MP Houri calls for new elections


March 14 MP Ammar Houri told MTV: “All weapons must be under the state’s command and Lebanese legitimacy, in reference to the non-state arms of Hezbollah.”

“We call for new parliamentary elections to decide who is the real majority in Lebanon”, Houri added.

In a country of 4 million people, more than one million Lebanese of all faiths… Christians, Druze , Muslim Shiites and Sunnis demanded that Hezbollah be disarmed as they rallied to mark the sixth anniversary of the Cedar Revolution, the uprising which inspired the recent revolts in the Middle East, International news agencies reported.

General view of the rally that marked the 6th anniverary of Lebanon's Cedar Revolution

This is not the first time that March 14 calls for new elections. Several other March 14 leaders have raised the issue following the collapse of the government of PM Saad Hariri and the appointment of Nagib Mikati as the PM designate to form a new government . Buoyed by the huge rally by its supporters , March 14 is expected to continue to raise the issue of new elections.

Progressive Socialist Party official website commented on Sunday’s rally by saying: “The Half of Lebanon that was in the rally could not be ignored or allowed to be unnoticed despite the slogans and some of the provocative remarks that were made”.

PSP is headed by MP Walid Jumblatt who switched from March 14 to the Hezbollah-led March 8 alliance even though he and his MPs were elected on March 14 tickets in the 2009 election.



  1. It’s baffling to me how opposed March 8 is to new elections…If you truly have the majority like so many of you March 8 people have been saying why are you opposed to new elections?

    1.  Avatar

      well I can answer that, its because they are cowards!

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