Geagea: Hezbollah has to hand over to STL the 4 suspects


Hezbollah and its allies “can no longer claim” that the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) is an Israeli-US court Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea said in a statement on Wednesday after Prime Minister Najib Mikati announced that he transferred the funds to STL

“Mikati’s stance came as his official position as the Lebanese premier, so whether we want it or not, Hezbollah and its allies recognized the STL since they are the majority in the cabinet,” Geagea said

“Hezbollah and its allies can no longer claim the tribunal is an Israeli-US court, and Change and Reform bloc leader MP Michel Aoun can no longer say the tribunal harms Lebanese sovereignty.”

Geagea also said that if Hezbollah has the “least amount of credibility,” then it should recognize the STL by handing over the four Hezbollah indicted members in the UN-backed court.

“The third step is to follow up on the tribunal’s procedures” on a legal basis, he added.

“We still call on this cabinet to resign because it funded the STL based on a Syrian political decision…That is why it should resign today before tomorrow.”

Mikati announced on Wednesday that he transferred Lebanon’s annual share of funding to the UN-backed court probing the 2005 murder of former PM Rafik Hariri but did not explain how he was able to do it without the approval of the cabinet

According to sources close to the PM the deal he agreed to with Speaker Nabih Berri with the blessing of Hezbollah calls for to using the discretionary fund allocated to the premier in the budget

Geagea also said the Lebanese army, state and UNIFIL should be held responsible for Tuesday’s rocket launch from the South, adding that “illegitimate arms” should be confiscated.

He is referring to the rocket exchange with Israel following the firing of 2 rockets from south Lebanon Monday night towards Israel.

A security camera recorded Monday night the launching of two Grad rockets from Lebanon and also shows that they landed in Israel near Aita al Shhab and Rmaish . The cameras also show that Israel responded by firing 6 artillery shells that landed in the outskirts of Aita al Shaab , Debel and Haneen in south Lebanon according to a report by An Nahar



67 responses to “Geagea: Hezbollah has to hand over to STL the 4 suspects”

  1. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Oh great .. there goes the gunfire in Tripoli …. someone is not happy. Or didn’t like this speech. Or Connely’s.

    1. or perhaps celebratory fire? 😉

    2. antar2011 Avatar

      there is always somebody who is pissed off at someone or something in tripoli

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        yah … standard skirmishes … takes 2 days to get news reports out … if any.

        (wonder why this repeated .. hmm)

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          lol @ standard skirmishes

    3. antar2011 Avatar

      there is always somebody who is pissed off at someone or something in tripoli

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        yah … standard skirmishes … takes 2 days to get news reports out … if any.

        (wonder why this repeated .. hmm)

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          lol @ standard skirmishes

  2.  Avatar

    Oh great .. there goes the gunfire in Tripoli …. someone is not happy.

    1.  Avatar

      there is always somebody who is pissed off at someone or something in tripoli

      1.  Avatar

        yah … standard skirmishes … takes 2 days to get news reports out … if any.

        1.  Avatar

          lol @ standard skirmishes

    2.  Avatar

      there is always somebody who is pissed off at someone or something in tripoli

  3. I guess they do recognize the STL then….hm? what flip flop will tomorrow bring? Thank God for the determination of our patriots, soon enough things will be normal for Lebanon. God bless Lebanon and the Lebanese Patriots like Dr Geagea!

    1. dabshaleem Avatar

      you parote dable shite allover faces like you

      1. Are you on heavy meds or something?  WTF is ‘dable’?… Faces like me? oh! you mean the kind that are living it up, smiling and laughing while you hate in the corner with your ugly ass mug? lol…nice try little troll

        1. prophettt Avatar

          I could not stop laughing,lol
          He’s getting to you isn’t he?lol

        2. prophettt Avatar

          I could not stop laughing,lol
          He’s getting to you isn’t he?lol

        3. Leborigine Avatar

          Fadi81, I agree with prophettt. Its freakin’ hilarious.
          That dab is a numbnut

        4. Leborigine Avatar

          Fadi81, I agree with prophettt. Its freakin’ hilarious.
          That dab is a numbnut

        5. dabababdude is too funny sober fadi, combine with any  drugs and leo BESIDE  him would be pay per view quality entertainment.
          lol .
           definetly original material. we can call the show the ZIONISTE AND SALAFITE ROAST.LOL

        6. dabababdude is too funny sober fadi, combine with any  drugs and leo BESIDE  him would be pay per view quality entertainment.
          lol .
           definetly original material. we can call the show the ZIONISTE AND SALAFITE ROAST.LOL

      2. Hannibal Avatar

        LSD? Cocaine? Heroin? or most likely first grade Lebanese Bekaa valley Hash?

    2. dabshaleem Avatar

      you parote dable shite allover faces like you

  4.  Avatar

    I guess they do recognize the STL then….hm? what flip flop will tomorrow bring? Thank God for the determination of our patriots, soon enough things will be normal for Lebanon. God bless Lebanon and the Lebanese Patriots like Dr Geagea!

    1.  Avatar

      you parote dable shite allover faces like you

      1.  Avatar

        Are you on heavy meds or something?  WTF is ‘dable’?… Faces like me? oh! you mean the kind that are living it up, smiling and laughing while you hate in the corner with your ugly ass mug? lol…nice try little troll

        1.  Avatar

          I could not stop laughing,lol
          He’s getting to you isn’t he?lol

        2.  Avatar

          Fadi81, I agree with prophettt. Its freakin’ hilarious.
          That dab is a numbnut

        3. dabababdude is too funny sober fadi, combine with any  drugs and leo BESIDE  him would be pay per view quality entertainment.
          lol .
           definetly original material. we can call the show the ZIONISTE AND SALAFITE ROAST.LOL

      2. LSD? Cocaine? Heroin? or most likely first grade Lebanese Bekaa valley Hash?

  5. antar2011 Avatar

    fair enough questions..

    fair enough demands.

  6.  Avatar

    fair enough questions..

    fair enough demands.

  7.  Avatar

    fair enough questions..

    fair enough demands.

  8. josephphdman Avatar

    this was a victory for lebanon ,and the un and democracy , mikati has finally made it , and but he has along way to go
    march 14 and the stl could ask mikati for second duty , that he got 30 days to order the army to start confiscating all illegal weapons by the use of force when needed and start disarming all gangs and militias, the palestinians first inside and outside the camps. and if mikati wo,nt accomplish this task he should resign immediatley.

  9.  Avatar

    this was a victory for lebanon ,and the un and democracy , mikati has finally made it , and but he has along way to go
    march 14 and the stl could ask mikati for second duty , that he got 30 days to order the army to start confiscating all illegal weapons by the use of force when needed and start disarming all gangs and militias, the palestinians first inside and outside the camps. and if mikati wo,nt accomplish this task he should resign immediatley.

    1.  Avatar

      yu shitt dman salafite

  10. Also on top of handing them out , we want the international community to accuse Syria of Harboring Habib el Chartouni , we need to put him on trial so we can for once reveal the SSNP involvement in Bashir Killing, brining Chartouni will put Asaad Hirdan on trial , as he’s the master behind Killing Mouawad too.There is no rest for Lebanon without eliminating the SSNP party and have their top leaders arrested as Fouad Chehab did in the 60’s , Fouad Chehab played civilised and put some in jail end exiled the others but in fact he should have executed them all based on treason and conspiracy to ovrthrow the governement and hand it to Syria, How the hell we could allow a Nazi party to exist that doesn’t’ believe that Lebanon is a nation . Asaad Hirdan was aware of the Hariri plot also .He’s the mastermind fo Assassination for Syria the executor !!!

    1. The SSNP is a dirt that must be cleaned, this party is an insult so the Lebanese. Its a joke how we can allow a party in Lebanon that doesn’t support Lebanon! No other country in the world will allow such a stupid party. The SSNP followers in Lebanon are some of the scariest and most disgusting people you’ll meet in Lebanon, they commit some of the most vicious crimes. All their followers should be sent to Syria or killed for treason against the country of Lebanon and its people.

      1. Just let me tell you a story, a friend of someone that I know back in 1973- or 1974  was invited to a party in Hamra , it was a gathering for teachers  . 2 of his friend belonged to the SSNP that were teachers also , got drunk , and they start saying to each others ‘Cheers for the Mouallem” it means ” Kas al Moualelm ” referring to Antoun Saade .So the Friend got annoyed and told them ” You and you  Mouallem ” thisis not politcal gathering it is party ,he was kind joking . Next day while this friend  going to his home at night 2 SSNP beat the crap out of him and told him ” this will teach you a lesson not to bring the Mouallem name disrespectfully” , isn’t this a replica of the Nazi party in Germany in 1933 ,you tell me how we can allow ,us the Lebanese Nazis to exist, what is the logo of the SSNP ? a modified Nazi swastika!!

      2. Just let me tell you a story, a friend of someone that I know back in 1973- or 1974  was invited to a party in Hamra , it was a gathering for teachers  . 2 of his friend belonged to the SSNP that were teachers also , got drunk , and they start saying to each others ‘Cheers for the Mouallem” it means ” Kas al Moualelm ” referring to Antoun Saade .So the Friend got annoyed and told them ” You and you  Mouallem ” thisis not politcal gathering it is party ,he was kind joking . Next day while this friend  going to his home at night 2 SSNP beat the crap out of him and told him ” this will teach you a lesson not to bring the Mouallem name disrespectfully” , isn’t this a replica of the Nazi party in Germany in 1933 ,you tell me how we can allow ,us the Lebanese Nazis to exist, what is the logo of the SSNP ? a modified Nazi swastika!!

      3. dabshaleem Avatar

        beirut better with ha allunder go to boom you not like syri beter tham uglies faces

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          (Yes .. definitely a product of ‘Boom-U’.)
          … ‘allunder’ … the ground?

      4. MeYosemite Avatar

        By law any party that does not believe in lebanon sovereignty should no be allowed. These include SSNP and HA. On top, SSNP is a racist party, the other is a sectarian party. Both beleive in larger Syria. So Syria keeps them alive in lebanon. I am looking forward for the day shartouni to be hang in downtown Lebanon. I m not sure if aoun understands these ethical points.

      5. Hannibal Avatar

        Then you might as well get rid of the majority of the
        Christian Orthodox Lebanese because the majority of them at one time or another
        followed SSNP or cheered for them… As far as being modeled after the Nazi
        party you guys are absolutely right because both Saade and Gemayel (Pierre
        senior) were at the Nazi’s sponsored Olympics and were awed at the discipline
        the Nazis displayed. Saade and Gemayel built their parties on the Fascist
        organization. As a matter of fact Falange (1930) is a fascist movement in Spain
        meaning phalanx formation. Now the Kataeb party under your description of Nazi
        should be abolished as well. As for sectarian, do not forget that the Lebanese
        Forces have a red cross as their symbol (and modified to be called saliib el
        ouwweet). If that is not sectarian what is? Lebanon and the Lebanese are
        racists and bigots at heart. Sectarianism is in the make up of the country’s mind
        and soul and constitution.

        I am with you though on ONE POINT ONLY! That of ANY party
        SHOULD have its allegiance to Lebanon NOT to a foreign entity. I do not mind
        being welcomed in Lebanon’s airport with the picture of a Lebanese president or
        a Lebanese leader but I oppose coming into a country to find the picture of
        khamenei or Khomeini or Assad or the King of Saudi Arabia or even the pope.
        Lebanon is for the Lebanese. It is not French NOT ARAB NOT PERSIAN NOT MOSLEM
        NOT CHRISTIAN… Lebanon is Lebanon. As simply as that.

        @Beiruti I was answering the entire thread. If you read my entire last paragraph you would notice that I agreed with you.

        1. Phalangist ideology was based for Lebanon, you dont have to agree with it but it was still for Lebanon.
          SSNP? I dont think i need to tell you what ideology they supported, you probably know.
          You went a bit off topic because i wasn’t talking about Fascism that was far from the point.
          I was talking about how can we allow a party in our country that supports another country.

        2. Phalangist ideology was based for Lebanon, you dont have to agree with it but it was still for Lebanon.
          SSNP? I dont think i need to tell you what ideology they supported, you probably know.
          You went a bit off topic because i wasn’t talking about Fascism that was far from the point.
          I was talking about how can we allow a party in our country that supports another country.

  11. Also on top of handing them out , we want the international community to accuse Syria of Harboring Habib el Chartouni , we need to put him on trial so we can for once reveal the SSNP involvement in Bashir Killing, brining Chartouni will put Asaad Hirdan on trial , as he’s the master behind Killing Mouawad too.There is no rest for Lebanon without eliminating the SSNP party and have their top leaders arrested as Fouad Chehab did in the 60’s , Fouad Chehab played civilised and put some in jail end exiled the others but in fact he should have executed them all based on treason and conspiracy to ovrthrow the governement and hand it to Syria, How the hell we could allow a Nazi party to exist that doesn’t’ believe that Lebanon is a nation . Asaad Hirdan was aware of the Hariri plot also .He’s the mastermind fo Assassination for Syria the executor !!!

    1.  Avatar

      The SSNP is a dirt that must be cleaned, this party is an insult so the Lebanese. Its a joke how we can allow a party in Lebanon that doesn’t support Lebanon! No other country in the world will allow such a stupid party. The SSNP followers in Lebanon are some of the scariest and most disgusting people you’ll meet in Lebanon, they commit some of the most vicious crimes. All their followers should be sent to Syria or killed for treason against the country of Lebanon and its people.

      1. Just let me tell you a story, a friend of someone that I know back in 1973- or 1974  was invited to a party in Hamra , it was a gathering for teachers  . 2 of his friend belonged to the SSNP that were teachers also , got drunk , and they start saying to each others ‘Cheers for the Mouallem” it means ” Kas al Moualelm ” referring to Antoun Saade .So the Friend got annoyed and told them ” You and you  Mouallem ” thisis not politcal gathering it is party ,he was kind joking . Next day while this friend  going to his home at night 2 SSNP beat the crap out of him and told him ” this will teach you a lesson not to bring the Mouallem name disrespectfully” , isn’t this a replica of the Nazi party in Germany in 1933 ,you tell me how we can allow ,us the Lebanese Nazis to exist, what is the logo of the SSNP ? a modified Nazi swastika!!

      2.  Avatar

        beirut better with ha allunder go to boom you not like syri beter tham uglies faces

        1.  Avatar

          (Yes .. definitely a product of ‘Boom-U’.)

      3.  Avatar

        By law any party that does not believe in lebanon sovereignty should no be allowed. These include SSNP and HA. On top, SSNP is a racist party, the other is a sectarian party. Both beleive in larger Syria. So Syria keeps them alive in lebanon. I am looking forward for the day shartouni to be hang in downtown Lebanon. I m not if aoun understand these ethical points.

      4. Then you might as well get rid of the majority of the
        Christian Orthodox Lebanese because the majority of them at one time or another
        followed SSNP or cheered for them… As far as being modeled after the Nazi
        party you guys are absolutely right because both Saade and Gemayel (Pierre
        senior) were at the Nazi’s sponsored Olympics and were awed at the discipline
        the Nazis displayed. Saade and Gemayel built their parties on the Fascist
        organization. As a matter of fact Falange (1930) is a fascist movement in Spain
        meaning phalanx formation. Now the Kataeb party under your description of Nazi
        should be abolished as well. As for sectarian, do not forget that the Lebanese
        Forces have a red cross as their symbol (and modified to be called saliib el
        ouwweet). If that is not sectarian what is? Lebanon and the Lebanese are
        racists and bigots at heart. Sectarianism is in the make up of the country’s mind
        and soul and constitution.

        I am with you though on ONE POINT ONLY! That of ANY party
        SHOULD have its allegiance to Lebanon NOT to a foreign entity. I do not mind
        being welcomed in Lebanon’s airport with the picture of a Lebanese president or
        a Lebanese leader but I oppose coming into a country to find the picture of
        khamenei or Khomeini or Assad or the King of Saudi Arabia or even the pope.
        Lebanon is for the Lebanese. It is not French NOT ARAB NOT PERSIAN NOT MOSLEM
        NOT CHRISTIAN… Lebanon is Lebanon. As simply as that.

        1.  Avatar

          Phalangist ideology was based for Lebanon, you dont have to agree with it but it was still for Lebanon.
          SSNP? I dont think i need to tell you what ideology they supported, you probably know.
          You went a bit off topic because i wasn’t talking about Fascism that was far from the point.
          I was talking about how can we allow a party in our country that supports another country.

        2.  Avatar

          Phalangist ideology was based for Lebanon, you dont have to agree with it but it was still for Lebanon.
          SSNP? I dont think i need to tell you what ideology they supported, you probably know.
          You went a bit off topic because i wasn’t talking about Fascism that was far from the point.
          I was talking about how can we allow a party in our country that supports another country.

  12. prophettt Avatar

    geo, metro, Sorry for posting same post twice, You can see how eager I was to make my

  13.  Avatar

    Geo,  Good day my

    Are you ready for a new business venture in the
    entertainment business with our new stars Leo and dabshaleem?I Remember I spotted
    the potential in Leo months ago.

    Whether dabshaleem  is
    Leo himself or his twin brother, or even his clone, I will pay for his/their
    dinner, drinks, dessert, and hookah and entertain myself for few fun hours.

  14. prophettt Avatar

    geo metro, Good day my friend.
    Are you ready for a new business venture in the entertainment business with our new stars Leo and dabshaleem?I Remember I spotted the potential in Leo months ago.
    Whether dabshaleem is Leo himself or his twin brother, or even his clone, I will pay for his/their dinner, drinks, dessert, and hookah and entertain myself for few fun hours.

    1. happy friday prophet, all of us are either desperate for entertainment or the infamous two  really  are  marketable as comedians 
       the truth is we are all damaged goods as far as our childhood goes and the nonsence we had to endure as children of war yet with no hope in anything ever being resolved  in lebanon, we  as a culture retained our sense of humor as common ground and no doubt  a gathering with all the personalities of this site starring dab and leo  and lots  of alcohol we would all wonder what the hell  there is  to fight about,,,every one of us is a total mess in one way or another,lol. 

    2. happy friday prophet, all of us are either desperate for entertainment or the infamous two  really  are  marketable as comedians 
       the truth is we are all damaged goods as far as our childhood goes and the nonsence we had to endure as children of war yet with no hope in anything ever being resolved  in lebanon, we  as a culture retained our sense of humor as common ground and no doubt  a gathering with all the personalities of this site starring dab and leo  and lots  of alcohol we would all wonder what the hell  there is  to fight about,,,every one of us is a total mess in one way or another,lol. 

  15.  Avatar

    geo metro, Good day my friend.
    Are you ready for a new business venture in the entertainment business with our new stars Leo and dabshaleem?I Remember I spotted the potential in Leo months ago.
    Whether dabshaleem is Leo himself or his twin brother, or even his clone, I will pay for his/their dinner, drinks, dessert, and hookah and entertain myself for few fun hours.

    1. happy friday prophet, all of us are either desperate for entertainment or the infamous two  really  are  marketable as comedians 
       the truth is we are all damaged goods as far as our childhood goes and the nonsence we had to endure as children of war yet with no hope in anything ever being resolved  in lebanon, we  as a culture retained our sense of humor as common ground and no doubt  a gathering with all the personalities of this site starring dab and leo  and lots  of alcohol we would all wonder what the hell  there is  to fight about,,,every one of us is a total mess in one way or another,lol. 

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