Russia brands Arab summit action over Syria seat “invalid”


cartoon assad  russian vetoRussia criticized the Arab League on Wednesday for giving a seat formerly held by Syria’s government to a representative of the opposition to President Bashar al-Assad at a summit in Doha.

Opposition leader Moaz Alkhatib took Syria’s vacant seat on Tuesday at the Arab summit, which also lent its support to giving military aid to the rebels fighting to oust Assad.

“In Doha, another anti-Syria step was taken,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

“Developments at the Arab League summit in Doha and decisions taken there, regardless of objections by some member states, cause bewilderment to say the least.”

Russia is Assad’s most powerful ally and a long-time arms supplier to his government. It has blocked three U.N. Security Council resolutions that would mount pressure on Assad to end the violence that killed more than 70,000 people in two years.

“In fact this is about openly encouraging those powers that unfortunately continue to bet on a military solution in Syria,” the ministry said.

Decisions taken in Doha contravened international law and were therefore invalid, it added.




12 responses to “Russia brands Arab summit action over Syria seat “invalid””

  1. Patience2 Avatar

    Well, after what the present regime did to the Monarchy AND to Pussy Riot, I would consider Putin, et al “invalid”.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      When the only thing they can sell to a country is weapons, the prospect of the the market drying up gives them the finger-shakes. The Vodka was not a big item.

      1. Patience2 Avatar

        No … true. But what if Scotland were to shut down??

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Ooch Aye, Laddie … T’would be a sin indeed. :-O !

  2. Patience2 Avatar

    Well, after what the present regime did to the Monarchy AND to Pussy Riot, I would consider Putin, et al “invalid”.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      When the only thing they can sell to a country is weapons, the prospect of the the market drying up gives them the finger-shakes. The Vodka was not a big item.

      1. Patience2 Avatar

        No … true. But what if Scotland were to shut down??

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Ooch Aye, Laddie … T’would be a sin indeed. :-O !

  3. IraniAngel Avatar

    well da!!!!

  4. IraniAngel Avatar

    well da!!!!

  5. no difference the terrorist fsa has been receiving arms from those Sunni countries since the beginning and still have managed to get slaughterd even with the terrorist coming along with those weapons no biggie

  6. no difference the terrorist fsa has been receiving arms from those Sunni countries since the beginning and still have managed to get slaughterd even with the terrorist coming along with those weapons no biggie

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