US: Without justice, no peace, stability in Lebanon


President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton on Sunday urged the new Lebanese government to cooperate with a United Nations tribunal investigating the assassination of Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

“Ending the era of impunity for political assassinations is essential to realizing the justice and stability that the Lebanese people deserve, and any attempt to interfere with the Tribunal’s work or fuel tensions within Lebanon must not be tolerated,” Obama said in a statement issued on the eve of the sixth anniversary of the car bombing that killed Hariri and 22 others. “The cause for which Prime Minister Hariri and so many Lebanese patriots gave their lives must remain our guide.”

The U.N.-backed tribunal is widely expected to accuse Hezbollah members of involvement in the 2005 killing. The Shiite militant group and its allies walked out of the previous government after then-Prime Minister Saad Hariri – the slain man’s son – refused to denounce the tribunal.

Hezbollah may be in a position to block the court’s work after its favored candidate, Najib Mikati, was named Lebanon’s new prime minister.

“This is a decisive moment for Lebanon,” Clinton said in separate statement on Sunday. “Those who would try to block Lebanon’s cooperation should desist and show a measure of human decency. Ultimately, without justice, there can be no peace and stability for Lebanon.”

Washington Post



34 responses to “US: Without justice, no peace, stability in Lebanon”

  1. blah blah blah blah… You are all talk and no action… You are losing the middle east bit by bit because all you see is oil. You are so coated with oil that you are constantly lubricated and ready… LOL

    1. kareemthehippy Avatar

      LOL They probably could use Mazolla oil in Lebanon

      1. Hillary likes Crisco, you can scoop it with your finger !!!

      2. Hillary likes Crisco, you can scoop it with your finger !!!

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      That is a stinky ,and nasty form of I Pass

    3. PROPHET.T Avatar

      That is a stinky ,and nasty form of I Pass

  2. blah blah blah blah… You are all talk and no action… You are losing the middle east bit by bit because all you see is oil. You are so coated with oil that you are constantly lubricated and ready… LOL

    1.  Avatar

      LOL They probably could use Mazolla oil in Lebanon

      1.  Avatar

        Hillary likes Crisco, you can scoop it with your finger !!!

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      That is a stinky ,and nasty form of I Pass

  3. soulmates11 Avatar

    Let’s all use our brains for one minute . I know for most here that’s hard to do . But lets try any way.
    1. When was the last time the US was Sooo interested in justice for any Arab
    2. Why Now
    3. Who gains the most
    4. Did they not just throw a long time ally under the bus in Mubarak
    They only care when Israel tells them to . They could Not achieve their goals on the battlefield so now they love Hariri . Come on people take your blinders off . Put your sectarian none sense aside and stop this division among the Arab Nation .
    when I see your comments it saddens me to think that we all have the same blood running through our veins. Why don’t we all take a minute and just think would the West give rates ass about any of us if Israel was in S. Africa …

    1. Does Syria or Iran are more interested in killing more people than they did, you need to go back to Iran and pray to your masters the Mullah. Wake up and smell the roses, see what the mullahs doing to their people in Iran and Syria, Rafic Harriri killing justice is demanded by the Lebanese people and justice will be served.

    2. I wish Israel and Syria were in South Africa. Wouldn’t it be such a beautiful dream?

      1. Jawad_Goudo Avatar

        yes and I wish Dahia was in South China too lol.

        1. ‘ I think Somalia would be a better place for the Dahia Residents,and then,we shall call them ( the Pirates of Dahia Via Somalia ),Who knows it might happens someday by the will of the true citizens of Lebanon.

    3. Jawad_Goudo Avatar

      Soulmates no body cares about Israel, the west or anybody else but Lebanon. Stop injecting Israel and the West and accusing everyone who’s not Pro-Hezbollah is an agent of Zionism. The fact you’re the agent of Iran and Syria. we do not go defend Israel and the west. In fact i hardly see anyone doing that. so you go around and assassinate many people then when it comes to prove who killed them you go against the same court that’s trying to find the killers. Stop telling us that’s Israel and America behind all this. We’re not stupid like you who’s fooled by Nassrallah subliminal messages and intimidations tactics. Even if the STL was to be ignored the Lebanese gov’t there is not can be done to stop it. You will be charged and indicted and someday these jackasses will be caught or maybe killed by you or Syria to erase any proves or witnesses just like what Syria tried to do with Mughnieh killings.

      1. Great answer Jawad_Goudw, yor hit the nail at the head, aren’t you amazed? how these people always cry wolves when their dirty deeds are exposed against the country of Lebanon and its citizens,they always blame the west,ahem…ahem,,,,

      2. Great answer Jawad_Goudw, yor hit the nail at the head, aren’t you amazed? how these people always cry wolves when their dirty deeds are exposed against the country of Lebanon and its citizens,they always blame the west,ahem…ahem,,,,

    4. Once, a journalist said analyzing the situation and the struggle of the lebanese people for so many years said, “and once this small beautiful cosmopolitan land described as a beautiful child called Monaco,Pearls of the East,Switzerland of the East,Capri,Lebanon would have been the most famous and beautiful country in the world for its size, has it been for its Geographic location .Saddly, Geographically this country should have been located somewhere else, don’t we all wish that , especially when we are surounded by wicked neighbores and unfaithful citizens called Hezbollah.

  4. soulmates11 Avatar

    Let’s all use our brains for one minute . I know for most here that’s hard to do . But lets try any way.
    1. When was the last time the US was Sooo interested in justice for any Arab
    2. Why Now
    3. Who gains the most
    4. Did they not just throw a long time ally under the bus in Mubarak
    They only care when Israel tells them to . They could Not achieve their goals on the battlefield so now they love Hariri . Come on people take your blinders off . Put your sectarian none sense aside and stop this division among the Arab Nation .
    when I see your comments it saddens me to think that we all have the same blood running through our veins. Why don’t we all take a minute and just think would the West give rates ass about any of us if Israel was in S. Africa …

    1. Does Syria or Iran are more interested in killing more people than they did, you need to go back to Iran and pray to your masters the Mullah. Wake up and smell the roses, see what the mullahs doing to their people in Iran and Syria, Rafic Harriri killing justice is demanded by the Lebanese people and justice will be served.

    2. I wish Israel and Syria were in South Africa. Wouldn’t it be such a beautiful dream?

      1. Jawad_Goudo Avatar

        yes and I wish Dahia was in South China too lol.

        1. ‘ I think Somalia would be a better place for the Dahia Residents,and then,we shall call them ( the Pirates of Dahia Via Somalia ),Who knows it might happens someday by the will of the true citizens of Lebanon.

    3. Once, a journalist said analyzing the situation and the struggle of the lebanese people for so many years said, “and once this small beautiful cosmopolitan land described as a beautiful child called Monaco,Pearls of the East,Switzerland of the East,Capri,Lebanon would have been the most famous and beautiful country in the world for its size, has it been for its Geographic location .Saddly, Geographically this country should have been located somewhere else, don’t we all wish that , especially when we are surounded by wicked neighbores and unfaithful citizens called Hezbollah.

  5.  Avatar

    Let’s all use our brains for one minute . I know for most here that’s hard to do . But lets try any way.
    1. When was the last time the US was Sooo interested in justice for any Arab
    2. Why Now
    3. Who gains the most
    4. Did they not just throw a long time ally under the bus in Mubarak
    They only care when Israel tells them to . They could Not achieve their goals on the battlefield so now they love Hariri . Come on people take your blinders off . Put your sectarian none sense aside and stop this division among the Arab Nation .
    when I see your comments it saddens me to think that we all have the same blood running through our veins. Why don’t we all take a minute and just think would the West give rates ass about any of us if Israel was in S. Africa …

    1.  Avatar

      Does Syria or Iran are more interested in killing more people than they did, you need to go back to Iran and pray to your masters the Mullah. Wake up and smell the roses, see what the mullahs doing to their people in Iran and Syria, Rafic Harriri killing justice is demanded by the Lebanese people and justice will be served.

    2. I wish Israel and Syria were in South Africa. Wouldn’t it be such a beautiful dream?

      1.  Avatar

        yes and I wish Dahia was in South China too lol.

        1.  Avatar

          ‘ I think Somalia would be a better place for the Dahia Residents,and then,we shall call them ( the Pirates of Dahia Via Somalia ),Who knows it might happens someday by the will of the true citizens of Lebanon.

      2.  Avatar

        yes and I wish Dahia was in South China too lol.

    3.  Avatar

      Soulmates no body cares about Israel, the west or anybody else but Lebanon. Stop injecting Israel and the West and accusing everyone who’s not Pro-Hezbollah is an agent of Zionism. The fact you’re the agent of Iran and Syria. we do not go defend Israel and the west. In fact i hardly see anyone doing that. so you go around and assassinate many people then when it comes to prove who killed them you go against the same court that’s trying to find the killers. Stop telling us that’s Israel and America behind all this. We’re not stupid like you who’s fooled by Nassrallah subliminal messages and intimidations tactics. Even if the STL was to be ignored the Lebanese gov’t there is not can be done to stop it. You will be charged and indicted and someday these jackasses will be caught or maybe killed by you or Syria to erase any proves or witnesses just like what Syria tried to do with Mughnieh killings.

      1.  Avatar

        Great answer Jawad_Goudw, yor hit the nail at the head, aren’t you amazed? how these people always cry wolves when their dirty deeds are exposed against the country of Lebanon and its citizens,they always blame the west,ahem…ahem,,,,

    4.  Avatar

      Once, a journalist said analyzing the situation and the struggle of the lebanese people for so many years said, “and once this small beautiful cosmopolitan land described as a beautiful child called Monaco,Pearls of the East,Switzerland of the East,Capri,Lebanon would have been the most famous and beautiful country in the world for its size, has it been for its Geographic location .Saddly, Geographically this country should have been located somewhere else, don’t we all wish that , especially when we are surounded by wicked neighbores and unfaithful citizens called Hezbollah.

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