Hezbollah chief: We need to return to Khomeini’s teachings


Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah made another TV appearance via video link to address a ceremony commemorating death of Grand Ayatollah Ruhollah Mostafavi Moosavi Khomeini who died on 3 June 1989.

He said the removal of the Shah’s regime in 1979 was an important achievement for Khomeini. But the most important achievement was the state building that followed and it is the most challenging matter.

He said the Islamic Republic Regime was chosen by the people of Iran in a referendum .

He tried to explain how the Wilayat al Faqih rule works

He said in Iran they have real authorities and the jurisprudent supervises these authorities and stops any violation of their powers or limits.

Nasrallah who is a strong supporter of the Wilayt al Faqih system said in “the jurisprudent ( or Wilayt al Faqih) state, the head of state should be a well-informed person and a man of law. He should be wise and brave.”

He said Iran is called the Islamic Republic of Iran and not Wilayt al Faqih . “There have been several efforts in the passed few years to represent it as an oppressive state and these are all lies.”

He hinted that he wants a Wilayt al Faqih state in Lebanon similar to Iran:

“We want the rise of the state in Lebanon and we have seen the results of relying on militias. We believe in a strong and unified state.”

Commenting to the Taif accord he said:

“The Taif Accord is the product of a settlement and the situation in the country is too complicated to introduce a new constitution and we therefore fear a return of sectarian divisions. So let us acknowledge the flaws in the constitution, avoid talk of committing to the Taif, and work on developing the Lebanese system away from sectarianism.”

This was a possible response to patriarch Bechara Rai who called for changes in te Accird to give the president more power :

Commenting on the delay in cabinet formation he said :

“We have always encountered government formation crises. We want to aid the PM-designate and we will not present a proposal that can harm his efforts. We will not give up despite the current challenges.”

Commenting on the ministry of telecommunications incident he said :

“After the telecommunications controversy, a debate took place and I suggest that we go out of this cycle and tackle issues in a different way.”

“Let us say that we have a system and a constitution, but after twenty years we have gaps that needs to be filled. Let us tackle the problem by developing the system. Let us leave out sectarian backgrounds and establish a committee with the goal of developing the system. We need to develop the system to respond to the needs.”

He concluded his speech by saying:

“We need to return to Khomeini’s teachings and renew our vow to continue in his footsteps and we can only be victorious. ”



63 responses to “Hezbollah chief: We need to return to Khomeini’s teachings”

  1. lebanesesam Avatar

    Last time I had 2 words for you (Kol Khara), this time I will be more generous – Kol Khara again, and send some to Khomeini to share.
    On another note, this is how you know this moron and his followers like to go backwards in life, they just don’t know how to adjust to modern reality. No wonder other people does not want to join the muslim religion, cause you and your followers make it look and sound filthy. You don’t have to drink alcohol or not fast in ramadan to be a fucked up muslim, it’s your actions all around all your life. So in plain english go F*** yourself – and in plain arabic/lebanese 2Air Feek

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      something of note…. nasrullah does not represent majority of muslims….more importantly he does not represent islam as it shoudl be represented…
      in fact in islam, his hypocracy is a grave sin.

      leave islam out of it please.

      1. lebanesesam Avatar

        Habibi Antar, I am a muslim too. I am not saying he represents Islam, I said people like him makes Islam look bad. So maybe you should read what I wrote and then comment. I will give you an example, when I talk to someone and I tell them I am a muslim and from Lebanon, the first thing they ask, so aren’t the muslims in Lebanon with HA? or some other ignorant sh*t like that. Although some people are ignorant, but bad news and bad images spread fast my friend. I don’t like it and neither does any other muslim, but it’s reality – that’s why Nassrallah and his similar people need to be eliminated

        1. antar2011 Avatar

          i dunno who you talk to but obviously these pple are ignorant of the situation in lebanon.
          thanks for elaborating on your post.
          i appologise if i offended.

        2. antar2011 Avatar

          i dunno who you talk to but obviously these pple are ignorant of the situation in lebanon.
          thanks for elaborating on your post.
          i appologise if i offended.

  2. lebanesesam Avatar

    Last time I had 2 words for you (Kol Khara), this time I will be more generous – Kol Khara again, and send some to Khomeini to share.
    On another note, this is how you know this moron and his followers like to go backwards in life, they just don’t know how to adjust to modern reality. No wonder other people does not want to join the muslim religion, cause you and your followers make it look and sound filthy. You don’t have to drink alcohol or not fast in ramadan to be a fucked up muslim, it’s your actions all around all your life. So in plain english go F*** yourself – and in plain arabic/lebanese 2Air Feek

  3.  Avatar

    Last time I had 2 words for you (Kol Khara), this time I will be more generous – Kol Khara again, and send some to Khomeini to share.
    On another note, this is how you know this moron and his followers like to go backwards in life, they just don’t know how to adjust to modern reality. No wonder other people does not want to join the muslim religion, cause you and your followers make it look and sound filthy. You don’t have to drink alcohol or not fast in ramadan to be a fucked up muslim, it’s your actions all around all your life. So in plain english go F*** yourself – and in plain arabic/lebanese 2Air Feek

    1.  Avatar

      something of note…. nasrullah does not represent majority of muslims….more importantly he does not represent islam as it shoudl be represented…
      in fact in islam, his hypocracy is a grave sin.

      leave islam out of it please.

      1.  Avatar

        Habibi Antar, I am a muslim too. I am not saying he represents Islam, I said people like him makes Islam look bad. So maybe you should read what I wrote and then comment.

        1.  Avatar

          i dunno who you talk to but obviously these pple are ignorant of the situation in lebanon.
          thanks for elaborating on your post.
          i appologise if i offended.

  4. 316909 Avatar

    That must be the smartest thing you have said in the past 5 years. So get on a plane with all your supporters and go to Iran where you can return to the teachings of whoever you want. In Lebanon we never cared for his teachings so we dont have a need to return to it since we never had it but feel free to leave and return to those teachings any time.

  5. 316909 Avatar

    That must be the smartest thing you have said in the past 5 years. So get on a plane with all your supporters and go to Iran where you can return to the teachings of whoever you want. In Lebanon we never cared for his teachings so we dont have a need to return to it since we never had it but feel free to leave and return to those teachings any time.

  6.  Avatar

    That must be the smartest thing you have said in the past 5 years. So get on a plane with all your supporters and go to Iran where you can return to the teachings of whoever you want. In Lebanon we never cared for his teachings so we dont have a need to return to it since we never had it but feel free to leave and return to those teachings any time.

  7.  Avatar

    That must be the smartest thing you have said in the past 5 years. So get on a plane with all your supporters and go to Iran where you can return to the teachings of whoever you want. In Lebanon we never cared for his teachings so we dont have a need to return to it since we never had it but feel free to leave and return to those teachings any time.

  8. lebster Avatar

    Iran is waiting for you …Go there Hassouna…Lebanon does not need another clown like you, We have enough!!!!

    1. Come’on lets keep this clown…he makes me laugh

  9.  Avatar

    Iran is waiting for you …Go there Hassouna…Lebanon does not need another clown like you, We have enough!!!!

    1. Come’on lets keep this clown…he makes me laugh

  10. Beiruti Avatar

    Just try turning Lebanon into Iran, just try.
    This time your not going to have Israel on your head, your going to have every damn Sunni and Christian on your head.
    Just try you pig you filthy scum Nasrallah and your dirty Persian brothers.These guys think they could run Lebanon from the underground? If you had some balls you’d give your speeches in front of people. But your scared of the Mossad eh Nasrallah? Come send your thugs again like in 2008, this time we’re not going to let you step on us. Do you think this is some kind of game or something? Speaking like you run Lebanon.

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      although it is hard to swallow and i hate myself in saying this but he does in fact control lebanon, thanks for his militia and illegal arms coming from khamanei’s regime.

      1. Beiruti Avatar

        Buddy, as a famous man said “You can swallow Lebanon, but you cannot digest it”.

        Israel couldn’t control Lebanon.
        Syria couldn’t control Lebanon.
        PLO & Morabitoon couldn’t control Lebanon.
        Lebanese Forces & Kataeb couldn’t control Lebanon.
        Amal couldn’t control Lebanon.
        PSP couldn’t control Lebanon.
        Aoun couldn’t control Lebanon (And failed miserably at doing so).
        For God’s sake our own “Lebanese” army cannot control Lebanon.

        Please don’t tell me Hezbollah’s controlling Lebanon, go to Beirut for instance we are towards a western culture. Do you think the falafel vendor on the street is being controlled by Hezbollah? The only place Hezbollah controls is Dahiye, just like the civil war every militia had power in their stronghold but nowhere else. Hezbollah are a bunch of thugs, drugs dealers and street guys. God has proven that he doesn’t let evil last long, just look at your history books. Hezbollah’s mother Syria is slowly dying like a dog, and his Father Iran is doing not so bad, but what’s Iran? Compared to USA, Israel, and the Lebanese who oppose Hezbollah. Nothing.

        1. kareemthehippy Avatar

          That’s a very inspiring comment..and lets hope we can eradicate all the little bits of all the parasites that have tried leeching off of Lebanon.

        2. antar2011 Avatar

          like kareem has said..your comments are inspiring.

          i am more realistic then you are bro..hizbollah is doing an unprecedent action in lebanon and that is dominating the political domain without having a strong lebanese opposition.  

          i say lebanese opposition because history showed that relying on france and USA for support has been the biggest mistake.

  11. Beiruti Avatar

    Just try turning Lebanon into Iran, just try.
    This time your not going to have Israel on your head, your going to have every damn Sunni and Christian on your head.
    Just try you pig you filthy scum Nasrallah and your dirty Persian brothers.These guys think they could run Lebanon from the underground? If you had some balls you’d give your speeches in front of people. But your scared of the Mossad eh Nasrallah? Come send your thugs again like in 2008, this time we’re not going to let you step on us. Do you think this is some kind of game or something? Speaking like you run Lebanon.

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      although it is hard to swallow and i hate myself in saying this but he does in fact control lebanon, thanks for his militia and illegal arms coming from khamanei’s regime.

  12.  Avatar

    Just try turning Lebanon into Iran, just try.
    This time your not going to have Israel on your head, your going to have every damn Sunni and Christian on your head.
    Just try you pig you filthy scum Nasrallah and your dirty Persian brothers.These guys think they could run Lebanon from the underground? If you had some balls you’d give your speeches in front of people. But your scared of the Mossad eh Nasrallah? Come send your thugs again like in 2008, this time we’re not going to let you step on us. Do you think this is some kind of game or something? Speaking like you run Lebanon.

    1.  Avatar

      although it is hard to swallow and i hate myself in saying this but he does in fact control lebanon, thanks for his militia and illegal arms coming from khamanei’s regime.

      1.  Avatar

        Buddy, as a famous man said “You can swallow Lebanon, but you cannot digest it”.

        Israel couldn’t control Lebanon.
        Syria couldn’t control Lebanon.
        PLO & Morabitoon couldn’t control Lebanon.
        Lebanese Forces & Kataeb couldn’t control Lebanon.
        Amal couldn’t control Lebanon.
        PSP couldn’t control Lebanon.
        Aoun couldn’t control Lebanon (And failed miserably at doing so).
        For God’s sake our own “Lebanese” army cannot control Lebanon.

        Please don’t tell me Hezbollah’s controlling Lebanon, go to Beirut for instance we are towards a western culture. Do you think the falafel vendor on the street is being controlled by Hezbollah? The only place Hezbollah controls is Dahiye, just like the civil war every militia had power in their stronghold but nowhere else. Hezbollah are a bunch of thugs, drugs dealers and street guys. God has proven that he doesn’t let evil last long, just look at your history books. Hezbollah’s mother Syria is slowly dying like a dog, and his Father Iran is doing not so bad, but what’s Iran? Compared to USA, Israel, and the Lebanese who oppose Hezbollah. Nothing.

        1.  Avatar

          That’s a very inspiring comment..and lets hope we can eradicate all the little bits of all the parasites that have tried leeching off of Lebanon.

        2.  Avatar

          like kareem has said..your comments are inspiring.

          i am more realistic then you are bro..hizbollah is doing an unprecedent action in lebanon and that is dominating the political domain without having a strong lebanese opposition.  

          i say lebanese opposition because history showed that relying on france and USA for support has been the biggest mistake.

    2.  Avatar

      although it is hard to swallow and i hate myself in saying this but he does in fact control lebanon, thanks for his militia and illegal arms coming from khamanei’s regime.

    3.  Avatar

      although it is hard to swallow and i hate myself in saying this but he does in fact control lebanon, thanks for his militia and illegal arms coming from khamanei’s regime.

  13. FadiAbboud Avatar

    who in the right mind would support this man’s regime?

  14. FadiAbboud Avatar

    who in the right mind would support this man’s regime?

  15.  Avatar

    who in the right mind would support this man’s regime?

  16. 316909 Avatar

    What the hell is a Wilayt al Faqih? Iran style Government? My father is Sunni and My mom is Maronite and they dont know either. When I go to Lebanon (witch is where I am now for 10 more days) I stay with them.

    One thing I learned about Islam is that you can not force people to follow a religion. You cant force women to wear a Hijab. So how is making it law to pray 5 times a day and make women cover up following Islam?

    I personally like to go to the beach and see cute girls running around half naked while I try to sleez my way into her panties. Why would I be forced to have to pray and not be a sleez bag any more when its what I want to do?

    1. master09 Avatar

      I think i will not see Lebanon again because of this guy. Hey dude sounds like your having the time of your life,keep it up.
      This HA chief probably cant get it up anymore so if he cant have fun he wants to take it away from the rest of us.

      But we have to be aware, look at where HA is at the moment since we let them be since 1983. If we all do not stand up as Lebanese in 20 years Lebanon will be Iran. We must stand up and go to the south in mass and demand them to stop controlling the Lebanese.

      Enjoy the rest of your time.

  17.  Avatar

    What the hell is a Wilayt al Faqih? Iran style Government? My father is Sunni and My mom is Maronite and they dont know either. When I go to Lebanon (witch is where I am now for 10 more days) I stay with them.

    One thing I learned about Islam is that you can not force people to follow a religion. You cant force women to wear a Hijab. So how is making it law to pray 5 times a day and make women cover up following Islam?

    I personally like to go to the beach and see cute girls running around half naked while I try to sleez my way into her panties. Why would I be forced to have to pray and not be a sleez bag any more when its what I want to do?

    1.  Avatar

      I think i will not see Lebanon again because of this guy. Hey dude sounds like your having the time of your life,keep it up.
      This HA chief probably cant get it up anymore so if he cant have fun he wants to take it away from the rest of us.

      Enjoy the rest of your time.       

  18. Fauzia45 Avatar

    What we need is freedom,joy and peace for all mankind!!We need to open our minds and hearts to the future with new hopes instead of clinging to old myths and beliefs !

    1. lebanesesam Avatar

      Fauzia, although I agree with you 100%, but this guy needs to be smacked upside his head to wake up and smell the humus. I just don’t understand why the Cedar Revolution have not organized a march towards the south of lebanon cheering and demanding to get rid of HA weapons? then he can see what the majority wants, which is life, freedom and ability to get more civilized

    2. lebanesesam Avatar

      Fauzia, although I agree with you 100%, but this guy needs to be smacked upside his head to wake up and smell the humus. I just don’t understand why the Cedar Revolution have not organized a march towards the south of lebanon cheering and demanding to get rid of HA weapons? then he can see what the majority wants, which is life, freedom and ability to get more civilized

  19.  Avatar

    What we need is freedom,joy and peace for all mankind!!We need to open our minds and hearts to the future with new hopes instead of clinging to old myths and beliefs !

    1.  Avatar

      Fauzia, although I agree with you 100%, but this guy needs to be smacked upside his head to wake up and smell the humus. I just don’t understand why the Cedar Revolution have not organized a march towards the south of lebanon cheering and demanding to get rid of HA weapons? then he can see what the majority wants, which is life, freedom and ability to get more civilized

    2.  Avatar

      Fauzia, although I agree with you 100%, but this guy needs to be smacked upside his head to wake up and smell the humus. I just don’t understand why the Cedar Revolution have not organized a march towards the south of lebanon cheering and demanding to get rid of HA weapons? then he can see what the majority wants, which is life, freedom and ability to get more civilized

    3.  Avatar

      Fauzia, although I agree with you 100%, but this guy needs to be smacked upside his head to wake up and smell the humus. I just don’t understand why the Cedar Revolution have not organized a march towards the south of lebanon cheering and demanding to get rid of HA weapons? then he can see what the majority wants, which is life, freedom and ability to get more civilized

  20.  Avatar

    What we need is freedom,joy and peace for all mankind!!We need to open our minds and hearts to the future with new hopes instead of clinging to old myths and beliefs !

  21. antar2011 Avatar

    you are the lier sayyed….because you are defending a regime that  killed its own pple during the revolution in 2009 and at the start of the arab spring recently…if that is not oppressive what is?

    no one believes this lier anymore then the iranians believe khamenei and ahmadinajad…including shiites themselves.

    i do not understand why he is defending wilayat al faqeeh infront of an audience who are supposed to follow it…or is the idea too hard to bear even on die hards HA supporters?
    only one reason for that…wilayat al faqeeh has no relevance whatsoever to the lebanese…not just the non muslims but especially the muslim lebanese and in particular the shiites.

    this man is all contradictions and hypocricies;
    he talks about avoiding sectarianism yet he leads a militia who killed non shiites in its rank to become one sect “resistance”.
    he talks about not wanting wilayat al faqeeh in lebanon, he defends it and explains how it works and is proud to be part of it.
    he talks about believing in a strong unified country, his militia practice has done exactly the opposite.

  22.  Avatar

    you are the lier sayyed….because you are defending a regime that  killed its own pple during the revolution in 2009 and at the start of the arab spring recently…if that is not oppressive what is?

    no one believes this lier anymore then the iranians believe khamenei and ahmadinajad…including shiites themselves.

    i do not understand why he is defending wilayat al faqeeh infront of an audience who are supposed to follow it…or is the idea too hard to bear even on die hards HA supporters?
    only one reason for that…wilayat al faqeeh has no relevance whatsoever to the lebanese…not just the non muslims but especially the muslim lebanese and in particular the shiites.

    this man is all contradictions and hypocricies;
    he talks about avoiding sectarianism yet he leads a militia who killed non shiites in its rank to become one sect “resistance”.
    he talks about not wanting wilayat al faqeeh in lebanon, he defends it and explains how it works and is proud to be part of it.
    he talks about believing in a strong unified country, his militia practice has done exactly the opposite.

  23. Constantin7 Avatar

    Please Hassan keep on revealing to us your true intentions and let ALL the Lebanese be informed of them. Like that the ones that do not know you yet they will have an opportunity to know the real Hassan, the pro-khomeini one. I would bet at least 80% of the Lebanese Shiaa would reject such statements and want nothing to do with Khomeini. I have Shiaa friends (girls) who are educated and go to the beach in super bikinis, and the Khomeini and his teachings  does not even matter a bit for them.

  24. Constantin7 Avatar

    Please Hassan keep on revealing to us your true intentions and let ALL the Lebanese be informed of them. Like that the ones that do not know you yet they will have an opportunity to know the real Hassan, the pro-khomeini one. I would bet at least 80% of the Lebanese Shiaa would reject such statements and want nothing to do with Khomeini. I have Shiaa friends (girls) who are educated and go to the beach in super bikinis, and the Khomeini and his teachings  does not even matter a bit for them.

  25.  Avatar

    Please Hassan keep on revealing to us your true intentions and let ALL the Lebanese be informed of them. Like that the ones that do not know you yet they will have an opportunity to know the real Hassan, the pro-khomeini one. I would bet at least 80% of the Lebanese Shiaa would reject such statements and want nothing to do with Khomeini. I have Shiaa friends (girls) who are educated and go to the beach in super bikinis, and the Khomeini and his teachings  does not even matter a bit for them.

  26. Fadi81 Avatar

    Haha! goodluck…any military action or open threat in attempt of achieving your dream will be a BIG mistake…he’s so desperate now he’s trying to role out the next stage of his stupid plan, making talk about “fixing” the system an open thing – hes a foreign agent, not lebanese at all…maybe when he talks in riddles and scenarios he sounds leb, but he isn’t…change the constitution? Not happening, as if pal, just give it up already.

  27.  Avatar

    Haha! goodluck…any military action or open threat in attempt of achieving your dream will be a BIG mistake…he’s so desperate now he’s trying to role out the next stage of his stupid plan, making talk about “fixing” the system an open thing – hes a foreign agent, not lebanese at all…maybe when he talks in riddles and scenarios he sounds leb, but he isn’t…change the constitution? Not happening, as if pal, just give it up already.

  28. All rise for the president of lebanon…ttiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    1. antar2011 Avatar

      best quote of the day man.

  29. All rise for the president of lebanon…ttiiiiiiiiiiiizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    1.  Avatar

      best quote of the day man.

  30. waw have u been thinking about it for long as we say in lebanon law khrit wa ma hkite u are thick as a brick well if you like him you can go and follow him the dampness in the under grounds effected whatever left of your silly brain rooh fout b tezzo daft 

  31. waw have u been thinking about it for long as we say in lebanon law khrit wa ma hkite u are thick as a brick well if you like him you can go and follow him the dampness in the under grounds effected whatever left of your silly brain rooh fout b tezzo daft 

  32. kareemthehippy Avatar

    We need you to return to Iran .. zhi2na minnak 😛

  33. kareemthehippy Avatar

    We need you to return to Iran .. zhi2na minnak 😛

  34.  Avatar

    We need you to return to Iran .. zhi2na minnak 😛

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