Obama calls for end of Syrian regime


President Barack Obama on Tuesday condemned as “unacceptable” Syria’s continuing crackdown on protesters and repeated his call for President Bashar al-Assad’s government to leave power.

“We’re continuing to see unacceptable levels of violence inside that country, and so we will continue to consult very closely with Jordan to create the kind of international pressure and environment that encourages the current Syrian regime to step aside,” Obama said after White House talks with Jordan’s King Abdullah.




24 responses to “Obama calls for end of Syrian regime”

  1. antar2011 Avatar

    stop with the lip service…if you can’t do anything about it then be quiet!

  2.  Avatar

    stop with the lip service…if you can’t do anything about it then be quiet!

    1.  Avatar

      No-one would be happy with what they could do, if they were like Iran or Syria, so they won’t. The only thing everyone in the M.E. likes about the ‘big guy’ is their money ….

      1.  Avatar

        i assume you mean in “big guy” here is the US?

        if so i think it is the other way around mate.

  3. Its a loose-loose situation for the US…they hate you for not doing anything, but then again they will hate you if you do something…so where does that leave the US? stand aside and watch the massacres, or step in and be accused of ‘interfering’ and having alter motives…the middle east and all its backwards religions and barabric ways is truely a shit show…

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      if the obama administration is serious i doig anything in syria they would have stopped at nothing…lybian example is not too far back. but they don’t.
      if you remember fadi, the syrian pple are loudly asking for foreign intervention, how could you say they won’t be happy if the NATO intervened? your comment is unjust.

      even if, i do not think that the US admin is overly concerned about how the arab pple think of its application in ME.

      as for your last point there, the pple in the ME wanting to go forward, to be free and not have barbaric pple speaking in their names….the least we can do is not label them and support them in their quest…and no at the momet the international community is not supporting them…..unless they have oil.

      1. well we can agree to disagree…we’re both entitled to our opinions, but if I remember correctly the US was labeled as having alter motives in Lybia…and as you just mentioned again they are not in Syria because there is no oil there…kinda makes my point.

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          you have another thing coming if you think anyone believes that USA cares about human rights….
          to be fair, not only USA but any world power they care zich for human rights unless it falls in their interests…

          but…i am not syrian….nor am i takig part in the syrian uprising…these pple have no probs if the USA stepped in…because they asked for it.

          yes okay, we agree to disagree.

      2. well im not too sure about me having another thing coming but I do believe the west including the US does care about human rights…If we were to judge a nation by how it treats its own population than the west including the US would rank high would you not agree? Also when you say the USA does not care about human rights, I assume you mean the elected govt…there are lots of people in the US who donate millions of dollars towards helping people all around the world whether its food or medication or whatever (as does the govt)…but of course the US govt will not jeopardize its own populations security in defense of human rights else where, if all countries treated their populations with respect and dignity the US would not have to be out policing the world…like I said, its a loose loose for the US…

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          as i said fadi, US and the world power in general do care about Human rights….but they do so selectively which makes them hypocrites and so false.

          yes by USA i do mean the administration…i do not mean its pple and of course as with any other pple, the americans in general are generous, fair and care about humanity.

          i disagree with you in one thing and that is since USA admin is a world power there is nothing to jeoperdise its own security if it is stood with human rights…i do not see anyone close to its borders that would jeoperdise its security…

          you cannot have both things…you are either with human rights or you are without…you cannot be selective..if you do that means you are a hypocrite…of course i do not mean you opersonally i meant to anyone who holds this position…some pple have no worries being hypocrite but i have big big concern about hypocrites.

    2. antar2011 Avatar

      if the obama administration is serious i doig anything in syria they would have stopped at nothing…lybian example is not too far back. but they don’t.
      if you remember fadi, the syrian pple are loudly asking for foreign intervention, how could you say they won’t be happy if the NATO intervened? your comment is unjust.

      even if, i do not think that the US admin is overly concerned about how the arab pple think of its application in ME.

      as for your last point there, the pple in the ME wanting to go forward, to be free and not have barbaric pple speaking in their names….the least we can do is not label them and support them in their quest…and no at the momet the international community is not supporting them…..unless they have oil.

      1. well im not too sure about me having another thing coming but I do believe the west including the US does care about human rights…If we were to judge a nation by how it treats its own population than the west including the US would rank high would you not agree? Also when you say the USA does not care about human rights, I assume you mean the elected govt…there are lots of people in the US who donate millions of dollars towards helping people all around the world whether its food or medication or whatever (as does the govt)…but of course the US govt will not jeopardize its own populations security in defense of human rights else where, if all countries treated their populations with respect and dignity the US would not have to be out policing the world…like I said, its a loose loose for the US…

  4.  Avatar

    Its a loose-loose situation for the US…they hate you for not doing anything, but then again they will hate you if you do something…so where does that leave the US? stand aside and watch the massacres, or step in and be accused of ‘interfering’ and having alter motives…the middle east and all its backwards religions and barabric ways is truely a shit show…

    1.  Avatar

      if the obama administration is serious i doig anything in syria they would have stopped at nothing…lybian example is not too far back. but they don’t.
      if you remember fadi, the syrian pple are loudly asking for foreign intervention, how could you say they won’t be happy if the NATO intervened? your comment is unjust.

      even if, i do not think that the US admin is overly concerned about how the arab pple think of its application in ME.

      1.  Avatar

        well we can agree to disagree…we’re both entitled to our opinions, but if I remember correctly the US was labeled for having alter motives in Lybia…and as you just mentioned again they are not in Syria because there is no oil there…kinda makes my point.

        1.  Avatar

          you have another thing coming if you think anyone believes that USA cares about human rights….
          to be fair, not only USA but any world power they care zich for human rights unless it falls in their interests…

          but…i am not syrian….nor am i takig part in the syrian uprising…these pple have no probs if the USA stepped in…because they asked for it.

          yes okay, we agree to disagree.

        2.  Avatar

          you have another thing coming if you think anyone believes that USA cares about human rights….
          to be fair, not only USA but any world power they care zich for human rights unless it falls in their interests…

          but…i am not syrian….nor am i takig part in the syrian uprising…these pple have no probs if the USA stepped in…because they asked for it.

          yes okay, we agree to disagree.

        3.  Avatar

          you have another thing coming if you think anyone believes that USA cares about human rights….
          to be fair, not only USA but any world power they care zich for human rights unless it falls in their interests…

          but…i am not syrian….nor am i takig part in the syrian uprising…these pple have no probs if the USA stepped in…because they asked for it.

          yes okay, we agree to disagree.

      2.  Avatar

        well im not too sure about me having another thing coming but I do believe the west including the US does care about human rights…If we were to judge a nation by how it treats its own population than the west including the US would rank high would you not agree? Also when you say the USA does not care about human rights, I assume you mean the elected govt…there are lots of people in the US who donate millions of dollars towards helping people all around the world whether its food or medication or whatever (as does the govt)…but of course the US govt will not jeopardize its own populations security in defense of human rights else where, if all countries treated their populations with respect and dignity the US would not have to be out policing the world…like I said, its a loose loose for the US…

        1.  Avatar

          as i said fadi, US and the world power in general do care about Human rights….but they do so selectively which makes them hypocrites and so false.

          yes by USA i do mean the administration…i do not mean its pple and of course as with any other pple, the americans in general are generous, fair and care about humanity.

          i disagree with you in one thing and that is since USA admin is a world power there is nothing to jeoperdise its own security if it is stood with human rights…i do not see anyone close to its borders that would jeoperdise its security…

          you cannot have both things…you are either with human rights or you are without…you cannot be selective..if you do that means you are a hypocrite…of course i do not mean you opersonally i meant to anyone who holds this position…some pple have no worries being hypocrite but i have big big concern about hypocrites.

  5.  Avatar

    Its a loose-loose situation for the US…they hate you for not doing anything, but then again they will hate you if you do something…so where does that leave the US? stand aside and watch the massacres, or step in and be accused of ‘interfering’ and having alter motives…the middle east and all its backwards religions and barabric ways is truely a shit show…

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