Assad decrees multi-party system in Syria


Syrian President Bashar Al Assad on Thursday issued a decree authorizing multiparty system in Syria, the official SANA news agency reported, a day after regime loyalists in Damascus called for political reforms and talks with demonstrators.

“President Bashar Al Assad issues Legislative Decrees on Parties Law and General Election Law,” SANA said.

The decree allows political parties to be established and to function alongside the Baath party, in power since 1963 with the constitutional status of “the leader of state and society.”

The Syrian government adopted a draft law on multiple political organizations last month.

At the time, SANA reported the draft legislation was “aimed at enriching political life, creating a new dynamic and allowing for a change in political power.”

“The bill stipulates the essential objectives and principles governing the activities of parties, conditions for their establishment … and rules relating to their financing, their rights and their obligations,” SANA said.

It prohibits parties founded on the basis “of religion, tribal affiliation, regional interests; professional organizations as well as parties which discriminate on the basis of race, sex or color,” the report said.

Mr. Assad’s decree means the law can take effect immediately without parliament’s approval.

Political pluralism has been at the forefront of demands by pro-reform dissidents who since March 15 have been taking to the streets across Syria almost daily to call for greater freedoms.

The decree came a day after regime loyalists meeting in Damascus urged President Assad to undertake political reforms and speak to demonstrators staging a revolt against their government.

An Associated Press reporter at Sunday’s meeting at a hotel in the capital said the gathering was government-sanctioned. But jittery staff cut the power in the meeting, trying to make the dozens of attendees leave quickly.

Attendees include a former parliamentarian, Mohammed Habash.

Opposition activists say it’s too late for any efforts to bridge the gap between the regime and the protesters.

The decree came hours after the UN Security Council stepped up pressure on Syria’s rulers by condemning the bloody crackdown and saying those responsible should be held accountable.

The council was unable to agree on a resolution, but settled on a less-binding statement condemning “the widespread violations of human rights and the use of force against civilians by the Syrian authorities.”

“Those responsible for the violence should be held accountable,” it said, in its first pronouncement on the Syrian crisis since the protests began.

The UN statement came as tens of thousands of Syrian protesters again took to the streets on Wednesday, despite a tank assault on the flashpoint protest city of Hama.

Pro-democracy protesters have vowed to protest every night of Ramadan following evening prayers despite the assault on Hama and the killing of some 120 people across the country on the eve of the Muslim holy month.

Al Arabiya



20 responses to “Assad decrees multi-party system in Syria”

  1. Patience2 Avatar

    Multi-party and the tanks keep rolling.

  2.  Avatar

    Multi-party and the tanks keep rolling.

  3.  Avatar

    Multi-party and the tanks keep rolling.

  4. 5thDrawer Avatar

    “No one can build his security upon the nobleness of another person.” – Willa Cather

  5.  Avatar

    “No one can build his security upon the nobleness of another person.” – Willa Cather

  6. Hannibal Avatar

    Running out of options?

  7. Running out of options?

  8. abusamir Avatar

    A joke that came too late, to entertain and bring laughter! a multi-party my A$$

  9.  Avatar

    A joke that came too late, to entertain and bring laughter! a multi-party my A$$

  10. 5thDrawer Avatar

    Meanwhile they try to spread violence and threats around the world. This from CBC.

          Syrians in Canada report pressure
    A Syrian-Canadian woman says she and others in her community have been threatened in Canada for their support of the uprising against the regime in her home country.
    In an interview Wednesday with CBC Radio’s The Current, the woman said she started receiving the threats on her Facebook page after she posted videos and spread information about the violent crackdown on protesters in Syria.
    “I felt I was in Syria, not in Canada,” said the woman, whose name is being withheld by CBC News out of concerns for her safety.

    At least she knows she can stand up and be heard … Canada already booted 5 Embassy staffers for naughty activity ..

  11.  Avatar

    Meanwhile they try to spread violence and threats around the world. This from CBC.

          Syrians in Canada report pressure
    A Syrian-Canadian woman says she and others in her community have been threatened in Canada for their support of the uprising against the regime in her home country.In an interview Wednesday with CBC Radio’s The Current, the woman said she started receiving the threats on her Facebook page after she posted videos and spread information about the violent crackdown on protesters in Syria.
    “I felt I was in Syria, not in Canada,” said the woman, whose name is being withheld by CBC News out of concerns for her safety.

  12. leb_expatriate Avatar

    The longer you cling to power the harsher will be the retribution against you and members of your regime when the people overthrow you. Isn’t it about time you’ve fled to Moscow and joined your siblings who butchered Chechnya and Georgia amongst other former USSR republics.

  13.  Avatar

    The longer you cling to power the harsher will be the retribution against you and members of your regime when the people overthrow you. Isn’t it about time you’ve fled to Moscow and joined your siblings who butchered Chechnya and Georgia amongst other former USSR republics.

  14. antar2011 Avatar

    a multi party but under the ‘eyes’ of his party….a useless change indeed!

    the following is interesting:
    “Mr. Assad’s decree means the law can take effect immediately without parliament’s approval.”

    if he can do that with this law, he could have done that with other laws an dprevented many many deaths……the butcher he knew pple were butchered on the streets but kept silent, if not ordered for their murder!

    lek 7at Hitler bi jaybtoo.

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Yes … multi-parties … which he will approve … to sit in the parliament … he doesn’t need.

  15.  Avatar

    a multi party but under the ‘eyes’ of his party….a useless change indeed!

    the following is interesting:
    “Mr. Assad’s decree means the law can take effect immediately without parliament’s approval.”

    if he can do that with this law, he could have done that with other laws an dprevented many many deaths……the butcher he knew pple were butchered on the streets but kept silent, if not ordered for their murder!

    lek 7at Hitler bi jaybtoo.

    1.  Avatar

      Yes … multi-parties … which he will approve … to sit in the parliament … he doesn’t need.

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