Hamas assaults Shi’ite worshippers in Gaza , report


Masked Hamas police beat and detained members of the Gaza Strip’s tiny Shiite community during a religious commemoration last week, a follower and local rights groups said Tuesday, accusing their Islamist rulers of religious intolerance.

It was the first claim of harassment by a group of Shiite worshippers against the territory’s mainstream rulers, who are Sunni Muslims. Hamas officials, who have close ties with Shiite Iran, denied the allegations.

A man who described himself as a Shiite said police burst into a house where followers were marking Arbaeen, commemorating the end of 40 days of mourning following the anniversary of the death of Imam Hussein, the grandson of the Prophet Muhammad. The man said about 15 worshippers were beaten and detained.

He declined to be identified, fearing further harassment. But some of the men filed complaints to the Gaza-based Palestinian Center for Human Rights and the rights group Mezan, which both sharply condemned Hamas over the attack.

Mezan said in a statement that during Saturday evening’s incident in the town of Beit Lahia, police smashed up the apartment, broke the bones of seven of the men, detained some of them at a police station and beat them again before sending them to a military hospital for treatment.

“The attack is a violation of the freedom … to practice one’s faith,” said Mezan official Samir Zakout.

Interior Ministry spokesman Ihab Ghussein said Tuesday that police stormed the apartment of a group of “outlaws” who were planning “criminal acts.” He said he was unaware of the presence of any Shiites in Gaza. He said his offices would look into right groups’ allegations that the men were beaten.

There are no official statistics on the number of Gaza’s Shiites. They are believed to number several dozen — a minuscule minority among a population of 1.6 million people who are overwhelmingly Sunni Muslim, including the territory’s Islamist militant Hamas rulers.

In many parts of the Middle East, Shiites and Sunnis have had strained relations due to deep theological differences that date back centuries. These differences have boiled over into violence over the years in places like Iraq and Pakistan.

Despite such strains, the attack in Gaza seemed surprising, given Hamas’ traditionally warm ties with Iran. The fundamentalist Shiite government in Iran has given hundreds of millions of dollars, as well as military training and other backing, to Hamas.

In a separate incident, Mezan said Tuesday that a prominent rights activist who has criticized Palestinian leaders and militants was stabbed and slightly wounded by unknown assailants.

The attack on Mahmoud Abu Rahma last Friday came after he published an essay that criticized Palestinian leaders and militant groups for threatening, silencing and even harming critics.

“It is safe to assume that neither the government nor the resistance is willing to step in to protect people who dare to criticize them,” he wrote.

Zakout said soon after the essay was published, Abu Rahma received threats by e-mail and text message. Hamas police condemned the attack and said they were searching for the assailants.




74 responses to “Hamas assaults Shi’ite worshippers in Gaza , report”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    The more things change, the more they remain the same.

    1. Hannibal Avatar

      The one thing that never changed is the truth. While people were fighting for country others were fighting for religion. The sad part is that religion preaches tolerance which in itself a big lie. If religion is not built on intolerance why then preach for tolerance? Bunch of retarded idiots. There is only one religion that has no hate in it’s midst: Buddhism. All the other religions are not from a God but the work of a devil.

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Yes … One reason the Communist Chinese hate the Dali Lama … besides the land-grab of Tibet.
        The philosophy doesn’t fit with war-lords or big-business.

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          he is not really follower of Budha The mahayana is to far away from the original 3 baskets to pretend to be real budhisme ,but yeah He is a great man and the teaching there is great too

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          he is not really follower of Budha The mahayana is to far away from the original 3 baskets to pretend to be real budhisme ,but yeah He is a great man and the teaching there is great too

      2. leobetapar Avatar

        As usual blablabla when have u see shiite acting like they shit sunny sons of sheytanes.About Boudhisme have you read Sattipathana before to pretend it’s a religion

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          As usual you spit out garbage — A mirror to a poorly-educated slums-raised pretender. If you cannot express yourself in English why bother? The majority of us understand French, Arabic, Levant dialect of Arabic etc… So please write in your mother tongue even if it is Farsi. 😛

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            any one who is not thinking like u is a poorly educated slums raised (i remenber a liar called Musavi who used to say that) but no answer about u using the saint Budha without knowing really what u talk about .The same old story about impersonator who think they are great .PS si vous arrivez a aligner deux phrases dans un francais correct peut etre que je me laisserais aller a utiliser la langue de Voltaire

        2. Hannibal Avatar

          As usual you spit out garbage — A mirror to a poorly-educated slums-raised pretender. If you cannot express yourself in English why bother? The majority of us understand French, Arabic, Levant dialect of Arabic etc… So please write in your mother tongue even if it is Farsi. 😛

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            any one who is not thinking like u is a poorly educated slums raised (i remenber a liar called Musavi who used to say that) but no answer about u using the saint Budha without knowing really what u talk about .The same old story about impersonator who think they are great .PS si vous arrivez a aligner deux phrases dans un francais correct peut etre que je me laisserais aller a utiliser la langue de Voltaire

        3. Hannibal Avatar

          What is this? A pissing contest? A tit for tat? I am really busy and do not have time to entertain you. Tu parles donc français mon ami… Ce n’est pas une compétition sur ce que je connais ou pas à propos de Budha. Le fait est que les Budhistes n’essaient pas de convertir les gens comme le font les musulmans, les chrétiens ou les juifs. Ces derniers ont du sang sur les mains … Ce qui n’a jamais été le cas des Budhistes. Trouves-tu acceptable de te moquer avec condescendance de l’opinion des autres en disant blablabla…? Agis donc  selon ce que tu prêches.
          خدا حافظ

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            les buddhiste n’ont pas de sang sur les mains tu connais l’histoire du buddhisme mon gars?Ou as tu entendus un shiite essayant de convertir autrui?ce n’est pas un contest mais quand on ne sait pas on demande plutot que de dire des pardon “idiotie”

          2. leobetapar Avatar

            Hannibal honnetement entre nous tu n’as jamais entendu parler de Ashoka n’est ce pas?

        4. Hannibal Avatar

          What is this? A pissing contest? A tit for tat? I am really busy and do not have time to entertain you. Tu parles donc français mon ami… Ce n’est pas une compétition sur ce que je connais ou pas à propos de Budha. Le fait est que les Budhistes n’essaient pas de convertir les gens comme le font les musulmans, les chrétiens ou les juifs. Ces derniers ont du sang sur les mains … Ce qui n’a jamais été le cas des Budhistes. Trouves-tu acceptable de te moquer avec condescendance de l’opinion des autres en disant blablabla…? Agis donc  selon ce que tu prêches.
          خدا حافظ

        5. dabshaleem Avatar

          yahoo Leo shite pis sunni gango finte dang ho

        6. dabshaleem Avatar

          yahoo Leo shite pis sunni gango finte dang ho

        7. Hannibal Avatar

          Ashoka embraced Buddhism AFTER the war after seeing the suffering the war did to people. NO buddhism is not spread by violence. Regardless, Buddhism today is still more peaceful than other religions and Islam is the worst when it comes to violence. All the flash points in the world have an Islamic tempo to them. Right? Chechnya, the Balkans, Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iran, and damn you guys are even taking your stupid terror to Thailand or don’t you read the news? 

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            you so right how the Tamils must love Budhism Dabshaleem is right you must shut up cause you are just a liar

          2. leobetapar Avatar

            all those guys are sons of shaytan, i means sunnis turn in preachers of ould tayya book

      3. dabshaleem Avatar

        dup craep duf pang faw 

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          How about STFU?

      4. dabshaleem Avatar

        dup craep duf pang faw 

      5. leobetapar Avatar

        the only devil is the one who speak without informations, again you don’t know buddhisme How it’s spread in India, so please shut up you are ridiculous

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          I won’t shut up… I live in a free country so if I want to piss on your friggin head I will do so. If you do not like it go live with your regime in Syria and enjoy the shaft up your shiite a55.

        2. dabshaleem Avatar

          i agreo hanibal shal shut up

    2. leobetapar Avatar

      no Sunny all over the world are the same shit

      1. $21082311 Avatar

        Cut the crap will you? That’s coupez la merde a la langue de Voltaire! Oh God now I am using your language of no language at all………What was the subject again?

        1. dabshaleem Avatar

          yu thinked smaetr dunng 

      2. $21082311 Avatar

        Cut the crap will you? That’s coupez la merde a la langue de Voltaire! Oh God now I am using your language of no language at all………What was the subject again?

      3. dabshaleem Avatar

        ye leo Sunny ar clowdy all over

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          all over the helll yes yes i see them

      4. dabshaleem Avatar

        ye leo Sunny ar clowdy all over

  2. 5thDrawer Avatar

    The more things change, the more they remain the same.

  3.  Avatar

    The more things change, the more they remain the same.

    1. The one thing that never changed is the truth. While people were fighting for country others were fighting for religion. The sad part is that religion preaches tolerance which in itself a big lie. If religion is not built on intolerance why then preach for tolerance? Bunch of retarded idiots. There is only one religion that has no hate in it’s midst: Buddhism. All the other religions are not from a God but the work of a devil.

      1.  Avatar

        Yes … One reason the Communist Chinese hate the Dali Lama … besides the land-grab of Tibet.
        The philosophy doesn’t fit with war-lords or big-business.

      2.  Avatar

        Yes … One reason the Communist Chinese hate the Dali Lama … besides the land-grab of Tibet.
        The philosophy doesn’t fit with war-lords or big-business.

        1.  Avatar

          he is not really follower of Budha The mahayana is to far away from the original 3 baskets to pretend to be real budhisme ,but yeah He is a great man and the teaching there is great too

      3.  Avatar

        Yes … One reason the Communist Chinese hate the Dali Lama … besides the land-grab of Tibet.
        The philosophy doesn’t fit with war-lords or big-business.

      4.  Avatar

        As usual blablabla when have u see shiite acting like they shit sunny sons of sheytanes.About Boudhisme have you read Sattipathana before to pretend it’s a religion

        1. As usual you spit out garbage — A mirror to a poorly-educated slums-raised pretender. If you cannot express yourself in English why bother? The majority of us understand French, Arabic, Levant dialect of Arabic etc… So please write in your mother tongue even if it is Farsi. 😛

          1.  Avatar

            any one who is not thinking like u is a poorly educated slums raised (i remenber a liar called Musavi who used to say that) but no answer about u using the saint Budha without knowing really what u talk about .The same old story about impersonator who think they are great .PS si vous arrivez a aligner deux phrases dans un francais correct peut etre que je me laisserais aller a utiliser la langue de Voltaire

        2. What is this? A pissing contest? A tit for tat? I am really busy and do not have time to entertain you. Tu parles donc français mon ami… Ce n’est pas une compétition sur ce que je connais ou pas à propos de Budha. Le fait est que les Budhistes n’essaient pas de convertir les gens comme le font les musulmans, les chrétiens ou les juifs. Ces derniers ont du sang sur les mains … Ce qui n’a jamais été le cas des Budhistes. Trouves-tu acceptable de te moquer avec condescendance de l’opinion des autres en disant blablabla…? Agis donc  selon ce que tu prêches.
          خدا حافظ

          1.  Avatar

            les buddhiste n’ont pas de sang sur les mains tu connais l’histoire du buddhisme mon gars?Ou as tu entendus un shiite essayant de convertir autrui?ce n’est pas un contest mais quand on ne sait pas on demande plutot que de dire des pardon “idiotie”

          2.  Avatar

            Hannibal honnetement entre nous tu n’as jamais entendu parler de Ashoka n’est ce pas?

        3.  Avatar

          yahoo Leo shite pis sunni gango finte dang ho

        4. Ashoka embraced Buddhism AFTER the war after seeing the suffering the war did to people. NO buddhism is not spread by violence. Regardless, Buddhism today is still more peaceful than other religions and Islam is the worst when it comes to violence. All the flash points in the world have an Islamic tempo to them. Right? Chechnya, the Balkans, Kashmir, Palestine, Afghanistan, Iran, and damn you guys are even taking your stupid terror to Thailand or don’t you read the news? 

          1.  Avatar

            you so right how the Tamils must love Budhism Dabshaleem is right you must shut up cause you are just a liar

          2.  Avatar

            all those guys are sons of shaytan, i means sunnis turn in preachers of ould tayya book

      5.  Avatar

        dup craep duf pang faw 

      6.  Avatar

        the only devil is the one who speak without informations, again you don’t know buddhisme How it’s spread in India, so please shut up you are ridiculous

        1. I won’t shut up… I live in a free country so if I want to piss on your friggin head I will do so. If you do not like it go live with your regime in Syria and enjoy the shaft up your shiite a55.

        2.  Avatar

          i agreo hanibal shal shut up

    2. The one thing that never changed is the truth. While people were fighting for country others were fighting for religion. The sad part is that religion preaches tolerance which in itself a big lie. If religion is not built on intolerance why then preach for tolerance? Bunch of retarded idiots. There is only one religion that has no hate in it’s midst: Buddhism. All the other religions are not from a God but the work of a devil.

    3.  Avatar

      no Sunny all over the world are the same shit

      1.  Avatar

        Cut the crap will you? That’s coupez la merde a la langue de Voltaire! Oh God now I am using your language of no language at all………What was the subject again?

        1.  Avatar

          yu thinked smaetr dunng 

        2.  Avatar

          yu thinked smaetr dunng 

      2.  Avatar

        ye leo Sunny ar clowdy all over

        1.  Avatar

          all over the helll yes yes i see them

  4. prophettt Avatar

    Leo and dab are contagious.lol
    The more you talk to them, the more you will sound like them.lol

    1. dabshaleem Avatar

      yu comed to sppreak for freiand mr we trwe lebanese resistanse aboave ally.

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        in waiting time to go back to your original status i mean SYRIAN

  5.  Avatar

    Leo and dab are contagious.lol
    The more you talk to them, the more you will sound like them.lol

    1.  Avatar

      yu comed to sppreak for freiand mr we trwe lebanese resistanse aboave ally.

      1.  Avatar

        in waiting time to go back to your original status i mean SYRIAN

  6. Haha Palestinians killing eachother and then blaming the world, classic!

  7.  Avatar

    Haha Palestinians killing eachother and then blaming the world, classic!

  8. Fauzia45 Avatar

    Nothing is more dangerous in the world than religious intolerance!!

  9.  Avatar

    Nothing is more dangerous in the world than religious intolerance!!

  10.  Avatar

    Nothing is more dangerous in the world than religious intolerance!!

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