Israel’s Military Chief fears the fall of Assad in Syria


Barak GantzIsrael’s military chief warns 40 years of quiet along the Syrian frontier could be in danger.

Speaking Monday to the Institute for National Security Studies, a Tel Aviv think tank, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz said the region could “lose its stability” with the fall of President Bashar Assad and a takeover by jihadi elements.

Gantz says the Syrian civil war could result in “chaos” with violence turned toward Israel.

Israel captured the Golan in the 1967 Mideast war. In 40 years since the 1973 war between the countries, the Golan has remained mostly quiet.

In the two years of Syrian civil war, errant fire has landed in the Golan a number of times. Israel believes most of the cases have been accidental, but it has responded nonetheless.




26 responses to “Israel’s Military Chief fears the fall of Assad in Syria”

  1. Hannibal Avatar

    You guys don’t know what you want…lol
    When Assad is in control you complained and now that he is about to lose control you are still complaining. The sad part is that you created the first monster (Assad dynasty) and now you are creating the second monster (Islamists)… Then you complain.

    1. PietKlaassen Avatar

      Baath Party and Assad family were never created by Israel! The FSA however receive support from Tel Aviv! Israel wants Assad to fall, in order to be able to bomb Iran and Lebanon…..

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        They don’t want to bomb Lebanon … only perhaps the Hezzys. Problem is that that affects Lebanon. If ‘the people’ who wanted some ‘rights’ in Syria actually can win some, the whole matter comes back into ‘Nastyrallah and The Supreme’s’ hands.
        Better hope a wiser choice is made than in the past … but then, I’m dreaming … like MOST of the Lebanese, for a better life without the constant threats from a ‘party’ which got only enough votes for 2 seats in cabinet last time.

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        You are singing your own song… Read the article above carefully THEN re-edit your statement. How predictable you are.

      3. Luke 17:24-30…..

        24 For as the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven, so also the Son of Man will be in His day. 25 But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. 26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: 27 They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; 29 but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

  2. Hannibal Avatar

    You guys don’t know what you want…lol
    When Assad is in control you complained and now that he is about to lose control you are still complaining. The sad part is that you created the first monster (Assad dynasty) and now you are creating the second monster (Islamists)… Then you complain.

    1. PietKlaassen Avatar

      Baath Party and Assad family were never created by Israel! The FSA however receive support from Tel Aviv! Israel wants Assad to fall, in order to be able to bomb Iran and Lebanon…..

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        They don’t want to bomb Lebanon … only perhaps the Hezzys. Problem is that that affects Lebanon. If ‘the people’ who wanted some ‘rights’ in Syria actually can win some, the whole matter comes back into ‘Nastyrallah and The Supreme’s’ hands.
        Better hope a wiser choice is made than in the past … but then, I’m dreaming … like MOST of the Lebanese, for a better life without the constant threats from a ‘party’ which got only enough votes for 2 seats in cabinet last time.

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        You are singing your own song… Read the article above carefully THEN re-edit your statement. How predictable you are.

      3. CrossWinds Avatar

        Luke 17:24-30…..

        24 For as the lightning that flashes out of one part under heaven shines to the other part under heaven, so also the Son of Man will be in His day. 25 But first He must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation. 26 And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man: 27 They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built; 29 but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all. 30 Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Anything’s possible Benny, anything’s possible.

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Anything’s possible Benny, anything’s possible.

  5. Leborigine Avatar

    This is all speculation! We all know that the israelis are a bunch of whingers, always been and will always be!
    The day syria will ever have the balls to attack israel, is the day when Lebanon will put a rocket on the moon! The only true Arab leader that ever had the guts and determination to threaten israel was Saddam, he didn’t do a good job at it but he tried. At least he had iran under control!

    1. AntiFSA Avatar

      Sorry, you lost me. When did Saddam attempt to threaten Israel. As far as I and the whole world knew, he was always an Israeli lackey put in place to be controlled. And also when did he ever have Iran under control. He was at War with Iran for over 8 years with all the gulf Arab countries the US and Britain supplying him with money and weapons. And he still was not able to defeat them.

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        So Saddam was an israeli lackey the same way asad is now! At least Saddam had the balls and threw a couple of Scuds at the israeli’s in the first Gulf War! Not that it was right, but he did do it!

        I never said that Iraq defeated ayran, but he broke them down, he annihilated the revolutionary guard and brought the whole country to its knees. Iraq obviously suffered as well, but Saddam and Iraq showed some pride and defended their nationality, unlike these cu^ts on our eastern border!

        1. AntiFSA Avatar

          You never said Iraq defeated Iran which is correct, However I never said you did either. And your rite, Iraq did give Iran trouble, however we need to remember that Iran was weak at the time. Unlike today. If a war broke out between the two, (God forbid) it would be a different story don’t you think Leborigine. Also can I ask why it is you have so much hate for as you put it, these cu^ts on our eastern border.

          1. Leborigine Avatar

            Of course it will be a different story now, no comparison. I strongly believe though that if Saddam was still in power, he would give the iranians a run for their money.
            I wish I had a dollar for every time I have mentioned my hate for these pricks. Its pretty simple Anti, you never like a force that occupied your country, they showed no respect for our soverighnty, the same with the turks during the ottoman empire, the same with israel and the rest of the scum. Even though israel entered to defend its northern border, it overstayed its welcoming period. Same with syria, they were invited by that northern scumbag and overstayed its presence, despite that stupid Taef agreement that they had to withdraw within 2 years, they stayed back for another 15 years, stealing, manipulating, and monopolising its presence with statues of the asad family members and stupid slogans.
            Doesn’t it bother you that they do not demarcate the borders!? Plus they are such low lives, I have only met 2 good syrian people out of thousands that I had to deal with. I hate people who have no pride in their national identity, that is why I love the Germans, the Brits, the Egyptians. You can take the arab out of an egyptian but you can never take Egypt out of them! Respect others before asking for respect, its a two way street!

          2. Leborigine Avatar

            Now its my turn! Why do you have so much hate for israel and Saudi Arabia?

          3. AntiFSA Avatar

            I never said I disliked or hated the Israeli people. On the contrary, I have admiration and respect for all they have achieved. And I also love how they are there for one another in times of need. (Unlike us Middle Easterners) Its the power pushers I have an issue with Leborigine. As for Saudi Arabia, again no issue with the people. only the power pushers. I truly believe there is good and bad in every race. And I always try to see good in people. Except for these Salifi pigs. I am yet to see any good in these animals. Although I could be wrong.

  6. Leborigine Avatar

    This is all speculation! We all know that the israelis are a bunch of whingers, always been and will always be!
    The day syria will ever have the balls to attack israel, is the day when Lebanon will put a rocket on the moon! The only true Arab leader that ever had the guts and determination to threaten israel was Saddam, he didn’t do a good job at it but he tried. At least he had iran under control!

    1. Sorry, you lost me. When did Saddam attempt to threaten Israel. As far as I and the whole world knew, he was always an Israeli lackey put in place to be controlled. And also when did he ever have Iran under control. He was at War with Iran for over 8 years with all the gulf Arab countries the US and Britain supplying him with money and weapons. And he still was not able to defeat them.

      1. Leborigine Avatar

        So Saddam was an israeli lackey the same way asad is now! At least Saddam had the balls and threw a couple of Scuds at the israeli’s in the first Gulf War! Not that it was right, but he did do it!

        I never said that Iraq defeated ayran, but he broke them down, he annihilated the revolutionary guard and brought the whole country to its knees. Iraq obviously suffered as well, but Saddam and Iraq showed some pride and defended their nationality, unlike these cu^ts on our eastern border!

        1. You never said Iraq defeated Iran which is correct, However I never said you did either. And your rite, Iraq did give Iran trouble, however we need to remember that Iran was weak at the time. Unlike today. If a war broke out between the two, (God forbid) it would be a different story don’t you think Leborigine. Also can I ask why it is you have so much hate for as you put it, these cu^ts on our eastern border.

          1. Leborigine Avatar

            Of course it will be a different story now, no comparison. I strongly believe though that if Saddam was still in power, he would give the iranians a run for their money.
            I wish I had a dollar for every time I have mentioned my hate for these pricks. Its pretty simple Anti, you never like a force that occupied your country, they showed no respect for our soverighnty, the same with the turks during the ottoman empire, the same with israel and the rest of the scum. Even though israel entered to defend its northern border, it overstayed its welcoming period. Same with syria, they were invited by that northern scumbag and overstayed its presence, despite that stupid Taef agreement that they had to withdraw within 2 years, they stayed back for another 15 years, stealing, manipulating, and monopolising its presence with statues of the asad family members and stupid slogans.
            Doesn’t it bother you that they do not demarcate the borders!? Plus they are such low lives, I have only met 2 good syrian people out of thousands that I had to deal with. I hate people who have no pride in their national identity, that is why I love the Germans, the Brits, the Egyptians. You can take the arab out of an egyptian but you can never take Egypt out of them! Respect others before asking for respect, its a two way street!

          2. Leborigine Avatar

            Now its my turn! Why do you have so much hate for israel and Saudi Arabia?

          3. I never said I disliked or hated the Israeli people. On the contrary, I have admiration and respect for all they have achieved. And I also love how they are there for one another in times of need. Unlike us Middle Easterners Its the power pushers I have an issue with Leborigine. As for Saudi Arabia, again no issue with the people. only the power pushers. I truly believe there is good and bad in every race. And I always try to see good in people. Except for these Salifi pigs. I am yet to see any good in these animals. Although I could be wrong.

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