Analysis- Syrians see through Assad’s rhetoric


Having watched the rulers of Egypt and Tunisia let their rebellious subjects gather strength in the streets and then tumble them from power, the ruler of Syria, Bashar al-Assad, seems to be taking no chances. Only a leaf had to stir – schoolchildren daubing a wall with slogans of neighbouring revolts relayed by satellite television – and his security services started shooting down unarmed protesters, first in Deraa in the south and now across the country. This is a perilous path, for his regime and Syria.

In a sense, this is the second time round for President Assad. In 2005, after the assassination of Lebanon’s former prime minister, Rafiq Hariri – in which Damascus is widely held to be complicit – he watched how satellite and digital media helped magnify the tumultuous protests into the “Cedar Revolution” that drove Syria out of Lebanon after 29 years of occupation.

Knowledgeable observers of Syria say the regime is now divided between the president, who would prefer to conciliate and co-opt, and his brother Maher al-Assad, commander of the Republican Guard, and brother-in-law Asef Shawkat, head of military intelligence, who want to keep firing. They are doing both: releasing political prisoners and promising an end to the emergency law under which the Ba’ath party has ruled Syria since 1963; and shooting demonstrators.

Rebellion is spreading from the south, to the capital and to Homs and Hama in the centre, and now to the north-west. The government acknowledged 12 deaths over the weekend in Latakia, the port city and heartland of the Alawite minority that rules Sunni-majority Syria behind the Ba’ath facade.

The last time elements of Syria’s Sunni majority rose, in an Islamist insurrection under the Muslim Brotherhood in 1982, Mr Assad’s father, the formidable Hafez al-Assad from whom he inherited power, razed the city of Hama over their heads, killing tens of thousands. Will the son emulate his father’s ruthless resolution, or take the path of reform?

While it is a truism that dictatorships are never more vulnerable than when they try to reform under pressure from the streets, it is also true that Mr Assad cannot repeat Hama. A massacre of those proportions could no longer take place offstage, as it did in 1982, but will be transmitted worldwide – and set Syria on fire.

Syria, which styles itself the “beating heart” of Arabism and Arab resistance to Israel, is playing on its people’s fear of a regime never afraid to use violence.

Buthaina Sha’aban, the president’s interlocutor with the outside world, says her boss is “the target of a plot to sow sectarian strife” and destroy Syria’s “unique model of coexistence”. The regime blames the unrest on “armed gangs” and foreign “agents”.

While the Assads have upheld multi-confessional tolerance at home, they have never hesitated in fomenting sectarian strife abroad. In Lebanon they reconsecrated the prewar sectarian system, to highlight Syria’s indispensable role as arbiter, and undermined attempts to build national challenges to their rule. Aligned with Shia Iran and merciless with homegrown Islamists, Syria was a funnel for Sunni jihadis entering Iraq to wreak havoc against the US-led occupation and the new Shia-dominated order there.

The regime’s “resistance” credentials are threadbare too. Syria narrowly failed in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war to recapture the Golan Heights seized by Israel in the 1967 Six day war. Since then, it has hardly fired a shot, as the Assad regimes have preferred to needle Israel through proxies such as Hizbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in the Palestinian territories. After Republican Guards entered Deraa last week, demonstrators taunted Maher al-Assad, their commander: “Maher, you coward, send your troops to liberate the Golan.”

Many Syrians have seen through the hollow rhetoric, and the spider’s web of crony capitalism. They have been burning down not only Ba’ath party offices but local outlets of businesses owned by Rami Makhlouf, cousin to the Assads and billionaire beneficiary of their rule.

Inspired by their Arab cousins, and inflamed by the insolence of the regime’s repression, they are losing their fear. They cannot all be shot down. The question Bashar al-Assad faces now is whether they can be reconciled. FT



18 responses to “Analysis- Syrians see through Assad’s rhetoric”

  1. Patience2 Avatar

    Seems like the Hyena’s not laughing as much, now.

  2.  Avatar

    Seems like the Hyena’s not laughing as much, now.

  3. how would they trust him to reconcile with him?

    the only option for him is to step down while appologising for his criminal inhuman murdering of his own pple and other country’s pple.

    time to go Assad…i just hope that all syrian pple realise that they are better off without him.

  4.  Avatar

    how would they trust him to reconcile with him?

    the only option for him is to step down while appologising for his criminal inhuman murdering of his own pple and other country’s pple.

    time to go Assad…i just hope that all syrian pple realise that they are better off without him.

  5.  Avatar

    how would they trust him to reconcile with him?

    the only option for him is to step down while appologising for his criminal inhuman murdering of his own pple and other country’s pple.

    time to go Assad…i just hope that all syrian pple realise that they are better off without him.

  6.  Avatar

    how would they trust him to reconcile with him?

    the only option for him is to step down while appologising for his criminal inhuman murdering of his own pple and other country’s pple.

    time to go Assad…i just hope that all syrian pple realise that they are better off without him.

  7. To all Arabs brothers who seek normalcy, prosperity and peace:

    Where were the international community and Arab unity when Hafez Al-Assad massacred tens of thousands Arabs in Hamma?

    To Ms. Buthaina Sha’aban, Syria’s “unique model of coexistence”. Really? Is that what you call when the father of your “unique model of regime” kills his own people!

    You blame the unrest on “armed gangs” and foreign “agents”. Again really? When will the Middle East realize, acknowledge and accept the fact that “as Arabs, your failure to be united as one invites, encourages and creates a breathing ground for foreign interference of your identify and livelihood? Not mentioning the thugs amongst you who fill their pockets from inviting the foreign interference.

    You are first Arabs and second Muslims whether Sunni or Sheaa. Religious divide and intolerance towards other sects creates a breathing ground for extremism which weakens the very fabric of Arab society and its sovereignty.

    This is my opinion.

  8. To all Arabs brothers who seek normalcy, prosperity and peace:

    Where were the international community and Arab unity when Hafez Al-Assad massacred tens of thousands Arabs in Hamma?

    To Ms. Buthaina Sha’aban, Syria’s “unique model of coexistence”. Really? Is that what you call when the father of your “unique model of regime” kills his own people!

    You blame the unrest on “armed gangs” and foreign “agents”. Again really? When will the Middle East realize, acknowledge and accept the fact that “as Arabs, your failure to be united as one invites, encourages and creates a breathing ground for foreign interference of your identify and livelihood? Not mentioning the thugs amongst you who fill their pockets from inviting the foreign interference.

    You are first Arabs and second Muslims whether Sunni or Sheaa. Religious divide and intolerance towards other sects creates a breathing ground for extremism which weakens the very fabric of Arab society and its sovereignty.

    This is my opinion.

  9. lebnaneh Avatar

    he have enough scam bags terroriste in syria to destroy it and kill most of the syrian people he has been collecting all the scam of the earth and put them in camps in syria and promise them to destroy israel and now those scam they will be used to kill the syrian people what a lovley day will be

    1. I think you nailed it on the head. I don’t think he has has brought and trained these scum bags to fight Israel. Another camp claims the same thing, but when they throw rocks at Israel and hit the wrong guy, they run away.

    2. I think you nailed it on the head. I don’t think he has has brought and trained these scum bags to fight Israel. Another camp claims the same thing, but when they throw rocks at Israel and hit the wrong guy, they run away.

  10.  Avatar

    he have enough scam bags terroriste in syria to destroy it and kill most of the syrian people he has been collecting all the scam of the earth and put them in camps in syria and promise them to destroy israel and now those scam they will be used to kill the syrian people what a lovley day will be

    1. I think you nailed it on the head. I don’t think he has has brought and trained these scum bags to fight Israel. Another camp claims the same thing, but when they throw rocks at Israel and hit the wrong guy, they run away.

    2. I think you nailed it on the head. I don’t think he has has brought and trained these scum bags to fight Israel. Another camp claims the same thing, but when they throw rocks at Israel and hit the wrong guy, they run away.

  11. josephphdman Avatar

    it,s over for you sorry ;you did not listen to president bush ; he told you do,nt meddle in lebanon and you still doing it
    2- he told you do,nt support terrossist ,and you,ve been sending weapeons shipments to ha in lebanon ;
    you lost because you did not lsten to the us; that,s what happens when you do,nt listen to the boss (presidident bush); you get fired !!!! its better if you run and ask england for assylym before its too late.

  12. josephphdman Avatar

    it,s over for you sorry ;you did not listen to president bush ; he told you do,nt meddle in lebanon and you still doing it
    2- he told you do,nt support terrossist ,and you,ve been sending weapeons shipments to ha in lebanon ;
    you lost because you did not lsten to the us; that,s what happens when you do,nt listen to the boss (presidident bush); you get fired !!!! its better if you run and ask england for assylym before its too late.

  13.  Avatar

    it,s over for you sorry ;you did not listen to predent bush ; he told you do,nt meddle in lebanon and you still doing it
    2- he told you do,nt support terrossist and you,ve been sending weapeons shipments to ha in lebanon
    you lost because you did not lsten to the us its better if you run and ask england for assylym before its toolate

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