Netanyahu’s dangerous decision-making on Iran


Israeli PM Netanyahu and his Defence Minister Ehud Barak may be on the verge of making a decision to attack Iran against the views of many in their own country and abroad. A range of former defence and intelligence officials in Israel, President Peres, new Home Minister Avi Dichter, senior American officials, including Secretary of Defence Panetta, have all spoken up in favour of more time for talks with Iran, and against the wisdom of a strike.

Despite these calls, the Israeli leadership may feel compelled to act, because of its concerns regarding Iran’s nuclear ambitions, and because rhetoric has boxed the leaders in: they either strike or look like they have been crying wolf. Of course, many view the noise from Israel as a ploy aimed at ensuring the preferred option: an American strike (and that ploy is working); however, many keen observers of Israel believe that Netanyahu and Barak are not only bluffing. In any case, they are creating an inflamed context where the likelihood of panic and error is rising on all sides.

The exact repercussions of an Israeli strike are unknown, but a Hezbollah counterattack from Lebanon, extended terror attacks globally, and troubles in the Persian Gulf are only some of the possibilities, beyond further destabilisation of a region already experiencing tectonic shifts and realignments.

The sad reality is that the populations of Israel, Iran, and possibly Lebanon and some Gulf countries, as well as oil prices and therefore economies globally, are all being held hostage to the minds of a few men in Jerusalem. These individuals hold the fate of millions in their hands: their solitary decision, based on a personal understanding of history and politics, will affect the course of a region, and potentially unleash a useless hell.

Part of us accepts that this is the way we have been organised and ruled for millennia, a few men can make decisions that affect millions. Also, because they are democratically elected, we somehow forgive them. But there is a profound absurdity about this reality. How do we know they are making the right decision? (simply being elected every few years is not a sufficient standard) How do we know they are the right people to make such a decision that also affects many beyond their borders? What do we make of the massive vocal opposition from elites inside Israel against such a decision? Our political assumptions still include a kind of sacred regard for national sovereignty and democratic processes, but is that a sufficient criterion when the effects are regional and even global?

The stark reality is that the Middle East is being held hostage not to Israel but to the minds of Benyamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak – a very strange situation indeed when looked at soberly, and without the political assumptions that cloud our perceptions and make us accept what is basically not acceptable.

Ironically, Lebanon itself has another version of this hostage situation: Hezbollah has preserved the right to strike Israel when it wishes, in a recent speech, Hassan Nasrallah said, “We will not await anyone’s permission to attack Israel.” Again, millions of Lebanese are hostage to the decisions of a single group within the society – and only certain individuals within that group. The vast majority of Lebanese will have no say about an event that may be catastrophic for their country and their lives.

Both Hezbollah and the two leaders of Israel comfort themselves that they are heroes; they do not question their own virtue. Indeed, their monopoly on what is right is such that that they need no one else’s permission for their actions. They do not doubt whether they will end up on the right side of history.

The reality may in fact be very different: These are a few flawed men, often isolated, under enormous stresses, and possibly even prone to panic, making decisions that will affect regions, massive populations and even global economies. These are the absurd politics that we somehow accept as inevitable. For it is not only Israel and Lebanon that suffer from these realities, almost every country does to various degrees.

This dramatic example however, where vast numbers of fellow elites in Israel are loudly contradicting the decision-makers, does offer us a chance to observe and realise that our political decision-making processes are completely unfitting for our times. Simply because someone is democratically elected does not mean that the best decision will be made. Indeed, because of the flawed state of democracy and the poor quality of people desiring power in recent decades, the decisions being made are far from the right ones, often based on personal agendas and very limited interests. Like it or not, what we are witnessing is little more than a few playing dice with the lives of millions.

After the guns are silent and the useless firehell is over, and a region is shattered once again, there may be some small comfort in the strong possibility that Netanyahu and Barak, as well as possibly Hezbollah, will be the targets of public opprobrium of the most vicious kind within their respective countries. Their place in history may end up thoroughly among the villains, rather than the heroes that they firmly believe themselves to be.

By: John Bell

Director of the Middle East Programme at the Toledo International Centre for Peace in Madrid.

Al Jazeera



61 responses to “Netanyahu’s dangerous decision-making on Iran”

  1. Hannibal Avatar

    “These are a few flawed men, often isolated, under enormous stresses, and possibly even prone to panic, making decisions that will affect regions, massive populations and even global economies.” John Bell NAILED IT…

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yes indeed Hannibal. Nailed it. Great to have ‘free speech’ too.
      In history, it is was always thus – the few led by those they believed to be capable. The ‘Glorious Leaders’ who believe we put them at the top with blood (or elect them to a position we give) because they are always ‘right’.
      Even some who began in humble ways have been changed by being placed there … “they do not question their own virtue”
      And often, that feeling permeates a ‘Party’ as well.
      Churchill said that Democracy was far from perfect, but it’s the best system we have so far. I believe he was right … but it is still evolving. It is under constant attack. It will devolve (and has in some places) unless ‘the people’ are educated enough to make the right choices, to understand the importance of participation in it, and to know ‘the rules’ of it must be respected by everyone, even if they find themselves in a minority of thought.
      ‘Power-trippers’ have problems, and certainly give the rest of us a lot of grief.

    2. bs244846 Avatar

      hmmmm, if israel attacks iran, me thinks that israel is then cornered and indeed at the nadir of its existence…..any attack on iran entails first of all american support otherwise we can say allah yirham israel and second, even with american support, the galilea region will fall in the hands of hizbollah in few hours….did you see the 10 000 elite commandos of hizbollah parading in the south this week…ah my..if i were jew, thanks God i am not, i would really have gonadal sweating…i bet netanyahoo is peeing in his underwear

      1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! اي لايييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييك

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        Pray for peace… unlike your jihadi religion which complements Zionist warmongers, I think of the innocents who ultimately pay the price. Just keep us out of this… we majority silent Lebanese would thank you.

        1. bs244846 Avatar

          my jihadi religion???? i am not sunnah nor salafi…why are you insulting me?

        2. Hey Dumb Ass – thanks for explaining to everyone about underwear’s. On your direction of under or top, is confusing – kinda of upside down.

          That’s can be, you probably are confused. Maybe, because of your support of the murderous regime of Assad, who is supported by the Chinese, you are now seeing things upside down. Be careful, your shit will come out of your mouth, instead of your ass, which I am sure many in here think so anyway.

          By the way, you are now promoted to Dumb Shit!

      3. Hannibal Avatar

        Pray for peace… unlike your jihadi religion which complements Zionist warmongers, I think of the innocents who ultimately pay the price. Just keep us out of this… we majority silent Lebanese would thank you.

      4. rossoferrari Avatar

         You must be the underwear to make that statement.

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          lol… Good come back.

        2. bs244846 Avatar

          if i am an underwear, then you are what is under the underwear….

      5. rossoferrari Avatar

         You must be the underwear to make that statement.

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          lol… Good come back.

      6. rossoferrari Avatar

         Yes I am the dick you are sucking on ya koubla.

        1. bs244846 Avatar

          nope…i never thought of you so high… you are way below the d!ck….an underwear is to protect your cloths from sh!t…this is what is under the underwear

      7. rossoferrari Avatar

         Yes I am the dick you are sucking on ya koubla.

        1. bs244846 Avatar

          nope…i never thought of you so high… you are way below the d!ck….an underwear is to protect your cloths from sh!t…this is what is under the underwear

      8. LOL –  You Dumb Ass – “if i am an underwear, then you are what is under the underwear…” then I guess he is the pants.

        No, you are never the underwear. You are what comes on ‘top’ of it – the shit. Yes, the shit, not the pee, but the crap that spews out of an asshole. Actually, make that 10,000 Hezbollah Commandos asses, shitting, not peeing, when they turn and run away from fighting Israeli Army if they meet face to face.

        1. bs244846 Avatar

          a yahooDI calling me sh!t…hahahaha…coming from the mouth of a yahooDI shall i take it as elogious since this is what many among you eat…its kocher, cheap, and you spare money from avoiding to wipe your behind and from not using the water closet….american analysts have reached almost a consensus on that point namely that hizbollah will take the galilea in less than 24 hours in case of israeli attack on iran and usa officials warned your stupid PM netanYAHOO….remember the merkava dance…this time it will be tcha tcha tcha…hahahaha

        2. bs244846 Avatar

          i wonder if you are top or bottom….me thinks beasts of your species are usually bottom…are you into animals too? do you do animals also? or do you contend yourself with those of your own species

        3. bs244846 Avatar

          so so so…if you wanna give me a piece of kocher sh!t are you offering me your daughter or your mother or maybe your sister…or just yourself…i dont think you will encounter a lot of difficulties in your kibboutz to give me shit…its everywhere there…wherever there is a similar to you there is sh!t

        4. 5thDrawer Avatar

          (Wow … seems he admits there are different species … wonder if we can get him to admit they evolve as well? )

        5. bs244846 Avatar

          you attack hizbollah and iran, the shiite infrastucture and backbone…oh i am not attacking a religion why are you attacking mine? attack the alawis the backbone of the cousins of the shiites….oh why are you attacking my religion, i am not attacking yours….enough hypocrisy, israel is yahoodi, hizbollah iran is shia, assad is alawi…if you are a coward and dont dare to call things by their name, be informed that not everybody is a coward and many do call things by their names….now honestly and without subjective feelings, dont you consider your yahoodi army, even though tsahal employs some druze mercenaries, is a coward army? i wished you learned some courage from hizbollah fighters….to be honest with you, most of the ailments we are witnessing today in the world stems from hypocrisy…some do not have the courage to say high and loud what they are doing…either because it is immoral or because they have malicious intentions…so for gods sake a religion that tells you what to eat and what not to eat is not a religion…your kosher thing cannot come from God, your great israel thingy cannot come from God….so dont start crying like sissies…oh he is a nazi, he wants to burn the jews….you have been burning people for the past half century…actually whatever yahoodis are burned they are so because of your hypocrisy….so stand up once and get the veil of yahoodism out of your sight so you can see more clearly facts in front of you, get your courage in between your two hands and say and look at things in a more rational, more logical way, away from yahoodism. and away from temporary cheap financial interests..i am sure you will conclude that sunnism salfism syphilis is your enemy while alawism and shiism should be your allies…you are stupidly allying yourselves with this saoudism because they are tossing for you some cents on the ground, and mean and low as you are, you are bending down to collect them and say…thank you god moses for this generosity….you are forgetting that saoudim will kill you next step…and you are trying your luck with shiism…i think you have better chances of surviving with syphylitic salafism than with shiism….mind you ya homar, i apologise from donkeys for comparing them to you, i am not shia yet i support the shias….get your lesson from there

      9. LOL –  You Dumb Ass – “if i am an underwear, then you are what is under the underwear…” then I guess he is the pants.

        No, you are never the underwear. You are what comes on ‘top’ of it – the shit. Yes, the shit, not the pee, but the crap that spews out of an asshole. Actually, make that 10,000 Hezbollah Commandos asses, shitting, not peeing, when they turn and run away from fighting Israeli Army if they meet face to face.

        1. bs244846 Avatar

          a yahooDI calling me sh!t…hahahaha…coming from the mouth of a yahooDI shall i take it as elogious since this is what many among you eat…its kocher, cheap, and you spare money from avoiding to wipe your behind and from not using the water closet….american analysts have reached almost a consensus on that point namely that hizbollah will take the galilea in less than 24 hours in case of israeli attack on iran and usa officials warned your stupid PM netanYAHOO….remember the merkava dance…this time it will be tcha tcha tcha…hahahaha

        2. bs244846 Avatar

          i wonder if you are top or bottom….me thinks beasts of your species are usually bottom…are you into animals too? do you do animals also? or do you contend yourself with those of your own species

        3. bs244846 Avatar

          so so so…if you wanna give me a piece of kocher sh!t are you offering me your daughter or your mother or maybe your sister…or just yourself…i dont think you will encounter a lot of difficulties in your kibboutz to give me shit…its everywhere there…wherever there is a similar to you there is sh!t

        4. 5thDrawer Avatar

          (Wow … seems he admits there are different species … wonder if we can get him to admit they evolve as well? )

        5. bs244846 Avatar

          you attack hizbollah and iran, the shiite infrastucture and backbone…oh i am not attacking a religion why are you attacking mine? attack the alawis the backbone of the cousins of the shiites….oh why are you attacking my religion, i am not attacking yours….enough hypocrisy, israel is yahoodi, hizbollah iran is shia, assad is alawi…if you are a coward and dont dare to call things by their name, be informed that not everybody is a coward and many do call things by their names….now honestly and without subjective feelings, dont you consider your yahoodi army, even though tsahal employs some druze mercenaries, is a coward army? i wished you learned some courage from hizbollah fighters….to be honest with you, most of the ailments we are witnessing today in the world stems from hypocrisy…some do not have the courage to say high and loud what they are doing…either because it is immoral or because they have malicious intentions…so for gods sake a religion that tells you what to eat and what not to eat is not a religion…your kosher thing cannot come from God, your great israel thingy cannot come from God….so dont start crying like sissies…oh he is a nazi, he wants to burn the jews….you have been burning people for the past half century…actually whatever yahoodis are burned they are so because of your hypocrisy….so stand up once and get the veil of yahoodism out of your sight so you can see more clearly facts in front of you, get your courage in between your two hands and say and look at things in a more rational, more logical way, away from yahoodism. and away from temporary cheap financial interests..i am sure you will conclude that sunnism salfism syphilis is your enemy while alawism and shiism should be your allies…you are stupidly allying yourselves with this saoudism because they are tossing for you some cents on the ground, and mean and low as you are, you are bending down to collect them and say…thank you god moses for this generosity….you are forgetting that saoudim will kill you next step…and you are trying your luck with shiism…i think you have better chances of surviving with syphylitic salafism than with shiism….mind you ya homar, i apologise from donkeys for comparing them to you, i am not shia yet i support the shias….get your lesson from there

      10. Hannibal Avatar

        plomca attacked your party but not your religion… I wonder why you attack his by derogatory way calling him yahoodi? I thought Iran and Hezbollah respected the jews but not zionism. Just curious… I on the other hand being a nonreligious (but not an atheist) attack ALL religions (It is my right) 😛 lol

        1. It’s funny, being insulted for being a Jew. Never happened before. What the hell is a yahoodi? Sounds something from Star Wars. I certainly don’t attack religions. But do criticize those groups like Hezbollah, that do more harm in the long run, towards peace in the region, against Israel and those Lebanese that oppose them pubically.

          Guys like Dumb Shit, it doesn’t matter to them. You either support these murderous groups/regimes or you don’t. And if you don’t, he does nothing but heaps on insult after insult. After a while, it just same old, same old shit from Dumb Shit.

        2. bs244846 Avatar

          sorry, you and him are same cheap produce…a religion that behaves like a political party loses all the respect of a religion…on top if that religion behaves like a maffia, then i am sorry no more respect at all…this applies to yahoodis and to sunnis…no christian no hindou no sikh would present him/herself by his religion…a yahoodi and a sunni salafi syphilis will…so i open a club of pedophiles and say this is my religion and if i attack pedophiles you say…oh you are attacking my religion…coward isnt it…indeed yahoodi and sunni salafi syphilis are cowards….next you might tell me what about the alawis…ok lets took deeply into that…even though i never agreed with their panarabic policy but as a syrian minority their only way to survive among this syphilitic salafi wave of humanoid beasts ravaging syria was to instore a non religious arabic state which they did…actually many sunnas were happy with that since they did not want saoudi salafi syphilitic arrieration…however the saoudi head of the snake with its expansionist belief wanted more…all of syria and even the greater syria…hence these troubles…again, being so stupid these wahhabis did not realise that their king will fall way before assad will if the later falls…i do not think he will, in the worst scenario the alawi state is ready

        3. bs244846 Avatar

          this 5th drawer who belongs to the homos erectus atheisticus species is accusing me of calling the yahoodis a different species…well to me, any person, in groups or individualised, behaving in an aberrant or abhorrent way, is foreign to the homo sapiens species…its high time we open the files of religions…religions have moral immunity out of respect of freedom of choice and belief…however when a religion behaves like a political group or like a maffia, then i am sorry this halo of protection should be removed…i kill in the name of my religion but, if somebody attacks my religion i play the sissy and i get refuge behind the fact that a religion has immunity….thats over…actually the worst religion in that sissying respect is atheism…look at this amoral or immoral abhorrent 5thdrawer…all the insults that plomca sent to me, she approved and liked, yet when i spoke of yahoodi, this atheist archbishop referred to the 5th act of protectiing religion…see how this bs244846 is..he is attacking beliefs…while in her meaningless prose, she continues to poetise analogies and bundling of words just to say things, regardless of how incoherent they are just to appear above the conflict at same time siding with one party she hypocritically paint as moral while it is not and attacking the other party calling it immoral while performing its duties

      11. Hannibal Avatar

        plomca attacked your party but not your religion… I wonder why you attack his by derogatory way calling him yahoodi? I thought Iran and Hezbollah respected the jews but not zionism. Just curious… I on the other hand being a nonreligious (but not an atheist) attack ALL religions (It is my right) 😛 lol

        1. It’s funny, being insulted for being a Jew. Never happened before. What the hell is a yahoodi? Sounds something from Star Wars. I certainly don’t attack religions. But do criticize those groups like Hezbollah, that do more harm in the long run, towards peace in the region, against Israel and those Lebanese that oppose them pubically.

          Guys like Dumb Shit, it doesn’t matter to them. You either support these murderous groups/regimes or you don’t. And if you don’t, he does nothing but heaps on insult after insult. After a while, it just same old, same old shit from Dumb Shit.

        2. bs244846 Avatar

          sorry, you and him are same cheap produce…a religion that behaves like a political party loses all the respect of a religion…on top if that religion behaves like a maffia, then i am sorry no more respect at all…this applies to yahoodis and to sunnis…no christian no hindou no sikh would present him/herself by his religion…a yahoodi and a sunni salafi syphilis will…so i open a club of pedophiles and say this is my religion and if i attack pedophiles you say…oh you are attacking my religion…coward isnt it…indeed yahoodi and sunni salafi syphilis are cowards….next you might tell me what about the alawis…ok lets took deeply into that…even though i never agreed with their panarabic policy but as a syrian minority their only way to survive among this syphilitic salafi wave of humanoid beasts ravaging syria was to instore a non religious arabic state which they did…actually many sunnas were happy with that since they did not want saoudi salafi syphilitic arrieration…however the saoudi head of the snake with its expansionist belief wanted more…all of syria and even the greater syria…hence these troubles…again, being so stupid these wahhabis did not realise that their king will fall way before assad will if the later falls…i do not think he will, in the worst scenario the alawi state is ready

        3. bs244846 Avatar

          this 5th drawer who belongs to the homos erectus atheisticus species is accusing me of calling the yahoodis a different species…well to me, any person, in groups or individualised, behaving in an aberrant or abhorrent way, is foreign to the homo sapiens species…its high time we open the files of religions…religions have moral immunity out of respect of freedom of choice and belief…however when a religion behaves like a political group or like a maffia, then i am sorry this halo of protection should be removed…i kill in the name of my religion but, if somebody attacks my religion i play the sissy and i get refuge behind the fact that a religion has immunity….thats over…actually the worst religion in that sissying respect is atheism…look at this amoral or immoral abhorrent 5thdrawer…all the insults that plomca sent to me, she approved and liked, yet when i spoke of yahoodi, this atheist archbishop referred to the 5th act of protectiing religion…see how this bs244846 is..he is attacking beliefs…while in her meaningless prose, she continues to poetise analogies and bundling of words just to say things, regardless of how incoherent they are just to appear above the conflict at same time siding with one party she hypocritically paint as moral while it is not and attacking the other party calling it immoral while performing its duties

  2. “These are a few flawed men, often isolated, under enormous stresses, and possibly even prone to panic, making decisions that will affect regions, massive populations and even global economies.” John Bell NAILED IT…

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yes indeed Hannibal. Nailed it. Great to have ‘free speech’ too.
      In history, it is was always thus – the few led by those they believed to be capable. The ‘Glorious Leaders’ who believe we put them at the top with blood (or elect them to a position we give) because they are always ‘right’.Even some who began in humble ways have been changed by being placed there … “they do not question their own virtue”And often, that feeling permeates a ‘Party’ as well.
      Churchill said that Democracy was far from perfect, but it’s the best system we have so far. I believe he was right … but it is still evolving. It is under constant attack. It will devolve (and has in some places) unless ‘the people’ are educated enough to make the right choices, to understand the importance of participation in it, and to know ‘the rules’ of it must be respected by everyone, even if they find themselves in a minority of thought.
      ‘Power-trippers’ have problems, and certainly give the rest of us a lot of grief.

    2. bs244846 Avatar

      hmmmm, if israel attacks iran, me thinks that israel is then cornered and indeed at the nadir of its existence…..any attack on iran entails first of all american support otherwise we can say allah yiham israel and second, even with american support, the galilea region will fall in the hands of hizbollah in few hours….did you see the 10 000 elite commandos of hizbollah parading in the south this week…ah my..if i were jew, thanks God i am not, i would really have gonadal sweating…i bet netanyahoo is peeing in his underwear

      1. Mahdi Kenaani Avatar
        Mahdi Kenaani

        !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! اي لايييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييييك

      2. Pray for peace… unlike your jihadi religion which complements Zionist warmongers, I think of the innocents who ultimately pay the price. Just keep us out of this… we majority silent Lebanese would thank you.

        1. bs244846 Avatar

          my jihadi religion???? i am not sunnah nor salafi…why are you insulting me?

        2. Hey Dumb Ass – thanks for explaining to everyone about underwear’s. On your direction of under or top, is confusing – kinda of upside down.

          That’s can be, you probably are confused. Maybe, because of your support of the murderous regime of Assad, who is supported by the Chinese, you are now seeing things upside down. Be careful, your shit will come out of your mouth, instead of your ass, which I am sure many in here think so anyway.

          By the way, you are now promoted to Dumb Shit!

      3. rossoferrari Avatar

         You must be the underwear to make that statement.

        1. lol… Good come back.

        2. bs244846 Avatar

          if i am an underwear, then you are what is under the underwear….

      4. rossoferrari Avatar

         Yes I am the dick you are sucking on ya koubla.

        1. bs244846 Avatar

          nope…i never thought of you so high… you are way below the d!ck….an underwear is to protect your cloths from sh!t…this is what is under the underwear

      5. LOL –  You Dumb Ass – “if i am an underwear, then you are what is under the underwear…” then I guess he is the pants.

        No, you are never the underwear. You are what comes on ‘top’ of it – the shit. Yes, the shit, not the pee, but the crap that spews out of an asshole. Actually, make that 10,000 Hezbollah Commandos asses, shitting, not peeing, when they turn and run away from fighting Israeli Army if they meet face to face.

        1. bs244846 Avatar

          a yahooDI calling me sh!t…hahahaha…coming from a yahooDI shall i take it as elogious since this is what many among you eat…its kocher, cheap, and you spare money from avoiding to wipe your behind and from not using the water closet….american analysts have reached almost a consensus on that point namely that hizbollah will take the galilea in less than 24 hours in case of israeli attack on iran and usa officials warned your stupid PM netanYAHOO….remember the merkava dance…this time it will be tcha tcha tcha…hahahaha

        2. bs244846 Avatar

          i wonder if you are top or bottom….me thinks beasts of your species are usually bottom…are you into animals too? do you do animals also? or do you contend yourself with those of your own species

        3. bs244846 Avatar

          so so so…if you wanna give me a piece of kocher sh!t are you offering me your daughter or your mother or maybe your sister…or just yourself…i dont think you will encounter a lot of difficulties in your kibboutz to give me shit…its everywhere there…wherever there is a similar to you there is sh!t

        4. 5thDrawer Avatar

          (Wow … seems he admits there are different species … wonder if we can get him to admit they evolve as well? )

        5. bs244846 Avatar

          you attack hizbollah and iran, the shiite infrastucture and backbone…oh i am not attacking a religion why are you attacking mine? attack the alawis the backbone of the cousins of the shiites….oh why are you attacking my religion, i am not attacking yours….enough hypocrisy, israel is yahoodi, hizbollah iran is shia, assad is alawi…if you are a coward and dont dare to call things by their name, be informed that not everybody is a coward and many do call things by their names….now honestly and without subjective feelings, dont you consider your yahoodi army, even though tsahal employs some druze mercenaries, is a coward army? i wished you learned some courage from hizbollah fighters….to be honest with you, most of the ailments we are witnessing today in the world stems from hypocrisy…some do not have the courage to say high and loud what they are doing…either because it is immoral or because they have malicious intentions…so for gods sake a religion that tells you what to eat and what not to eat is not a religion…your kosher thing cannot come from God, your great israel thingy cannot come from God….so dont start crying like sissies…oh he is a nazi, he wants to burn the jews….you have been burning people for the past half century…actually whatever yahoodis are burned they are so because of your hypocrisy….so stand up once and get the veil of yahoodism out of your sight so you can see more clearly facts in front of you, get your courage in between your two hands and say and look at things in a more rational, more logical way, away from yahoodism. and away from temporary cheap financial interests..i am sure you will conclude that sunnism salfism syphilis is your enemy while alawism and shiism should be your allies…you are stupidly allying yourselves with this saoudism because they are tossing for you some cents on the ground, and mean and low as you are, you are bending down to collect them and say…thank you god moses for this generosity….you are forgetting that saoudim will kill you next step…and you are trying your luck with shiism…i think you have better chances of surviving with syphylitic salafism than with shiism….mind you ya homar, i apologise from donkeys for comparing them to you, i am not shia yet i support the shias….get your lesson from there

      6. plomca attacked your party but not your religion… I wonder why you attack his by derogatory way calling him yahoodi? I thought Iran and Hezbollah respected the jews but not zionism. Just curious… I on the other hand being a nonreligious (but not an atheist) attack ALL religions (It is my right) 😛 lol

        1. It’s funny, being insulted for being a Jew. Never happened before. What the hell is a yahoodi? Sounds something from Star Wars. I certainly don’t attack religions. But do criticize those groups like Hezbollah, that do more harm in the long run, towards peace in the region, against Israel and those Lebanese that oppose them pubically.

          Guys like Dumb Shit, it doesn’t matter to them. You either support these murderous groups/regimes or you don’t. And if you don’t, he does nothing but heaps on insult after insult. After a while, it just same old, same old shit from Dumb Shit.

        2. bs244846 Avatar

          sorry, you and him are same cheap produce…a religion that behaves like a political party loses all the respect of a religion…on top if that religion behaves like a maffia, then i am sorry no more respect at all…this applies to yahoodis and to sunnis…no christian no hindou no sikh would present him/herself by his religion…a yahoodi and a sunni salafi syphilis will…so i open a club of pedophiles and say this is my religion and if i attack pedophiles you say…oh you are attacking my religion…coward isnt it…indeed yahoodi and sunni salafi syphilis are cowards

        3. bs244846 Avatar

          this 5th drawer who belongs to the homos erectus atheisticus species is accusing me of calling the yahoodis a different species…well to me, any person, in groups or individualised, behaving in an aberrant or abhorrent way, is foreign to the homo sapiens species

  3. Every one said Mr.120 was a moron for attacking Iraq. America now stealling/pumping more oil out of Iraq than Iran
    can produce (over 20% increase). I’ll  go  along  with  what  Mr. 180  does.  Usually  a  15  year old  knows  more
    than  9 year old. 

  4. Every one said Mr.120 was a moron for attacking Iraq. America now stealling/pumping more oil out of Iraq than Iran
    can produce (over 20% increase). I’ll  go  along  with  what  Mr. 180  does.  Usually  a  15  year old  knows  more
    than  9 year old. 

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