Soueid: Hezbollah loyalty is to Iran, not defending Lebanon


March 14 General Secretariat coordinator Fares Soueid told Al-Jazeera television on Saturday evening that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon revealed that the Resistance is loyal to Iran, despite Hezbollah’s claims that it is defending Lebanon.

Soueid added that there is an anti-state project in Lebanon that runs counter to the efforts to build state.

He also stressed that no one is against the Resistance in Lebanon, if its sole purpose is to defend the country.

He is referring to May 7, 2008 Events when the Iranian backed Shiite militants occupied the Sunni part of Beirut and tried but failed to occupy the Druze stronghold of Mt Lebanon

Ahmadinejad ended his two-day visit to Lebanon on Thursday. Prior to departing from Lebanon Ahmadinejad met Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah Thursday evening at the Iranian Embassy in Beirut.

Reaction to Ahmadinejad’s visit was mixed but as expected March 14 leaders did not share the enthusiasm of Hezbollah led March 8 alliance.

“The country has entered a critical and complex stage. There will be a great conflict about the Special Tribunal for Lebanon’s (STL) indictment,” Soueid added.

Tension has run high in Lebanon after reports said that the STL would soon issue its indictment for the 2005 assassination of former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri. There are fears that should the court indict Hezbollah members, it could lead to clashes similar to those of the 2008 May Events.



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