Hariri hints of Israel-Assad collusion in Gaza strike


Former Prime Minister Saad Hariri hinted in  a statement  that Israel is colluding  with the Syrian regime of President Bashar al Assad  in its Gaza raids in order to divert the attention from the uprising in Syria.

Hariri said in a statement on Thursday:

“The occurrence of the attack simultaneously with the ongoing Syrian revolution poses questions over its timing” and hinted that there is a clear collusion between the Syrian regime and Israel to divert the attention away from the uprising in Syria in order to thwart the revolution .

The border between Israel and Syria is considered one of the most peaceful in the region , because ever since  the 1973 war not one shot was fired from Syria  into Israel. This according to analysts is one reason why Israel prefers to keep Syria in Assad’s grip and hence is trying in its strikes on Gaza to divert the attention away from Syrian revolution.

On the other hand Hamas used to have its offices in Damascus and had the full support of Assad and the Iranians, but ever since the Syria uprising started in March 2011 , Hamas has been vocally supporting it and its offices in Damascus were evacuated  several months ago.  Hamas chief Khaled Mishaal who used to be based in Damascus has since  completely severed  his relations with the Syrian regime.

Hariri slammed the Israeli assault against the Gaza Strip, saying that it demonstrates the “hostile policy of Israel against the Palestinians and Arab people in general.”

“Israel’s renewed attacks against Gaza demonstrates the aggressive policy adopted by Israel against Palestinians and Arabs in general… Israel insists on keeping control over Palestinian territories and preventing all attempts to establish an independent Palestinian State,” said Hariri.

He added: “Israel has again demonstrated that it has no intention to have peace with its Arab neighbors ”

Hariri stressed his solidarity with the people of Gaza

“We renew our solidarity with our brothers in Gaza and call on Arab countries and all influential international ones to mobilize immediately to halt the Israeli assault and prevent its expansion.”

Protest in Lebanon against Israeli strikes

Supporters of the Palestinian cause gathered outside the U.N. Economic and Social Committee for Western Asia (ESCWA) headquarters in Downtown Beirut calling to put an end to Israeli aggression against Palestinians.

The banners called on the Palestinian resistance movements to unite in the face of Israel.


“I testify Israel is a terrorist state that terrorizes, and all Obama does is sit down telling lies,” a banner  read.

Israel launched an operation on the Gaza strip Wednesday by killing a top Hamas military commander in an air strike.

This was followed by numerous other raids, as angry Palestinians responded with rocket fire.

The attack,  which is seen as the most intense violence against Gaza in four years, continued Thursday with thirteen Palestinians dead so far.



48 responses to “Hariri hints of Israel-Assad collusion in Gaza strike”

  1. ah….go to sleep baby girl its not your business anymore
    leave that stuff for people that have balls ok..so shut your defeat face offf !!!!

  2. ah….go to sleep baby girl its not your business anymore
    leave that stuff for people that have balls ok..so shut your defeat face offf !!!!

  3. Prophettttt Avatar

    Unqualified to lead, Unqualified to analysis,and definitely unqualified to speak……Having served briefly as a Prime  minster,  who spent more time on your plane than in your office,  is not enough to make you a statesman with enough experience and knowledge to offer any opinion on this subject,or any subject for that matter. Spare us , please.
    As you said,,“Israel has again demonstrated that it has no intention to have peace with its Arab neighbors ”.

    1.  You continue to show your true colors.
      Yes hariri is an idiot but not more of an idiot than nasrallah and yet you never ever criticize him.
      Keep practicing your taqiya.

    2. By not aggravating them like in 2006 and not giving them a reason to attack Lebanon and the rest of the Lebanese by hijacking the decision of war and peace. I am a Lebanese and I see a multitude of solutions to stop the zionists without destroying the rest of Lebanon. More than 75% of the Lebanese do not want war and Hezbollah want us to get bombarded despite the fact we, the other Lebanese, do not want the war… It is simple really but they hijacked Lebanon by force and now if Israel attacks Iran HA will push the button and Lebanon is no more. There are other ways believe me. Forget those loud mouths politicians and focus on the real cancers… Israel, Bashar, Iran and ashrafou el naas…

      1. $21082311 Avatar

        O for God’s sake stop that song of ” they gave them an excuse”!! You talk about the Zionists and then you defend their action by granting them their lame excuse. Qouwat lubnan bi da3fo right? If it wasn’t for the resistance we wouldn’t have a country to call our own, but like most people you are unable to see beyond the sects. No one wants the war, young men sitting and watching at our southern border villages do not want to die, their moms do not want them to die. You fail to differentiate the aggressor from the victim. I am Lebanese and I am proud of our resistance and if you loved your country like you say you do, you would be thankful that for the first time we can say we have some sort of an organized defense. Yes it is scary to live like this all the time and never have confidence in long lasting peace but it is a complex regional situation that we are part of and I suspect it will never end if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not settled to a just deal. The solution you talk about has better be internal solidarity as Lebanese citizens with loyalty to only our country and not to our maronite or whatever religion we subscribe to, forming a strong productive government of qualified non sectarian minds that works for the people, not voting for the figures of war that keep coming back to pollute souls and minds but never offer services to anyone but themselves. Are we ready for this type of defense?  I think not in a million years not when we are still spinning like this

        1. I have no problem at all with what you say… Only after free elections and a legal government controlling ONE Lebanese army NOT two. If the majority votes for war so be it. So far I am not convinced that what HA wants is what Lebanon wants. Can we agree on this formula?

        2. $21082311 Avatar

          I have no problem agreeing with this formula but it takes real leadership and good intentions. If we ever can achieve one strongly equipped traditional army then Hallelujah!!  And question is who ill-legalizes governments or impedes the freedom of elections? It depends on whose season it is in Lebanon at which round. All involved are guilty of smearing campaigns and results. It is upon people to not get bought anymore and take a stand. And that is why I said in a million years because our people unfortunately are lying down and consenting to being stepped on and absorbing lies and hatred willingly. As to what anyone wants for Lebanon, words are never enough, it is actions we should judge. The statement of what Lebanon wants is faulty because we do not have a unified front for anything, every one wants the opposite of what the other wants just for the heck of spite for the other if they’re not the right sect or from the right side of town. This is not how countries and nations get built and borders secured, it rather takes a lot of sweat and blood, many sacrifices and compromises. Before we get to any of that we need an internal infrastructure that can stand on its own feet. All systems are rotten right now. Poverty is on the rise and that is debilitating. We need a strong civic system. 
          Like I said we are part of a complex regional affair. As people, we do not have to concern ourselves with every bit of politics and be part of debates every day, we all know politicians provoke us and then flips their opinions, but we do have to be good to each other and in turn to our land and our identity otherwise we do not deserve a ‘watan’. Good luck to all of us!

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yes Dani …. saying “it is scary to live like this all the time” applies to peace-wanting people in Israel as well. And idiots began this this time by firing many rockets in on them – which Israel did not immediately retaliate for – and again, at some point, the Israelis feel they must be the ones to stop it, since no-one else is stopping the idiots. Indeed, some people egg them on with ‘cheers’ – just as they cheered the deaths of 3000 in one morning in New York.
          If all that had happened against Israel for it’s recent history (say only 25 years?) was peaceful demonstrations and ‘dialogue’ about policy in both countries , I dare to say that people could be driving between Tripoli and Tel Aviv for a weekend of shopping by now. And if the Gazans want to be that stupid all the time, why does Lebanon follow with the threatening stupidity?
          You are right … it’s the silly ‘ideologies’ that are drummed into babies heads – and those stop even the Lebanese from being ‘one country’ living in peace. Some babies grow up never able to see differently and will remain always ‘the war-mongers’ on both sides of ‘borders’ …. never able to see they are all simply humans who could be living much less stressful lives.
          Where is the ‘justice’ anywhere? Where are the votes of the peace-wanting people?

          As for the ‘endemic poverty’, it is in every country in the overpopulated world today – even the richest.
          Humans have not quite been able to sort out that particular war between themselves.

      2. Persistent Avatar


        In 2006, there was already a war plan in the works to be executed in Novemeber, this is a common knowledge now . Israel does not need an excuse or a reason to be aggressive or invade. At this time, they lack the will and confidence to attempt any adventures in Lebanon or anywhere else in the region for that matter and this is the ultimate defense. You keep saying they will destroy Lebanon, let me tell you something my friend, there is noone that has suffered more brutality than the people of the south, occupied and humiliated, lived under constant threat, a proxy militia shelled them daily, neglected at the hands of the beirut government,, their homes destroyed over and over again. Now and for the first time in a long time, people feel safer and more secure on our side of the border and if for one moment you think all these people need is war, you can’t be more wrong, these people have families, dreams, hopes and want to have peace and be happy just like anyone else.  They are in favor of meaningful peace with our neighbors but not forced peace. 

        True, we have a brave national army but it does not have the means to defend the country and I do not mean any disrespect by it. Unfortunately, the world only respect the strong and none of that right and just stuff.

        1. Prophettttt Avatar

          Why bring the Israelis into this  discussion? What was the discussion about then? scrolling up…….Topic; Honduras? china? Oscars?,Project runway? lol
          You post so many comments,and you loose track of the tread sometimes. 
          Just a reminder, We started this discussion with the guy who said: “Israel has again demonstrated that it has no intention to have peace with its Arab neighbors ”.
          I’ll leave there,my friend.

        2. Prophettttt Avatar

          Yes indeed,Presistent.My bad. I was so eager to reply to his comment.

      3. Prophettttt Avatar

        Sixty four years of aggression and occupation, a record number of massacres against Lebanese and Plasticine ,over twenty years of occupation of Lebanese territories,and a  history of ethnic cleansing that make the apartheid look innocent,does not ring a bell for you,does it?All of these took place before the creation of HA. For you to single out the 2006 war , shows that you are in denial.If you need me to, I can list all the massacres and incidents where Israel was the aggressor ,even before the PLO moved to Lebanon..But I think you are knowledgeable and smart enough . 
        You and I debated this subject tens of times,and You know that you are on the wrong side of history.
        Israel needs no excuse to be aggressive because it was build on aggression , racism,,hatred,and occupation.

        1. I agree with you… My grandfather was with the Lebanese army fighting on Israel border and I know all of that. My father garrison was stationed in the South most of his life as an officer.
          But do you agree at least ONCE that the Palestinians were the aggressors in Lebanon against the Lebanese? Do you agree that the Christians fought a war for their existence and the existence of Lebanon and Lebanon’s identity? Hezbollah denies all of that… Why should I acknowledge their martyrs (and I do) and they never acknowledge our martyrs… The coin has two sides my friend… We have grievances since the 1800s… Every time a moslem dies in Timbuktu our compatriots massacre the Christians in the Middle East and destroy their churches. 
          Oh I know how they think believe me but there are moderates and seculars in Israel and we should help them turn the table on the Zionists not silence them by attacking them.
          Look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OqcOahetwI
          Believe me I know…

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Speaking of history, Prophetttt t … I remember ‘Plasticine’ … was really good stuff, before the time of ‘Play-Doh’, and much better in my opinion. 🙂
          Kids miss a lot these days.
          But there were always ‘Hawks’ and ‘Doves’. I remember spending some time moulding the Plasticine, and one brother who would stomp on it if he got the chance sneaking behind my back.

        3. Persistent Avatar


          You must have accidently hit the reply button on my comment when you were responding to Hannibal,….

      4. Prophettttt Avatar

        You are changing the subject,and diverting the discussion now. 
        Do you agree that some Lebanese,christian and Muslims, were traitors and  allied themselves withe enemy and fought against their fellow Lebanese?
        Do you agree that those who have been hurt by the Israelis and their Lebanese allies have a right to be  angree?
        Do you agree that No one asked the southerners if they wanted the PLO to be given permission to operate against Israel from their villages?
        Do you agree that Our government had abandoned its responsibilities to defend its own territories and people?
        Do you agree that many Lebanese who were allied with Israel, have considered the resistance(reminder;HA had not existed yet) to be terrorists even when Israeli invading troops were in Beirut
        I can go on and on, the list of questions can go on and on,but I’d rather not because we have been there. 
        No one should consider those who died fighting along side the Israelis  martyrs.I can understand that many Lebanese  who died while fighting the civil war , from all parties and sects, died believing that they are fighting for Lebanon and are martyrs,but not those who died fighting along side the enemy.

        1. Who is changing the topic now? Why bring the Israelis into this particular discussion… I consider the Syrians my enemies as well… So would you? The coin my friend the coin has two sides and while I consider your enemy Israel as my enemy you will never consider Syria my enemy as your enemy… What to do? Split? Divorce? Decide…

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          If we use the origin of the Greek word ‘Matur’ – meaning ‘Witness’ – then one could say all the dead everywhere are Martyrs … and either all or none should be awarded for it. It is only after death that the proof of all the belief-systems will be known, and those witnesses cannot report back to us. Right?
          As for ‘traitors’ and ‘enemies’ … they are everywhere … especially when ‘belief’ overcomes ‘logic’.

        3. MeYosemite Avatar

          I agree with your points. Except for those who die in any war are martyrs regardless of who won or lost or which camp they are from. A sacrifice of that sort surpass the nature of human conflicts.

        4. I agree that our HA government had abandoned its responsibilities to defend its own territories and people…

    3. I agree with that comment.

    4. You haven’t answered my questions below regarding who you consider an enemy… But as usual I speak with openness while you twist and turn and connive to serve your views and your views only… Divorce my friend is better than war when you look East and I look West… You want to build a nation? You need to acknowledge ALL the views NOT like Bush said you are either with us or you are with the terrorists… What if I do not consider your terrorists as terrorists? What if I consider the Syrian regime as my enemy… Why not let go of them and I let go of everyone outside of Lebanon for the sake of Lebanon… But as usual it is either the way of the ones holding the knife to my neck or the highway… The biggest mistake the Christians have done twice already is give up their weapons… The first one in the 1800s when the Ottomans promised them protection and we know the outcome of that… Moslem Bigots jumped at the opportunity to slaughter any Christian in their way and the second was when recently they gave up their weapons believing in the state and the result is what? HA taking over the country and running it to the ground… Look at the economy under their rule… Lebanon is failing… You my friend are on the wrong side… You are on the Syrian side while you should be on the Lebanese side. I wonder why you attack Hariri, and I am no fan of his, while NOT ONE WORD ABOUT the corruption of the Shiites in power who are playing with the ill and diseased poor people by dealing counterfeited Meds???? NOT ONE WORD OR CRITICISM from the Shiite community… Ya ashrafou el naas… eh TOZ 3ala heyk sharaf… Act and throw them in jail then I will follow you to hell… Until then I have one word for you… Hypocrites….

      1. Prophettttt Avatar

        You have not answered any of my questions either. You keep diverting the discussion,and ask me the same questions you have asked for years,and you will never be satisfied until I tell you what you wish to hear,bro.This isn’t a popularity contest;I still like you even though we disagree,
        One thing I would assure you of is that I have never considered Syria to be an enemy,and never will , even if the salafits take over.Yes we have issues and problems to be sorted out,but not enemies.Every Lebanese faction have at one point or another allied itself with syria,and that was wrong,but it is what it is.
        Call your divorce attorney, and I will start looking for Legal aid.lol

        1. I’d rather serve you more t’s… Israel is not going anywhere neither live with it…

  4. Prophettttt Avatar

    Unqualified to lead, Unqualified to analysis,and definitely unqualified to speak……Having served briefly as a Prime  minster,  who spent more time on your plane than in your office,  is not enough to make you a statesman with enough experience and knowledge to offer any opinion on this subject,or any subject for that matter. Spare us , please.
    As you said,,“Israel has again demonstrated that it has no intention to have peace with its Arab neighbors ”.

    1.  You continue to show your true colors.
      Yes hariri is an idiot but not more of an idiot than nasrallah and yet you never ever criticize him.
      Keep practicing your taqiya.

    2. By not aggravating them like in 2006 and not giving them a reason to attack Lebanon and the rest of the Lebanese by hijacking the decision of war and peace. I am a Lebanese and I see a multitude of solutions to stop the zionists without destroying the rest of Lebanon. More than 75% of the Lebanese do not want war and Hezbollah want us to get bombarded despite the fact we, the other Lebanese, do not want the war… It is simple really but they hijacked Lebanon by force and now if Israel attacks Iran HA will push the button and Lebanon is no more. There are other ways believe me. Forget those loud mouths politicians and focus on the real cancers… Israel, Bashar, Iran and ashrafou el naas…

      1. O for God’s sake stop that song of ” they gave them an excuse”!! You talk about the Zionists and then you defend their action by granting them their lame excuse. Qouwat lubnan bi da3fo right? If it wasn’t for the resistance we wouldn’t have a country to call our own, but like most people you are unable to see beyond the sects. No one wants the war, young men sitting and watching at our southern border villages do not want to die, their moms do not want them to die. You fail to differentiate the aggressor from the victim. I am Lebanese and I am proud of our resistance and if you loved your country like you say you do, you would be thankful that for the first time we can say we have some sort of an organized defense. Yes it is scary to live like this all the time and never have confidence in long lasting peace but it is a complex regional situation that we are part of and I suspect it will never end if the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is not settled to a just deal. The solution you talk about has better be internal solidarity as Lebanese citizens with loyalty to only our country and not to our maronite or whatever religion we subscribe to, forming a strong productive government of qualified non sectarian minds that works for the people, not voting for the figures of war that keep coming back to pollute souls and minds but never offer services to anyone but themselves. Are we ready for this type of defense?  I think not in a million years not when we are still spinning like this

        1. I have no problem at all with what you say… Only after free elections and a legal government controlling ONE Lebanese army NOT two. If the majority votes for war so be it. So far I am not convinced that what HA wants is what Lebanon wants. Can we agree on this formula?

        2. I have no problem agreeing with this formula but it takes real leadership and good intentions. If we ever can achieve one strongly equipped traditional army then Hallelujah!!  And question is who ill-legalizes governments or impedes the freedom of elections? It depends on whose season it is in Lebanon at which round. All involved are guilty of smearing campaigns and results. It is upon people to not get bought anymore and take a stand. And that is why I said in a million years because our people unfortunately are lying down and consenting to being stepped on and absorbing lies and hatred willingly. As to what anyone wants for Lebanon, words are never enough, it is actions we should judge. The statement of what Lebanon wants is faulty because we do not have a unified front for anything, every one wants the opposite of what the other wants just for the heck of spite for the other if they’re not the right sect or from the right side of town. This is not how countries and nations get built and borders secured, it rather takes a lot of sweat and blood, many sacrifices and compromises. Before we get to any of that we need an internal infrastructure that can stand on its own feet. All systems are rotten right now. Poverty is on the rise and that is debilitating. We need a strong civic system. 
          Like I said we are part of a complex regional affair. As people, we do not have to concern ourselves with every bit of politics and be part of debates every day, we all know politicians provoke us and then flips their opinions, but we do have to be good to each other and in turn to our land and our identity otherwise we do not deserve a ‘watan’. Good luck to all of us!

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Yes Dani …. saying “it is scary to live like this all the time” applies to peace-wanting people in Israel as well. And idiots began this this time by firing many rockets in on them – which Israel did not immediately retaliate for – and again, at some point, the Israelis feel they must be the ones to stop it, since no-one else is stopping the idiots. Indeed, some people egg them on with ‘cheers’ – just as they cheered the deaths of 3000 in one morning in New York.
          If all that had happened against Israel for it’s recent history (say only 25 years?) was peaceful demonstrations and ‘dialogue’ about policy in both countries , I dare to say that people could be driving between Tripoli and Tel Aviv for a weekend of shopping by now. And if the Gazans want to be that stupid all the time, why does Lebanon follow with the threatening stupidity?
          You are right … it’s the silly ‘ideologies’ that are drummed into babies heads – and those stop even the Lebanese from being ‘one country’ living in peace. Some babies grow up never able to see differently and will remain always ‘the war-mongers’ on both sides of ‘borders’ …. never able to see they are all simply humans who could be living much less stressful lives.
          Where is the ‘justice’ anywhere? Where are the votes of the peace-wanting people?

          As for the ‘endemic poverty’, it is in every country in the overpopulated world today – even the richest.
          Humans have not quite been able to sort out that particular war between themselves.

      2. Persistent Avatar


        In 2006, there was already a war plan in the works to be executed in Novemeber, this is a common knowledge now . Israel does not need an excuse or a reason to be aggressive or invade. At this time, they lack the will and confidence to attempt any adventures in Lebanon or anywhere else in the region for that matter and this is the ultimate defense. You keep saying they will destroy Lebanon, let me tell you something my friend, there is noone that has suffered more than the people of the south, occupied and humiliated, living under constant threat, a proxy militia shelling them daily, neglect at the hands of the beirut government,, their homes destroyed over and over again. Now and for the first time in a long time, people feel safer and more secure on our side of the border and if for one moment you think all these people need is war, you can’t be more wrong, these people have families, dreams, hopes and want to have peace and be happy just like anyone else.  They are all in favor of meaningful peace with our neighbors but not forced peace. 

        True, we have a brave national army but it does not have the means to defend the country and I do not mean any disrespect by it. Unfortunately, the world only respect the strong and none of that right and just stuff.

        1. Prophettttt Avatar

          Why bring the Israelis into this  discussion? What was the discussion about then?
          You post so many comments,and you loose track of the tread sometimes. 
          Just a reminder, We started this discussion with the guy who said: “Israel has again demonstrated that it has no intention to have peace with its Arab neighbors ”.
          I’ll leave there,my friend.

        2. Prophettttt Avatar

          Yes indeed,Presistent.My bad. I was so eager to reply to his comment.M

      3. Prophettttt Avatar

        Sixty four years of aggression and occupation, a record number of massacres against Lebanese and Plasticine ,over twenty years of occupation of Lebanese territories,and a  history of ethnic cleansing that make the apartheid look innocent,does not ring a bell for you,does it?All of these took place before the creation of HA. For you to single out the 2006 war , shows that you are in denial.If you need me to, I can list all the massacres and incidents where Israel was the aggressor ,even before the PLO moved to Lebanon..But I think you are knowledgeable and smart enough . 
        You and I debated this subject tens of times,and You know that you are on the wrong side of history.
        Israel needs no excuse to be aggressive because it was build on aggression , racism,,hatred,and occupation.

        1. I agree with you… My grandfather was with the Lebanese army fighting on Israel border and I know all of that. My father garrison was stationed in the South most of his life as an officer.
          But do you agree at least ONCE that the Palestinians were the aggressors in Lebanon against the Lebanese? Do you agree that the Christians fought a war for their existence and the existence of Lebanon and Lebanon’s identity? Hezbollah denies all of that… Why should I acknowledge their martyrs (and I do) and they never acknowledge our martyrs… The coin has two sides my friend… We have grievances since the 1800s… Every time a moslem dies in Timbuktu our compatriots massacre the Christians in the Middle East and destroy their churches. 
          Oh I know how they think believe me but there are moderates and seculars in Israel and we should help them turn the table on the Zionists not silence them by attacking them.
          Look at this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9OqcOahetwI
          Believe me I know…

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Speaking of history, Prophetttt t … I remember ‘Plasticine’ … was really good stuff, before the time of ‘Play-Doh’, and much better in my opinion. 🙂

        3. Persistent Avatar


          You must have accidently the reply button on my comment when you were responding to Hannibal!! 

      4. Prophettttt Avatar

        You are changing the subject,and diverting the discussion now. 
        Do you agree that some Lebanese,christian and Muslims, were traitors and  allied themselves withe enemy and fought against their fellow Lebanese?
        Do you agree that those who have been hurt by the Israelis and their Lebanese allies have a right to be  angree?
        Do you agree that No one asked the southerners if they wanted the PLO to be given permission to operate against Israel from their villages?
        Do you agree that Our government had abandoned its responsibilities to defend its own territories and people?
        I can go on and on, the list of questions can go on and on,but I’d rather not because we have been there. 
        No one should consider those who died fighting along side the Israelis  martyrs.I can understand that many Lebanese  who died while fighting the civil war , from all parties and sects, died believing that they are fighting for Lebanon and are martyrs,but not those who died fighting along side the enemy.

        1. Who is changing the topic now? Why bring the Israelis into this particular discussion… I consider the Syrians my enemies as well… So would you? The coin my friend the coin has two sides and while I consider your enemy Israel as my enemy you will never consider Syria my enemy as your enemy… What to do? Split? Divorce? Decide…

        2. 5thDrawer Avatar

          If we use the origin of the Greek word ‘Matur’ – meaning ‘Witness’ – then one could say all the dead everywhere are Martyrs … and either all or none should be awarded for it. It is only after death that the proof of all the belief-systems will be known, and those witnesses cannot report back to us. Right?
          As for ‘traitors’ and ‘enemies’ … they are everywhere … especially when ‘belief’ overcomes ‘logic’.

        3. MeYosemite Avatar

          I agree with your points. Except for those who die in any war are martyrs regardless of who won or lost or which camp they are from. A sacrifice of that sort surpass the nature of human conflicts.

        4. I agree that our HA government had abandoned its responsibilities to defend its own territories and people…

    3.  I agree with that comment, And you received a like.

    4. You haven’t answered my questions below regarding who you consider an enemy… But as usual I speak with openness while you twist and turn and connive to serve your views and your views only… Divorce my friend is better than war when you look East and I look West… You want to build a nation? You need to acknowledge ALL the views NOT like Bush said you are either with us or you are with the terrorists… What if I do not consider your terrorists as terrorists? What if I consider the Syrian regime as my enemy… Why not let go of them and I let go of everyone outside of Lebanon for the sake of Lebanon… But as usual it is either the way of the ones holding the knife to my neck or the highway… The biggest mistake the Christians have done twice already is give up their weapons… The first one in the 1800s when the Ottomans promised them protection and we know the outcome of that… Moslem Bigots jumped at the opportunity to slaughter any Christian in their way and the second was when recently they gave up their weapons believing in the state and the result is what? HA taking over the country and running it to the ground… Look at the economy under their rule… Lebanon is failing… You my friend are on the wrong side… You are on the Syrian side while you should be on the Lebanese side. I wonder why you attack Hariri, and I am no fan of his, while NOT ONE WORD ABOUT the corruption of the Shiites in power who are playing with the ill and diseased poor people by dealing counterfeited Meds???? NOT ONE WORD OR CRITICISM from the Shiite community… Ya ashrafou el naas… eh TOZ 3ala heyk sharaf… Act and throw them in jail then I will follow you to hell… Until then I have one word for you… Hypocrites….

      1. Prophettttt Avatar

        You have not answered any of my questions either. You keep diverting the discussion,and ask me the ame questions you have asked for years,and you will never be satisfied until I tell you what you wish to hear,bro.
        Call your divorce attorney.lol

        1. I’d rather serve you more t’s… Israel is not going anywhere neither live with it…

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