UN vote on Syria resolution will end in scandal; Russia's FM


Russia’s foreign minister sternly warned Washington Saturday that any attempt to put a draft resolution on Syria to vote at the United Nations would lead to “scandal,” a blunt warning that Russia is prepared to use its veto power.

Sergey Lavrov said in an interview broadcast on Russian state television Rossiya that Russia had submitted its amendments to the Western-backed draft. He said that Russia hopes that “bias will not prevail over common sense.”

“If they want another scandal at the UN Security Council, we wouldn’t be able to stop them,” Lavrov said, voicing hope that the United States wouldn’t put the draft to vote.

The UN Security Council is expected to meet Saturday morning to take up a Syria resolution.

Russia and China, which wield veto power at the Security Council, have blocked previous Western attempts to impose sanctions on Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime over its crackdown on protests. The UN has said that more than 5,400 people have been killed in violence since March. Hundreds more have been killed since that tally was announced, and activists say 200 died in the city of Homs on Saturday.

Russia is opposing any UN call for regime change or a military intervention in Syria, its last remaining ally in the region.

The U.S.and its partners have ruled out military action but want the UN body to endorse an Arab League plan that calls on Assad to hand power over to Syria’s vice president.

U.S.Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke with Lavrov by phone on Friday, and was to meet with him later in the day on the sidelines of the Munich Security Conference. Ahead of that, Clinton told the conference she was hopeful that the UN would be able to come to an agreement later in the day:

“As a tyrant in Damascus brutalizes his own people, America and Europe stand shoulder to shoulder. We are united, alongside the Arab League, in demanding an end to the bloodshed and a democratic future for Syria. And we are hopeful that at 10 a.m. Eastern Standard Time in New York the Security Council will express the will of the international community,” she said.




  1. wargame1 Avatar

    The Jewish lobby in USA is not interested to see a UN intervention in Syria as they would like to save their “king of Israel” Assad. SO as long as the ugly hag like Hilary and co. stays in power it will get along with the Russians but they will show concern over Syria in order to fool the world. 

    Well the Free Syrian Army do not need  a UN vote on Syria resolution to Attack Assad. The free Syrian Army will wreak havoc on Assad and Hzbushaitan gang while UN is busy with arranging the meeting.

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      Why must it ALWAYS end with the Jews with you? Russia is not dominated by a Jewish lobby and yet you say NOTHING about Russia. China has never had any Jews and it is an atheist state YET AGAIN NO MENTION at all about China vetoing the resolutions but here you go with your Koran brain washed head bring up the Jews and the Israelis accusing them of compliance against Syria. Yet they are the archenemies of Bashar’s Syria and Iran and Hezbollah. Yes it is true the Israelis are concerned about a fundamentalist state ruling Syria as we Lebanese won’t allow anything Islamic to rule Lebanon. Either secular democracy rules the entire Middle East or we all perish together. There is no room for Islamists anywhere in this world. We will crush Religulous whether they are Shiite Ayatollahs or Sunni Muftis or Christian Patriarchs. Those people should take care of the souls and leave what is politics to a democratic society. That goes also for Israel. Another state claiming to be a democracy when half its citizens live in apartheid just because they are non-jews. kafa for God’s sake you all pretend to appease and worship. Yet you all worship a Satan.

      1.  Your almost there, knock off the Israel/apartheid cr8p,There isn’t a single Arab nation that gives its Arab population the rights n privileges Israel does.Thats what the Pals would have too, but now they will get nothing,after decades n decades of murder n terrorism.  and  your going to have a big issue you start killing Christians again too.Trillions of dollars in the ME and you guys cannot crawl out of the 1800’s, its too fun to kill each other….its disgusting.You all talk big n then sit on your hands n blame others with outlandish conspiracy dreams of conquest n victory.Time the Arabs at a whole learn to accept the consequences for their own actions and the repercussions from them.
        Maybe focus on the mass murder next door instead of the ghost in the south

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Another zionist lurking under the clothes of a sheep with a Star of David under the hood… Besides the fertile crescent is hardly Arab. It is a mix. DNA study proved it. 33% of European descent not unlike the Jewish State. Free Secular society will rule sooner or later. It is an evolution of mind. It is ONLY a matter of time for all religulous to find out that the books are just a myth and they have been worshiping for nada. I do agree with most of what you say but I have issues with a religious flag flying in any state. Israel has one. It should be renamed Palestine with all Jews Christians and Moslems living side by side under a different flag.

      2. eblashko Avatar

        You’re totally right on all counts, except that in Israel, the apartheid isn’t Jews against the Arabs, but Religious people of all religions against the seculars like myself. You see, Muslim Arabs and Orthodox Jews, (in other words, those who cling to the ancient cults), are exempt from Army service, and largely don’t work, but receive tons of state benefits and welfare.

        This has nothing to do with racism, as Druze, who are Arab, (as well as former South Lebanon Army members and their families and other Maronites like the inhabitants of the village of Jish), serve in the army and are wonderfully functional members of society. Nobody should be exempt of 3 years of military or civilian national service. Every citizen should carry the burden of protecting their country. 

        Thankfully, I think the Israeli public is starting to wake up, remember that Zionism is a secular nationalist movement, and not a religious one, and the next government, although still horridly right wing, will most likely be far less religious. 

        As far your one state solution below, in an ideal world, you’re 100% right, in that genetically we Jews and you Levantine Arabs (not exactly Arabs, but whatever) are exactly the same. But the star of David is a national symbol, not a religious one. It’s a lot like your Cedar. 

        I agree that Israel is an inappropriate name. The state should be called Hebrea, as the Philistines were foreigers and Palestine was a name imposed by a foreign power (Rome) while the Hebrews were/are the true indigenous population. And Hebrew (~Canaanite/Phoenician), the true indigenous language, should be the national language, and not Arabic, which is also a foreign import. 

        This is all hypothetical of course. There could never be a binational state if the two nations that comprise it deny the nationhood of the other. To most Arabs, Jews are just Khazars ans Europeans (I guess they never read genetics articles) and to most Jews, all Arabs are all just Bedouin shepherds from Arabia. The only practical solution is a two state solution for the two peoples to practice the national culture that they each identify with – whether Hebrew or Arab. 

        1. wargame1 Avatar

          ” But there is a ban on any population which(JERUSALEM) We have destroyed: that they (The Jews)shall not return,Until the Gog and Magog are let through (their barrier), and they swiftly swarm from every hill.

          Then will the true promise draw nigh (of fulfilment): then behold! the eyes of the Unbelievers will fixedly stare in horror: “Ah! Woe to us! we were indeed heedless of this; nay, we truly did wrong!”
          Verily ye, (unbelievers), and the (false) gods that ye worship besides Allah, are (but) fuel for Hell! to it will ye (surely) come!”Quran 21:95-98

          Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) said that the first batch of GogMagog tribe will drink(consume) the water of the sea of Galilee and when the last of them pass by the lake will say “once there was water here” So when the Sea of Galilee dries up the Antichrist Dajjal will appear and after that Jesus(peace be upon him) will descend in Damascus. Now check out the water level of the sea of Galilee and you will find out that Israelis have been pumping the water excessively and making it dry. 

          The Bible clearly identifies the GogMagog tribe and also foretold that they would invade Palestine.Most European Jews have no semetic blood at all and they do have a different set of DNA than the rest of mankind and that differentiate them fromm the original Jews. Allah said in the end of time there will be a worm attack on the GogMagog tribe and it will make their neck swollen and they all will be paralyzed and die at once. This bear the proof that if there is such attack then only a certain group of people will be affected as the worm attack is designed towards GogMagog tribe.So wait for that day to see who are fake jew and who are real.

        2. wargame1 Avatar

          ” But there is a ban on any population which(JERUSALEM) We have destroyed: that they (The Jews)shall not return,Until the Gog and Magog are let through (their barrier), and they swiftly swarm from every hill.

          Then will the true promise draw nigh (of fulfilment): then behold! the eyes of the Unbelievers will fixedly stare in horror: “Ah! Woe to us! we were indeed heedless of this; nay, we truly did wrong!”
          Verily ye, (unbelievers), and the (false) gods that ye worship besides Allah, are (but) fuel for Hell! to it will ye (surely) come!”Quran 21:95-98

          Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) said that the first batch of GogMagog tribe will drink(consume) the water of the sea of Galilee and when the last of them pass by the lake will say “once there was water here” So when the Sea of Galilee dries up the Antichrist Dajjal will appear and after that Jesus(peace be upon him) will descend in Damascus. Now check out the water level of the sea of Galilee and you will find out that Israelis have been pumping the water excessively and making it dry. 

          The Bible clearly identifies the GogMagog tribe and also foretold that they would invade Palestine.Most European Jews have no semetic blood at all and they do have a different set of DNA than the rest of mankind and that differentiate them fromm the original Jews. Allah said in the end of time there will be a worm attack on the GogMagog tribe and it will make their neck swollen and they all will be paralyzed and die at once. This bear the proof that if there is such attack then only a certain group of people will be affected as the worm attack is designed towards GogMagog tribe.So wait for that day to see who are fake jew and who are real.

        3. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Wargame (below), who loves this game of war at least in words, has been Gog gling so much of ancient prophecies his brain must only be filled with trying to make them come true.
          The world has had many prophets … one might call them ‘visionaries’ … and the trouble for the rest of us has been in trying to decide which prophecy was the most relevant to our own place in history. And yet it seems many never come true in the largest sense, although some small parts do. Those who propagate a prophecy as a godly decision that must be fulfilled hold mankind back from the visions of a better future for the sake of all the species.
          For instance: If ‘men’ have decided it is a good thing to make as many children as a woman can bear (and in some places it seems she has been given little choice in the matter) then it is not such a great prophecy to declare they will use up all the water. At least, in any one location. It’s one reason tribes moved on when they had used up the resources available.
          When they gathered in larger numbers, the bugs (worms) got to them instead. (Black Death)
          Indeed, the bugs we can’t see may get us in the end – although they may not look like worms.
          It is a self-fullfilling prophecy when there is belief that it cannot be avoided.
           Yet there have been many visionaries who refused to believe mankind could not rise above the adverse ‘laws’ of life on this planet. We humans are coming to understanding more of those laws now. Would it not be better to align oneself with those prophets instead of always trying to make all the words of ancient ones come true??
          I will not deify a prophet, even if his ‘visions’ are good for study. ‘Mankind’ is still fallible. Especially when he twists thoughts to suit a simple political wish to control the rest of us. 
          If it has indeed been ‘written’ by God, then it will come to pass naturally. Why should I seek to have it happen now, every day in horrific ways invented by ‘man’; and to be the one to wield a sword of any form trying constantly to drive Armageddon into the psyche of my fellow man?
          I can see why the dinosaurs survived so long … they didn’t have our brains and lived in the natural ‘Godly’ way of the miracle of a planet with what we call ‘life’. Our own evolution will do us in if we keep listening too much to the ‘visionaries’ of enforced doom, and perhaps am sorry to say the book-worms have already entered your head, Wargame.

        4. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Wargame (below), who loves this game of war at least in words, has been Gog gling so much of ancient prophecies his brain must only be filled with trying to make them come true.
          The world has had many prophets … one might call them ‘visionaries’ … and the trouble for the rest of us has been in trying to decide which prophecy was the most relevant to our own place in history. And yet it seems many never come true in the largest sense, although some small parts do. Those who propagate a prophecy as a godly decision that must be fulfilled hold mankind back from the visions of a better future for the sake of all the species.
          For instance: If ‘men’ have decided it is a good thing to make as many children as a woman can bear (and in some places it seems she has been given little choice in the matter) then it is not such a great prophecy to declare they will use up all the water. At least, in any one location. It’s one reason tribes moved on when they had used up the resources available.
          When they gathered in larger numbers, the bugs (worms) got to them instead. (Black Death)
          Indeed, the bugs we can’t see may get us in the end – although they may not look like worms.
          It is a self-fullfilling prophecy when there is belief that it cannot be avoided.
           Yet there have been many visionaries who refused to believe mankind could not rise above the adverse ‘laws’ of life on this planet. We humans are coming to understanding more of those laws now. Would it not be better to align oneself with those prophets instead of always trying to make all the words of ancient ones come true??
          I will not deify a prophet, even if his ‘visions’ are good for study. ‘Mankind’ is still fallible. Especially when he twists thoughts to suit a simple political wish to control the rest of us. 
          If it has indeed been ‘written’ by God, then it will come to pass naturally. Why should I seek to have it happen now, every day in horrific ways invented by ‘man’; and to be the one to wield a sword of any form trying constantly to drive Armageddon into the psyche of my fellow man?
          I can see why the dinosaurs survived so long … they didn’t have our brains and lived in the natural ‘Godly’ way of the miracle of a planet with what we call ‘life’. Our own evolution will do us in if we keep listening too much to the ‘visionaries’ of enforced doom, and perhaps am sorry to say the book-worms have already entered your head, Wargame.

      3. wargame1 Avatar

        All European Jews are from Russia. In the 8th century the Khazar Kingdom in Russia converted to Judaism and they are the majority who invaded Palestine.The real jews are the minority living like a second class citizen in Israel. Putin and Medvedev both of them are Jews. Russia was the second country who recognize Israel after USA and Iran is the first country who recognize Israel in the middle east. China
        is an atheist state  which kills it Muslim population and Russia the communist are Godless and used to have a ban on Quran before the Afghan Mujaheden libarated those Muslim state in Russia. Muslims are concerned about the satanist and they are struggling to get rid of those secular satanist. Its their choice as they are the Majority in the Arab world. Israels is allied with Iran , Hezbullah and the Syrian regime. The allawites are infact Jews but they hide their identity. The Muslims will make the room for their freedom whether you like it or not inshallah. Muslims along with the jews and Christian lived in peace for many centuries and they will live again in peace after liquidate the satanist. 

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Now I am certain you are delusional… You won’t rest until you turn the whole world into a moslem world… Here is a bit of news for you: Dream on. Soon you Sunnis will attack the Shiites and I will be watching it on the news eating popcorn and laughing at your stupid towel head culture. The world was a better world before you came up out of your rotten peninsula. 

        2. eblashko Avatar

          Khazar theory has been disproven genetically. Eastern European Jews are actually much closer to Levantine, Mesopotamian, and Mediterranean populations than they are to Eastern Europeans. Check any genetic study. 

          If you’re looking for the descendants of the Khazars, you can check out the Krymchaks and the Crimean Karaites… both of which a Turkic people who speak a Turkic language who practice the Jewish religion and actually believe themselves to be descended from the Khazars, who were a Turkic people who spoke a Turkic language. (Jews are a Semitic people and speak a Semitic language). 

      4. wargame1 Avatar

        All European Jews are from Russia. In the 8th century the Khazar Kingdom in Russia converted to Judaism and they are the majority who invaded Palestine.The real jews are the minority living like a second class citizen in Israel. Putin and Medvedev both of them are Jews. Russia was the second country who recognize Israel after USA and Iran is the first country who recognize Israel in the middle east. China
        is an atheist state  which kills it Muslim population and Russia the communist are Godless and used to have a ban on Quran before the Afghan Mujaheden libarated those Muslim state in Russia. Muslims are concerned about the satanist and they are struggling to get rid of those secular satanist. Its their choice as they are the Majority in the Arab world. Israels is allied with Iran , Hezbullah and the Syrian regime. The allawites are infact Jews but they hide their identity. The Muslims will make the room for their freedom whether you like it or not inshallah. Muslims along with the jews and Christian lived in peace for many centuries and they will live again in peace after liquidate the satanist. 

      5. wargame1 Avatar

        Jaber bin Samra based on Nafi bin Otba reports that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: ” …You will marsh against (or attack) the Arabian Peninsula and Allah will open (conquer) it, then Persia and Allah will open (conquer) it. Then, you will marsh against (attack) the Romans’ land and Allah will open  (or conquer) it. Then, you will marsh against (attack) the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) (or Dajjal’s land), and Allah will open  (conquer) it.” Then, Nafi said (to Jaber): “O’ Jaber, we will not see the Dajjal emerge until the Romans’ land has been conquered (by Allah for the Muslims).”(Sahih Muslim and Ibn Majah)

        The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: “Even if but a single day remains in this world, Allah will certainly prolong that day so that one from my family [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] can take possession of Mount (or the land of) Daylam (in Iran) and the city of Constantinople (Istanbul).” (Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, p. 74 and Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Portents of the End Times, p. 440) 

        Yunus bin Saif Al-Khulani said: ” You will reconcile with the Romans through a reconciliation treaty. Then, together, you will invade the (lands of the) Turks (possibly Russia) and Kerman (a region currently in Iran) and Allah will  conquer them for you…”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan) 

        Abdullah bin Masud said that the Prophet said صلى الله عليه وسلم  : ” Between the Muslims and the Romans, there will be a Hudna (truce) and reconciliation treaty to the extent that they will fight together against their  enemy (probably Russia) and they (Muslims & Romans) will split the war acquisitions.  Then, the Romans with the Muslims will invade Persia (Iran).” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

      6. wargame1 Avatar

        Jaber bin Samra based on Nafi bin Otba reports that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: ” …You will marsh against (or attack) the Arabian Peninsula and Allah will open (conquer) it, then Persia and Allah will open (conquer) it. Then, you will marsh against (attack) the Romans’ land and Allah will open  (or conquer) it. Then, you will marsh against (attack) the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) (or Dajjal’s land), and Allah will open  (conquer) it.” Then, Nafi said (to Jaber): “O’ Jaber, we will not see the Dajjal emerge until the Romans’ land has been conquered (by Allah for the Muslims).”(Sahih Muslim and Ibn Majah)

        The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: “Even if but a single day remains in this world, Allah will certainly prolong that day so that one from my family [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] can take possession of Mount (or the land of) Daylam (in Iran) and the city of Constantinople (Istanbul).” (Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, p. 74 and Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Portents of the End Times, p. 440) 

        Yunus bin Saif Al-Khulani said: ” You will reconcile with the Romans through a reconciliation treaty. Then, together, you will invade the (lands of the) Turks (possibly Russia) and Kerman (a region currently in Iran) and Allah will  conquer them for you…”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan) 

        Abdullah bin Masud said that the Prophet said صلى الله عليه وسلم  : ” Between the Muslims and the Romans, there will be a Hudna (truce) and reconciliation treaty to the extent that they will fight together against their  enemy (probably Russia) and they (Muslims & Romans) will split the war acquisitions.  Then, the Romans with the Muslims will invade Persia (Iran).” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

    2.  Just stop with that bullsh*t,ok? This is why the Arabs never get anywhere and the world doesn’t trust you and your people, Stupid statements like that.Russia has 120,000 on the streets of Moscow against Putin in sub zero temps..If your as stupid as not to see the truth, dont add wood to the fire.

      1. wargame1 Avatar

        The Muslims rely on Allah. This is the struggle for the Arabs to libarate the Zaziratul Arab and they will succeed. All Arab countries are run by dictators and they are one way or another depend on the foreign power. Thats why the Arab people are deprived from their right. The western power will take any side where there is benefit.After invading Afghanistan and get beaten USA is now willing to negotiate with the taliban. But the same USA had a pipeline dream and Afghan poppy so they supported the Afghan Mujaheddin but the Afghans burnt the poppy field and send a message to the Americans that the truce were not for dirty business and Mullah Omer had the guts to tell American where to stick their pipeline. Now USA is willing to support Syrian resistance but the question is why? USA is under Zionist control and if Assad fall and sunnis come to power then it will pose a immediate threat to Israel . The Jewish lobby in America will try everything possible to put USA out of Syrian affair. The world has been watching genocide for the last Ten months like that of Hama massacre simply because they do not want to see Assad fall. Assad will fall and the Americans will then invade Syria in order to protect Israel as long as they have those dual Nationality Israeli neocons.   

        Your comment “Just stop with that bullsh* ” is sound like you are full of shit. Let people comment and you post your comment. You are welcome to have a reply on my comment  but try to cut the shit . 

    3. MeYosemite Avatar

      The only likely point is a possible old secret treaty between Syria and Israel for the golan heights. The goosip that assad senior got paid for it thus a hypothetical israeli fear of being challenged for it in case there is a change in the government in Syria. I need the israeli folks on this community to comment on this possibility from their point of view.

      1. eblashko Avatar

        It’s 100% bull sh*t. Israel did not pay for the Golan with money. They paid for it with blood… blood of farmers and civilians of the Galilee who were continually shelled from the Heights when they were Syrian until 1967, blood of the soldiers who fought to win it in 1967, the ones who fought to defend it in 1973. 

        For example, my girlfriend’s father grew up on Kibbutz HaGoshrim very close to the Golan. When he was young, he was on a small boat on the sea of Galilee with a friend, and his friend was shot right in front of him from some Syrian animal on the Golan Heights. 

        But even so, many Israeli Prime ministers were willing to return the Golan for peace. Both Assads were never willing. They told the world they would, while at the same time demanding the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee (which is not Syrian), and continuing to aid Hezbollah and Iran and Hamas which call for my death.That’s the past though. Assad is going to die. That snake weasel is going to hang and the whole region is going to become a lot better of a place. 

        The Sunni leader of the new Syria, Ghalioun, has said in many interviews that he wants the Golan returned through negotiation, not through war. Netanyahu will be happy to do it to get the world off his back for his inability to make any compromise with the Palestinians, and to do it through Turkish mediation, so we can become friends with Turkey again as well.

        1. needless to say eli some arabs consume propaganda such as the sale of the golan  story  as if it was  sweetest honey on the planet, it takes very little effort to spread stories  and manufacture outrage to cause divisions  among arabs  contained without an alternative prospective or common ground , i guess  some still believe 911 was an inside job and maybe ahmadenajad is a jewish mosad agent,lol

        2. needless to say eli some arabs consume propaganda such as the sale of the golan  story  as if it was  sweetest honey on the planet, it takes very little effort to spread stories  and manufacture outrage to cause divisions  among arabs  contained without an alternative prospective or common ground , i guess  some still believe 911 was an inside job and maybe ahmadenajad is a jewish mosad agent,lol

        3. Hannibal Avatar

          Syrian animals shoot people? which species is that? lol

      2. 5thDrawer Avatar

        I’d say they weighed in rather well … along with those of us who are tired of religionists trying to run the show, and failing every time.

      3. 5thDrawer Avatar

        I’d say they weighed in rather well … along with those of us who are tired of religionists trying to run the show, and failing every time.

  2. wargame1 Avatar

    The Jewish lobby in USA is not interested to see a UN intervention in Syria as they would like to save their “king of Israel” Assad. SO as long as the ugly hag like Hilary and co. stays in power it will get along with the Russians but they will show concern over Syria in order to fool the world. 

    Well the Free Syrian Army do not need  a UN vote on Syria resolution to Attack Assad. The free Syrian Army will wreak havoc on Assad and Hzbushaitan gang while UN is busy with arranging the meeting.

  3.  Avatar

    The Jewish lobby in USA is not interested to see a UN intervention in Syria as they would like to save their “king of Israel” Assad. SO as long as the ugly hag like Hilary and co. stays in power it will get along with the Russians but they will show concern over Syria in order to fool the world. 

    Well the Free Syrian Army do not need  a UN vote on Syria resolution to Attack Assad. The free Syrian Army will wreak havoc on Assad and Hzbushaitan gang while UN is busy with arranging the meeting.

  4.  Avatar

    The Jewish lobby in USA is not interested to see a UN intervention in Syria as they would like to save their “king of Israel” Assad. SO as long as the ugly hag like Hilary and co. stays in power it will get along with the Russians but they will show concern over Syria in order to fool the world. 

    Well the Free Syrian Army do not need  a UN vote on Syria resolution to Attack Assad. The free Syrian Army will wreak havoc on Assad and Hzbushaitan gang while UN is busy with arranging the meeting.

    1. Why must it ALWAYS end with the Jews with you? Russia is not dominated by a Jewish lobby and yet you say NOTHING about Russia. China has never had any Jews and it is an atheist state YET AGAIN NO MENTION at all about China vetoing the resolutions but here you go with your Koran brain washed head bring up the Jews and the Israelis accusing them of compliance against Syria. Yet they are the archenemies of Bashar’s Syria and Iran and Hezbollah. Yes it is true the Israelis are concerned about a fundamentalist state ruling Syria as we Lebanese won’t allow anything Islamic to rule Lebanon. Either secular democracy rules the entire Middle East or we all perish together. There is no room for Islamists anywhere in this world. We will crush Religulous whether they are Shiite Ayatollahs or Sunni Muftis or Christian Patriarchs. Those people should take care of the souls and leave what is politics to a democratic society. That goes also for Israel. Another state claiming to be a democracy when half its citizens live in apartheid just because they are non-jews. kafa for God’s sake you all pretend to appease and worship. Yet you all worship a Satan.

      1.  Your almost there, knock off the Israel/apartheid cr8p,There isn’t a single Arab nation that gives its Arab population the rights n privileges Israel does.Thats what the Pals would have too, but now they will get nothing,after decades n decades of murder n terrorism.  and  your going to have a big issue you start killing Christians again too.Trillions of dollars in the ME and you guys cannot crawl out of the 1800’s, its too fun to kill each other….its disgusting.You all talk big n then sit on your hands n blame others with outlandish conspiracy dreams of conquest n victory.Time the Arabs at a whole learn to accept the consequences for their own actions and the repercussions from them.
        Maybe focus on the mass murder next door instead of the ghost in the south

        1. Another zionist lurking under the clothes of a sheep with a Star of David under the hood… Besides the fertile crescent is hardly Arab. It is a mix. DNA study proved it. 33% of European descent not unlike the Jewish State. Free Secular society will rule sooner or later. It is an evolution of mind. It is ONLY a matter of time for all religulous to find out that the books are just a myth and they have been worshiping for nada. I do agree with most of what you say but I have issues with a religious flag flying in any state. Israel has one. It should be renamed Palestine with all Jews Christians and Moslems living side by side under a different flag.

      2.  Avatar

        You’re totally right on all counts, except that in Israel, the apartheid isn’t Jews against the Arabs, but Religious people of all religions against the seculars like myself. You see, Muslim Arabs and Orthodox Jews, (in other words, those who cling to the ancient cults), are exempt from Army service, and largely don’t work, but receive tons of state benefits and welfare.

        This has nothing to do with racism, as Druze, who are Arab, (as well as former South Lebanon Army members and their families and other Maronites like the inhabitants of the village of Jish), serve in the army and are wonderfully functional members of society. Nobody should be exempt of 3 years of military or civilian national service. Every citizen should carry the burden of protecting their country. 

        Thankfully, I think the Israeli public is starting to wake up, remember that Zionism is a secular nationalist movement, and not a religious one, and the next government, although still horridly right wing, will most likely be far less religious. 

        As far your one state solution below, in an ideal world, you’re 100% right, in that genetically we Jews and you Levantine Arabs (not exactly Arabs, but whatever) are exactly the same. But the star of David is a national symbol, not a religious one. It’s a lot like your Cedar. 

        I agree that Israel is an inappropriate name. The state should be called Hebrea, as the Philistines were foreigers and Palestine was a name imposed by a foreign power (Rome) while the Hebrews were/are the true indigenous population. And Hebrew (~Canaanite/Phoenician), the true indigenous language, should be the national language, and not Arabic, which is also a foreign import. 

        This is all hypothetical of course. There could never be a binational state if the two nations that comprise it deny the nationhood of the other. To most Arabs, Jews are just Khazars ans Europeans (I guess they never read genetics articles) and to most Jews, all Arabs are all just Bedouin shepherds from Arabia. The only practical solution is a two state solution for the two peoples to practice the national culture that they each identify with – whether Hebrew or Arab. 

        1.  Avatar

          ” But there is a ban on any population which(JERUSALEM) We have destroyed: that they (The Jews)shall not return,Until the Gog and Magog are let through (their barrier), and they swiftly swarm from every hill.

          Then will the true promise draw nigh (of fulfilment): then behold! the eyes of the Unbelievers will fixedly stare in horror: “Ah! Woe to us! we were indeed heedless of this; nay, we truly did wrong!”
          Verily ye, (unbelievers), and the (false) gods that ye worship besides Allah, are (but) fuel for Hell! to it will ye (surely) come!”Quran 21:95-98

          Prophet Muhammad(peace be upon him) said that the first batch of GogMagog tribe will drink(consume) the water of the sea of Galilee and when the last of them pass by the lake will say “once there was water here” So when the Sea of Galilee dries up the Antichrist Dajjal will appear and after than Jesus(peace be upon him) will descend in Damascus. Now check out the water level of the sea of Galilee and you will find out that Israelis have been pumping the water excessively and making it dry. 

          The Bible clearly identifies the GogMagog trime and also fortold that they would invade Palestine.Most European Jews have no semetic blood at all and they do have a different set of DNA than the rest of mankind and that differentiate them fromm the original Jews. Allah said in the end of time there will be a worm attack on the GogMagog tribe and it will make their neck swollen and they all will be paralyzed and die at once. This bear the proof that if there is such attack then only a certain group of people will be affected as the worm attack is designed towards GogMagog tribe.So wait for that day to see who are fake jew and who are real. 

        2.  Avatar

          Wargame (below), who loves this game of war at least in words, has been Gog gling so much of ancient prophecies his brain must only be filled with trying to make them come true.
          The world has had many prophets … one might call them ‘visionaries’ … and the trouble for the rest of us has been in trying to decide which prophecy was the most relevant to our own place in history. And yet it seems many never come true in the largest sense, although some small parts do. Those who propagate a prophecy as a godly decision that must be fulfilled hold mankind back from the visions of a better future for the sake of all the species.
          For instance: If ‘men’ have decided it is a good thing to make as many children as a woman can bear (and in some places it seems she has been given little choice in the matter) then it is not such a great prophecy to declare they will use up all the water. At least, in any one location. It’s one reason tribes moved on when they had used up the resources available.
          When they gathered in larger numbers, the bugs (worms) got to them instead. (Black Death)
          Indeed, the bugs we can’t see may get us in the end – although they may not look like worms.
          It is a self-fullfilling prophecy when there is belief that it cannot be avoided.
           Yet there have been many visionaries who refused to believe mankind could not rise above the adverse ‘laws’ of life on this planet. We humans are coming to understanding more of those laws now. Would it not be better to align oneself with those prophets instead of always trying to make all the words of ancient ones come true??
          I will not deify a prophet, even if his ‘visions’ are good for study. ‘Mankind’ is still fallible. Especially when he twists thoughts to suit a simple political wish to control the rest of us. 
          If it has indeed been ‘written’ by God, then it will come to pass naturally. Why should I seek to have it happen now, every day in horrific ways invented by ‘man’; and to be the one to wield a sword of any form trying constantly to drive Armageddon into the psyche of my fellow man?
          I can see why the dinosaurs survived so long … they didn’t have our brains and lived in the natural ‘Godly’ way of the miracle of a planet with what we call ‘life’. Our own evolution will do us in if we keep listening too much to the ‘visionaries’ of enforced doom, and perhaps am sorry to say the book-worms have already entered your head, Wargame.

      3.  Avatar

        All European Jews are from Russia. In the 8th century the Khazar Kingdom in Russia converted to Judaism and they are the majority who invaded Palestine.The real jews are the minority living like a second class citizen in Israel. Putin and Medvedev both of them are Jews. Russia was the second country who recognize Israel after USA and Iran is the first country who recognize Israel in the middle east. China
        is an atheist state  which kills it Muslim population and Russia the communist are Godless and used to have a ban on Quran before the Afghan Mujaheden libarated those Muslim state in Russia. Muslims are concerned about the satanist and they are struggling to get rid of those secular satanist. Its their choice as they are the Majority in the Arab world. Israels is allied with Iran , Hezbullah and the Syrian regime. The allawites are infact Jews but they hide their identity. The Muslims will make the room for their freedom whether you like it or not inshallah. Muslims along with the jews and Christian lived in peace for many centuries and they will live again in peace after liquidate the satanist. 

      4.  Avatar

        All European Jews are from Russia. In the 8th century the Khazar Kingdom in Russia converted to Judaism and they are the majority who invaded Palestine.The real jews are the minority living like a second class citizen in Israel. Putin and Medvedev both of them are Jews. Russia was the second country who recognize Israel after USA and Iran is the first country who recognize Israel in the middle east. China
        is an atheist state  which kills it Muslim population and Russia the communist are Godless and used to have a ban on Quran before the Afghan Mujaheden libarated those Muslim state in Russia. Muslims are concerned about the satanist and they are struggling to get rid of those secular satanist. Its their choice as they are the Majority in the Arab world. Israels is allied with Iran , Hezbullah and the Syrian regime. The allawites are infact Jews but they hide their identity. The Muslims will make the room for their freedom whether you like it or not inshallah. Muslims along with the jews and Christian lived in peace for many centuries and they will live again in peace after liquidate the satanist. 

        1. Now I am certain you are delusional… You won’t rest until you turn the whole world into a moslem world… Here is a bit of news for you: Dream on. Soon you Sunnis will attack the Shiites and I will be watching it on the news eating popcorn and laughing at your stupid towel head culture. The world was a better world before you came up out of your rotten peninsula. 

        2.  Avatar

          Khazar theory has been disproven genetically. Eastern European Jews are actually much closer to Levantine, Mesopotamian, and Mediterranean populations than they are to Eastern Europeans. Check any genetic study. 

          If you’re looking for the descendants of the Khazars, you can check out the Krymchaks and the Crimean Karaites… both of which a Turkic people who speak a Turkic language who practice the Jewish religion and actually believe themselves to be descended from the Khazars, who were a Turkic people who spoke a Turkic language. (Jews are a Semitic people and speak a Semitic language). 

        3.  Avatar

          Khazar theory has been disproven genetically. Eastern European Jews are actually much closer to Levantine, Mesopotamian, and Mediterranean populations than they are to Eastern Europeans. Check any genetic study. 

          If you’re looking for the descendants of the Khazars, you can check out the Krymchaks and the Crimean Karaites… both of which a Turkic people who speak a Turkic language who practice the Jewish religion and actually believe themselves to be descended from the Khazars, who were a Turkic people who spoke a Turkic language. (Jews are a Semitic people and speak a Semitic language). 

      5.  Avatar

        Jaber bin Samra based on Nafi bin Otba reports that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: ” …You will marsh against (or attack) the Arabian Peninsulaand Allah will open (conquer) it, then Persia and Allah will open (conquer) it. Then, you will marsh against (attack) the Romans’ land and Allahwill open  (or conquer) it. Then, you will marsh against (attack) the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) (or Dajjal’s land), and Allah will open  (conquer) it.” Then, Nafi said (to Jaber): “O’ Jaber, we will not see the Dajjal emerge until the Romans’ land has been conquered (by Allah for the Muslims).”(Sahih Muslim and Ibn Majah)

        The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: “Even if but a single day remains in this world, Allah will certainly prolong that day so that one from my family [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] can take possession of Mount (or the land of) Daylam (in Iran) and the city of Constantinople (Istanbul).” (Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, p. 74 and Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Portents of the End Times, p. 440) 

        Yunus bin Saif Al-Khulani said: ” You will reconcile with the Romans through a reconciliation treaty. Then, together, you will invade the (lands of the) Turks (possibly Russia) and Kerman (a region currently in Iran) and Allah will  conquer them for you…”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan) 

        Abdullah bin Masud said that the Prophet said صلى الله عليه وسلم  : ” Between the Muslims and the Romans, there will be a Hudna (truce) and reconciliation treaty to the extent that they will fight together against their  enemy (probably Russia) and they (Muslims & Romans) will split the war acquisitions.  Then, the Romans with the Muslims will invade Persia (Iran).” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

      6.  Avatar

        Jaber bin Samra based on Nafi bin Otba reports that the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said: ” …You will marsh against (or attack) the Arabian Peninsulaand Allah will open (conquer) it, then Persia and Allah will open (conquer) it. Then, you will marsh against (attack) the Romans’ land and Allahwill open  (or conquer) it. Then, you will marsh against (attack) the Dajjal (Anti-Christ) (or Dajjal’s land), and Allah will open  (conquer) it.” Then, Nafi said (to Jaber): “O’ Jaber, we will not see the Dajjal emerge until the Romans’ land has been conquered (by Allah for the Muslims).”(Sahih Muslim and Ibn Majah)

        The Messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم  said: “Even if but a single day remains in this world, Allah will certainly prolong that day so that one from my family [Hazrat Mahdi (as)] can take possession of Mount (or the land of) Daylam (in Iran) and the city of Constantinople (Istanbul).” (Al-Burhan fi Alamat al-Mahdi Akhir al-Zaman, p. 74 and Death-Doomsday-The Hereafter and the Portents of the End Times, p. 440) 

        Yunus bin Saif Al-Khulani said: ” You will reconcile with the Romans through a reconciliation treaty. Then, together, you will invade the (lands of the) Turks (possibly Russia) and Kerman (a region currently in Iran) and Allah will  conquer them for you…”  (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan) 

        Abdullah bin Masud said that the Prophet said صلى الله عليه وسلم  : ” Between the Muslims and the Romans, there will be a Hudna (truce) and reconciliation treaty to the extent that they will fight together against their  enemy (probably Russia) and they (Muslims & Romans) will split the war acquisitions.  Then, the Romans with the Muslims will invade Persia (Iran).” (Nuaim ibn Hammad’s Kitab al-Fitan)

    2.  Just stop with that bullsh*t,ok? This is why the Arabs never get anywhere and the world doesn’t trust you and your people, Stupid statements like that.Russia has 120,000 on the streets of Moscow against Putin in sub zero temps..If your as stupid as not to see the truth, dont add wood to the fire.

      1.  Avatar

        The Muslims rely on Allah. This is the struggle for the Arabs to libarate the Zaziratul Arab and they will succeed. All Arab countries are run by dictators and they are one way or another depend on the foreign power. Thats why the Arab people are deprived from their right. The western power will take any side where there is benefit.After invading Afghanistan and get beaten USA is now willing to negotiate with the taliban. But the same USA had a pipeline dream and Afghan poppy so they supported the Afghan Mujaheddin but the Afghans burnt the poppy field and send a message to the Americans that the truce were not for dirty business and Mullah Omer had the guts to tell American where to stick their pipeline. Now USA is willing to support Syrian resistance but the question is why? USA is under Zionist control and if Assad fall and sunnis come to power then it will pose a immediate threat to Israel . The Jewish lobby in America will try everything possible to put USA out of Syrian affair. The world has been watching genocide for the last Ten months like that of Hama massacre simply because they do not want to see Assad fall. Assad will fall and the Americans will then invade Syria in order to protect Israel as long as they have those dual Nationality Israeli neocons.   

        Your comment “Just stop with that bullsh* ” is sound like you are full of shit. Let people comment and you post your comment. You are welcome to have a reply on my comment  but try to cut the shit . 

        1. jahn jahn Avatar

          The white power will take no side there is no benefit. But you arabs like nato, then die. its ok.

      2. jahn jahn Avatar

        why do you think the world will trust arabs. the truth. its over.

        1. jahn jahn Avatar

          forever and in the heaven too

        2. jahn jahn Avatar

          forever and in the heaven too

      3. jahn jahn Avatar

        why do you think the world will trust arabs. the truth. its over.

    3.  Avatar

      The only likely point is a possible old secret treaty between Syria and Israel for the golan heights. The goosip that assad senior got paid for it thus a hypothetical israeli fear of being challenged for it in case there is a change in the government in Syria. I need the israeli folks on this community to comment on this possibility from their point of view.

      1.  Avatar

        It’s 100% bull sh*t. Israel did not pay for the Golan with money. They paid for it with blood… blood of farmers and civilians of the Galilee who were continually shelled from the Heights when they were Syrian until 1967, blood of the soldiers who fought to win it in 1967, the ones who fought to defend it in 1973. 

        For example, my girlfriend’s father grew up on Kibbutz HaGoshrim very close to the Golan. When he was young, he was on a small boat on the sea of Galilee with a friend, and his friend was shot right in front of him from some Syrian animal on the Golan Heights. 

        But even so, many Israeli Prime ministers were willing to return the Golan for peace. Both Assads were never willing. They told the world they would, while at the same time demanding the eastern shore of the Sea of Galilee (which is not Syrian), and continuing to aid Hezbollah and Iran and Hamas which call for my death.That’s the past though. Assad is going to die. That snake weasel is going to hang and the whole region is going to become a lot better of a place. 

        The Sunni leader of the new Syria, Ghalioun, has said in many interviews that he wants the Golan returned through negotiation, not through war. Netanyahu will be happy to do it to get the world off his back for his inability to make any compromise with the Palestinians, and to do it through Turkish mediation, so we can become friends with Turkey again as well.

        1. needless to say eli some arabs consume propaganda such as the sale of the golan  story  as if it was  sweetest honey on the planet, it takes very little effort to spread stories  and manufacture outrage to cause divisions  among arabs  contained without an alternative prospective or common ground , i guess  some still believe 911 was an inside job and maybe ahmadenajad is a jewish mosad agent,lol

        2. Syrian animals shoot people? which species is that? lol

      2.  Avatar

        I’d say they weighed in rather well … along with those of us who are tired of religionists trying to run the show, and failing every time.

  5.  Avatar

    The Jewish lobby in USA is not interested to see a UN intervention in Syria as they would like to save their “king of Israel” Assad. SO as long as the ugly hag like Hilary and co. stays in power it will get along with the Russians but they will show concern over Syria in order to fool the world. 

    Well the Free Syrian Army do not need  a UN vote on Syria resolution to Attack Assad. The free Syrian Army will wreak havoc on Assad and Hzbushaitan gang while UN is busy with arranging the meeting.

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