Former MP Ahmad Abdel Hameed Esper passed away


Former Lebanese MP Ahmad Abdel Hameed Esper passed away in Paris on Sunday, National News Agency (NNA) reported.

Esper, who died at the age of 90, will be buried on Monday in the Beirut neighborhood of Tayouneh, NNA said.

Condolences will be accepted after the burial for both men and women at the Emam Shamseddine compound at the Shatila roundabout on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 3 to 6 pm

Esper was born in Jbeil district town of Hajoula in 1920 and was elected as the deputy of the Jbeil district in 1960. He remained an MP until 1992 and was a member of the National Bloc which was headed at the time by Raymond Edde. He represented the Lebanese parliament on several occasions and participated in the formulation of the Taif accord. He is the author of several poems and articles that have not published yet.



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