Jarrah: Mikati should explain how he did it


March 14 MP Jamal al-Jarrah said on Wednesday that the “way” in which Prime Minister Najib Mikati announced the transfer of funds to the Special Tribunal for Lebanon was “questionable.”

“Mikati announced the transfer of the STL funds without holding a cabinet session and without explaining how the transfer was carried out,” Jarrah a key member of the Future Movement bloc told MTV.

Jaraah also asked why “Mikati provided the funding if the court” is opposed by some parties participating in the cabinet.

“The Syrian need for the cabinet to remain [in Lebanon] made the parties participating in it allow the funding.”

Mikati announced on Wednesday that he transferred Lebanon’s annual share of funding to the UN-backed court probing the 2005 murder of former PM Rafik Hariri but did not explain how he was able to do it without the approval of the cabinet

According to sources close to the PM the deal he agreed to with Speaker Nabih Berri with the blessing of Hezbollah was to use the discretionary fund allocated to the premier in the budget



28 responses to “Jarrah: Mikati should explain how he did it”

  1. Mosetsfire Avatar

    Jarrah is right, I felt the same way. Mikati isn’t paying because he wants to keep Lebanon in the international forum, he is paying because Baba Bashaar doesn’t want his pro Syrian government to collapse during this uprising and be replaced with a potentially hostile cabinet and Prime Minister.

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      eih wallah!

    2. antar2011 Avatar

      eih wallah!

  2. Jarrah is right, I felt the same way. Mikati isn’t paying because he wants to keep Lebanon in the international forum, he is paying because Baba Bashaar doesn’t want his pro Syrian government to collapse during this uprising and be replaced with a potentially hostile cabinet and Prime Minister.

    1.  Avatar

      eih wallah!

  3. Damn if you do and damn if you don’t… What a country kell miin iido elo…

    1. prophettt Avatar

      Been telling you this for a long time,lol.Country of crybabies,lol

      1. ya prophettttttttttttttttt (you are hogging all the T’s dude) lol
        I’m with you… If Mikati does not pay he is an a$$hole and if he pays he is still an a$$hole. I mean come on…

        1. prophettt Avatar

          That  many T’s? Is this how many times you expect me to get the boots?lol

        2. slow down bro…you dont find any of this the least bit unusual? Im sure you can agree that the Syrian cabinet (m8 creeps) received orders from mother Syria to fund in hopes of prolonging the status quo…

        3. slow down bro…you dont find any of this the least bit unusual? Im sure you can agree that the Syrian cabinet (m8 creeps) received orders from mother Syria to fund in hopes of prolonging the status quo…

    2. antar2011 Avatar

      you don’t get it do you?

      it is about the WAY he did it….methods and manner is not important to you but it is important to most pple who wants the truth.

      ba3den you should be the most pissed off about the funding….the pple you support did ot even want anything to do with the STL…

      has the STL stopped beig an israeli plot now?

      if that is not hypocritical what is?

    3. antar2011 Avatar

      you don’t get it do you?

      it is about the WAY he did it….methods and manner is not important to you but it is important to most pple who wants the truth.

      ba3den you should be the most pissed off about the funding….the pple you support did ot even want anything to do with the STL…

      has the STL stopped beig an israeli plot now?

      if that is not hypocritical what is?

  4. Damn if you do and damn if you don’t… What a country kell miin iido elo…

    1.  Avatar

      Been telling you this for a long time,lol.Country of crybabies,lol

      1. ya prophettttttttttttttttt (you are hogging all the T’s dude) lol
        I’m with you… If Mikati does not pay he is an a$$hole and if he pays he is still an a$$hole. I mean come on…

        1.  Avatar

          That  many T’s? Is this how many times you expect me to get the boots?lol

        2.  Avatar

          slow down bro…you dont find any of this the least bit unusual? Im sure you can agree that the Syrian cabinet (m8 creeps) received orders from mother Syria to fund in hopes of prolonging the status quo…

    2.  Avatar

      you don’t get it do you?

      it is about the WAY he did it….methods and manner is not important to you but it is important to most pple who wants the truth.

      ba3den you should be the most pissed off about the funding….the pple you support did ot even want anything to do with the STL…

      has the STL stopped beig an israeli plot now?


  5. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Why ask a non-functioning cabinet to decide anything?
    But does he mean Mikati should have made the announcement through a bull-horn while standing on his head?
    That would be a different “way” … although perhaps also “questionable”.

  6.  Avatar

    Why ask a non-functioning cabinet to decide anything?

  7. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Well .. they are all shooting it up in Tripoli right now. 🙁

    1. Patience2 Avatar

      All this shooting, you say?? Alawites shooting Alawites??

  8.  Avatar

    Well .. they are all shooting it up in Tripoli right now. 🙁

    1.  Avatar

      All this shooting, you say?? Alawites shooting Alawites??

  9. Patience2 Avatar

    I don’t think Jarrah needs to know a damn thing more than he knows now.

  10. Patience2 Avatar

    I don’t think Jarrah needs to know a damn thing more than he knows now.

  11.  Avatar

    I don’t think Jarrah needs to know a damn thing more than he knows now.

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