Tuesday is Lebanon ‘day of rage’ against Hezbollah


March 14 lawmakers have called for a “day of rage” throughout Lebanon Tuesday to protest gains by the Iranian and Syrian-backed Shiite militant group Hezbollah.

In a news conference, lawmaker Moustafa Alloush called for protests to voice refusal for “Persian tutelage” over Lebanon — a reference to Hezbollah’s patrons in Iran.

He said the protests should be peaceful.

Hezbollah appears to have secured the support from a majority of parliament Monday to nominate its candidate for prime minister former PM Najib Mikati putting the Shiite group in position to control Lebanon’s new government.

Hezbollah and its allies has the support of 57 seats , gained seven more from the bloc of MP Walid Jumblatt and with Mikati’s vote, Hezbollah reached 65 . The voting in the 128 member parliament on a new candidate for prime minister was to continue on Tuesday.

Hezbollah toppled the government of Prime Minister Saad Hariri, a Sunni, on Jan. 12 after Hariri refused the group’s demand to cease cooperation with a U.N.-backed tribunal investigating the 2005 assassination of his father, former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri.

The tribunal is widely expected to indict Hezbollah members in the assassination, something that has raised fears of renewed violence in Lebanon

Hezbollah’s opponents say a government led by the militant group would be disastrous for Lebanon and lead to international isolation.

A Hezbollah-led government is widely expected to raise tensions with Israel, which fought a 34-day war against Hezbollah in 2006 that left over 1,200 Lebanese dead, mostly civilians.

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea warned during a press conference on Saturday that if the Hezbollah-led March 8 alliance assumes power it will turn Lebanon into another Gaza , the economy will be devastated and freedoms will be repressed.



58 responses to “Tuesday is Lebanon ‘day of rage’ against Hezbollah”

  1. LebinTheBlood Avatar

    I call on all the Lebanese who really care about Lebanon to the streets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind race religion lets put Lebanon first and put it in safe hands

    1. Lebanese121 Avatar

      Respect what the people voted for. The people voted for the parliment members, and they are going to vote for who they want. March 14th could have made this easier by nominating someone other than corrupt Hariri jr.

      1. kamille1 Avatar

        that’s right mr syrian121, respect what the people voted in as our parliament reps..if you don’t remember, let me remind you, we voted a MAJORITY in our parliament with one of the main objectives is to find the truth of who is killing our politicians but when some of these people elected to represent my concerns betray my vote and trust, that’s when we lose respect for them, therefore they are traitors in my book. and the reason i called you syrian is because that’s how the representation in syria is, you elect them and you let them do whatever they want..in a democratic society, you elect your representatives so somebody can REPRESENT what the people want..that’s why i’m pissed..i can’t stand traitors.

      2. could you name the corruption , ?what corruption. did you forget they wanted Karami, what happened with karami time, he opened the treasury to be stolen by the Syrian intelligence and Ali Baba gangs from Berri to Joumblatt to Hizbollah .Are you kidding me and talking about corruption,With all the defects of Hariri the father he rebuilt the city , who was goign to build it other than him, name one for me /!!!! you are a hypocrite that’s all what you are, if you can have your conscious clean and let go the Hariri killing unpunished it means you are part of the crime, for once we have the chance to put the criminal in place and we will not blow it up ,Justice for the many that been killed that represented many Leabnese from Bashir to Hariri ,to Mouawad .If it wasnt to Bashir Syria would have swallowed the country long time agai. and now we have few left left to stop them an we are goign to stop them once for all regardless that this regime in Syria is supported by Isreal fro many years !!!!

        1. Lebanese121 Avatar

          you mean the hariri senior that awarded no-bid contracts to rebuild lebanon to his own construction company. If that is not unethical I do not know what is. Also these contracts overcharged lebanon big time, just to line his and his friends pockets. Quit acting like your blind to all this. These are facts and everyone knows of the Hariri family corruption.

      3. could you name the corruption , ?what corruption. did you forget they wanted Karami, what happened with karami time, he opened the treasury to be stolen by the Syrian intelligence and Ali Baba gangs from Berri to Joumblatt to Hizbollah .Are you kidding me and talking about corruption,With all the defects of Hariri the father he rebuilt the city , who was goign to build it other than him, name one for me /!!!! you are a hypocrite that’s all what you are, if you can have your conscious clean and let go the Hariri killing unpunished it means you are part of the crime, for once we have the chance to put the criminal in place and we will not blow it up ,Justice for the many that been killed that represented many Leabnese from Bashir to Hariri ,to Mouawad .If it wasnt to Bashir Syria would have swallowed the country long time agai. and now we have few left left to stop them an we are goign to stop them once for all regardless that this regime in Syria is supported by Isreal fro many years !!!!


    3. TripleC1000 Avatar

      Kill Destroy Fight Hezbollah!

  2. LebinTheBlood Avatar

    I call on all the Lebanese who really care about Lebanon to the streets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind race religion lets put Lebanon first and put it in safe hands


  3.  Avatar

    I call on all the Lebanese who really care about Lebanon to the streets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Never mind race religion lets put Lebanon first and put it in safe hands

    1.  Avatar

      Respect what the people voted for. The people voted for the parliment members, and they are going to vote for who they want. March 14th could have made this easier by nominating someone other than corrupt Hariri jr.

      1.  Avatar

        that’s right mr syrian121, respect what the people voted in as our parliament reps..if you don’t remember, let me remind you, we voted a MAJORITY in our parliament with one of the main objectives is to find the truth of who is killing our politicians but when some of these people elected to represent my concerns betray my vote and trust, that’s when we lose respect for them, therefore they are traitors in my book. and the reason i called you syrian is because that’s how the representation in syria is, you elect them and you let them do whatever they want..in a democratic society, you elect your representatives so somebody can REPRESENT what the people want..that’s why i’m pissed..i can’t stand traitors.

      2. could you name the corruption , ?what corruption. did you forget they wanted Karami, what happened with karami time, he opened the treasury to be stolen by the Syrian intelligence and Ali Baba gangs from Berri to Joumblatt to Hizbollah .Are you kidding me and talking about corruption,With all the defects of Hariri the father he rebuilt the city , who was goign to build it other than him, name one for me /!!!! you are a hypocrite that’s all what you are, if you can have your conscious clean and let go the Hariri killing unpunished it means you are part of the crime, for once we have the chance to put the criminal in place and we will not blow it up ,Justice for the many that been killed that represented many Leabnese from Bashir to Hariri ,to Mouawad .If it wasnt to Bashir Syria would have swallowed the country long time agai. and now we have few left left to stop them an we are goign to stop them once for all regardless that this regime in Syria is supported by Isreal fro many years !!!!

        1.  Avatar

          you mean the hariri senior that awarded no-bid contracts to rebuild lebanon to his own construction company. If that is not unethical I do not know what is. Also these contracts overcharged lebanon big time, just to line his and his friends pockets. Quit acting like your blind to all this. These are facts and everyone knows of the Hariri family corruption.

    2.  Avatar


    3.  Avatar

      Kill Destroy Fight Hezbollah!

  4. soulmates11 Avatar

    Rage all you want .It’s over no more lap dogs from the west .

    1. master09 Avatar

      You must be blind you think this is over, not by a long shot.
      The fall of the Tyrants
      Open your doors , Lebanon, so that fire can burn down your cedar trees!
      Weep and Wail, cypress trees the cedars have fallen
      those glorious trees have been destroyed.
      I will not go on but when Lebanon is cut off by the outside world and the people suffer and freedom will be long gone, they will stand up without Isreal or US.
      HA is not the power it is the guns pointed at Lebanons head.
      Iran now has a new state and will use it till it is destroyed as a fighting ground to rid the last of the Christians and to fight Isreal on someone else land.

    2. keep saying down with the west while you go home to watch US tv shows and listen to US music and get on facebook. lol what kind of anything has iran or syria provided.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        terrorists… lol

        1. and stoning women, lmao

      2. dont worry about them hypocrites .they drink in secret and eat pork in secret , fake everything fake

        1. master09 Avatar

          I have friends muslim and they drink more than anyone else.
          One day I asked the Question why do some women cover up and some don’t.
          It is political they said to keep these people with no education and under control. So one day they can do what is been told of them.My best friend is Muslim of 33 years we are one with the love of brothers.
          This HA with Iran is worse than Hitler one thing on the mind a total Islamic world.

        2. NAGDELLA Avatar

          master09- wise people judge a principle and not a personality. If Islam or any religion forbids an act but a person still practices this act, does that make them a follower of that religion? It’s really not that hard when you think before you talk.

          “It is political they said to keep these people with no education and under control. So one day they can do what is been told”

          Bravo. Sounds so convincing coming from a drunken so called “muslim”..

        3. NAGDELLA Avatar

          master09- wise people judge a principle and not a personality. If Islam or any religion forbids an act but a person still practices this act, does that make them a follower of that religion? It’s really not that hard when you think before you talk.

          “It is political they said to keep these people with no education and under control. So one day they can do what is been told”

          Bravo. Sounds so convincing coming from a drunken so called “muslim”..

    3. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      I think we should kill few MP’s from March 8th so to reduce their numbers before they totally vote. Do to them as they done to us clear and simple. Otherwise they will never let up. Screw it if they want war so be it.

      1. TripleC1000 Avatar

        Do you live in Lebanon? If so kill a few for all of us who don’t.

        1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          I don’t live I live in Washington but I will send my curses over to Nassrallah and Bashar al Karaah. I will have them dead within a year..

  5. soulmates11 Avatar

    Rage all you want .It’s over no more lap dogs from the west .

    1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      I think we should kill few MP’s from March 8th so to reduce their numbers before they totally vote. Do to them as they done to us clear and simple. Otherwise they will never let up. Screw it if they want war so be it.

      1. TripleC1000 Avatar

        Do you live in Lebanon? If so kill a few for all of us who don’t.

        1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          I don’t live I live in Washington but I will send my curses over to Nassrallah and Bashar al Karaah. I will have them dead within a year..

  6.  Avatar

    Rage all you want .It’s over no more lap dogs from the west .

    1.  Avatar

      You must be blind you think this is over, not by a long shot.
      The fall of the Tyrants
      Open your doors , Lebanon, so that fire can burn down your cedar trees!
      Weep and Wail, cypress trees the cedars have fallen
      those glorious trees have been destroyed.
      I will not go on but when Lebanon is cut off by the outside world and the people suffer and freedom will be long gone, they will stand up without Isreal or US.
      HA is not the power it is the guns pointed at Lebanons head.
      Iran now has a new state and will use it till it is destroyed as a fighting ground to rid the last of the Christians and to fight Isreal on someone else land.

    2.  Avatar

      You must be blind you think this is over, not by a long shot.
      The fall of the Tyrants
      Open your doors , Lebanon, so that fire can burn down your cedar trees!
      Weep and Wail, cypress trees the cedars have fallen
      those glorious trees have been destroyed.
      I will not go on but when Lebanon is cut off by the outside world and the people suffer and freedom will be long gone, they will stand up without Isreal or US.
      HA is not the power it is the guns pointed at Lebanons head.
      Iran now has a new state and will use it till it is destroyed as a fighting ground to rid the last of the Christians and to fight Isreal on someone else land.

    3. keep saying down with the west while you go home to watch US tv shows and listen to US music and get on facebook. lol what kind of anything has iran or syria provided.

        1. and stoning women, lmao

      1. dont worry about them hypocrites .they drink in secret and eat pork in secret , fake everything fake

        1.  Avatar

          I have friends muslim and they drink more than anyone else.
          One day I asked the Question why do some women cover up and some don’t.
          It is political they said to keep these people with no education and under control. So one day they can do what is been told of them.My best friend is Muslim of 33 years we are one with the love of brothers.
          This HA with Iran is worse than Hitler one thing on the mind a total Islamic world.

        2.  Avatar

          master09- wise people judge a principle and not a personality. If Islam or any religion forbids an act but a person still practices this act, does that make them a follower of that religion? It’s really not that hard when you think before you talk.

          “It is political they said to keep these people with no education and under control. So one day they can do what is been told”

          Bravo. Sounds so convincing coming from a drunken so called “muslim”..

    4.  Avatar

      I think we should kill few MP’s from March 8th so to reduce their numbers before they totally vote. Do to them as they done to us clear and simple. Otherwise they will never let up. Screw it if they want war so be it.

      1.  Avatar

        Do you live in Lebanon? If so kill a few for all of us who don’t.

        1.  Avatar

          I don’t live I live in Washington but I will send my curses over to Nassrallah and Bashar al Karaah. I will have them dead within a year..

  7. Hariri said about a week ago..and I quote, “One single drop of Lebanese blood is worth more to me than all power”. At this point, are protests going to overturn a militia that is more powerful than the government and army combined? You be the judge.

    1. kamille1 Avatar

      the will of the people have defeated some of the most powerful armies of the world..the question is do we have the will?

  8. Hariri said about a week ago..and I quote, “One single drop of Lebanese blood is worth more to me than all power”. At this point, are protests going to overturn a militia that is more powerful than the government and army combined? You be the judge.

    1.  Avatar

      the will of the people have defeated some of the most powerful armies of the world..the question is do we have the will?

  9. Mikati or Mikte doesnt matter ,STL is coming and going to chop the balls of Syria

  10. Mikati or Mikte doesnt matter ,STL is coming and going to chop the balls of Syria

  11. Mikati or Mikte doesnt matter ,STL is coming and going to chop the balls of Syria

  12. i am rohullah from quetta pakista muslim shia

    1. 5thDrawer Avatar

      Dare I say .. ‘Welcome’ ?  🙂
      (hmmm …. maybe he likes Nasrallah … ouch)
      So … how is it going with the Taliban idiots ??

  13. i am rohullah from quetta pakista muslim shia

    1.  Avatar

      Dare I say .. ‘Welcome’ ?  🙂

  14. Zinda abad Shia mula jab tak dam hain ham shia hain or rahain ga inshallah

  15. Zinda abad Shia mula jab tak dam hain ham shia hain or rahain ga inshallah

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