Chamoun criticizes Hezbollah’s Airport reception for Sayyed


National Liberal Party leader MP Dori Chamoun said on Tuesday following a meeting with Maronite Patriarch Nasrallah Boutros Sfeir, that he regrets Saturday’s airport incident, local media reported on Tuesday

“It appears that the state was absent at the airport, which allowed for the holding of such a reception for someone who’s an outlaw,” Chamoun added.

Tension between the Future Movement and Hezbollah ran high after armed Hezbollah bodyguards received former General Security chief Jamil as-Sayyed who is wanted by the Lebanese judiciary at the VIP launch of Beirut’s Rafik Hariri International Airport without the needed permission from the ministry of Foreign affairs .

Sayyed, who had just returned from France, was summoned by Attorney General Judge Said Mirza for questioning following the former’s September 12 statement, in which he attacked Hariri. Hezbollah on Friday called for the judiciary to revoke the summons.

“We were hoping that the people who received Sayyed would have reached a degree of understanding to know that such behavior would have negative repercussions on all the country,” Chamoun said.



4 responses to “Chamoun criticizes Hezbollah’s Airport reception for Sayyed”

  1. This is why the state should be in control !!!IWhat happened was really unacceptable and does not help build or protect a state and its institutions!!!

  2. This is why the state should be in control !!!IWhat happened was really unacceptable and does not help build or protect a state and its institutions!!!

  3. This is why the state should be in control !!!IWhat happened was really unacceptable and does not help build or protect a state and its institutions!!!

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    This is why the state should be in control !!!IWhat happened was really unacceptable and does not help build or protect a state and its institutions!!!

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