Iran shoots down 2 Western spy drones in Gulf


Iran’s Revolutionary Guards have shot down two “Western spy drones” in the Gulf, a senior Iranian commander has been quoted as saying.

“Many” other drones have been shot down over an unspecified period of time, the Fars news agency quoted him as saying.

The head of the Revolutionary Guards’ air force wing, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, produced no evidence to support the report.

He said this was the first time news of the incidents had been reported.

The drones were mainly being used in Iraq and Afghanistan but “some violations against our soil” had also occurred, the commander said.

Last August Iran unveiled what it said was its first domestically built drone, the Karrar.

It said it had a range of 1,000km (620 miles) and could carry two 250-pound (115kg) bombs, or a precision bomb of 500 pounds. BBC



  1. Jumblat is right when he said that Lebanon is a bunch of tribes you only have to read things on the internet all the time between Christians and Muslims to see the real picture of the Lebanese nation.

    It’s about time that the attitude of I am a Muslim and I am a Christian and I am none Arab attitude should be erased from their identity, they should all be called Lebanese nothing else to spare themselves from the real culprits who are trying to play on their religious identities and to cause havoc in Lebanon.

    We all know that we are all Arabs through and through and we should stick together and be united for all our sakes.

    1. Leborigine Avatar

      Tamara, please speak for yourself. If you are an arab, then good for you, but I am Lebanese through and through and no where close of having arab blood. This is the problem from the start, some of us claim that are arabs and some of us do not. Does it really matter??? Why can’t we all be Lebanese instaed!.
      We are the most bastardised nation in the arab world, we have had the crusades, Greeks, Turks, Persians, Arabs, Romans, etc, and they all had a shaggy good time in Lebanon, and yet a few narrow minded people think that we are arabs. What about Roman, Greek, Turk?? Is it because we speak arabic that our genes have to be arabic.
      My paternal grandparents were from Byzantine and my maternal grandparents were from western Europe, I am 120% Lebanese and my wife is half Hungarian and half German, my children are leaning towards being more Lebanese than anything else, how dare anyone call them arabs when they have no arab in them at all??
      How can you call the Armenians in Lebanon arabs when they are more Lebanese than the Lebanese themselves!!
      How can you call the growing Eastern European communities in Lebanon arabs??
      It is like calling Cypriots Greek when they do not have any Greek in them at all, they only speak Greek, but that does not mean that they are Greek. The Turkish Cypriots on the other hand are actually Turkish because they invaded and occupied.
      I do not have a problem with a Lebanese calling themselves arabs, but I do have a problem with people who cannot accept that there are Lebanese that are not arabs; hence, The Republic Of Lebanon.

      1. Hannibal Avatar

        Leborigine is RIGHT ON,
        ONLY J1 haplotype group which makes 30% of Lebanon are really from the Arab peninsula. The rest are really not but they can be earlier inhabitants of the land like the Phoenicians J2s or even European blood which consists of Sea People (Philistines), Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Crusaders (Spain, Britain, France, Germany, Italy), Ottoman Turks and Armenians. However, we are still tribal in our attitude. ๐Ÿ˜›

  2. Jumblat is right when he said that Lebanon is a bunch of tribes you only have to read things on the internet all the time between Christians and Muslims to see the real picture of the Lebanese nation.

    It’s about time that the attitude of I am a Muslim and I am a Christian and I am none Arab attitude should be erased from their identity, they should all be called Lebanese nothing else to spare themselves from the real culprits who are trying to play on their religious identities and to cause havoc in Lebanon.

    We all know that we are all Arabs through and through and we should stick together and be united for all our sakes.

    1.  Avatar

      Tamara, please speak for yourself. If you are an arab, then good for you, but I am Lebanese through and through and no where close of having arab blood. This is the problem from the start, some of us claim that are arabs and some of us do not. Does it really matter??? Why can’t we all be Lebanese instaed!.
      We are the most bastardised nation in the arab world, we have had the crusades, Greeks, Turks, Persians, Arabs, Romans, etc, and they all had a shaggy good time in Lebanon, and yet a few narrow minded people think that we are arabs. What about Roman, Greek, Turk?? Is it because we speak arabic that our genes have to be arabic.
      My paternal grandparents were from Byzantine and my maternal grandparents were from western Europe, I am 120% Lebanese and my wife is half Hungarian and half German, my children are leaning towards being more Lebanese than anything else, how dare anyone call them arabs when they have no arab in them at all??
      How can you call the Armenians in Lebanon arabs when they are more Lebanese than the Lebanese themselves!!
      How can you call the growing Eastern European communities in Lebanon arabs??
      It is like calling Cypriots Greek when they do not have any Greek in them at all, they only speak Greek, but that does not mean that they are Greek. The Turkish Cypriots on the other hand are actually Turkish because they invaded and occupied.
      I do not have a problem with a Lebanese calling themselves arabs, but I do have a problem with people who cannot accept that there are Lebanese that are not arabs; hence, The Republic Of Lebanon.

      1. Leborigine is RIGHT ON,
        ONLY J1 haplotype group which makes 30% of Lebanon are really from the Arab peninsula. The rest are really not but they can be earlier inhabitants of the land like the Phoenicians J2s or even European blood which consists of Sea People (Philistines), Greek, Roman, Byzantine, Crusaders (Spain, Britain, France, Germany, Italy), Ottoman Turks and Armenians. However, we are still tribal in our attitude. ๐Ÿ˜›

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