Lebanese army clashes with Syrian rebels on border


Lebanese troops fought with Syrian rebels on the border between the two countries on Sunday, in what a security source said was the first such clash between Lebanon’s army and the rebels.

The clash occurred when a Lebanese border patrol spotted the rebel fighters along the border and the rebels opened fire to prevent the patrol from approaching, a Lebanese military source said. He said there were no casualties.

2 Bodies identified

The bodies of two of the Lebanese men reportedly killed by Syrian troops were shown in a video that was recently released and were identified as those belonging to Youssef Arida and Abou Oussama Hammoud, according to report by Now

Twenty-two young men, including a Palestinian, from the Lebanese city of Tripoli were killed on Friday in an ambush by the Syrian troops loyal to president Bashar al assad in the Syrian border town of Tal Kalakh, according to a Lebanese security source and an Islamist leader said.

Reuters/ Now



  1. they should call it “hezbo controled army” not lebanese

    1. Bashar needs to gas the Terrorists.

      1. FreetheME Avatar

        A day I can not wait for brother.

      2. yea his gasing the shit him self allready !!!!!

    2. Yazidi, In these troubled times, Rest in Jesus……..

      …….John 3:15-18…….

      15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. 18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

  2. they should call it “hezbo controled army” not lebanese

    1. Bashar needs to gas the Terrorists.

      1. FreetheME Avatar

        A day I can not wait for brother.

      2. yea his gasing the shit him self allready !!!!!

    2. Plumbline Avatar

      Yazidi, In these troubled times, Rest in Jesus……..

      …….John 3:15-18…….

      15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. 17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. 18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

  3. Leborigine Avatar

    Mmmmmmmm, I wonder if these Lebanese were killed by the israeli army??? Would there have been a different reaction??! 69.69% of so called lebanese do not belong to the human race, faeces have more honour!

    1. The clash occurred when a Lebanese border patrol spotted the rebel fighters along the border and the rebels opened fire to prevent the patrol from approaching,…what did you expect the army to do? our army is damned if it does or dosen’t.

      1.  Interesting how this army provided the hezzies with a safe exit from the Christian villages recently. Keep practicing your taqqiya.

      2. Leborigine Avatar

        I am not talking about the army, I am referring to the 2 Lebanese men killed by syrian troops!! My question is, would there have been a different reaction if these two men were killed by israeli troops??????????????? Of course not! Everyone would have labelled israel as a terrorist state, but its halal for the syrian army to kill Lebanese and enter our borders!!!

        1. if they were on the syrian side that means they were infiltrating that means syria is entitled to it same way israel would be entitled to it same way lebanon would be entitled to it if it was on our side….

        2. Leborigine Avatar

          Well lets see how they will investigate this, especially without our borders being demarcated (which should have been done years ago if HA were interested)??

  4. Leborigine Avatar

    Mmmmmmmm, I wonder if these Lebanese were killed by the israeli army??? Would there have been a different reaction??! 69.69% of so called lebanese do not belong to the human race, faeces have more honour!

    1. The clash occurred when a Lebanese border patrol spotted the rebel fighters along the border and the rebels opened fire to prevent the patrol from approaching,…what did you expect the army to do? our army is damned if it does or dosen’t.

      1.  Interesting how this army provided the hezzies with a safe exit from the Christian villages recently. Keep practicing your taqqiya.

      2. Leborigine Avatar

        I am not talking about the army, I am referring to the 2 Lebanese men killed by syrian troops!! My question is, would there have been a different reaction if these two men were killed by israeli troops??????????????? Of course not! Everyone would have labelled israel as a terrorist state, but its halal for the syrian army to kill Lebanese and enter our borders!!!

        1. if they were on the syrian side that means they were infiltrating that means syria is entitled to it same way israel would be entitled to it same way lebanon would be entitled to it if it was on our side….

        2. Leborigine Avatar

          Well lets see how they will investigate this, especially without our borders being demarcated (which should have been done years ago if HA were interested)??

  5. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Words out that Bashar either dead or have flee the country. There are strange movements of the chemical weapons and this time its different from before. The cutting off of the internet for three days is a test by the thugs in the syrian regime. Now having that worked, they can do that again when they gas their people.

  6. nagy_michael2 Avatar

    Words out that Bashar either dead or have flee the country. There are strange movements of the chemical weapons and this time its different from before. The cutting off of the internet for three days is a test by the thugs in the syrian regime. Now having that worked, they can do that again when they gas their people.

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