Jumblatt met Hezbollah chief late Friday


OTV reported that Hezbullah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah held talks with PSP leader MP Walid Jumblatt late Friday night in an undisclosed location to discuss the latest developments.

The meeting comes after the Progressive Socialist party leader held a press conference on Friday afternoon to officially announce that he and his PSP party will back the resistance ( Hezbollah) and Syria during the parliamentary consultations for selecting a Prime minster designate to lead the next government .

Jumblatt , whose father was killed by the Syrians and whose friend MP Marawan Hamade miraculously survived an assassination attempt by the Syrians, will be able to deliver 4-5 votes for the candidate of the Iranian and Syrian backed Hezbollah led opposition according to local reports

According to Ya Libnan correspondent in the Shouf area this switch of position by Jumblatt will cost him dearly and amounts to a political suicide. Several members of his parliamentary bloc are elected in Sunni-majority districts and around 30 percent of the electorate in the Chouf is Sunni.



25 responses to “Jumblatt met Hezbollah chief late Friday”

  1. hehe now he has a new ars to kiss…. I hope he waxes ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. hehe now he has a new ars to kiss…. I hope he waxes ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. hehe now he has a new ars to kiss…. I hope he waxes ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. I wonder how the druze themselves feel about their leader switching sides, If i see a durzi dizzy on the street I wouldn’t blame him

  5. I wonder how the druze themselves feel about their leader switching sides, If i see a durzi dizzy on the street I wouldn’t blame him

  6. I wonder how the druze themselves feel about their leader switching sides, If i see a durzi dizzy on the street I wouldn’t blame him

  7. I wonder how the druze themselves feel about their leader switching sides, If i see a durzi dizzy on the street I wouldn’t blame him

  8. master09 Avatar

    This is a joke in the last 2 weeks about 15 MP from Lebanon have gone to Syria, Money must be plenty in the Pockets on the way back.
    Welcome back Syria within 2 weeks civil strife and Syria will come back.
    We need 2 million people to take to the streets and HA or anyone else will not be able to do anything because the world will be watching.

    1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

      Few months ago the French reported that 90 millions dollars was sent from Syria to Aoun Daughter account in Paris.
      If that’s true, i wander why is he being the mouthpiece for Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Even Walid Beik was on the Saudis Payroll. However as of late he took the pulling of the Saudis of the talk with Syria as weak and frustrating sign from the Saudis so he jumped totally into March 8th lap. He feels good now he’s protected by Syria and Hezbollah. I wander how his proud community feels about their laughable leader.. I wander how he will feel when Hezbollah will attack/assasinate members of his Democratic Block who will not vote for their candidate. Iran, Syria with the help of hezbollah is throwing Lebanon and the whole Middle East into turmoil and all because Iran is fighting the US. why do you Hezbollah aid them in doing so? why not spare Lebanon the agony and destruction and let us live in peace. I hope you rot in hell for the hell you putting us thru.

      1. “Syria with the help of hezbollah is throwing Lebanon and the whole Middle East into turmoil and all because Iran is fighting the US. why do you Hezbollah aid them in doing so? why not spare Lebanon the agony and destruction and let us live in peace…”

        Iran is fighting the U.S.??? Where..?? More like the U.S. has Iran surrounded…. In case you somehow missed it, the U.S. has ONE interest in the Eastern Med. area….and It is their No.1 Welfare Queen…. Home of the Chosen People… Israel..!!!!! Don’t forget how Bush and Rice wanted the 2006 war to last until they could exterminate Hesbolah…… And What about the MILLIONS of cluster bomblets the Israelis gifted the South….. Is it all Syria…..??? Look again..!!!!

        1. nabilabuzaid Avatar

          Yes Iran is fighting the US in Iraq and Afghanistan and Lebanon and everywhere in the middle east using proxies like Hezbollah. Or where have you been man? Yes we all know Israel is our enemy but there is no reason that Syria and hezbollah should he acting the same. Look at them just last Tuesday they swarmed Western Beirut streets to intimidate everyone? they told walid beik better vote for our guy Karami or face war in the druze community. are these jackasses different from Israelis? Syria bombed lebanon everywhere under the cover its was protecting Lebanon. When Israel attacked Lebanon the Syrian troops were hiding. Shut the hell up because you know nothing dude..

      2. “Syria with the help of hezbollah is throwing Lebanon and the whole Middle East into turmoil and all because Iran is fighting the US. why do you Hezbollah aid them in doing so? why not spare Lebanon the agony and destruction and let us live in peace…”

        Iran is fighting the U.S.??? Where..?? More like the U.S. has Iran surrounded…. In case you somehow missed it, the U.S. has ONE interest in the Eastern Med. area….and It is their No.1 Welfare Queen…. Home of the Chosen People… Israel..!!!!! Don’t forget how Bush and Rice wanted the 2006 war to last until they could exterminate Hesbolah…… And What about the MILLIONS of cluster bomblets the Israelis gifted the South….. Is it all Syria…..??? Look again..!!!!

  9. master09 Avatar

    This is a joke in the last 2 weeks about 15 MP from Lebanon have gone to Syria, Money must be plenty in the Pockets on the way back.
    Welcome back Syria within 2 weeks civil strife and Syria will come back.
    We need 2 million people to take to the streets and HA or anyone else will not be able to do anything because the world will be watching.

  10.  Avatar

    This is a joke in the last 2 weeks about 15 MP from Lebanon have gone to Syria, Money must be plenty in the Pockets on the way back.
    Welcome back Syria within 2 weeks civil strife and Syria will come back.
    We need 2 million people to take to the streets and HA or anyone else will not be able to do anything because the world will be watching.

    1.  Avatar

      Few months ago the French reported that 90 millions dollars was sent from Syria to Aoun Daughter account in Paris.
      If that’s true, i wander why is he being the mouthpiece for Syria and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Even Walid Beik was on the Saudis Payroll. However as of late he took the pulling of the Saudis of the talk with Syria as weak and frustrating sign from the Saudis so he jumped totally into March 8th lap. He feels good now he’s protected by Syria and Hezbollah. I wander how his proud community feels about their laughable leader.. I wander how he will feel when Hezbollah will attack/assasinate members of his Democratic Block who will not vote for their candidate. Iran, Syria with the help of hezbollah is throwing Lebanon and the whole Middle East into turmoil and all because Iran is fighting the US. why do you Hezbollah aid them in doing so? why not spare Lebanon the agony and destruction and let us live in peace. I hope you rot in hell for the hell you putting us thru.

      1.  Avatar

        “Syria with the help of hezbollah is throwing Lebanon and the whole Middle East into turmoil and all because Iran is fighting the US. why do you Hezbollah aid them in doing so? why not spare Lebanon the agony and destruction and let us live in peace…”

        Iran is fighting the U.S.??? Where..?? More like the U.S. has Iran surrounded…. In case you somehow missed it, the U.S. has ONE interest in the Eastern Med. area….and It is their No.1 Welfare Queen…. Home of the Chosen People… Israel..!!!!! Don’t forget how Bush and Rice wanted the 2006 war to last until they could exterminate Hesbolah…… And What about the MILLIONS of cluster bomblets the Israelis gifted the South….. Is it all Syria…..??? Look again..!!!!

        1.  Avatar

          Yes Iran is fighting the US in Iraq and Afghanistan and Lebanon and everywhere in the middle east using proxies like Hezbollah. Or where have you been man? Yes we all know Israel is our enemy but there is no reason that Syria and hezbollah should he acting the same. Look at them just last Tuesday they swarmed Western Beirut streets to intimidate everyone? they told walid beik better vote for our guy Karami or face war in the druze community. are these jackasses different from Israelis? Syria bombed lebanon everywhere under the cover its was protecting Lebanon. When Israel attacked Lebanon the Syrian troops were hiding. Shut the hell up because you know nothing dude..

  11. Obviously, we have reached a point where the people cannot make their choices freely and voice their opinions without having a gun pointed to their head… We are going back in time when others are reaching for the stars!…. Bravo

  12. Obviously, we have reached a point where the people cannot make their choices freely and voice their opinions without having a gun pointed to their head… We are going back in time when others are reaching new heights!…. Bravo

  13. Obviously, we have reached a point where the people cannot make their choices freely and voice their opinions without having a gun pointed to their head… We are going back in time when others are reaching new heights!…. Bravo

  14. Obviously, we have reached a point where the people cannot make their choices freely and voice their opinions without having a gun pointed to their head… We are going back in time when others are reaching new heights!…. Bravo

  15. master09 Avatar

    Isreal would not do what these guys are doing to the Lebanese people. People say drones fly over Lebanon on a daily basis, well you can all see why they would do this. We have this group HA that is hell bent on destruction even if it means taking Lebanon with it . I would be checking on my neighbour if he was pointing a gun at me and my family.

  16. master09 Avatar

    Isreal would not do what these guys are doing to the Lebanese people. People say drones fly over Lebanon on a daily basis, well you can all see why they would do this. We have this group HA that is hell bent on destruction even if it means taking Lebanon with it . I would be checking on my neighbour if he was pointing a gun at me and my family.

  17.  Avatar

    Isreal would not do what these guys are doing to the Lebanese people. People say drones fly over Lebanon on a daily basis, well you can all see why they would do this. We have this group HA that is hell bent on destruction even if it means taking Lebanon with it . I would be checking on my neighbour if he was pointing a gun at me and my family.

  18. Jumblatt, feeding the crocodile and hoping it will eat him last. Winston Churchill’s words still ring true even in this situation as well.

    @Lebanese people
    Just one simple request. When it comes down to it and you guys are shooting each other in the streets, please don’t bring Israel into your dumb mess that you created. Keep them out of it and handle your own shit. Get it together Lebanon!

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