Aoun, Nasrallah hail Ahmadinejad’s visit as ‘historic’


Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and his ally Change and Reform bloc leader MP Michel Aoun hailed the visit of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s as historic, according to a statement issued by Hezbollah on Saturday.

Aoun’s son-in-law Energy Minister Gebran Bassil, Nasrallah’s political aide Hussein Khalil and Hezbollah official Wafiq Safa took part in the meeting, according to the statement

“The meeting highlighted the success of Ahmadinejad’s visit … and discussed the latest domestic and regional developments,” the statement added.



5 responses to “Aoun, Nasrallah hail Ahmadinejad’s visit as ‘historic’”

  1. Yes it was a good visit he paid all his warriors lots of money to keep on the war machine. So the gov’t never protected the South from the Israelis and palestinians as many Hezbollah supporters cries. But who’s going to protect us from them and themselves even? All we hear chants of war and war and you will get it and so it will follow by many death, injuries and destruction. I wander which way it was better.. I guess neither way. What a pity indeed.

  2. Yes it was a good visit he paid all his warriors lots of money to keep on the war machine. So the gov’t never protected the South from the Israelis and palestinians as many Hezbollah supporters cries. But who’s going to protect us from them and themselves even? All we hear chants of war and war and you will get it and so it will follow by many death, injuries and destruction. I wander which way it was better.. I guess neither way. What a pity indeed.

  3.  Avatar

    Yes it was a good visit he paid all his warriors lots of money to keep on the war machine. So the gov’t never protected the South from the Israelis and palestinians as many Hezbollah supporters cries. But who’s going to protect us from them and themselves even? All we hear chants of war and war and you will get it and so it will follow by many death, injuries and destruction. I wander which way it was better.. I guess neither way. What a pity indeed.

  4. Down to you both, we’ll never allow you to give Lebanon to the back-warded countries like Syria and and Iran , we breath freedom in Lebanon , down with you and all the concept of any religious state , from saudi Arabia to Iran , down with any country like Afghanistan and Iran who stone women , it is time to wipe the religious notion of any state and get our secualr state, Sheiks /Priests and bishops and Mullha you belong into your mosques and Monasteries , time to ban you from politics and this time will come eventually!!!

  5.  Avatar

    Down to you both, we’ll never allow you to give Lebanon to the back-warded countries like Syria and and Iran , we breath freedom in Lebanon , down with you and all the concept of any religious state , from saudi Arabia to Iran , down with any country like Afghanistan and Iran who stone women , it is time to wipe the religious notion of any state and get our secualr state, Sheiks /Priests and bishops and Mullha you belong into your mosques and Monasteries , time to ban you from politics and this time will come eventually!!!

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