Rebel National Libya Council sets up crisis committee


The National Libyan Council said on Saturday it had named a three-member crisis committee, which included a head of military affairs and one for foreign affairs.

Omar Hariri, one of the officers who took part in Gaddafi’s 1969 coup but was later jailed, was appointed head of the military. Ali Essawi, a former ambassador to India who quit last month, was put in charge of foreign affairs.

Mahmoud Jebril, who had been involved in a project among intellectuals to establish a democratic state, was named head of the crisis committee, which aims at streamlining decision making.

France welcomes

France has welcomed the formation of Libya’s rebel “National Council”.

Paris “pledges support for the principles that motivate it and the goals it has set for itself”, French foreign ministry spokesperson Bernard Valero said Sunday, although the declaration stopped short of derecognition of Moamer Kadhafi and his government.

France welcomes “the will for unity that led to the creation of this council and urges its leaders and the movements within it to continue to pursue this course,” Valero said.




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