Germany commits another 1.5 million Euro to STL


German Foreign Ministry announced that it will will be contributing an additional 1.5 million Euro ( $ 2million) to The Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) 2011 budget.

The German announcement comes after France announced about a week ago that it will be contributing an additional 1.5 million Euro ( $ 2million) to STL.

The United States last month donated an addition $10 million, while Britain donated an additional one million pounds ($1.56 million)

The increase in the contribution is aimed at asserting the necessity of the STL, Germany’s Foreign Ministry spokesman told An-Nahar newspaper .

The Special Tribunal for Lebanon was established by the UN security council in 2007 to try the killers of Hariri, who was assassinated in a 2005 truck bombing in Beirut.



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