March 14: US Zionist lobby is Assad’s biggest supporter


March 14 MP Ahmad Fatfat told New TV on Saturday that, “The largest support which Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is receiving from the heart of US is coming from the Zionist lobby, which is trying to prevent the Syrian regime from collapsing.”

“These are not conclusions, but information obtained from the heart of the US,” Fatfat said.



30 responses to “March 14: US Zionist lobby is Assad’s biggest supporter”

  1. This man is a genious! He couldnt be any more far off from the truth! Since 1967 this filthy Assad family hasnt fired one bullet on the Golan Heights. Very dirty the USA is they are not doing anything to help the Syrian people.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I think, Beiruti, you have to admit they are talking as much as anyone about it.

    2. 5thDrawer Avatar

      I think, Beiruti, you have to admit they are talking as much as anyone about it.

    3. They have said repeatedly they dont want our help, only Arab and/or Muslim, so  all we can do is talk, hope and pray for the people, and hope they hold on and dont give up. It stays in the prime time news here, and all the papers, you are not forgotten. A good chunk of the people over ere are for taking action without authorization. If they push the UN cause the AL isn’t doing squat, I think there will be some assistance in the spring.(I hope) Were coming for Iran too, so hoping Turkey and the Saudi’s can take care of getting rid of the dentist.

  2.  Avatar

    This man is a genious! He couldnt be any more far off from the truth! Since 1967 this filthy Assad family hasnt fired one bullet on the Golan Heights. Very dirty the USA is they are not doing anything to help the Syrian people.

    1.  Avatar

      I think, Beiruti, you have to admit they are talking as much as anyone about it.

    2. They have said repeatedly they dont want our help, only Arab and/or Muslim, so  all we can do is talk, hope and pray for the people, and hope they hold on and dont give up. It stays in the prime time news here, and all the papers, you are not forgotten. A good chunk of the people over ere are for taking action without authorization. If they push the UN cause the AL isn’t doing squat, I think there will be some assistance in the spring.(I hope) Were coming for Iran too, so hoping Turkey and the Saudi’s can take care of getting rid of the dentist.

  3. Unfortunately, this is politics!It is interests and has nothing to do with morals!!!

  4. Unfortunately, this is politics!It is interests and has nothing to do with morals!!!

  5.  Avatar

    Unfortunately, this is politics!It is interests and has nothing to do with morals!!!

  6. This is the opposite of true. Ghalioun has said that after Assad falls, he would end the relationship with Iran and Hezbollah and begin peaceful negotiations for the return of the Golan. Israeli Defense Minister Barak and Foreign Minister Lieberman have come out outright supporting the protesters. 

    It’s sad that Arabs will stoop to the level of attaching “Zionism” to anything just to delegitimize it. Especially disappointing coming from March 14th. 

    From here in Israel, I wish for the day Assad goes down, the Golan is returned for true peace with Syria, and Hezbollah is left starved from it’s biggest benefactor. I think Fatfat should get his glasses checked. 

    1. Beiruti Avatar

      You know well the Golan Heights will never be returned, never! Dont even say that lol. You may have relations in the future but Israel will never give back the Golan, it is one of their most important strategic points.

      1. eblashko Avatar

        You could have said the same thing about Sinai 30 years ago. But true peace (not just no war, but actually true peace) is more strategic than any land. That’s why giving away Gaza and South Lebanon were such disasters… we gave land for nothing to militias that want us dead. The new Syria will be different. Like Sadat and Mubarak’s Egypt, it will be pro Western (anti-Russia/China/Iran/Hezbollah). And I’m sure that it’s Patron, Turkey, will really want that photo op – Netanyahu and Ghalioun shaking hands with Erdogan standing in the middle holding their hand shake. And even though the Islamists are doing so well in Egypt right now, even most Salafists have said that they’re not going to cancel the peace treaty with Israel. True peace is more strategic than land, Beiruti. The only reason it hasn’t happened yet is that most Israelis aren’t convinced that that’s what the Arabs want.

  7. This is the opposite of true. Ghalioun has said that after Assad falls, he would end the relationship with Iran and Hezbollah and begin peaceful negotiations for the return of the Golan. Israeli Defense Minister Barak and Foreign Minister Lieberman have come out outright supporting the protesters. 

    It’s sad that Arabs will stoop to the level of attaching “Zionism” to anything just to delegitimize it. Especially disappointing coming from March 14th. 

    From here in Israel, I wish for the day Assad goes down, the Golan is returned for true peace with Syria, and Hezbollah is left starved from it’s biggest benefactor. I think Fatfat should get his glasses checked. 

    1. Beiruti Avatar

      You know well the Golan Heights will never be returned, never! Dont even say that lol. You may have relations in the future but Israel will never give back the Golan, it is one of their most important strategic points.

  8.  Avatar

    This is the opposite of true. Ghalioun has said that after Assad falls, he would end the relationship with Iran and Hezbollah and begin peaceful negotiations for the return of the Golan. Israeli Defense Minister Barak and Foreign Minister Lieberman have come out outright supporting the protesters. 

    It’s sad that Arabs will stoop to the level of attaching “Zionism” to anything just to delegitimize it. Especially disappointing coming from March 14th. 

    From here in Israel, I wish for the day Assad goes down, the Golan is returned for true peace with Syria, and Hezbollah is left starved from it’s biggest benefactor. I think Fatfat should get his glasses checked. 

    1.  Avatar

      You know well the Golan Heights will never be returned, never! Dont even say that lol. You may have relations in the future but Israel will never give back the Golan, it is one of their most important strategic points.

      1.  Avatar

        you are a dog from overseas and not Lebanese, the only thing Beiruti about you is your username.

      2.  Avatar

        You could have said the same thing about Sinai 30 years ago. But true peace (not just no war, but actually true peace) is more strategic than any land. That’s why giving away Gaza and South Lebanon were such disasters… we gave land for nothing to militias that want us dead. The new Syria will be different. Like Sadat and Mubarak’s Egypt, it will be pro Western (anti-Russia/China/Iran/Hezbollah). And I’m sure that it’s Patron, Turkey, will really want that photo op – Netanyahu and Ghalioun shaking hands with Erdogan standing in the middle holding their hand shake. And even though the Islamists are doing so well in Egypt right now, even most Salafists have said that they’re not going to cancel the peace treaty with Israel. True peace is more strategic than land, Beiruti. The only reason it hasn’t happened yet is that most Israelis aren’t convinced that that’s what the Arabs want.

  9. Funniest thing Ive read since the Saudis intercepted that spy vulture,lmao

  10. Funniest thing Ive read since the Saudis intercepted that spy vulture,lmao

  11. josephphdman Avatar

    i do,nt agree with this , i think israel and the us want asad out ,so the arab countries and the rest of the world ,asad played his cards bad ,13 years in power and has done nothing to show the international community that he is moving toward democracy,he had kept a blind eye on syrian terrorrist going to iraq and fight the american ; as far as israel its not true that he kept israel safety, he did attack israel buy using  his terrorrist organizations that he supports and supply weapons to hezbollah and hamas  ; so he is really no  help for anyone in the world exept to his alawite sect and to iran , and hamas and hezbollah ; its time for a change , the international community should give a chance to ghalioun to be in charge as he got the support of most of the syrian people ; syria needs change after 50 years of one family rulers of asad ; bashar should resign ,return the 200 billion dollars that he stole from the syrian people before he leaves to rusia , and ghalioun should move in and lead a transitional governement in syria until he is elected.

  12.  Avatar

    i do,nt agree with this , i think israel and the us want asad out ,so the arab countries and the rest of the world ,asad played his cards bad ,13 years in power and has done nothing to show the international community that he is moving toward democracy,he had kept a blind eye on syrian terrorrist going to iraq and fight the american ; as far as israel its not true that he kept israel safety, he did attack israel buy using  his terrorrist organizations that he supports and supply weapons to hezbollah and hamas  ; so he is really no  help for anyone in the world exept to his alawite sect and to iran , and hamas and hezbollah ; its time for a change , the international community should give a chance to ghalioun to be in charge as he got the support of most of the syrian people ; syria needs change after 50 years of one family rulers of asad ; bashar should resign ,return the 200 billion dollars that he stole from the syrian people before he leaves to rusia , and ghalioun should move in and lead a transitional governement in syria until he is elected.

  13. It does not matter if Israel wants the protesters to succeed or not. I don’t care if they want that or not.  What I want is that the Syrians get to vote in a real election and no more violence and no to sectarian violence from Sunnis or Alawites, only Syrian unity and get away from supporting Hezbollah and Iran and focus on fixing Syria and getting the Golan Heights back.  I don’t know what Syrians gain from Hezbollah or Iran, really, and I don’t see what Shiites in Lebanon really gain as Lebanese in the long-run from the party. 3ala Rassee they fought well against Israel. Great.  How about a new future and with people electing people fairly and squarely and no wars.

  14. It does not matter if Israel wants the protesters to succeed or not. I don’t care if they want that or not.  What I want is that the Syrians get to vote in a real election and no more violence and no to sectarian violence from Sunnis or Alawites, only Syrian unity and get away from supporting Hezbollah and Iran and focus on fixing Syria and getting the Golan Heights back.  I don’t know what Syrians gain from Hezbollah or Iran, really, and I don’t see what Shiites in Lebanon really gain as Lebanese in the long-run from the party. 3ala Rassee they fought well against Israel. Great.  How about a new future and with people electing people fairly and squarely and no wars.

  15. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Opinion is divided among the ‘Zionist Lobby’. Being a Zionist (someone who supports the right of Jews to affirmative action in terms of moving to their homeland) doesn’t include supporting a minority, totalitarian barbarian neighbour par se.

  16. Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel Avatar
    Adam Yonatan Ben Yoel

    Opinion is divided among the ‘Zionist Lobby’. Being a Zionist (someone who supports the right of Jews to affirmative action in terms of moving to their homeland) doesn’t include supporting a minority, totalitarian barbarian neighbour par se.

  17. Opinion is divided among the ‘Zionist Lobby’. Being a Zionist (someone who supports the right of Jews to affirmative action in terms of moving to their homeland) doesn’t include supporting a minority, totalitarian barbarian neighbour par se.

  18. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Oh yah … we’re sure American ‘Zionists’ are happy to support Hezzbolla.

  19.  Avatar

    Oh yah … we’re sure American ‘Zionists’ are happy to support Hezzbolla.

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