Bahrain warns its citizens against travel to Lebanon, update


The Kingdom of Bahrain has reportedly warned its citizens against traveling to Lebanon, citing potential threats to their safety.

The travel advisory comes after Bahrain condemned on Sunday Hezbollah’s criticism of its government, describing it as an intervention in the Gulf country’s internal affairs and held the Lebanese government responsible saying the statements would have a negative impact on the Lebanese-Bahraini bilateral ties.

During a televised speech via video link on Saturday evening Hezbollah leader Sayyed Hassan Nasarllah called the events in Bahrain a “special injustice”. Nasrallah asked whether Arab silence about the repression of protests there is due to sectarian prejudice against the Shiite-majority opposition.

“I ask some in the Arab and Islamic worlds: Why have you remained mum over the tyranny against our people in Bahrain, is it only because they are Shiites?”

He also said Hezbollah is ready to help the protesters

Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri warned on Monday against using Lebanon’s domestic conflict to inflame conflicts in Arab countries.

Caretaker Prime Minister Saad Hariri warned on Monday against using Lebanon’s domestic conflict to inflame conflicts in Arab countries.

Update: The Bahrain Foreign Ministry has also urged Bahraini citizens residing in Lebanon to leave immediately without further delay . “Due to threats and blatant interference in Bahrain’s internal affairs from terror parties”. In a possible reference to Hezbollah Bahrain News Agency BNA reported Tuesday

Photo : A Hezbollah and Amal supporter carries a knife as he shouts slogans during a protest in front of the U.N. house in downtown Beirut, Lebanon, Wednesday, March 16, 2011, against the crackdown in Bahrain. Most of the protesters were Lebanese Shiites from Amal and Hezbollah



3 responses to “Bahrain warns its citizens against travel to Lebanon, update”

  1. marco101 Avatar

    maybe if nasrallah really care about lebanon , he should not open hi mouth and make it look like its a sunni , shiites problem . maybe all the sunni around lebanon, syria, turkey ,jordan and so on should rise up against hezbollah if he want it this way, lebanon will never be iran , not even in his dream.

  2.  Avatar

    maybe if nasrallah really care about lebanon , he should not open hi mouth and make it look like its a sunni , shiites problem . maybe all the sunni around lebanon, syria, turkey ,jordan and so on should rise up against hezbollah if he want it this way, lebanon will never be iran , not even in his dream.

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