Hariri: Hezbollah committing crimes against Lebanon and Syria


hariri in damascus w assad 2Former Lebanese Prime Minister and Future Movement leader Saad Hariri criticised Hizbullah’s participation in the Syria conflict, saying it was “a crime against Lebanon and the Lebanese […] as well as Syria and its people”.

Hariri also urged the Lebanese not to heed a radical Sunni cleric’s call for jihad in Syria.

Hariri said such calls “contribute, intentionally or unintentionally, to hurling Lebanon into war.”

“I announce my utter refusal of any counter-initiatives [to Hizbullah’s participation in the Syrian war] such as calls for jihad or sectarian-based disturbances whether they take place in Sidon or Tripoli or any other place in Lebanon,” Hariri said in a Tuesday statement.

On Monday, Sheikh Ahmed al-Assir urged his followers to join the fight against the Syrian regime and Hizbullah in Qusayr, Syria, calling it “a religious duty on every Muslim who is able to do so”.

The FSA has repeatedly accused Hizbullah of assisting regime forces in attacking opposition fighters in the Qusayr region near Lebanon’s northern border.

In February, former Prime Minister Saad Hariri described the situation along the Lebanese Syrian border as “extremely dangerous”.

“What is Hizbullah doing on the front with [the Syrian regime]? And if we entertain the theory it is halting attacks by Syrian gunmen, who gave it the authorisation to defend the Lebanese border?” a Hariri statement asked.



16 responses to “Hariri: Hezbollah committing crimes against Lebanon and Syria”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Hariri is right again … No wonder he can’t return to Lebanon … working FOR Lebanon is just not done safely from within the country.

    1. JoeyAli Avatar

      Then he is not a MAN! if he is a man he needs to be in Lebanon, if he really cares, and not afraid of being killed, what makes him better than the ones that are dying now.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Sure .. return and be killed. Smart? How many ‘brains’ do you want to lose to the mindless?

    2. R u for real? He’s been funding the extremists….

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Everyone is funding something Dateam. And ALL the ‘parties’ accept funding from anyone, don’t they? If he was ‘elected’, but then they boot him and his party out with accompanying death-threats, you can’t blame him for staying out – but sending back a few thoughts on occasion sure bugs Hezzy’s doesn’t it?? hehehehe
        And yes, I think Tweeting is stupid … but there you go.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Hariri is right again … No wonder he can’t return to Lebanon … working FOR Lebanon is just not done safely from within the country.

    1. JoeyAli Avatar

      Then he is not a MAN! if he is a man he needs to be in Lebanon, if he really cares, and not afraid of being killed, what makes him better than the ones that are dying now.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Sure .. return and be killed. Smart? How many ‘brains’ do you want to lose to the mindless?

    2. R u for real? He’s been funding the extremists….

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Everyone is funding something Dateam. And ALL the ‘parties’ accept funding from anyone, don’t they? If he was ‘elected’, but then they boot him and his party out with accompanying death-threats, you can’t blame him for staying out – but sending back a few thoughts on occasion sure bugs Hezzy’s doesn’t it?? hehehehe

  3. The cleric is right, we must defend the oppressed. Harriri is losing influence, just sitting on the fence.

  4. The cleric is right, we must defend the oppressed. Harriri is losing influence, just sitting on the fence.

  5. God. Family, country in that order.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      God shows you the way (with the ‘human-brain’) … the best way to care for you and your family (possible, in the circumstances given by ‘nature’ and the time you have to work with it) … so that together with other ‘families’ you can make decisions on what’s best for all humans. Is that the order of it? Seems reasonable. Can we teach that to ‘the young’ before they foul it all up … Again?

  6. God. Family, country in that order.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      God shows you the way (with the ‘human-brain’) … the best way to care for you and your family (possible, in the circumstances given by ‘nature’ and the time you have) … so that together with other ‘families’ you can make decisions on what’s best for all humans. Is that the order of it? Seems reasonable. Can we teach that to ‘the young’ before they foul it all up … Again?

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