Gas from Israel’s Tamar field starts flowing, report


israel tamar fieldNatural gas from the Tamar field off Israel’s Mediterranean shores began flowing on Saturday, the head of one of the partners in the field said in a statement.

Israel, once energy poor, is expected to become a gas exporter by the end of the decade, with the Tamar field holding enough reserves to meet its own gas needs for decades.

Its discovery in 2009 led to an exploration frenzy in the Levant Basin – shared between Israel, Cyprus and Lebanon – and the uncovering of a second bigger find, Leviathan, which prompted Israel to set up a natural gas wealth fund.

“Today (we begin) independence in Israeli natural gas. It is an enormous achievement for the Israeli economy and the start of a new era,” said Israeli billionaire Yitzhak Tshuva, the controlling shareholder in Delek Group, one of the partners in Tamar.

The gas should lead to a reduction in production costs for state utility Israel Electric Corp as well as a decline in the price of electricity, the Israeli Water and Energy Ministry said last week.

Tamar is located 90 kilometres off Israel’s northern coast and has an estimated 10 trillion cubic feet of gas. Development of Tamar and Leviathan will make Israel less dependent on energy imports but the country has said it will also allow a significant amount of its natural gas to be exported.

Tamar has already signed a number of large deals, including one to supply as much as $23 billion of natural gas to Israel Electric Corp and $4 billion worth to units of conglomerate Israel Corp.

Texas-based Noble Energy holds 36 percent of Tamar. Isramco Negev owns 28.75 percent and Delek Group subsidiaries Avner Oil Exploration and Delek Drilling hold 15.625 percent each. Dor Gas Exploration has a 4 percent stake.




28 responses to “Gas from Israel’s Tamar field starts flowing, report”

  1. Reasonableman Avatar

    Wheres palestine on the map?

    1. master09 Avatar

      Wow because Palestine is not on the map lets start a war. Where are the rest of the cities in Israel there not on the map.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        I had to laugh at your reaction. And add to the fact i cant start a war where there is already war??

        1. master09 Avatar

          Ok this better , it,s in Jordan. Your first ? Was not just laughable.

          1. Reasonableman Avatar

            Your just making me laugh harder even though i was obviously bored and plainly told you i wrote it to get a reaction your still reacting your too easy. Why would i care about some extremist pigs version of palestine,this is the internet plenty of extremist like yourself abusing there freedom of speech. Honestly thanks for making my day loolll

          2. master09 Avatar

            Your realy have no life by just writing to get a reaction. Dude you have no clue you write things for the sake of a reaction now I feel sorry for you so I am not laughing any more I cry for you . Poor soul. How can I be board I live across the beach with some girls swimming. Me take the bait what are you doing. Lol poor fela. Your turn. What’s even more sad is your in a dark room on your own laughing at a computer.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          What ‘war’? The war of words? Now, take Syria … THAT is a war.

  2. Reasonableman Avatar

    Wheres palestine on the map?

    1. José Jalapeño Avatar
      José Jalapeño


    2. master09 Avatar

      Wow because Palestine is not on the map lets start a war. Where are the rest of the cities in Israel there not on the map.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        I had to laugh at your reaction. And add to the fact i cant start a war where there is already war??

        1. master09 Avatar

          Ok this better , it,s in Jordan. Your first ? Was not just laughable.

          1. Reasonableman Avatar

            Your just making me laugh harder even though i was obviously bored and plainly told you i wrote it to get a reaction your still reacting your too easy. Why would i care about some extremist pigs version of palestine,this is the internet plenty of extremist like yourself abusing there freedom of speech. Honestly thanks for making my day loolll

          2. master09 Avatar

            Your realy have no life by just writing to get a reaction. Dude you have no clue you write things for the sake of a reaction now I feel sorry for you so I am not laughing any more I cry for you . Poor soul. How can I be board I live across the beach with some girls swimming. Me take the bait what are you doing. Lol poor fela. Your turn.

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          What ‘war’? The war of words? Now, take Syria … THAT is a war.

  3. Reasonableman Avatar

    Where is palestine on this map?

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      It is the usurped one delineated in white on the map… You should know.
      Usurp (v):
      1. To seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force or without legal authority.
      2. To take over or occupy without right: usurp a neighbor’s land.
      3. To take the place of (another) without legal authority;
      [Middle English usurpen, from Old French usurper, from Latin srpre, to take into use, usurp; seereup- in Indo-European roots.] Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Atleast someone admits it. 😉

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Happy Easter! المسيح قام
          BTW He did so in Palestine 😉

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Get those chocolate eggs. The big question here is, are you investing?? 😉

  4. Reasonableman Avatar

    Where is palestine on this map?

    1. José Jalapeño Avatar
      José Jalapeño

      It is the usurped one delineated in white on the map… You should know.
      Usurp (v):
      1. To seize and hold (the power or rights of another, for example) by force or without legal authority.
      2. To take over or occupy without right: usurp a neighbor’s land.
      3. To take the place of (another) without legal authority;
      [Middle English usurpen, from Old French usurper, from Latin srpre, to take into use, usurp; seereup- in Indo-European roots.] Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition copyright ©2000.

      1. Reasonableman Avatar

        Atleast someone admits it. 😉

        1. José Jalapeño Avatar
          José Jalapeño

          Happy Easter! المسيح قام

          1. 5thDrawer Avatar

            Get those chocolate eggs. The big question here is, are you investing?? 😉

  5. lebanesesam Avatar

    I like how they are already flowing the gas and we Lebanese are still trying to figure out who will do it, who will steal the money and how can they screw the population off the profit – Just Amazing

  6. lebanesesam Avatar

    I like how they are already flowing the gas and we Lebanese are still trying to figure out who will do it, who will steal the money and how can they screw the population off the profit – Just Amazing

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