Hezbollah chief to avoid politics during his Ashura speech


Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah will make an appearance to mark the first days of Ashura according to press release .

According to the press release Nasrallah he will not talk about politics in Lebanon nor the region.

Last Ashura which occurred on Dec 16 , 2010 Nasrallah attacked The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) and predicted that ” it will vanish with the wind like other conspiracies before it”.

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon was created by the United Nations Security Council in 2007 , at the request of the Government of Lebanon to investigate the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

“We reject any unjust accusation. We will overthrow the goals of this accusation as we have already overthrown part of it, and we will protect the Resistance and our country.” Nasrallah said last year.

Less than a month later and specifically on January 12, 2011 Hezbollah and allies with the help of the Shiite minister in the cabinet that represented president Michel Suleiman overthrew the government of former PM Saad Hariri over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) imminent indictment.

STL issued the indictments and arrest warrants on June 30. Two of the suspects Badreddine and Ayyash are reportedly senior members of Hezbollah and played leading roles in the assassination while the other two Hezbollah members Hassan Aneissy and Assad Sabra played a supporting role in the execution of the assassination.

“No Lebanese government will be able to carry out any arrests whether in 30 days, 30 years or even 300 years.” Nasrallah said following the announcement of the indictments.

It appears now that STL could also result in the fall of the current government which is headed by PM Nagib Mikati.

Update : Nasrallah delivered his speech . He did not talk politics but restricted his speech to religious issues that concern the Ashura



12 responses to “Hezbollah chief to avoid politics during his Ashura speech”

  1. Saddam was right to ban the Achoura, forget the religious meaning as it has none of it, but hygine wise in the age if HIV and  AIDS do you need to be spraying blood all over !!!

  2. Saddam was right to ban the Achoura, forget the religious meaning as it has none of it, but hygine wise in the age if HIV and  AIDS do you need to be spraying blood all over !!!

    1.  Avatar

      Ewww … well … just avoid the wet spots.

  3. Saddam was right to ban the Achoura, forget the religious meaning as it has none of it, but hygine wise in the age if HIV and  AIDS do you need to be spraying blood all over !!!

  4. NO, Hezbollah most likely could also result in the fall of the current government. What have they done since take office? Lets see… Threaten Israel, kill a few people, turn the states voice against the Syrian people, stockpiled weapons,.. Nasrallah? Needs a new filtration system for his ultra secret command bunker-hole cause from lack of sun, and using the exercise bike as a spare turban rack(instead of riding it.) he has gone completely insane.(If not just being a homicidal maniac isn’t enough)
    Dont disrespect yourselves anymore, get this trash out of your country, when Assad falls it will be your big chance..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      ‘I a shur a you there’s no political speech … for 4 days. But when cabinet begins to talk … bada boom bada bang!’

  5. NO, Hezbollah most likely could also result in the fall of the current government. What have they done since take office? Lets see… Threaten Israel, kill a few people, turn the states voice against the Syrian people, stockpiled weapons,.. Nasrallah? Needs a new filtration system for his ultra secret command bunker-hole cause from lack of sun, and using the exercise bike as a spare turban rack(instead of riding it.) he has gone completely insane.(If not just being a homicidal maniac isn’t enough)
    Dont disrespect yourselves anymore, get this trash out of your country, when Assad falls it will be your big chance..

    1.  Avatar

      ‘I a shur a you there’s no political speech … for 4 days. But when cabinet begins to talk … bada boom bada bang!’

  6. Patience2 Avatar

    Wonder what it feels like to bow and scrape to a piece of sxxt with a beard!  I guess you’d have to ask your average Iranian.

  7.  Avatar

    Wonder what it feels like to bow and scrape to a piece of sxxt with a beard!  I guess you’d have to ask your average Iranian.

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