STL receives material from Hezbollah, report


The prosecutor of the United Nations-backed tribunal investigating the 2005 death of former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri is probing new material which has been provided by Hezbollah, the Lebanon’s Daily Star reported on Thursday.

“The office of the prosecutor is currently examining material hand-delivered by Hezbollah officials to the prosecutor-general of Lebanon on 13 July 2011,” the Special Tribunal on Lebanon (STL) prosecutor’s office said in a statement.

On July 4, prosecutor Daniel Bellemare invited the leader of the Shiite movement, Hassan Nasrallah, to submit information and documents that could assist the tribunal after Nasrallah claimed on July 2 to have material including video clips which could assist in the investigation.

In the hour-long televised address, Nasrallah ruled out the arrest of four Hezbollah suspects which were indicted in the investigation into the deaths of Hariri and 22 others in 2005. Interpol has also issued wanted notices for the men.

On Friday, the STL confirmed the names of the four wanted Hezbollah men and the charges against them. Pre-trial judge Daniel Fransen ordered confidentiality around the charges against Salim Ayyash, 47, Mustafa Badreddine, 50, Hussein Anaissi, 37 and Assad Sabra, 34, be dropped.

The names of the four Hezbollah members were first leaked to the media in June when the STL handed over to Lebanon’s State Prosecutor Saeed Mirza the sealed indictments and arrest warrants against the four men. The STL justified the decision to lift the confidentiality on the suspects’ details, saying that making the requested information available to the public might increase the likelihood of apprehending the suspects.

Hezbollah has claimed that the U.N.-backed tribunal’s probe is marred by witnesses who gave false information and has urged the Lebanese government to deal with these ‘false witnesses’ in the tribunal. According to the Daily Star, the Shiite movement has also repeatedly slammed the tribunal as a “U.S.-Israeli” project aimed at targeting the resistance group, and has vowed not to cooperate with the court.

The STL, which was established in 2007, has been a point of contention among the country’s rival political parties and led to the collapse of the government of Hariri’s son, Saad Hariri, who leads the March 14 alliance, early this year.

Hariri was killed along with 22 others on February 14, 2005, when a massive blast struck his motorcade in a seafront district of Beirut. The assassination sparked the so-called Cedar Revolution, a wave of mass protests that forced Syria to withdraw its troops from Lebanon after a 29-year deployment.

channel 6



20 responses to “STL receives material from Hezbollah, report”

  1. kindman242 Avatar

     Truth will shine and prevail Mr. Nasrallah , justice will be served Allah willing on those indicted who you defend and calling them Heros, they are nothing but criminals , memebers from Hizbollah where those indicted belong , Allah, people in Lebanon and not just STL court will bring them to stand trial and justice , May  you go to hell and soon to your grave Mr. Nasrallah you are criminal and a disease to Lebanon , May Allah take you soon one way way ticket, no coming back .

  2.  Avatar

     Truth will shine and prevail Mr. Nasrallah , justice will be served Allah willing on those indicted who you defend and calling them Heros, they are nothing but criminals , memebers from Hizbollah where those indicted belong , Allah, people in Lebanon and not just STL court will bring them to stand trial and justice , May  you go to hell and soon to your grave Mr. Nasrallah you are criminal and a disease to Lebanon , May Allah take you soon one way way ticket, no coming back .

  3. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Maybe Nasrallah has finally noticed that the STL plods along … slowly but surely … to a conclusion based on what evidence it has to work with.
    If he had real evidence it should have been presented a long time ago – would have saved people the stress and aggravation, at least, of having to listen to one-hour diatribes from his TV studio.

    1. Now, Now,5D… You know that those one-hour diatribes are the only exercise he gets between watching pirate copies of Oprah Winfrey and the many,many meals he certainly isn’t missing in his hole. Cant you picture him on his exercise bike yelling at the TV? I can.. 6 years in a hole has to get to you..

      1. 5thDrawer Avatar

        Is that the bike that runs the generator? Must have it geared up so he doesn’t have to pedal much. 🙂

        1. actually he buried some illegal power cables down to Israel’s new solar field

        2. When no one is looking he coasts on the bike and holds his arms out like Leo DiCaprio in the Titanic and yells “I’M king of the world!” (No respect for da fat man,NONE)

  4.  Avatar

    Maybe Nasrallah has finally noticed that the STL plods along … slowly but surely … to a conclusion based on what evidence it has to work with.
    If he had real evidence it should have been presented a long time ago – would have saved people the stress and aggravation, at least, of having to listen to one-hour diatribes from his TV studio.

    1. Now, Now,5D… You know that those one-hour diatribes are the only exercise he gets between watching pirate copies of Oprah Winfrey and the many,many meals he certainly isn’t missing in his hole. Cant you picture him on his exercise bike yelling at the TV? I can.. 6 years in a hole has to get to you..

      1.  Avatar

        Is that the bike that runs the generator? Must have it geared up so he doesn’t have to pedal much. 🙂

        1. actually he buried some illegal power cables down to Israel’s new solar field

        2. When no one is looking he coasts on the bike and holds his arms out like Leo DiCaprio in the Titanic and yells “I’M king of the world!” (No respect for da fat man,NONE)

      2.  Avatar

        Is that the bike that runs the generator? Must have it geared up so he doesn’t have to pedal much. 🙂

  5.  Avatar

    Maybe Nasrallah has finally noticed that the STL plods along … slowly but surely … to a conclusion based on what evidence it has to work with.
    If he had real evidence it should have been presented a long time ago – would have saved people the stress and aggravation, at least, of having to listen to one-hour diatribes from his TV studio.

  6. What evidence?
    Nasrallah scribble “Israel did it” on a cocktail napkin that fluttered down to him thru a storm gutter to his underground “command post”? 

    Your beyond guilty,and as soon as Lebanon can eject you all,the sooner they can start to prosper and get on with real lives.

  7. What evidence?
    Nasrallah scribble “Israel did it” on a cocktail napkin that fluttered down to him thru a storm gutter to his underground “command post”? 

    Your beyond guilty,and as soon as Lebanon can eject you all,the sooner they can start to prosper and get on with real lives.

  8. shankarees Avatar

    Any material coming from the Hezzies would definitely be stinky — mzannkha — like them.  I hope the STL would disinfect it before using it.

  9.  Avatar

    Any material coming from the Hezzies would definitely be stinky — mzannkha — like them.  I hope the STL would disinfect it before using it.

  10. antar2011 Avatar

    i am starting to think that he has provided these ‘worthless material’ for a reason no other then to slow down the eventual start of the trial. everybody knows they have nothing to offer the STL except lies and more lies. even Bellmare himself…but because this is an international court where justice held high, bellmare cannot refuse HA… if it was a lebanese court/judge…well one can imagine.

    ba3den, why would HA say it did not give Bellmare anything?…to keep their lie of not cooperating with a zionist american court?…..i hope their supporters are not donkey-like enough to understand their hypocracy now.

  11.  Avatar

    i am starting to think that he has provided these ‘worthless material’ for a reason no other then to slow down the eventual start of the trial. everybody knows they have nothing to offer the STL except lies and more lies. even Bellmare himself…but because this is an international court where justice held high, bellmare cannot refuse HA… if it was a lebanese court/judge…well one can imagine.

    ba3den, why would HA say it did not give Bellmare anything?…to keep their lie of not cooperating with a zionist american court?…..i hope their supporters are not donkey-like enough to understand their hypocracy now.

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