It is official, Arab league backs Libya no fly zone


It is official. The Arab League has backed the idea of a no-fly zone over Libya

During an emergency meeting that was held in Cairo the Arab ministers voted to ask the UN Security Council to impose a no-fly zone over Libya, diplomats said

Tripoli’s representatives were absent from the meeting.

According to the sources the aim of the no-fly zone is to prevent Muammar Gaddafi’s jets from targeting the rebels .

Arab League ministers met in Egypt Saturday to discuss the provision of “no-fly” zone over Libya to press Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi to end his military’s deadly airstrikes against rebels.

The 22-member Arab organisation also agreed to make contacts with the national council set up by rebels opposed to the regime of Libyan strongman Muammar Gaddafi in their eastern stronghold of Benghazi, diplomats said.

The decision was adopted by nine of the 11 foreign ministers attending the meeting, with Algeria and Syria voting against, diplomats said.

France became on Thursday the first country to recognise Libya’s opposition as the legitimate representatives of the Libyan people, officials in Paris said.

Libya yesterday said it was “suspending” ties with France over its “illegal” decision.



7 responses to “It is official, Arab league backs Libya no fly zone”

  1. assalamu allaikum…,brothers in islam or shall i say my brothers coward…why you let west intervene in libya???????they will kill muslims…you can solve the problem in libya by the power of arab league..,why is that you are letting westeners kill muslims like what they did in iraq,somalia,afghanistan..pakistan, and here in philippines in mindanao(bangsamoro),,if you are muslim help libya,,sukran…e mail me at

    1. Ya, its better when muslims kill muslims I suppose right? Arabs cry for help and when america steps in to help because all the other Arab nations are too cowardly (and because they are also guilty of oppressing their own people) America is labelled as colonialist……what Arab country does not oppress its people? 90% of Islamic controlled countries are the most guilty of human rights and womens rights violations! The Arab nations have become the scurge of the planet!

    2. Ya, its better when muslims kill muslims I suppose right? Arabs cry for help and when america steps in to help because all the other Arab nations are too cowardly (and because they are also guilty of oppressing their own people) America is labelled as colonialist……what Arab country does not oppress its people? 90% of Islamic controlled countries are the most guilty of human rights and womens rights violations! The Arab nations have become the scurge of the planet!

  2. assalamu allaikum…,brothers in islam or shall i say my brothers coward…why you let west intervene in libya???????they will kill muslims…you can solve the problem in libya by the power of arab league..,why is that you are letting westeners kill muslims like what they did in iraq,somalia,afghanistan..pakistan, and here in philippines in mindanao(bangsamoro),,if you are muslim help libya,,sukran…e mail me at

  3. assalamu allaikum…,brothers in islam or shall i say my brothers coward…why you let west intervene in libya???????they will kill muslims…you can solve the problem in libya by the power of arab league..,why is that you are letting westeners kill muslims like what they did in iraq,somalia,afghanistan..pakistan, and here in philippines in mindanao(bangsamoro),,if you are muslim help libya,,sukran…e mail me at

    1.  Avatar

      Ya, its better when muslims kill muslims I suppose right? Arabs cry for help and when america steps in to help because all the other Arab nations are too cowardly (and because they are also guilty of oppressing their own people) America is labelled as colonialist……what Arab country does not oppress its people? 90% of Islamic controlled countries are the most guilty of human rights and womens rights violations! The Arab nations have become the scurge of the planet!

  4. assalamu allaikum…,brothers in islam or shall i say my brothers coward…why you let west intervene in libya???????they will kill muslims…you can solve the problem in libya by the power of arab league..,why is that you are letting westeners kill muslims like what they did in iraq,somalia,afghanistan..pakistan, and here in philippines in mindanao(bangsamoro),,if you are muslim help libya,,sukran…e mail me at

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