Saudi Arabia urged its citizens to avoid Lebanon


Saudi Arabia has urged its citizens not to travel to Lebanon these days because of unstable political condition in the country.

“Considering ongoing developments in Lebanon, we would like to advise Saudi citizens not to travel to that country during this period until peace and stability return to the country,” the Foreign Ministry said in a statement carried by the Saudi Press Agency.

Lebanon is a popular destination for Saudis, particularly in the summer. Some 191,000 Saudi tourists visited Lebanon in 2010, according to the Lebanese Tourism Ministry.

Lebanon has been going through a tense period since Hezbollah toppled Saad Hariri’s government two weeks ago and secured enough support in Parliament to name its own pick for prime minister Tuesday.

On Wednesday, The Associated Press quoted Fares Soueid, a senior official with the March 14 coalition, as calling on the Lebanese to gather peacefully every evening, holding Lebanese flags, at Martyrs Square in downtown Beirut. Arabnews



54 responses to “Saudi Arabia urged its citizens to avoid Lebanon”

  1. Amine123 Avatar

    It will be nice next summer with nobody from the gulf or EU visting Lebanon, I wonder how the Lebanese people would live? Mya be on hand out from the Persians and Syrians who are starving
    Bravo HA, you brought another disastor into Lebanon just like 2005 when you caused mass destruction

  2.  Avatar

    It will be nice next summer with nobody from the gulf or EU visting Lebanon, I wonder how the Lebanese people would live? Mya be on hand out from the Persians and Syrians who are starving
    Bravo HA, you brought another disastor into Lebanon just like 2005 when you caused mass destruction

  3. thats great news! i guess something good came from this as the humaratis spend their summers and buy up all the land and properties making it difficult for the average lebanese to afford a $hithole in his own country

    I would love to see the gov confiscate all properties owned by foreign entities in libon and kick these bastards out, afterall isnt that what dubai did? made the world invest in their land and then lied about residencies and deported most of the investors.

    1. PROPHET.T Avatar

      Hey Maria,
      More economic trouble for the Mikati Government.Prostitution business will severely get affected now,
      They might seek public assistance of which the treasury can’t

      1. Prophitzzz hows it going? I love your comment, still laughing! You hit it right on the head with that one, watch the pimps and ho’s lobbying at parliament to try and resolve this situation… mikati start offering saudis incentives to come back………Free mazza ma kil da2

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      Hey Maria,
      More economic trouble for the Mikati Government.Prostitution business will severely get affected now,
      They might seek public assistance of which the treasury can’t

    3. Very stupid comment…As much as the Saudis are stinky pigs, Lebanon relies heavily on foreign investment, without that Lebanon is nothing. Just a little fact for you: The Saudis gave you hundreds of millions toward ridding your national debt. Without foreign entities Lebanon can’t survive. And another fact for you: when foreigners buy up your land, it raises the value of your land as well…

      1. That is the problem … There isn’t much land Lebanon to build on anymore. The Lebanese are suffering from inflation. They can’t find apartment to live in. The Hariris had started economical war on the middle class, they can’t afford to live. This might cause some relive to thousands. The only thing is when prices drop, foreigners might step in and buy lots more. It is sad that lack of investment might help the ordinary Lebanese. Traffic will definitely go down.

      2. wow I cant believe how ignorant you are….saudis gave money to who? to the thief politicians? why do we even have a huge national debt, because of the thieves in office! So lets see what saudis give now after hariris been kicked out of office.

        heres a fact for you, when a country sells its land to outside foreigners, how does a country preserve its culture and heritage ? especially when its a bunch of desert snakes doing it, also how do you expect young families to own a home and get started? I know, allow the humaratis to offer mortgages to the libonais. So not only do they own prime real estate across the country but they own alot of people by mortgaging them to the teeth. Ya RRR RRRR please khrass

    4. Very stupid comment…As much as the Saudis are stinky pigs, Lebanon relies heavily on foreign investment, without that Lebanon is nothing. Just a little fact for you: The Saudis gave you hundreds of millions toward ridding your national debt. Without foreign entities Lebanon can’t survive. And another fact for you: when foreigners buy up your land, it raises the value of your land as well…

      1. That is the problem … There isn’t much land Lebanon to build on anymore. The Lebanese are suffering from inflation. They can’t find apartment to live in. The Hariris had started economical war on the middle class, they can’t afford to live. This might cause some relive to thousands. The only thing is when prices drop, foreigners might step in and buy lots more. It is sad that lack of investment might help the ordinary Lebanese. Traffic will definitely go down.

      2. wow I cant believe how ignorant you are….saudis gave money to who? to the thief politicians? why do we even have a huge national debt, because of the thieves in office! So lets see what saudis give now after hariris been kicked out of office.

        heres a fact for you, when a country sells its land to outside foreigners, how does a country preserve its culture and heritage ? especially when its a bunch of desert snakes doing it, also how do you expect young families to own a home and get started? I know, allow the humaratis to offer mortgages to the libonais. So not only do they own prime real estate across the country but they own alot of people by mortgaging them to the teeth. Ya RRR RRRR please khrass

  4.  Avatar

    thats great news! i guess something good came from this as the humaratis spend their summers and buy up all the land and properties making it difficult for the average lebanese to afford a $hithole in his own country

    I would love to see the gov confiscate all properties owned by foreign entities in libon and kick these bastards out, afterall isnt that what dubai did? made the world invest in their land and then lied about residencies and deported most of the investors.

    1. PROPHET.T Avatar

      Hey Maria,
      More economic trouble for the Mikati Government.Prostitution business will severely get affected now,
      They might seek public assistance of which the treasury can’t

      1.  Avatar

        Prophitzzz hows it going? I love your comment, still laughing! You hit it right on the head with that one, watch the pimps and ho’s lobbying at parliament to try and resolve this situation… mikati start offering saudis incentives to come back………Free mazza ma kil da2

    2. PROPHET.T Avatar

      Hey Maria,
      More economic trouble for the Mikati Government.Prostitution business will severely get affected now,
      They might seek public assistance of which the treasury can’t

    3. Very stupid comment…As much as the Saudis are stinky pigs, Lebanon relies heavily on foreign investment, without that Lebanon is nothing. Just a little fact for you: The Saudis gave you hundreds of millions toward ridding your national debt. Without foreign entities Lebanon can’t survive. And another fact for you: when foreigners buy up your land, it raises the value of your land as well…

      1.  Avatar

        That is the problem … There isn’t much land Lebanon to build on anymore. The Lebanese are suffering from inflation. They can’t find apartment to live in. The Hariris had started economical war on the middle class, they can’t afford to live. This might cause some relive to thousands. The only thing is when prices drop, foreigners might step in and buy lots more. It is sad that lack of investment might help the ordinary Lebanese. Traffic will definitely go down.

      2.  Avatar

        wow I cant believe how ignorant you are….saudis gave money to who? to the thief politicians? why do we even have a huge national debt, because of the thieves in office! So lets see what saudis give now after hariris been kicked out of office.

        heres a fact for you, when a country sells its land to outside foreigners, how does a country preserve its culture and heritage ? especially when its a bunch of desert snakes doing it, also how do you expect young families to own a home and get started? I know, allow the humaratis to offer mortgages to the libonais. So not only do they own prime real estate across the country but they own alot of people by mortgaging them to the teeth. Ya RRR RRRR please khrass

  5. Whoever is talking bad about the Saudi let him check himself first, I am Christian and have concern that they are buying lands ,but this is not their problem ,it is the gov and people problem in Lebanon, us the Lebanese we sell anyhting for a quick gain , our leaders sold the country to Syria politically and selling the land to the highest bidder, the people some of them have no choice ,they want money to educate their kids in a country where education cost is higher than what parents could earn. About prostitution, in Lebanon is legal so what the big fuss about it !!! but the main thing the people in the forum remind me of the Palestinians who drank from the well(s) of Lebanon and threw many stones in them, so don’t be a same , Saudi employs Christian and Moslem Lebanese and they are generous people , Lebanese built Lebanon with Saudi and other Gulf countries money , sot Shut the F up and don’t be a Palestinian.Who we think ourselves the Lebanese to keep criticizing the whole world , just look at the garbage happening in our country !! go drive in some areas in Beirut ,Tripoli and southern suburbs and smell the garbage and sours , thanks to Fayrouz that we still imagine that we have a country!!!

    1. guss045, You’re mumbling too much. lots of Lebanese appreciate Saudi Arabia for their employment where in return the Saudis get the brain and man power they lack, so its a mutual. Lebanese do the work and Saudis pay them for their services, end of story. They use their substantial petro $$$ to real estate in Lebanon and this in return makes it unfordable for us to buy property. This will eventually backfire on them when they try to dump their property. What we are saying is that the Lebanese will benefit. That’s all….. You must belong to the NHA club.

      1. non sense talk !!

    2. what kind of crap are you talking about? saudis employ and RELY on many people from all over the world becuase of their natural laziness and inability to function as normal beings so dont give me this crap that libon owes them for this, especially by allowing them free access to buy up the country and create massive inflation. As far as the smell of crap in beirut is concerned, why didnt the government clean that up and provide water and power to the country instead of approving buiding permits and investing in bull$hit projects that resemble dubai, like the versace building…….sea view with mjarir scent, great idea! this will help libon tremendously

      1. Listen if you are filthy rich like Saudi maybe you will be lazy too without being rich , Lebanese are not lazy? is there any Lebanese who work in construction , any waitress/ses ,any student who goes work to make his money or just stay at their parents until they are 30 years old . I went last year and all restaurant help is Syrian so is construction .Regarding selling land I know a christian from east sidon who was offered 3 months ago 3 times what he could have expected for his land and he sold it , am not sure how you could stop that , Chamoun in the 50’s realized the danger and put a limit for foreigners on how much they can buy because he knew the gulf countries can buy the whole country.There is 2 things here ,individual patriotism not to sell the land and government involvement , and more danger than selling the land to foreigners is what other Lebanese like Hizbollah trying to do ,from where Shiites have money to buy a land in Jdeidet el Metn and have project to build 22 buildings,why Jdeidet el Metn ? are the Christians buying in sothern suburbs ( actually Christians sold most of the southern suburbs and other areas are still occupied by force like St Michel and so on),this is the real danger , as Saudis can own apartment here and there but you are talking Hizbollah trying to buy massive areas, even Joumblatt had to interfere and buy the land himself last year in Hasbaya that was being bought by a shiite person working for Hizbollah, also the Maronite church stopped last year a big attempt by Hizbollah to buy land to connect Baalbeck to jroud Jbeil passign by Qartaba to reach Byblos.That’s why the MP Harb soun the danger bell. Remember Nasrallah speech in 1985 that Kesrouan is a shiite area that was taken from them ( which is a very stupid comment , he have no idea about History , there was shiite but Maronite were there , and many shiite converted to christianity like the Family Fahd in Achkout),no one kicked the shiite out of Kesroaun they stayed there and in Jbeil.What NAsrallah gave up is use of force , as he brought Mikati now using the constitution ( but threatening the MP joumblat and other) , he’s out with the help of Iran to buy land to convert Lebanon to a Shiite base land and from there god knows what his fianl project

      2. all arabs including lebanese are f***ing lazy!

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          ALL? I am Lebanese and I am a workaholic. What gives? I think you are more Lebanese than you lead us to believe because lebanese people generalize like you do.

        2. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          Joe the fact you’re here taking time from you work if you have any means you’re lazy instead of doing something useful according to you.

        3. Calm down everyone it was a joke! i wanted to see what kind of a response i would get. I know plenty of americans who are lazy as hell and there are millions here on welfare who do nothing but do drugs and sit on there ass all day. lol

        4. nabil i work the evening shift 4-12 pm

        5. Hannibal Avatar

          Don’t mess with us… even jokingly… LOL

  6. Whoever is talking bad about the Saudi let him check himself first, I am Christian and have concern that they are buying lands ,but this is not their problem ,it is the gov and people problem in Lebanon, us the Lebanese we sell anyhting for a quick gain , our leaders sold the country to Syria politically and selling the land to the highest bidder, the people some of them have no choice ,they want money to educate their kids in a country where education cost is higher than what parents could earn. About prostitution, in Lebanon is legal so what the big fuss about it !!! but the main thing the people in the forum remind me of the Palestinians who drank from the well(s) of Lebanon and threw many stones in them, so don’t be a same , Saudi employs Christian and Moslem Lebanese and they are generous people , Lebanese built Lebanon with Saudi and other Gulf countries money , sot Shut the F up and don’t be a Palestinian.Who we think ourselves the Lebanese to keep criticizing the whole world , just look at the garbage happening in our country !! go drive in some areas in Beirut ,Tripoli and southern suburbs and smell the garbage and sours , thanks to Fayrouz that we still imagine that we have a country!!!

    1. guss045, You’re mumbling too much. lots of Lebanese appreciate Saudi Arabia for their employment where in return the Saudis get the brain and man power they lack, so its a mutual. Lebanese do the work and Saudis pay them for their services, end of story. They use their substantial petro $$$ to real estate in Lebanon and this in return makes it unfordable for us to buy property. This will eventually backfire on them when they try to dump their property. What we are saying is that the Lebanese will benefit. That’s all….. You must belong to the NHA club.

      1. non sense talk !!

    2. what kind of crap are you talking about? saudis employ and RELY on many people from all over the world becuase of their natural laziness and inability to function as normal beings so dont give me this crap that libon owes them for this, especially by allowing them free access to buy up the country and create massive inflation. As far as the smell of crap in beirut is concerned, why didnt the government clean that up and provide water and power to the country instead of approving buiding permits and investing in bull$hit projects that resemble dubai, like the versace building…….sea view with mjarir scent, great idea! this will help libon tremendously

      1. all arabs including lebanese are f***ing lazy!

        1. Hannibal Avatar

          Don’t mess with us… even jokingly… LOL

  7. Whoever is talking bad about the Saudi let him check himself first, I am Christian and have concern that they are buying lands ,but this is not their problem ,it is the gov and people problem in Lebanon, us the Lebanese we sell anyhting for a quick gain , our leaders sold the country to Syria politically and selling the land to the highest bidder, the people some of them have no choice ,they want money to educate their kids in a country where education cost is higher than what parents could earn. About prostitution, in Lebanon is legal so what the big fuss about it !!! but the main thing the people in the forum remind me of the Palestinians who drank from the well(s) of Lebanon and threw many stones in them, so don’t be a same , Saudi employs Christian and Moslem Lebanese and they are generous people , Lebanese built Lebanon with Saudi and other Gulf countries money , sot Shut the F up and don’t be a Palestinian.Who we think ourselves the Lebanese to keep criticizing the whole world , just look at the garbage happening in our country !! go drive in some areas in Beirut ,Tripoli and southern suburbs and smell the garbage and sours , thanks to Fayrouz that we still imagine that we have a country!!!

    1.  Avatar

      guss045, You’re mumbling too much. lots of Lebanese appreciate Saudi Arabia for their employment where in return the Saudis get the brain and man power they lack, so its a mutual. Lebanese do the work and Saudis pay them for their services, end of story. They use their substantial petro $$$ to real estate in Lebanon and this in return makes it unfordable for us to buy property. This will eventually backfire on them when they try to dump their property. What we are saying is that the Lebanese will benefit. That’s all….. You must belong to the NHA club.

      1. non sense talk !!

    2.  Avatar

      what kind of crap are you talking about? saudis employ and RELY on many people from all over the world becuase of their natural laziness and inability to function as normal beings so dont give me this crap that libon owes them for this, especially by allowing them free access to buy up the country and create massive inflation. As far as the smell of crap in beirut is concerned, why didnt the government clean that up and provide water and power to the country instead of approving buiding permits and investing in bull$hit projects that resemble dubai, like the versace building…….sea view with mjarir scent, great idea! this will help libon tremendously

      1. Listen if you are filthy rich like Saudi maybe you will be lazy too without being rich , Lebanese are not lazy? is there any Lebanese who work in construction , any waitress/ses ,any student who goes work to make his money or just stay at their parents until they are 30 years old . I went last year and all restaurant help is Syrian so is construction .Regarding selling land I know a christian from east sidon who was offered 3 months ago 3 times what he could have expected for his land and he sold it , am not sure how you could stop that , Chamoun in the 50’s realized the danger and put a limit for foreigners on how much they can buy because he knew the gulf countries can buy the whole country.There is 2 things here ,individual patriotism not to sell the land and government involvement , and more danger than selling the land to foreigners is what other Lebanese like Hizbollah trying to do ,from where Shiites have money to buy a land in Jdeidet el Metn and have project to build 22 buildings,why Jdeidet el Metn ? are the Christians buying in sothern suburbs ( actually Christians sold most of the southern suburbs and other areas are still occupied by force like St Michel and so on),this is the real danger , as Saudis can own apartment here and there but you are talking Hizbollah trying to buy massive areas, even Joumblatt had to interfere and buy the land himself last year in Hasbaya that was being bought by a shiite person working for Hizbollah, also the Maronite church stopped last year a big attempt by Hizbollah to buy land to connect Baalbeck to jroud Jbeil passign by Qartaba to reach Byblos.That’s why the MP Harb soun the danger bell. Remember Nasrallah speech in 1985 that Kesrouan is a shiite area that was taken from them ( which is a very stupid comment , he have no idea about History , there was shiite but Maronite were there , and many shiite converted to christianity like the Family Fahd in Achkout),no one kicked the shiite out of Kesroaun they stayed there and in Jbeil.What NAsrallah gave up is use of force , as he brought Mikati now using the constitution ( but threatening the MP joumblat and other) , he’s out with the help of Iran to buy land to convert Lebanon to a Shiite base land and from there god knows what his fianl project

      2. all arabs including lebanese are f***ing lazy!

        1. ALL? I am Lebanese and I am a workaholic. What gives? I think you are more Lebanese than you lead us to believe because lebanese people generalize like you do.

        2.  Avatar

          Joe the fact you’re here taking time from you work if you have any means you’re lazy instead of doing something useful according to you.

        3.  Avatar

          Joe the fact you’re here taking time from you work if you have any means you’re lazy instead of doing something useful according to you.

        4. Calm down everyone it was a joke! i wanted to see what kind of a response i would get. I know plenty of americans who are lazy as hell and there are millions here on welfare who do nothing but do drugs and sit on there ass all day. lol

        5. nabil i work the evening shift 4-12 pm

        6. Don’t mess with us… even jokingly… LOL

      3. all arabs including lebanese are f***ing lazy!

  8. We don’t want them in Lebanon they should go away they are buying our lands and we need these lands for our children not theirs.

    Some people in Lebanon live in absolute poverty and they deserve better from their governments.

  9. We don’t want them in Lebanon they should go away they are buying our lands and we need these lands for our children not theirs.

    Some people in Lebanon live in absolute poverty and they deserve better from their governments.

  10. We don’t want them in Lebanon they should go away they are buying our lands and we need these lands for our children not theirs.

    Some people in Lebanon live in absolute poverty and they deserve better from their governments.

  11. We don’t want them in Lebanon they should go away they are buying our lands and we need these lands for our children not theirs.

    Some people in Lebanon live in absolute poverty and they deserve better from their governments.

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