcome to reality.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Oh, I don’t think YOU need to give Prophet any reality checks.
        On the other hand, you quote from texts that the ancients (or their scribes) wrote as far back as 3000 years ago, and try to make them apply now. Slightly unreal, I’d say.

        1. Reasonableman Avatar

          where were you 3000 yrs ago? Let alone 100 yrs ago?

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Exactly. I live in the ‘now’ and contemplate ‘future’ for grandchildren. Thank you very much. Happy I wasn’t around 100 yrs ago, quite frankly. For one thing, I wouldn’t have survived THIS long … hehehehe … I’d have been bleeding from ears and eyes like one of my grandfathers and gone 10 years ago.
            THAT’s reality. (too bad for you having me to read on occasion ๐Ÿ˜‰
            Which doesn’t mean I can’t read up on history a little, and where it might teach me something, I can enjoy it.

          2. Reasonableman Avatar

            It must be a delightful feeling to see your own grankids but thats debatable but i wont go there just a few questions are you happy with your system? Then im happy for you.if you sleep at night im happy for you”Everything good that happens to you (O Man) is from God, everything bad that happens to you is from your own actions”. [Quran 4:79]may allah prevent such a disease on you 5th but in good spirits it just suits some people you can’t imagine them without the look ayy ๐Ÿ™‚ like my jedos 6th toe cant imagine him without dont love him less hhhhh.
            There are 08657909 million people in the world each has a point of view. So with all due respect 3amo 5th that is my opinion looking back from the “now” to achieve better future since the poverty wars abuses are still existent in todays society

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Agree with you on that one Reasonable … everything you do affects your life – as well as every experience you have in it. And each of us has a different life – even twins experience it and see it in different ways, no matter how ‘close’ they are in a moment of birth. Am I ‘happy’? There again, each moment is different … none of us exists in that same moment of TIME … I CAN say that I feel ‘satisfied’ that overall my own experience with life has been good – although there are sadnesses from it as well. I recognize in that wonderful ‘hindsight’ we have (memory) where I made a few mistakes. If ‘success’ is measured by love, family, good friends, and healthy grandchildren, then I have done well. Sadness is in having lost some. I recognize there’s little time left to be ‘in’ what we call life. But I won’t complain. (Am I in the seventh day of rest? ๐Ÿ˜‰
            (I’m also happy I avoided being shot a couple of times … interesting experiences we can go through in life also teach us things if we listen to ourselves. ๐Ÿ˜‰
            That’s the ‘personal’.
            THE WORLD, on the other hand makes me sad in many ways. I wonder at people who can’t see where they, with all that is available to them in a world of knowledge which ‘humans’ love to accumulate and disseminate, don’t ‘get it right’. Don’t have my ‘experience’. Don’t have the roof, the clothes, and the food. Never had the feeling of ‘success’. Never have the feeling of ‘love’. Never love life.
            And I must conclude that no God visited that on them.
            IF a GOD snapped his fingers and said ‘Let It Be’ … then, why can’t we?
            IF a GOD created us ‘in his image’, then why not use that brain?
            IF a GOD shows us the wonders of ‘nature’, why not be a part of it?
            IF a GOD shows us a way to His universe, why not become a part of it?

            (Damn .. i begin to sound like a preacher … this blogging needs a Scotch. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          4. Reasonableman Avatar

            close to being shot better stop talking to you i may get followed ๐Ÿ˜› every human has his purpose like butter and bread, man and women. Sometimes one can learn from infants,just so happens you were there observing that infant at exactly that time is not coincidence :-)every thing you do and some cases what we dont do.

  10. Prophettttt Avatar

    Ignorance leads to bigotry,and prejudice.When faced with such bigotry and racism, the question of birth control becomes an easy one to decide on.
    The thought of living in such a culture makes you want to vomit.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Understand that feeling, Prophet.

    2. Reasonableman Avatar

      You dont know where your going until you know where youve been, unfortunately i hate to be the bearer of bad news welcome to reality.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Oh, I don’t think YOU need to give Prophet any reality checks.
        On the other hand, you quote from texts that the ancients (or their scribes) wrote as far back as 3000 years ago, and try to make them apply now. Slightly unreal, I’d say.

        1. Reasonableman Avatar

          where were you 3000 yrs ago? Let alone 100 yrs ago?

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Exactly. I live in the ‘now’ and contemplate ‘future’ for grandchildren. Thank you very much. Happy I wasn’t around 100 yrs ago, quite frankly. For one thing, I wouldn’t have survived THIS long … hehehehe

          2. Reasonableman Avatar

            It must be a delightful feeling to see your own grankids but thats debatable but i wont go there just a few questions are you happy with your system? Then im happy for you.if you sleep at night im happy for you”Everything good that happens to you (O Man) is from God, everything bad that happens to you is from your own actions”. [Quran 4:79]may allah prevent such a disease on you 5th but in good spirits it just suits some people you can’t imagine them without the look ayy ๐Ÿ™‚ like my jedos 6th toe cant imagine him without dont love him less hhhhh.
            There are 08657909 million people in the world each has a point of view. So with all due respect 3amo 5th that is my opinion looking back from the “now” to achieve better future since the poverty wars abuses are still existent in todays society

          3. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Agree with you on that one Reasonable … everything you do affects your life – as well as every experience you have in it. And each of us has a different life – even twins experience it and see it in different ways, no matter how ‘close’ they are in a moment of birth. Am I ‘happy’? There again, each moment is different … none of us exists in that same moment of TIME … I CAN say that I feel ‘satisfied’ that overall my own experience with life has been good – although there are sadnesses from it as well. I recognize in that wonderful ‘hindsight’ we have (memory) where I made a few mistakes. If ‘success’ is measured by love, family, good friends, and healthy grandchildren, then I have done well. Sadness is in having lost some. I recognize there’s little time left to be ‘in’ what we call life. But I won’t complain. (Am I in the seventh day of rest? ๐Ÿ˜‰
            (I’m also happy I avoided being shot a couple of times … interesting experiences we can go through in life also teach us things if we listen to ourselves. ๐Ÿ˜‰
            That’s the ‘personal’.
            THE WORLD, on the other hand makes me sad in many ways. I wonder at people who can’t see where they, with all that is available to them in a world of knowledge which ‘humans’ love to accumulate and disseminate, don’t ‘get it right’. Don’t have my ‘experience’. Don’t have the roof, the clothes, and the food. Never had the feeling of ‘success’. Never have the feeling of ‘love’. Never love life.
            And I must conclude that no God visited that on them.
            IF a GOD snapped his fingers and said ‘Let It Be’ … then, why can’t we?
            IF a GOD created us ‘in his image’, then why not use that brain?
            IF a GOD shows us the wonders of ‘nature’, why not be a part of it?
            IF a GOD shows us a way to His universe, why not become a part of it?

            (Damn .. i begin to sound like a preacher … this blogging needs a Scotch. ๐Ÿ˜‰

          4. Reasonableman Avatar

            close to being shot better stop talking to you i may get followed ๐Ÿ˜› every human has his purpose like butter and bread, man and women. Sometimes one can learn from infants,just so happens you were there observing that infant at exactly that time is not coincidence ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. juboraaz Avatar

    For all of you who are advocating a takeover in Syria, I do not know how much more evidence you still need on who those animals are…..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Who was ‘advocating takovers’ ?? What everyone wanted was ‘going aways’.

  12. juboraaz Avatar

    For all of you who are advocating a takeover in Syria, I do not know how much more evidence you still need on who those animals are…..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Who was ‘advocating takovers’ ?? What everyone wanted was ‘going aways’.

  13. I’m surprised that they are treating him so well. I don’t see many injuries at all. Very mercifully considering who he represents.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      And I guess you represent all ‘your’ people too.

  14. I’m surprised that they are treating him so well. I don’t see many injuries at all. Very mercifully considering who he represents.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      And I guess you represent all ‘your’ people too.

  15. libnan1 Avatar

    I bet they will not fight if they cut lose few of these beauties ….

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      sigh …. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  16. libnan1 Avatar

    I bet they will not fight if they cut lose few of these beauties ….

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      sigh …. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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