hospitals in Lebanon may raise their charges, LBC


The hospitals in Lebanon may raise their charges , LBC has reported adding that the increase will be in line with the new wage increase.

The cabinet agreed to raise the minimum wage from 500,000 LL to 675,000/ month, or 35 % . This excludes the transportation benefits.



  1.  Avatar

    Only Hospitals? A bottle of grey goose vodka costs 130,000 LL these days. I know for a fact because Im half way done with one I just got a few hours ago. With Nuts and I ordered a pizza for my pregnant wife I spent well over $100. Same bottle costs $50 in the U.S. Next the Russian hookers are going to start charging more and then what do we do???

    1.  Avatar

      I think your pregnant wife is going to kill you :

      1.  Avatar

        dont be a playa hata cuz you aint a partisapata !

        1.  Avatar

          you better take advantage of those Super Clubs in Jounieh before the prices start going up lol !

    2.  Avatar

      Keep the pregnancies down and stay out of hospitals. Get Nuts off by massage … much cheaper.
       (Yah … only boys doing it in Tripoli … but just close your eyes. 🙂
      Like anyone can afford to need a hospital – like prostitutes … suck you dry or you die.

      1.  Avatar

        I dont think I get it. I may be drunk ( I am drunk … ) and I just smoked some really good Hash so ill try reading it again in the morning. But I dont think I would like a hand-job from a boy even if my eyes were closed and since I love kids I think one more is ok. Now about the prostitutes I think they are the best thing god ever created as far as Im concerned. I really dont use the russians though. I cant stand the accent. I like Lebanese girls and since I can afford it I do it a couple of time a month. When Im in the U.S I use the Lita Chase escort agency. Very exclusive but basically most models and pornstars are on her website of witch I am a member 🙂

        1. wow, i think you smoked some good truth syrum, erase the comfession before it goes viral and your wife gets a hold of it lol. 5th drawer  would not admit to any of it if he was water boarded in guantanamo lol

        2. wow, i think you smoked some good truth syrum, erase the comfession before it goes viral and your wife gets a hold of it lol. 5th drawer  would not admit to any of it if he was water boarded in guantanamo lol

        3. wow, i think you smoked some good truth syrum, erase the comfession before it goes viral and your wife gets a hold of it lol. 5th drawer  would not admit to any of it if he was water boarded in guantanamo lol

        4.  Avatar

          I was referring to a ‘bath-house’ I peeked into in Tripoli … looked comfortable, but as Geo notes I won’t say anything about having a bath-experience. I was only speaking about varietal possibilities. 🙂 Japan is also a good experience. 😉
           And I’m happy for you that you can afford all-nighters ….

          1.  Avatar

            I dont like asian girls. went to Japan in 1998 and basically hated it. if you want to have some fun in a great environment go to Brasil or Venezuela

          2.  Avatar

            I dont like asian girls. went to Japan in 1998 and basically hated it. if you want to have some fun in a great environment go to Brasil or Venezuela

        5.  Avatar

          geo, how would she know who 316909 is?

      2.  Avatar

        5th, Although prostitution is the supreme triumph of capitalism (pending Sebouh confirmation,lol), prostitutes are the most honest people on earth; They negotiate and present  the bill upfront. lol
        I’m glad  you guys are finally having a non-political discussion.

        1.  Avatar

          Yes Prophettt … too serious lately … and too cold to have any ‘fun’. 🙂
          The body is screaming for ‘D’. 🙂

        2.  Avatar

          Yes Prophettt … too serious lately … and too cold to have any ‘fun’. 🙂
          The body is screaming for ‘D’. 🙂

        3.  Avatar

          Speaking of prostitution it might be the oldest profession. It  probably started from the time of ancient Greece.

          Eventhough it is one of the most degrading profession on earth Prostitutes are still being exploited  from their protectors (Pimps)

        4.  Avatar

          It’s the pimps who take the honour out of the trade. Pimps are simply little money-sucking despotic controllers … and those types can be found anywhere.
          Sex – while being a species-driven desire for unaffordable progeny – is now recognized also to be more for fun, and providing good and safe service for the few moments of fun should not be regarded as a bad thing. Considering how we drive women (and some men) into desperate ‘controlled’ situations, they at least find a way to make their way in the world and survive.
           Don’t dump on them for that. Rather dump on the theories that it is a sinful thing to do. Especially when it seems a favourite pastime of ‘great warriors’ who are killing the men and taking over villages. They only want it for free … like the pimps they are.

  2. Sebouh80 Avatar

    Then in that case poor and sick people will die on the streets. How unfair.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      The standard saying is: in Lebanon, you die on the hospital door.

  3.  Avatar

    Then in that case poor and sick people will die on the streets. How unfair.

    1.  Avatar

      No Sebouh they will not die in the streets so please stop being so negative. They will die in the waiting room as family members negotiate payments with the doctor.

      1.  Avatar

        No offense, but this is a typical bourgeois mentality. The heart of a heartless world.

        I would just like to share with you an example there was an old poor man that I know in Lebanon had a car accident and not a single Private hospital accepted him, because he did not have the required funds for the operation. The good news is that due to his family  connections with Hariri Hospital he was accepted without any delay.
        Now I’m sure that if charges tend to rise higher then these current rates then this  will no doubt effect the poor and the minimum wage earners in a negative  way and will further exacerbate their purchasing power.

        1.  Avatar

          Don’t believe that hospitals can’t raise their prices any time they wish. They are ‘for profit’ ventures …. nothing to do with people getting a fair wage.

        2.  Avatar

          I was being serious. People die all the time all over the world. Some have insurance and its refused even in the U.S. The problem is hospitals, medicine are a business when it should be a service but thats communist thinking.

        3.  Avatar

          (below) By the way 31etc …. that’s not communist thinking .. it’s socialist … and there’s a huge difference between the two.

    2.  Avatar

      The standard saying is: in Lebanon, you die on the hospital door.

  4.  Avatar

    Then in that case poor and sick people will die on the streets. How unfair.

  5. If every Lebanese, instead of worrying about this government worried about our healthcare we would prosper a bit more. Were turning like the Americans, America is always worrying about Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Iran but they have never the time to worry about their own healthcare and poverty. 

  6.  Avatar

    If every Lebanese, instead of worrying about this government worried about our healthcare we would prosper a bit more. Were turning like the Americans, America is always worrying about Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, Iran but they have never the time to worry about their own healthcare and poverty. 

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