Hezbollah may take over Beirut if Assad falls , report


Al-Arabiya Tuesday cited a “source close to Hezbollah” on Tuesday as saying that his party might take over Beirut militarily if the Syrian regime falls.

“ Hezbollah officials have begun to worry about the potential fallout that may result following the collapse of the Syrian regime,” the source added.

“The moment that Hezbollah feels that the fall of Syrian President Bashar al- Assad is imminent – either as a result of the popular movement or foreign military intervention – it will move quickly to take control of East and West Beirut,” Al-Arabiya cited the source as saying.

According to the report, the Free Patriotic Movement would support Hezbollah if it decided to launch an offensive in the Lebanese capital.

According to Kuwiati newspaper “Rai” :” The People’s Palace, the leaders of the intelligence services , Syrian three centers of military communications, ammunition depots , rocket launchers, land – air and land – land, radars, the headquarters of the fourth division , the homes of senior officials and officers loyal to the Syrian regime, and others, all are on the list of targets of “the No Fly Zone ” enforcement campaign to be undertaken by Arab forces, perhaps with the participation of Turkish army with some help from the US



208 responses to “Hezbollah may take over Beirut if Assad falls , report”

  1. Syrian Draft resolution passes! 122 Yes 13 No 41 Abstention

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      lebanon refrained *rolls eyes*

      at least he did not oppose!

      1. dabshaleem Avatar

        lebon opose should

  2.  Avatar

    Syrian Draft resolution passes! 122 Yes 13 No 41 Abstention

    1.  Avatar

      lebanon refrained *rolls eyes*

      at least he did not oppose!

      1.  Avatar

        lebon opose should

  3. What, they going to overthrow themselves? (That would be great!:))

    1. dabshaleem Avatar

      you zionist or salafite?

      1. Are you a scumbag or a scumbag?

      2. Nope I’m a normal human being who is sadly entertained by the wacky antics and crazy conspiracies you INSANE homicidal maniacs come up with, you dont just give the rest of the Muslims a bad name, you pollute the entire world with your hate and filth…Dont you know right now I’m controlling you through your computer? If you follow the Iranians you dont belong in Lebanon, so take your but back where you belong.. Hurry too because soon my country is coming for your x-nuke program

      3. Nope I’m a normal human being who is sadly entertained by the wacky antics and crazy conspiracies you INSANE homicidal maniacs come up with, you dont just give the rest of the Muslims a bad name, you pollute the entire world with your hate and filth…Dont you know right now I’m controlling you through your computer? If you follow the Iranians you dont belong in Lebanon, so take your but back where you belong.. Hurry too because soon my country is coming for your x-nuke program

  4. What, they going to overthrow themselves? (That would be great!:))

    1.  Avatar

      you zionist or salafite?

      1.  Avatar

        Are you a scumbag or a scumbag?

      2. Nope I’m a normal human being who is sadly entertained by the wacky antics and crazy conspiracies you Muslims come up with..Dont you know right now I’m controlling you through your computer? If you follow the Iranians you dont belong in Lebanon, so take your but back where you belong.. Hurry too because soon my country is coming for your x-nuke program

    2.  Avatar

      you zionist or salafite?

  5. That is a big possibility ,that’s why all new bridges that were built last year are too facilitate Hezbollah invasion of East Beirut and Chouf Mountains. It is all in the preparation for the the big battle , Sunni  axes lead by Saudi Arabia ,Turkey and Jordan, and the Shiite Alawatie axis lead by Iran/Iraq and Hezbollah , an aramgedon that going to burn the green and the dry in the mid east!!!

    1. dabshaleem Avatar

      You salafite. shit sand with ha.

      1. Am a Christian not a salafite am just trying to analyze why we have bridges so sudden that take you ro Ain El Roummaneh and too Badaro fom the southern suburbs ,what is the purpose  of it, it makes me wonder what the benefit of it,could be nothign could be something, also is it a secret that there is axes of sunni and shiites, who is fighting in Syria and Bahrain and Iraq ?isn’t this an undeclared war between sunni and shiite ?

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          the big shit of Riyyad dung of ass Saud has start the fitna sending his tanks in Manama we will send him back in Anatoli where Lawrence take his great father goat herder with his book of shaytan (the ould tayya shit)

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          and yes we are ready to take upon the salafiste dogs

        3. leobetapar Avatar

          undeclared? are you dumb?the king of shit declare this war by sending his tanks on Manama

    2. You forgot about the Christians Guss, i dont think they are going to let Hezbollah enter East Beirut with a smile on their faces and flowers.

      1. are we armed ? isn’t a fact that suleiman the presidnt is doing what they want , just yesterday the army was helping Hizbollah to Capture a syrian citizen in Bekaa ( irsal ) with the help of the army,isn’t a fact the the Crazy Aoun wouldnt mind seeing Hizbollah enetering east beirut and capturing Geagea and placing him as president,isn’t a fact that the SSNPChristian will help Hizbollah, isn’t  afact that currently 50 % of the army take orders from Hizbollah ? who put the government down, You think Nahr El Bared was a coincidence, The Alawite want to remove the camp and arms as it is dangerous and could become a place to arm the sunnite in syria so they fabricate Fath el Islam to finish the camp and Soleiman was in the conpiracy too as he work for them , Syria cant finsih the camp so the bastard in the presidential palace played with the Syrian to become president, If Nahr el Bared still armed you would have seen arms going to Syria. All is goign according to plan !!

        1. leobetapar Avatar

          hezbollah is the only right protector of lebanon against the ambitions of the devils salafiste
          Turkey itself doesn’t dare to send arms to syria or allowed it to pass its border do u think the first sunnis we keep meddling will cry for hundred years they know it

        2. Salim George Khalaf Avatar
          Salim George Khalaf

          Hizzies and Salafites are khiryet kalb wo ma2soomé.

        3. Salim George Khalaf Avatar
          Salim George Khalaf

          Hizzies and Salafites are khiryet kalb wo ma2soomé.

      2. leobetapar Avatar

        u understand nothing the only christians who whorth something are behind freedom and will cut their forebears in peace rather than allowing the salafistes power

        1. Hezbollah is a occupier.
          The Lebanese are the protectors of Lebanon.
          Your no better than the Turks taking half of Cyprus and murdering the Kurds

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            who chase out the zioniste ?when u was offering ur female to the zioniste some people were chasing them out who?

    3. Just a side note; the arabic expressions ” te7ro2 el 2a5dar wl yabes” does not literally translate into English. 

      1. I know but you understood what I meant !! that is the purpose 🙂

    4. After it all burns down AOUN will be the ultimate dictator of the whole M.E.

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        Aun is not dictator he is a God whorshipper who believ in freedom and peace betwen monotheism He is a big part of the futur

        1. what is all this salafi hate ramblings man, you are all the same fuck…everything you pricks touch turns to shit

      2. MeYosemite Avatar

        When all burns down, Aoun will be in the rubles like everyone else.

    5. leobetapar Avatar

      no man the new time: time of freedom. do you think Aoun is a shia? No man is the civilization all the real monotheistes against the fucking salafistes: sons of the devils They are not muslims they are money worshippers shaytan barks eating goat

      1. affirmative Leo, Aoun is the true Christian that love Lebanon without condition. HA and Aoun are the true guardians of dignity, the rest are power hungry salafiti operatives.  

        1. leobetapar Avatar


        2. leobetapar Avatar


        3. Salim George Khalaf Avatar
          Salim George Khalaf


        4. Salim George Khalaf Avatar
          Salim George Khalaf


      2. I would not want to be Sunni in Lebanon when the Syrian situation settles no matter which way it goes. 
        1. If Assad wins he’s going to round them up
        2. If Assad loses tons of weapons will enter Lebanon (M8) and they will not treat them kindly.

        I hope nothing happens to the pure Lebanese Sunnis (not many of them left) but the fire is burning in the “Mashhara”.

        1. Libnan1: many don’t anymore what other people practice, but they

        2. leobetapar Avatar

          ahl shitty king of goat eating bark is the reason why sunnis will be slaugther.Do they desrve better? I don’t think so

      3. I would not want to be Sunni in Lebanon when the Syrian situation settles no matter which way it goes. 
        1. If Assad wins he’s going to round them up
        2. If Assad loses tons of weapons will enter Lebanon (M8) and they will not treat them kindly.

        I hope nothing happens to the pure Lebanese Sunnis (not many of them left) but the fire is burning in the “Mashhara”.

    6. MeYosemite Avatar

      All: can we think of Lebanon independently from these never-ending conflicting religions? If people won’t stop mixing them, the politician won’t stop neither…   

    7. MeYosemite Avatar

      All: can we think of Lebanon independently from these never-ending conflicting religions? If people won’t stop mixing them, the politician won’t stop neither…   

  6. That is a big possibility ,that’s why all new bridges that were built last year are too facilitate Hezbollah invasion of East Beirut and Chouf Mountains. It is all in the preparation for the the big battle , Sunni  axes lead by Saudi Arabia ,Turkey and Jordan, and the Shiite Alawatie axis lead by Iran/Iraq and Hezbollah , an aramgedon that going to burn the green and the dry in the mid east!!!

    1.  Avatar

      You salafite. shit sand with ha.

      1. Am a Christian not a salafite am just trying to analyze why we have bridges so sudden that take you ro Ain El Roummaneh and too Badaro fom the southern suburbs ,what is the purpose  of it, it makes me wonder what the benefit of it,could be nothign could be something, also is it a secret that there is axes of sunni and shiites, who is fighting in Syria and Bahrain and Iraq ?isn’t this an undeclared war between sunni and shiite ?

        1.  Avatar

          the big shit of Riyyad dung of ass Saud has start the fitna sending his tanks in Manama we will send him back in Anatoli where Lawrence take his great father goat herder with his book of shaytan (the ould tayya shit)

        2.  Avatar

          and yes we are ready to take upon the salafiste dogs

        3.  Avatar

          undeclared? are you dumb?the king of shit declare this war by sending his tanks on Manama

    2.  Avatar

      You forgot about the Christians Guss, i dont think they are going to let Hezbollah enter East Beirut with a smile on their faces and flowers.

      1. are we armed ? isn’t a fact that suleiman the presidnt is doing what they want , just yesterday the army was helping Hizbollah to Capture a syrian citizen in Bekaa ( irsal ) with the help of the army,isn’t a fact the the Crazy Aoun wouldnt mind seeing Hizbollah enetering east beirut and capturing Geagea and placing him as president,isn’t a fact that the SSNPChristian will help Hizbollah, isn’t  afact that currently 50 % of the army take orders from Hizbollah ? who put the government down, You think Nahr El Bared was a coincidence, The Alawite want to remove the camp and arms as it is dangerous and could become a place to arm the sunnite in syria so they fabricate Fath el Islam to finish the camp and Soleiman was in the conpiracy too as he work for them , Syria cant finsih the camp so the bastard in the presidential palace played with the Syrian to become president, If Nahr el Bared still armed you would have seen arms going to Syria. All is goign according to plan !!

        1.  Avatar

          hezbollah is the only right protector of lebanon against the ambitions of the devils salafiste
          Turkey itself doesn’t dare to send arms to syria or allowed it to pass its border do u think the first sunnis we keep meddling will cry for hundred years they know it

        2. Hizzies and Salafites are khiryet kalb wo ma2soomé.

      2.  Avatar

        u understand nothing the only christians who whorth something are behind freedom and will cut their forebears in peace rather than allowing the salafistes power

        1. Hezbollah is a occupier.
          The Lebanese are the protectors of Lebanon.
          Your no better than the Turks taking half of Cyprus and murdering the Kurds

          1.  Avatar

            who chase out the zioniste ?when u was offering ur female to the zioniste some people were chasing them out who?

    3. Just a side note; the arabic expressions ” te7ro2 el 2a5dar wl yabes” does not literally translate into English. 

      1. Guss Gibs Avatar

        I know but you understood what I meant !! that is the purpose 🙂

    4.  Avatar

      After it all burns down AOUN will be the ultimate dictator of the whole M.E.

      1.  Avatar

        Aun is not dictator he is a God whorshipper who believ in freedom and peace betwen monotheism He is a big part of the futur

        1.  Avatar

          what is all this salafi hate ramblings man, you are all the same fuck…everything you pricks touch turns to shit

      2.  Avatar

        When all burns down, Aoun will be in the rubles like everyone else.

      3.  Avatar

        When all burns down, Aoun will be in the rubles like everyone else.

    5.  Avatar

      no man the new time: time of freedom. do you think Aoun is a shia? No man is the civilization all the real monotheistes against the fucking salafistes: sons of the devils They are not muslims they are money worshippers shaytan barks eating goat

      1.  Avatar

        affirmative Leo, Aoun is the true Christian that love Lebanon without condition. HA and Aoun are the true guardians of dignity, the rest are power hungry salafiti operatives.  

        1.  Avatar


      2.  Avatar

        I would not want to be Sunni in Lebanon when the Syrian situation settles no matter which way it goes. 
        1. If Assad wins he’s going to round them up
        2. If Assad loses tons of weapons will enter Lebanon (M8) and they will not treat them kindly.

        I hope nothing happens to the pure Lebanese Sunnis (not many of them left) but the fire is burning in the “Mashhara”.

        1. Libnan1: many don’t anymore what other people practice, but they

        2.  Avatar

          ahl shitty king of goat eating bark is the reason why sunnis will be slaugther.Do they desrve better? I don’t think so

    6.  Avatar

      All: can we think of Lebanon independently from these never-ending conflicting religions? If people won’t stop mixing them, the politician won’t stop neither…   

  7. al arabiya,

    how the hell does this even constitute as news worth reporting,

    My god you can put report in front of everything it still makes it a biased opinion,

    this wahabi channel was made to attack anything Shia and there supporters,

    and anyone that doesnt see it is just as biased as this disgusting news channel,

    and BTW, Report: Frogs plan to occupy the USA according to Al Ribbet.com ,,what a joke,

    note to all news agencies please report real news and events and enough with the “REPORT” propaganda

  8. And if they take it over , how the people will live ? begging ? and how about the world and the Lebanese? are they going yo let these murderers take over? What a sad moment in Lebanon and what a sad moment for everyone in Lebanon if this happens

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      End of the ‘Tourist Trade’ for sure … and yes, back to begging as it’s difficult to store food with no electricity for refrigerators. The young will need to learn how people survived with all the idiots in the late 70’s – 80’s. So go now to speak with grandparents.
      When in that situation, daily survival and all the tricks to make it happen, shrink your thinking into that one main purpose. You no longer have time to philosophize how life could be or about what you wish from it. Food and warmth are your number one consideration.
      Know who your close and real friends are because you can help each other and share. Ignore all who you do not know – they are all ‘suspect’ , and might be the war-lords or their minions trying to steal your daily life-bread to feed themselves.
      Stay close to home. Talk to no-one. Live in your underground garage if you have one because 50-cal. machine-gun bullets go through your walls, and the idiots like to fire them as they drive along the streets to show their power.
      Become another generation of small-minded drudges on a daily scrabble for a piece of something fresh to throw into a pot of soup when you have fuel to heat it … it’s the only way.
      You are not the people in control of your lives … only one of the dirty masses … fodder for the megalomaniacs or those who wish you to cower in fear – which you do. And if you start making babies, do not love them too much – their life-span could be shorter than yours. There are some left on the streets even now – and no-one cares.
      Lebanon … re-visited.
      For some … Lebanon even now.

      1. dabshaleem Avatar

        more torest will come, NO?

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          Ask your grandparents how long that took the last time Dab. Or how short a time they ventured to return again before 2010. How many do you see now?

      2. leobetapar Avatar

        tourist? people who come to teach how to be perverse and homosexuel Nobody inLebanon need the depravation of the tourists

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          We know you prefer those lovely French beaches Leo … less clothing for one thing.
          But Leb-ladies DO know how to move a bikini … even if they have to keep it on.

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            i don’t, what i know is that lebaneses beaches are forbidded to black african Don’t u v any shame

          2. leobetapar Avatar

            i don’t, what i know is that lebaneses beaches are forbidded to black african Don’t u v any shame

        2. So Leo, without tourists, or natural resources, or trade,and only terrorism all around… You going to eat your Koran to survive or eat each other?

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            u say that on the holly book ,u will see what means insulting the holly book

          2. Im not bashing any book Leo, you miss the point in what I said. If your going to post, post a opinion ON THE ARTICLE. Dont just use the forum to attack everyone else who is discussing important matters. Yet as a Hezbollah supporter, you just cant help yourself from going after everyone. Grow up, and dont act like your 6 years old fighting over a candy bar

          3. leobetapar Avatar

            the Associated Press reports that American officials later conceded that Nasrallah had been telling the truth.

        3. So Leo, without tourists, or natural resources, or trade,and only terrorism all around… You going to eat your Koran to survive or eat each other?

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            u say that on the holly book ,u will see what means insulting the holly book

      3. leobetapar Avatar

        decidly u more rotten than i was thinking

        1. 5thDrawer Avatar

          France getting you down Leo? Having a brain-haemorrhage today? The world not going your way?

          1. leobetapar Avatar

            France is the one who is going down The world wonderfull We are starting to liberate Arabia from the saudi dung wonderfull thay will join the EU and USA in the bin of histgory Isn’t it wonderfull?

          2. leobetapar Avatar

            France is the one who is going down The world wonderfull We are starting to liberate Arabia from the saudi dung wonderfull thay will join the EU and USA in the bin of histgory Isn’t it wonderfull?

    2. leobetapar Avatar

      the Iranian are not begging they are the people of the ME the more opulent ,nobody is starving there.You will be like them

    3. oops! Kinda lil late to worry bout that, them darn joooos can come across that border any minute, cause the mullahs say so it must be true!

  9.  Avatar

    And if they take it over , how the people will live ? begging ? and how about the world and the Lebanese? are they going yo let these murderers take over? What a sad moment in Lebanon and what a sad moment for everyone in Lebanon if this happens

  10.  Avatar

    And if they take it over , how the people will live ? begging ? and how about the world and the Lebanese? are they going yo let these murderers take over? What a sad moment in Lebanon and what a sad moment for everyone in Lebanon if this happens

    1.  Avatar

      End of the ‘Tourist Trade’ for sure …

      1.  Avatar

        more torest will come, NO?

        1.  Avatar

          Ask your grandparents how long that took the last time Dab. Or how short a time they ventured to return again before 2010. How many do you see now?

      2.  Avatar

        tourist? people who come to teach how to be perverse and homosexuel Nobody inLebanon need the depravation of the tourists

        1.  Avatar

          We know you prefer those lovely French beaches Leo … less clothing for one thing.

          1.  Avatar

            i don’t, what i know is that lebaneses beaches are forbidded to black african Don’t u v any shame

          2.  Avatar

            i don’t, what i know is that lebaneses beaches are forbidded to black african Don’t u v any shame

        2. So Leo, without tourists, or natural resources, or trade,and only terrorism all around… You going to eat your Koran to survive or eat each other?

          1.  Avatar

            u say that on the holly book ,u will see what means insulting the holly book

          2. Im not bashing any book Leo, you miss the point in what I said. If your going to post, post a opinion ON THE ARTICLE. Dont just use the forum to attack everyone else who is discussing important matters. Yet as a Hezbollah supporter, you just cant help yourself from going after everyone. Grow up, and dont act like your 6 years old fighting over a candy bar

          3.  Avatar

            the Associated Press reports that American officials later conceded that Nasrallah had been telling the truth.

      3.  Avatar

        tourist? people who come to teach how to be perverse and homosexuel Nobody inLebanon need the depravation of the tourists

      4.  Avatar

        decidly u more rotten than i was thinking

        1.  Avatar

          France getting you down Leo? Having a brain-haemorrhage today? The world not going your way?

          1.  Avatar

            France is the one who is going down The world wonderfull We are starting to liberate Arabia from the saudi dung wonderfull thay will join the EU and USA in the bin of histgory Isn’t it wonderfull?

      5.  Avatar

        decidly u more rotten than i was thinking

    2.  Avatar

      the Iranian are not begging they are the people of the ME the more opulent ,nobody is starving there.You will be like them

    3.  Avatar

      the Iranian are not begging they are the people of the ME the more opulent ,nobody is starving there.You will be like them

    4.  Avatar

      the Iranian are not begging they are the people of the ME the more opulent ,nobody is starving there.You will be like them

    5. oops! Kinda lil late to worry bout that, them darn joooos can come across that border any minute, cause the mullahs say so it must be true!

  11.  Avatar

    And if they take it over , how the people will live ? begging ? and how about the world and the Lebanese? are they going yo let these murderers take over? What a sad moment in Lebanon and what a sad moment for everyone in Lebanon if this happens

  12. LEBANON101 Avatar

    yalla ya hizb il shitan . take over beirut again this time we are waiting for you

    1. dabshaleem Avatar

      who you are salafite?

      1. LEBANON101 Avatar

        no a secular Lebanese man who is tired of seeing my country being handed over to Iran. Do i have to be salafite for wanting to defend my house from  hassans armed thugs?

      2. DabShaLeem: I agree with AusLeb….Your vocabulary is obviously very limited,as you are also very uneducated, but it’s not your fault, as it’s also very obvious to everyone who visits or comments in any of the Ya Libnan forums you post on, your brothers in Hizbuallah, took you at a young age and brainwashed/poisoned you, as young man, so we want you know, we feel real bad for you, you moron….

      3. Dab, are you Hizb?…..:)

  13.  Avatar

    yalla ya hizb il shitan . take over beirut again this time we are waiting for you

    1.  Avatar

      who you are salafite?

      1.  Avatar

        no a secular Lebanese man who is tired of seeing my country being handed over to Iran. Do i have to be salafite for wanting to defend my house from  hassans armed thugs?

      2. DabShaLeem: I agree with AusLeb….Your vocabulary is obviously very limited,as you are also very uneducated, but it’s not your fault, as it’s also very obvious to everyone who visits or comments in any of the Ya Libnan forums you post on, your brothers in Hizbuallah, took you at a young age and brainwashed/poisoned you, as young man, so we want you know, we feel real bad for you, you moron….

      3. Dab, are you Hizb?…..:)

      4. Dab, are you Hizb?…..:)

      5. Dab, are you Hizb?…..:)

  14. 5th Drawer, you paint a very clear and possible outcome if these thugs who under the veil of resistance and freedom, will use bullying and fear as a weapon to intimadete those who want a democratic and peaceful country that we will do our utmost to preserve as we did during the dreaded civil war.
    Their tactics will be met with our unquenched desire for a peaceful lebanon that we are always proud off and paid so dearly for. LET THEM TRY, their scaremongering tactics are no more than a flickering candle that flickers brighter just before it goes out. We will make sure their “light” will go off and the only thing that will shine through is the true Lebanon, a free Lebanon, a peaceful lebanon, a Lebanon for all.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      For me Lecedre, there are only words left … pitifully ineffective it seems at times. I pray for the future you seek.

      1. leobetapar Avatar

        c’mon  i have predicte u that months ago don’t u remenber, u still not totally roten, u can be save Just imagine how the fertile crescent will be happy with Jericho free all the religions free( but salafisme and wahbisme Forbidden :no bestiality)

    2. leobetapar Avatar

      you did fucking nothing during the civil war just bestiality and this time you will do nothing are the real courageous men behind HA and Aoun are ready .U will shut up or take a french or usa passport and bye bye for the traitor

  15.  Avatar

    5th Drawer, you paint a very clear and possible outcome if these thugs who under the veil of resistance and freedom, will use bullying and fear as a weapon to intimadete those who want a democratic and peaceful country that we will do our utmost to preserve as we did during the dreaded civil war.
    Their tactics will be met with our unquenched desire for a peaceful lebanon that we are always proud off and paid so dearly for. LET THEM TRY, their scaremongering tactics are no more than a flickering candle that flickers brighter just before it goes out. We will make sure their “light” will go off and the only thing that will shine through is the true Lebanon, a free Lebanon, a peaceful lebanon, a Lebanon for all.

    1.  Avatar

      For me Lecedre, there are only words left … pitifully ineffective it seems at times. I pray for the future you seek.

      1.  Avatar

        c’mon  i have predicte u that months ago don’t u remenber, u still not totally roten, u can be save Just imagine how the fertile crescent will be happy with Jericho free all the religions free( but salafisme and wahbisme Forbidden :no bestiality)

      2.  Avatar

        c’mon  i have predicte u that months ago don’t u remenber, u still not totally roten, u can be save Just imagine how the fertile crescent will be happy with Jericho free all the religions free( but salafisme and wahbisme Forbidden :no bestiality)

      3.  Avatar

        c’mon  i have predicte u that months ago don’t u remenber, u still not totally roten, u can be save Just imagine how the fertile crescent will be happy with Jericho free all the religions free( but salafisme and wahbisme Forbidden :no bestiality)

    2.  Avatar

      you did fucking nothing during the civil war just bestiality and this time you will do nothing are the real courageous men behind HA and Aoun are ready .U will shut up or take a french or usa passport and bye bye for the traitor

    3.  Avatar

      you did fucking nothing during the civil war just bestiality and this time you will do nothing are the real courageous men behind HA and Aoun are ready .U will shut up or take a french or usa passport and bye bye for the traitor

    4.  Avatar

      you did fucking nothing during the civil war just bestiality and this time you will do nothing are the real courageous men behind HA and Aoun are ready .U will shut up or take a french or usa passport and bye bye for the traitor

  16. There is no IF but WHEN?

  17. There is no IF but WHEN?

  18. antar2011 Avatar

    although i believe that HA will not just sit there and be quiet about the fall of Assad but i really think it is not going to be that big….

    i think there will only be one side (who has the weapons and trained soldiers) who will be doing all the aggression until….perhaps another syrian senario?

  19.  Avatar

    although i believe that HA will not just sit there and be quiet about the fall of Assad but i really think it is not going to be that big….

    i think there will only be one side (who has the weapons and trained soldiers) who will be doing all the aggression until….perhaps another syrian senario?

  20. How bold of them to think they can “take over” Beirut…..I cannot wait until the very last one of them is dead….hate these bastards…..IRANIAN PUPPETS…EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, THEY ARE NOT LEBANESE, THEY ARE PUPPETS OF THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT. WHEN IRAN TELLS THEM TO JUMP, THEY ASK, HOW HIGH….

    1. leobetapar Avatar

      yeahyeahyeah u start to speak full of hate u just can conceive they r honnest and pride people out there ready to fight for true and freedom,today you have hate  wait in some months ~~(the usa have to go out of Irak first )you will be scare and start pissing in ur frock

      1. what? honest people? why would they occupy beirut if Assad goes down? it has nothing to do with Lebanon, unless they are in bed with him, weasel traitors….

  21. How bold of them to think they can “take over” Beirut…..I cannot wait until the very last one of them is dead….hate these bastards…..IRANIAN PUPPETS…EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, THEY ARE NOT LEBANESE, THEY ARE PUPPETS OF THE IRANIAN GOVERNMENT. WHEN IRAN TELLS THEM TO JUMP, THEY ASK, HOW HIGH….

    1.  Avatar

      yeahyeahyeah u start to speak full of hate u just can conceive they r honnest and pride people out there ready to fight for true and freedom,today you have hate  wait in some months ~~(the usa have to go out of Irak first )you will be scare and start pissing in ur frock

      1.  Avatar

        what? honest people? why would they occupy beirut if Assad goes down? it has nothing to do with Lebanon, unless they are in bed with him, weasel traitors….

  22. I will try for the third time.
    I thought HA have been in control of LEBANON, the people and government  NOT JUST BEIRUT for a few years, news today travels fast, facts even faster. wow…..

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Nobody wants to admit it, Master09. Silence is golden … for those who wish us to live in fear.

    2. leobetapar Avatar

      we all pray for the coming of the Union of Monotheisme Arab, UMA between Iran,Irak,Syrie and Lebanon and no doubt God is hearing us

      1. Ya! by the way that you low lives are living in squalor all over the place shows that God is hearing you VERY clearly 😉

  23.  Avatar

    I will try for the third time.
    I thought HA have been in control of LEBANON, the people and government  NOT JUST BEIRUT for a few years, news today travels fast, facts even faster. wow…..

    1.  Avatar

      Nobody wants to admit it, Master09. Silence is golden … for those who wish us to live in fear.

    2.  Avatar

      we all pray for the coming of the Union of Monotheisme Arab, UMA between Iran,Irak,Syrie and Lebanon and no doubt God is hearing us

      1.  Avatar

        Ya! by the way that you low lives are living in squalor all over the place shows that God is hearing you VERY clearly 😉

      2.  Avatar

        Ya! by the way that you low lives are living in squalor all over the place shows that God is hearing you VERY clearly 😉

  24. dabshaleem Avatar

    beirut tripole saida everwher libon

    1. Ya Dabshaleem…please, do us all a favor, take that chair in the corner, turn it around and sit facing the wall, you imbecile….

      1. and hold a penny to the wall with your nose, rambling trolls everywhere lol

    2. Ya Dabshaleem…please, do us all a favor, take that chair in the corner, turn it around and sit facing the wall, you imbecile….

  25.  Avatar

    beirut tripole saida everwher libon

    1. Ya Dabshaleem…please, do us all a favor, take that chair in the corner, turn it around and sit facing the wall, you imbecile….

      1. and hold a penny to the wall with your nose, rambling trolls everywhere lol

  26.  Avatar

    beirut tripole saida everwher libon

  27. To dabshaleem – I enjoy reading other peoples posts here but I keep coming across your stupid comments that keep repeating itself… it goes something like this… “are you salafite” “are you Israeli/zionist” “are you shit”… My god man, please build up a little more vocabulary… you do know what vocabulary means don’t you or does HA not teach you that anymore?? Oh and before you ask, I am Christian and no I am not a zionist….

  28.  Avatar

    To dabshaleem – I enjoy reading other peoples posts here but I keep coming across your stupid comments that keep repeating itself… it goes something like this… “are you salafite” “are you Israeli/zionist” “are you shit”… My god man, please build up a little more vocabulary… you do know what vocabulary means don’t you or does HA not teach you that anymore?? Oh and before you ask, I am Christian and no I am not a zionist….

    1.  Avatar

      all the same u r a traitor worshipping money Dabshaleem is right

      1.  Avatar

        ???? Money??? I dont recall saying anything about money? I think you have been smoking the wakky tabaccy again!

        1.  Avatar

          you maen money from dog aal saud eat sand and pop oil who teached you how ot shit. you salifite christiane yah

        2.  Avatar

          the sunnis worship money C’mon everyone know that

  29. josephphdman Avatar

    hezbonllah will be  in syria defendind assad in his civil war   before he  falls , they wo,nt be  any left to take over beirut

  30.  Avatar

    hezbonllah will be  in syria defendind assad in his civil war   before he  falls , they wo,nt be  any left to take over beirut

  31.  Avatar

    hezbonllah will be  in syria defendind assad in his civil war   before he  falls , they wo,nt be  any left to take over beirut

  32. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4i3XZdfZ-LQ&feature=grec_index

    Watch this video its 2 minutes long ,but wallah this is what I here wherever I go bout Bashar, and these are christians.

  33. leobetapar Avatar

    those idiots salafiste see them: the shity of turkey so scare he start to apologize to the kurdish .Soon we will make him eat the dung Asap the bastards slave of the usa will attack a great new nation will born :the new great Syria with is south west part returning .And we will put chaos in Turkey we will made free zone of all the kurdish territory  we will give the Kurds all the mountains that are them The new free world of the Union of the Monotheiste Arabs will be for 1000 years Iran Irak Syrie and Lebanon will teach the world a new revolution the revolution of the fertile crescent this time not teaching agricultur but freedom

    1. lol, you are wayyyyyy out to lunch bro….you, your kids, their kids and so on will never see such a thing…you people are not advanced enough to establish any type of global position of power…bottom feeders is what you will remain until you decide to join the side of light!

      May God have mercy on you morons…

      1. dabshaleem Avatar

        you shity salafite we seewhat happened to irak and you zioniste friend.

        1. lol what?!?! Bro, Irak happened to Irak! lol get a grip on yourself creep

    2. lol, you are wayyyyyy out to lunch bro….you, your kids, their kids and so on will never see such a thing…you people are not advanced enough to establish any type of global position of power…bottom feeders is what you will remain until you decide to join the side of light!

      May God have mercy on you morons…

  34.  Avatar

    those idiots salafiste see them: the shity of turkey so scare he start to apologize to the kurdish .Soon we will make him eat the dung Asap the bastards slave of the usa will attack a great new nation will born :the new great Syria with is south west part returning .And we will put chaos in Turkey we will made free zone of all the kurdish territory  we will give the Kurds all the mountains that are them The new free world of the Union of the Monotheiste Arabs will be for 1000 years Iran Irak Syrie and Lebanon will teach the world a new revolution the revolution of the fertile crescent this time not teaching agricultur but freedom

    1.  Avatar

      lol, you are wayyyyyy out to lunch bro….you, your kids, their kids and so on will never see such a thing…you people are not advanced enough to establish any type of global position of power…bottom feeders is what you will remain until you decide to join the side of light!

      May God have mercy on you morons…

      1.  Avatar

        you shity salafite we seewhat happened to irak and you zioniste friend.

        1.  Avatar

          lol what?!?! Bro, Irak happened to Irak! lol get a grip on yourself creep

  35. dabshaleem Avatar

    they saev beyroth from you salafite

  36.  Avatar

    they saev beyroth from you salafite

  37. dabshaleem Avatar

    ha supreme you foole.you shit hummus when ha quich 

  38.  Avatar

    ha supreme you foole.you shit hummus when ha quich 

  39. dabshaleem Avatar

    you shit fouol if ha goes.

  40.  Avatar

    you shit fouol if ha goes.

  41. There is an analysis and translation of a possibility of a military coup in Lebanon here- http://subyraman.com/hezbollah-planning-military-coup-if-assad-falls-translation-and-analysis/

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Thank you.
      And if Hezzys DO do that, all the people should simply go into the streets and ‘boo’ them. No weapons … just give them the turned-down thumbs. Like people did in the elections they stole after.
      Better yet, carry on as if they are not there … go shopping and pop the middle finger salute when passing.
      Of course there’s a risk of becoming exactly like the Syrian peaceful demonstrators … easy targets … but also like the Syrians, life won’t be worth living any more anyway.
      Freedom is in the minds of the people.

  42. There is an analysis and translation of a possibility of a military coup in Lebanon here- http://subyraman.com/hezbollah-planning-military-coup-if-assad-falls-translation-and-analysis/

  43.  Avatar

    Thank you.
    And if Hezzys DO do that, all the people should simply go into the streets and ‘boo’ them. No weapons … just give them the turned-down thumbs. Like people did in the elections they stole.
    Better yet, carry on as if they are not there … go shopping and pop the middle finger salute when passing.
    Of course there’s a risk of becoming exactly like the Syrian peaceful demonstrators … easy targets … but also like the Syrians, life won’t be worth living any more anyway.
    Freedom is in the minds of the people.

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