Gemayel calls for protest against ‘Hezbollah coup’


Phalange party MP Nadim Gemayel all the Lebanese people to take part in the March 14 alliance protests on Tuesday evening.

The MP who is the son of slain president Bashir Gemayel said that the gathering will take place to “reject Hezbollah’s coup against the Lebanese government,” according to a statement issued by his office.

March 14 issued a statement calling on the Lebanese people to gather at 6:00 p.m. at Beirut’s Martyrs Square on Tuesday to defend the country “against the terror of armed parties ,” a reference to Hezbollah.

Day of anger

Protests continue to rock Lebanon. Thousands of angry protesters burned tires and blocked roads across Lebanon on Tuesday after Iranian and Syrian-backed Hezbollah secured the appointment of its candidate to lead the next government.

The protests were part of a “day of anger” called by supporters of Hariri to protest against Hezbollah which is funded and supported by Tehran.

The biggest protest took place in Mikati’s hometown, the northern city of Tripoli where medical sources said 20 people were treated for injuries and protesters set fire to a satellite truck used by the Qatar based television channel Al Jazeera.

The nomination of Najib Mikati as prime minister, endorsed by President Michel Suleiman, is seen a victory for Hezbollah, which secured the parliamentary votes needed to wrest control of the Lebanese government.

Caretaker PM Saad Hariri said yesterday that the Future Movement will refuse to participate in any government headed by the candidate of the Hezbollah-led March 8alliance

He also said “that all the talk of ( Mikati being ) a compromise candidate is an attempt to throw dust in the eyes…. there is no such thing as consensus candidate”

Lebanese president Michel Suleiman will reportedly refuse to sign off on any one color cabinet that is not a national unity government , according to presidential sources, but Speaker Nabih Berri, Hezbollah Shiite key ally revealed that Mikati once officially designated will form a national salvation government instead of a national unity government, after the announcement of the Future Movement and the March 14 that they will refuse to join any government that is not headed by Hariri .



11 responses to “Gemayel calls for protest against ‘Hezbollah coup’”

  1. Lebanese121 Avatar

    Why don’t you guys stage a sit-in instead of rioting and destruction of property?

    1. NAGDELLA Avatar

      How else will they expose their true nature as hypocritical barbarians!

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        Do you know the Lebanese slogan that says: sheeyif el nasra be 3ayn ghayro bass ma becuuf el khashbe be 3ayno? 8 or 14 anyak men ba3dkoun. Farm animals at best. Religious morons. God is no more in their heart.

  2. Lebanese121 Avatar

    Why don’t you guys stage a sit-in instead of rioting and destruction of property?

    1. NAGDELLA Avatar

      How else will they expose their true nature as hypocritical barbarians!

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        Do you know the Lebanese slogan that says: sheeyif el nasra be 3ayn ghayro bass ma becuuf el khashbe be 3ayno? 8 or 14 anyak men ba3dkoun. Farm animals at best. Religious morons. God is no more in their heart.

  3.  Avatar

    Why don’t you guys stage a sit-in instead of rioting and destruction of property?

    1.  Avatar

      How else will they expose their true nature as hypocritical barbarians!

      1. Do you know the Lebanese slogan that says: sheeyif el nasra be 3ayn ghayro bass ma becuuf el khashbe be 3ayno? 8 or 14 anyak men ba3dkoun. Farm animals at best. Religious morons. God is no more in their heart.

  4. FadiAbboud Avatar

    You are all idiots- the one way to fight terrorism and armed thugs is with the same tactics- HA is in power not through democracy and peaceful tactics but through lies, threats, assassinations and intimidation- these thugs don’t value or respect democracy and a quite protest against their ways will not get any meaningful reaction. The Time for a revolution is now or never- its time to destroy and rebuild or else Lebanon is lost forever – Welcome to New Iran.

  5.  Avatar

    You are all idiots- the one way to fight terrorism and armed thugs is with the same tactics- HA is in power not through democracy and peaceful tactics but through lies, threats, assassinations and intimidation- these thugs don’t value or respect democracy and a quite protest against their ways will not get any meaningful reaction. The Time for a revolution is now or never- its time to destroy and rebuild or else Lebanon is lost forever – Welcome to New Iran.

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