March 14 calls for peaceful daily rallies


March 14 General Secretariat issued a statement on Wednesday calling on the Lebanese people to take part in peaceful daily rallies in Beirut’s Martyrs Square.

The call comes one day after the appointment of Hezbollah’s nominee Prime Minister-designate Najib Mikati.

“We call upon the Lebanese people to peacefully gather everyday at 6 p.m. at Martyrs Square to show recognition for March 14 MPs who remained unbending despite threats and pressure,” the statement said, referring to allegations that March 8 threatened some MPs to nominate Mikati instead of outgoing PM Saad Hariri.

March 14 said that it will support the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) and call for disarming parties in the country in the coming phase.

“What is happening is a planned coup which brought Mikati to power under Hezbollah’s conditions,” the statement said.

“What happened was not a democratic practice… All the Lebanese people know this fact and laugh when the party that is terrorizing them with its arms talks about democracy,” the statement added, in a reference to Hezbollah.

Mikati, backed by March 8, was appointed to the premiership on Tuesday, giving Hezbollah and its allies increased leverage in the country and provoking widespread protests.

Hezbollah brought down Hariri’s government on January 12 after a long-running dispute over the STL’s investigation of former PM Rafik Hariri’s.

Mikati did confirm yesterday that he was nominated to protect Hezbollah. He told AFP on Tuesday : “My nomination by Hezbollah does not make me committed to any political stance other than protecting the Resistance.” This was a possible reference to Hezbollah’s five point plan.

Mikati was reportedly nominated by Hezbollah on Sunday following his meeting with Syrian president Bashar al Assad in Damascus Syria.

The issue in Lebanon is not who is Mikati as much as how did Mikati get nominated and by whom



40 responses to “March 14 calls for peaceful daily rallies”

  1. soulmates11 Avatar

    Are you joking . All that to keep a corrupt childish American stooge in office . Ask yourself what has this man child done for the country and where is the money . If you can answer honestly you will see these actions in the street are silly at best . Instead of wasting time in the street .Help your towns build and prosper . A lot needs to be done lets get to it .

    1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      well Mikati studied at Harvard so just because someone favor the west more than Iran or Syria that don’t make them their stooges. But you people like to twist facts always and you forgot that for many years the thugs of Nassrallah sent to the streets to intimidate and kill people. You forgot that you’re fighting the STL from blaming your allies in the crimes against their own people. But rather you don’t consider them your own since you drugged with allegiance to Iran. You people think because you’re strong and mighty now with Syria and Iran help that you can conquer the world. I am against people whoere causing destruction and against any violance. But the people had enough of Hezbollah and their crap. If you wanted to be fair with the election then Mikati would have only 60 votes instead of Hariri.Most Muslims hate America but they forgot they were the ones who saved Bosnians and many muslims around the world. The Iranians are using the Iraq and Afghan war to pit the muslims world against the US. look what Russia has done to many muslims provinces. They leveled them and I hardly see you or Iran or much of the muslims world attacking them. You’re coward because you know Russia will not put up with your attitudes and second you need Russia to help you arm. So you make a cause of the issues with the US. But with Russia you don’t dare say nothing. You’re bunch of hypocrites and liars and deceitful just like your masters in Damascus and Iran. So if wis that Israel wipes you out not that we like Israel and could not careless about it. But since you only been seeking the demise and destruction of us then its only natural that we wish you the same.

      1. Lebanese121 Avatar

        “masters in Damascus and Iran”, how about your masters in Saudi/Egypt, the birthplace of oppression and corruption. Give me a break.

    2. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      well Mikati studied at Harvard so just because someone favor the west more than Iran or Syria that don’t make them their stooges. But you people like to twist facts always and you forgot that for many years the thugs of Nassrallah sent to the streets to intimidate and kill people. You forgot that you’re fighting the STL from blaming your allies in the crimes against their own people. But rather you don’t consider them your own since you drugged with allegiance to Iran. You people think because you’re strong and mighty now with Syria and Iran help that you can conquer the world. I am against people whoere causing destruction and against any violance. But the people had enough of Hezbollah and their crap. If you wanted to be fair with the election then Mikati would have only 60 votes instead of Hariri.Most Muslims hate America but they forgot they were the ones who saved Bosnians and many muslims around the world. The Iranians are using the Iraq and Afghan war to pit the muslims world against the US. look what Russia has done to many muslims provinces. They leveled them and I hardly see you or Iran or much of the muslims world attacking them. You’re coward because you know Russia will not put up with your attitudes and second you need Russia to help you arm. So you make a cause of the issues with the US. But with Russia you don’t dare say nothing. You’re bunch of hypocrites and liars and deceitful just like your masters in Damascus and Iran. So if wis that Israel wipes you out not that we like Israel and could not careless about it. But since you only been seeking the demise and destruction of us then its only natural that we wish you the same.

      1. Lebanese121 Avatar

        “masters in Damascus and Iran”, how about your masters in Saudi/Egypt, the birthplace of oppression and corruption. Give me a break.

    3. “Help your towns build & prosper”…..stop smoking crack Solebrain! With HA in power do you think anyone in the world will put a penny (invest) into Lebanon? Who in the right mind would want anything to do with a corrupt party that will resort to extortion against it’s own people if they don’t get their ways. Why don’t you and your likes pack it up and move to Iran; it seems that this is the exact regime (ruling) you like. Lebanon was built on a democratic system….by the people and for the people. This mob & it’s Iranian ideology does not represent me or the majority of Lebanese. Get a life (and preferably outside of our country)!

    4. He’s not a child you idiot, his father built beirut and was assassinated at the hand of Hizbollah and Syria, you are the child one and you belong to the Syrian / iRANIAN SIDE so stick to them

    5. He’s not a child you idiot, his father built beirut and was assassinated at the hand of Hizbollah and Syria, you are the child one and you belong to the Syrian / iRANIAN SIDE so stick to them

  2.  Avatar

    Are you joking . All that to keep a corrupt childish American stooge in office . Ask yourself what has this man child done for the country and where is the money . If you can answer honestly you will see these actions in the street are silly at best . Instead of wasting time in the street .Help your towns build and prosper . A lot needs to be done lets get to it .

    1.  Avatar

      well Mikati studied at Harvard so just because someone favor the west more than Iran or Syria that don’t make them their stooges. But you people like to twist facts always and you forgot that for many years the thugs of Nassrallah sent to the streets to intimidate and kill people. You forgot that you’re fighting the STL from blaming your allies in the crimes against their own people. But rather you don’t consider them your own since you drugged with allegiance to Iran. You people think because you’re strong and mighty now with Syria and Iran help that you can conquer the world. I am against people whoere causing destruction and against any violance. But the people had enough of Hezbollah and their crap. If you wanted to be fair with the election then Mikati would have only 60 votes instead of Hariri.Most Muslims hate America but they forgot they were the ones who saved Bosnians and many muslims around the world. The Iranians are using the Iraq and Afghan war to pit the muslims world against the US. look what Russia has done to many muslims provinces. They leveled them and I hardly see you or Iran or much of the muslims world attacking them. You’re coward because you know Russia will not put up with your attitudes and second you need Russia to help you arm. So you make a cause of the issues with the US. But with Russia you don’t dare say nothing. You’re bunch of hypocrites and liars and deceitful just like your masters in Damascus and Iran. So if wis that Israel wipes you out not that we like Israel and could not careless about it. But since you only been seeking the demise and destruction of us then its only natural that we wish you the same.

      1.  Avatar

        “masters in Damascus and Iran”, how about your masters in Saudi/Egypt, the birthplace of oppression and corruption. Give me a break.

    2.  Avatar

      “Help your towns build & prosper”…..stop smoking crack Solebrain! With HA in power do you think anyone in the world will put a penny (invest) into Lebanon? Who in the right mind would want anything to do with a corrupt party that will resort to extortion against it’s own people if they don’t get their ways. Why don’t you and your likes pack it up and move to Iran; it seems that this is the exact regime (ruling) you like. Lebanon was built on a democratic system….by the people and for the people. This mob & it’s Iranian ideology does not represent me or the majority of Lebanese. Get a life (and preferably outside of our country)!

    3. He’s not a child you idiot, his father built beirut and was assassinated at the hand of Hizbollah and Syria, you are the child one and you belong to the Syrian / iRANIAN SIDE so stick to them

  3. elissa_123 Avatar

    what about your precious berry?what about aoun who imposed his failure of son in law? how about junblat who robbed wezaret elmhajjerin?yalle bayto min 2zez mabyodrob elnes bilhjara, let’s inverstigate all bank accounts for all our polticians past and present and then you can speak of corruption.achraf elnas my a**!

  4.  Avatar

    what about your precious berry?what about aoun who imposed his failure of son in law? how about junblat who robbed wezaret elmhajjerin?yalle bayto min 2zez mabyodrob elnes bilhjara, let’s inverstigate all bank accounts for all our polticians past and present and then you can speak of corruption.achraf elnas my a**!

  5. Amine123 Avatar

    I am going to ask what your chief of HA did for Lebanon other than destroying it. His allegance is to the Iranian regime and Syrian dictatorship, do you really want to live under the mercy of these people ? I think you do.

    Harriri build Lebanon, educated a lot of Lebanese overseas, employed and provided assistance to the poor. Why did you kill him you murderes

    1. soulmates11 Avatar

      Are you kidding look around the Shia community . Where it was under corrupt rule and where it is today . Say nothing of the most respected fighting force in the region . If the whole Middle East was under such an honest leader .The Arab world would be on the march instead of the laughing stock of the world . But parrots and lap dogs don’t want to see . And for the record Christ is my Lord and Savior ……..

    2. Lebanese121 Avatar

      Amine you do not know who killed him, if you do then you should submit your evidence to the court.
      Harriri built lebanon by awarding no-bid contracts to his own construction company, can you say UNETHICAL.
      He also overcharged the Lebanese people for every one of his rebuilding projects. “educated lot of lebanese overseas”, how does that help Lebanon? What about the education of Lebanese in Lebanon? Do you realize that the Hariri camp is allied with Saudi/Egypt? Are the rulers there not dictators? are their people not oppressed? Your a joke!!

      1. Like can you please shut up? Shut up with your sarcasm, atleast Hariri did something to rebuilt Beirut, i wonder what you and your HA would have done to rebuilt a better Beirut. Its people like you who are contributing to make this country another Iranian sh!thole. Majority of Lebanese people think Hariri did something for Lebanon, if he didn’t those 1.5 million in 2005 wouldn’t have got up and protest. Typical scumbags like you that support Iran & Syria, can you not see weve been the “GAZA” of Syria ever since our exsistence. All your HA has done for Lebanon is destroy our city in 2006 and gave Israel an excuse to hate us to their fullest. Now please can you go to your slums and filth in the southern suburbs! I dont think any Lebanese person other than the lowlifes like you want Hezbollah coming on OUR streets again and putting their tents in Beirut, i dont want to see this sh!t. Go to your south and enjoy your sharia law over their after all you and your filth impose it over their. Dont give me this bullsh!t your patriotic if a christian or sunni killed one of your shi’ites, youd be hating on the reilgion too.

        1. Lebanese121 Avatar

          Once again all you can do is insult people, because you are an idiot! I again will tell your dumba$$ that I am from the north not from the south but what does it matter to you, after all are we not all Lebanese? What about your supposed side being supported by Saudi/Egypt alliance? Once again you ignore the Hariri family corruption and try to whitewash it with his rebuilding of Beirut, how many Lebanese can afford to shop and live in “Solidere”? Just like you I will not shut up!

  6. Amine123 Avatar

    I am going to ask what your chief of HA did for Lebanon other than destroying it. His allegance is to the Iranian regime and Syrian dictatorship, do you really want to live under the mercy of these people ? I think you do.

    Harriri build Lebanon, educated a lot of Lebanese overseas, employed and provided assistance to the poor. Why did you kill him you murderes

    1. soulmates11 Avatar

      Are you kidding look around the Shia community . Where it was under corrupt rule and where it is today . Say nothing of the most respected fighting force in the region . If the whole Middle East was under such an honest leader .The Arab world would be on the march instead of the laughing stock of the world . But parrots and lap dogs don’t want to see . And for the record Christ is my Lord and Savior ……..

    2. Lebanese121 Avatar

      Amine you do not know who killed him, if you do then you should submit your evidence to the court.
      Harriri built lebanon by awarding no-bid contracts to his own construction company, can you say UNETHICAL.
      He also overcharged the Lebanese people for every one of his rebuilding projects. “educated lot of lebanese overseas”, how does that help Lebanon? What about the education of Lebanese in Lebanon? Do you realize that the Hariri camp is allied with Saudi/Egypt? Are the rulers there not dictators? are their people not oppressed? Your a joke!!

      1. Like can you please shut up? Shut up with your sarcasm, atleast Hariri did something to rebuilt Beirut, i wonder what you and your HA would have done to rebuilt a better Beirut. Its people like you who are contributing to make this country another Iranian sh!thole. Majority of Lebanese people think Hariri did something for Lebanon, if he didn’t those 1.5 million in 2005 wouldn’t have got up and protest. Typical scumbags like you that support Iran & Syria, can you not see weve been the “GAZA” of Syria ever since our exsistence. All your HA has done for Lebanon is destroy our city in 2006 and gave Israel an excuse to hate us to their fullest. Now please can you go to your slums and filth in the southern suburbs! I dont think any Lebanese person other than the lowlifes like you want Hezbollah coming on OUR streets again and putting their tents in Beirut, i dont want to see this sh!t. Go to your south and enjoy your sharia law over their after all you and your filth impose it over their. Dont give me this bullsh!t your patriotic if a christian or sunni killed one of your shi’ites, youd be hating on the reilgion too.

  7.  Avatar

    I am going to ask what your chief of HA did for Lebanon other than destroying it. His allegance is to the Iranian regime and Syrian dictatorship, do you really want to live under the mercy of these people ? I think you do.

    Harriri build Lebanon, educated a lot of Lebanese overseas, employed and provided assistance to the poor. Why did you kill him you murderes

    1.  Avatar

      Are you kidding look around the Shia community . Where it was under corrupt rule and where it is today . Say nothing of the most respected fighting force in the region . If the whole Middle East was under such an honest leader .The Arab world would be on the march instead of the laughing stock of the world . But parrots and lap dogs don’t want to see . And for the record Christ is my Lord and Savior ……..

    2.  Avatar

      Are you kidding look around the Shia community . Where it was under corrupt rule and where it is today . Say nothing of the most respected fighting force in the region . If the whole Middle East was under such an honest leader .The Arab world would be on the march instead of the laughing stock of the world . But parrots and lap dogs don’t want to see . And for the record Christ is my Lord and Savior ……..

    3.  Avatar

      Amine you do not know who killed him, if you do then you should submit your evidence to the court.
      Harriri built lebanon by awarding no-bid contracts to his own construction company, can you say UNETHICAL.
      He also overcharged the Lebanese people for every one of his rebuilding projects. “educated lot of lebanese overseas”, how does that help Lebanon? What about the education of Lebanese in Lebanon? Do you realize that the Hariri camp is allied with Saudi/Egypt? Are the rulers there not dictators? are their people not oppressed? Your a joke!!

      1.  Avatar

        Like can you please shut up? Shut up with your sarcasm, atleast Hariri did something to rebuilt Beirut, i wonder what you and your HA would have done to rebuilt a better Beirut. Its people like you who are contributing to make this country another Iranian sh!thole. Majority of Lebanese people think Hariri did something for Lebanon, if he didn’t those 1.5 million in 2005 wouldn’t have got up and protest. Typical scumbags like you that support Iran & Syria, can you not see weve been the “GAZA” of Syria ever since our exsistence. All your HA has done for Lebanon is destroy our city in 2006 and gave Israel an excuse to hate us to their fullest. Now please can you go to your slums and filth in the southern suburbs! I dont think any Lebanese person other than the lowlifes like you want Hezbollah coming on OUR streets again and putting their tents in Beirut, i dont want to see this sh!t. Go to your south and enjoy your sharia law over their after all you and your filth impose it over their. Dont give me this bullsh!t your patriotic if a christian or sunni killed one of your shi’ites, youd be hating on the reilgion too.

        1.  Avatar

          Once again all you can do is insult people, because you are an idiot! I again will tell your dumba$$ that I am from the north not from the south but what does it matter to you, after all are we not all Lebanese? What about your supposed side being supported by Saudi/Egypt alliance? Once again you ignore the Hariri family corruption and try to whitewash it with his rebuilding of Beirut, how many Lebanese can afford to shop and live in “Solidere”? Just like you I will not shut up!

  8. Amine123 Avatar

    The government by the people and for the people, the problem in the Middle East the government is for themsleves and the people are simply left to die, even India, China and other countries are superior to our country because the people are not busy fighting each others but rather working together to better themselves…

  9.  Avatar

    The government by the people and for the people, the problem in the Middle East the government is for themsleves and the people are simply left to die, even India, China and other countries are superior to our country because the people are not busy fighting each others but rather working together to better themselves…

  10.  Avatar

    The government by the people and for the people, the problem in the Middle East the government is for themsleves and the people are simply left to die, even India, China and other countries are superior to our country because the people are not busy fighting each others but rather working together to better themselves…

  11. josephphdman Avatar

    when they threaten junblat life to switch side and threaten other members to vote for them or be killed like they kill mp harriri this definetley a coup and consiparacy against the lebaneese people and they will form a persian state in lebanon
    iran has invaded lebanon the entire middleeast should come to lebanon rescue a persian country invaded lebanon and will invade the rest of the arabic state evantually

    1. Lebanese121 Avatar

      How do you know that Jumblat was threatened? Did he tell you in a text message? And if they really switched sides because of intimidation and threats then they do not deserve to hold public office.

      1. Lame posts there Leb121. It does not take a rocket scientist to see what happened w/ Jumblat. Many of these politicians don’t deserve to hold public positions because they obviously don’t care about the people. But to be as blunt & forceful (arms backed) like HA is an insult to the country and it’s people. They claim their purpose is a ‘resistance’ against Israel. Give us all a break! They turned their ammo against the people of Lebanon….pushed their weight around the country as if they are “untouchable”….and you call this civilized? It’s barbaric to say the least and will set Lebanon back years because of their pre-historic methods/ideologies!

      2. Lame posts there Leb121. It does not take a rocket scientist to see what happened w/ Jumblat. Many of these politicians don’t deserve to hold public positions because they obviously don’t care about the people. But to be as blunt & forceful (arms backed) like HA is an insult to the country and it’s people. They claim their purpose is a ‘resistance’ against Israel. Give us all a break! They turned their ammo against the people of Lebanon….pushed their weight around the country as if they are “untouchable”….and you call this civilized? It’s barbaric to say the least and will set Lebanon back years because of their pre-historic methods/ideologies!

  12.  Avatar

    when they threaten junblat life to switch side and threaten other members to vote for them or be killed like they kill mp harriri this definetley a coup and consiparacy against the lebaneese people and they will form a persian state in lebanon
    iran has invaded lebanon the entire middleeast should come to lebanon rescue a persian country invaded lebanon and will invade the rest of the arabic state evantually

    1.  Avatar

      How do you know that Jumblat was threatened? Did he tell you in a text message? And if they really switched sides because of intimidation and threats then they do not deserve to hold public office.

      1.  Avatar

        Lame posts there Leb121. It does not take a rocket scientist to see what happened w/ Jumblat. Many of these politicians don’t deserve to hold public positions because they obviously don’t care about the people. But to be as blunt & forceful (arms backed) like HA is an insult to the country and it’s people. They claim their purpose is a ‘resistance’ against Israel. Give us all a break! They turned their ammo against the people of Lebanon….pushed their weight around the country as if they are “untouchable”….and you call this civilized? It’s barbaric to say the least and will set Lebanon back years because of their pre-historic methods/ideologies!

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