Sayyed to head the Lebanese university


Resigned minister of state Adnan el Sayyed Hussein who helped Hezbollah in toppling the government of PM Saad Hariri will not be joining the government according to a report by Lebanon Files.

Hussein will instead be named as the head of the Lebanese university, the report says.

Hussein who represented Lebanese president Michel Suleiman in the outgoing government had the decisive vote in the collapse of the cabinet. Hezbollah and its allies had 10 votes in the outgoing cabinet and needed 11 to topple the government

Hezbollah brought down PM Saad Hariri’s government on January 12 over the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s ( STL) indictment which is widely expected to implicate Hezbollah members in the assassination of former PM Rafik Hariri in 2005.



11 responses to “Sayyed to head the Lebanese university”

  1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

    So long Sucker! I hope we will never see you in the gov’t again. Hope the get rid of him in the University soon. But i doubt it since HA is backing him.

    1. I think he is leaving politics because he was threatened into resigning.

    2. I think he is leaving politics because he was threatened into resigning.

  2.  Avatar

    So long Sucker! I hope we will never see you in the gov’t again. Hope the get rid of him in the University soon. But i doubt it since HA is backing him.

    1. I think he is leaving politics because he was threatened into resigning.

  3. Another terrorist, to head the Lebanese University “Say What ?”, the Lebanese government should change the name of the Lebanese University,to (The Terrorist University of Hezbollah,via Lebanon).

  4.  Avatar

    Another terrorist, to head the Lebanese University “Say What ?”, the Lebanese government should change the name of the Lebanese University,to (The Terrorist University of Hezbollah,via Lebanon).

  5. so what good is this prick gonna bring for our university ? what a country we are living in for god sake the guy he should be cleaning the toiles in the uni nothing else

  6.  Avatar

    so what good is this prick gonna bring for our university ? what a country we are living in for god sake the guy he should be cleaning the toiles in the uni nothing else

  7. -.- I’m ashamed of my name -.-

  8. -.- I’m ashamed of my name -.-

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