Aoun says Jumblatt suffers from minority complex


Free Patriotic Movement Leader MP Michel Aoun An-Nahar newspaper in remarks published on Sunday that Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt suffers from minority complex and is afraid of the Christians because they outnumber the Druze .

“MP Jumblatt attacks the FPM because we have popularity. He fears the Christians because they outnumber the Druze , and he also fears Sunnis and Shiites because he suffers from minority complex,” Aoun said

Commenting on the issue of Hezbollah’s weapons Aoun said this should be discussed after setting the national defense strategy.

“When we agree on a national defense strategy we can [then] know where the position of Hezbollah’s weapons will be, whether it remains or not, or what its [role] will be, because setting a national defense strategy and withdrawing Hezbollah’s weapons [simultaneously] can only lead to harming stability and national unity,” he said.

Commenting on the situation in Syria, Aoun , who iss closely allied with the Iranian and Syrian backed Hezbollah militant group said that the US and Europe will lose the battle if they don’t reach a compromise.

“If the US and Europe do not reach a compromise regarding the situation in Syria, their power in the Middle East will end,” Aoun said.

World powers struck an agreement in Geneva on Saturday that a transitional government should be set up in Syria to end the conflict there but they remained at odds over what part President Bashar al-Assad might play in the process.

The talks had been billed as a last-ditch effort to halt the worsening violence in Syria but hit obstacles as Russia, Assad’s most powerful ally, opposed Western and Arab insistence that he must quit the scene.

After the meeting, the United States and Russia contradicted each other over what that meant for Assad, who has ruled Syria for 11 years since succeeding his father Hafez and has been condemned internationally for the ferocity of his crackdown on the uprising against him.



14 responses to “Aoun says Jumblatt suffers from minority complex”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    He’s learning new terminology at his weekly ‘group therapy’ sessions.

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    He’s learning new terminology at his weekly ‘group therapy’ sessions.

  3. master09 Avatar

    They all suffer the size thing, thats what I think…..flag just want flap anymore….

  4. master09 Avatar

    They all suffer the size thing, thats what I think…..flag just want flap anymore….

  5. MeYosemite Avatar

    Aoun suffers from a grandiose disorder.
    I think there should be a law limiting the age of politicians to 40 or less. That may solve many problems in Lebanon but regardless, the younger generation are more honest, hard workers and when they lie it’s obvious.

  6. MeYosemite Avatar

    Aoun suffers from a grandiose disorder.
    I think there should be a law limiting the age of politicians to 40 or less. That may solve many problems in Lebanon but regardless, the younger generation are more honest, hard workers and when they lie it’s obvious.

  7. rossoferrari Avatar

    I agree with you all. I might add that poor aoun is loosing it big time, his math calculation is erroneous at best and that’s why: By splitting the christian community between him, geagea and gemayel, the christian are becoming the minorities, there you have it. What an idiot and how come we allow a guy like aoun to represent a major bloc of lebanese constituents? are we blind, deaf or dead or just another sheep herd following an unstable shepherd!!!!!

  8. rossoferrari Avatar

    I agree with you all. I might add that poor aoun is loosing it big time, his math calculation is erroneous at best and that’s why: By splitting the christian community between him, geagea and gemayel, the christian are becoming the minorities, there you have it. What an idiot and how come we allow a guy like aoun to represent a major bloc of lebanese constituents? are we blind, deaf or dead or just another sheep herd following an unstable shepherd!!!!!

  9. josephphdman Avatar

    here you go go again nasrallah ordered aoun to talk , and aoun says a bunch of lies ,
    the truth is junblat dos,nt fear the christians at this time because they are not armed , but his biggest fear is hezbollah weapons , and those the weaponswere used against the duruz and he knows that nasrallah will do it again ;
    the lebaneese christians should,nt lilsten to what aoun says , as he does,,nt work for the best interrest of the christians ,neither for any other lebaneese , he is just a tool in hezbollah,s hand , to use as they please .hezbollah have no right to rule lebanon , because they only represent 25% of the lebaneese people and they did,nt win the election , the majority of lebaneese people voted for march14 , and not march 8 .

  10. josephphdman Avatar

    here you go go again nasrallah ordered his dog aoun to barg , and aoun barg a bunh of lies ,
    the truth is junblat doe,nt fear the christians at all at this time because they are not armed , but his biggest fear is hezbollah weapons , and those the weapons had been used against the duruz and he knows that nasrall will do it again ;
    the lebaneese christians should,nt lilsten to what aoun says , as he doe,nt work for the best interrest of the christians ,neither for any other lebaneese , he is just a tool in hezbollah,s hand , to use as they please .hezbollah have no right to rule lebanon , because they only represent 30% of the lebaneese and they do,nt represent the majority of the country .

  11. Patience2 Avatar

    Just think WHAT they’d find if they ever examined Aoun’s head.  (and I don’t mean at autopsy.)

  12. Patience2 Avatar

    Just think WHAT they’d find if they ever examined Aoun’s head.  (and I don’t mean at autopsy.)

  13. Fauzia45 Avatar

    It is a shame to continue to talk like this,¨Christians,Druze,Sunnis and Shites ¨. This intricate design,this beautiful mosaic must not be upset by any upheaval!As Kennedy said,¨If we cannot now end our differences ,at least we can help the world safe for diversity!¨These remarks like these by any political or religious figure and the possession of arms by a group outside the control of the state, will endanger the coexistence ,the social and political stability !!!!This is very sad indeed!!!

  14. Fauzia45 Avatar

    It is a shame to continue to talk like this,¨Christians,Druze,Sunnis and Shites ¨. This intricate design,this beautiful mosaic must not be upset by any upheaval!As Kennedy said,¨If we cannot now end our differences ,at least we can help the world safe for diversity!¨These remarks like these by any political or religious figure and the possession of arms by a group outside the control of the state, will endanger the coexistence ,the social and political stability !!!!This is very sad indeed!!!

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