Sayyed wants to sue the state at a Human Rights court


Former head of Lebanon’s General Security Directorate Maj. Gen. Jamil Sayyed is reportedly looking for a human rights court to sue the Lebanese State.

Sayyed , along with 3 other generals was detained from 2005 to 2009 on suspicion of involvement in Rafik Hariri’s murder. In April 2009, the STL ordered their release without charges due to insufficient evidence. STL prosecutor made it clear at the time they were set free that their release did not mean they are Innocent and that once more evidence is available they could be back in jail.

Sayyed, a staunch ally of Syria was criticized following a press conference on Sunday in which he said that “[Saad Hariri] should take a lie detector test to prove he did not support or fund false witnesses in the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL).” He also said that the prime minister should “admit that he sold his father’s blood for four years in order to implement a new Middle East project,” a reference to US policy in the region.

Sayyed, who is currently in Paris, said in an interview published Wednesday by Al-Akhbar newspaper that he and a team of advisers were “rummaging around for a human rights court eligible to sue the Lebanese State.”

Al-Akhbar said the World Council for Human Rights of 2007 which finds that the “arrest of officers was in breach of Article 9 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights” was signed by Lebanon and demanded for the “restoration of political and Judicial rights and an immediate solution to the officers’ status.”

Sayyed stressed that he does not want to “open any battle,” stressing, on the other hand, that he cannot stand idle and not mention a response made by former PM Fouad Siniora back then in which he distorted facts and held the arrest to be justified according to witnesses.

“This is what made me press charges against Siniora and State Prosecutor Saeed Mirza.”

“Sayyed has lost some of his memory and his psychological state is getting worse,” MP Okab Sakr said Monday adding that the Sayyed’s state of mind has deteriorated since he lost power as head of General Security.

Sakr told New TV on Sunday that Sayyed requested a $15 million settlement from Hariri to drop his lawsuit that he filed in Damascus in December 2009 against Lebanese and Syrian public figures for slander, falsifying testimonies and depriving him of his freedom.

March 8 forces have devised a “roadmap … to overthrow the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) at any cost,” Phalange Party political bureau member Michel Khoury reportedly said Monday , adding that such efforts would ultimately prove futile.

Sayyed reportedly launched his attack against Hariri , following a meeting with Syrian president Bashar al Assad last week.

Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt questioned in his weekly article in the Al-Anbaa newspaper the “vicious campaign” against Prime Minister Saad Hariri, and said he is “surprised “, considering the important steps the PM has taken within the framework of political revaluation.”

“Hariri demonstrated an eagerness to rebuild Lebanese-Syrian ties according to the Taif agreement in a way that would protect the interests of both countries,” he said.

Hariri presses charges

Sakr on Tuesday said Prime Minister Saad Hariri has decided to press charges against Sayyed for threatening to kill him.

“My objective is not to challenge anyone,” Sakr said in remarks to New TV over his criticism of Sayyed

Saqr said he was only trying to “deter” Sayyed from devastating Lebanon.

“What he (Sayyed) has done was demolition of the State, and all those accusations and all the information he has given were mostly illusion , Sakr said.

Right moment

MP Sakr said he will choose the “right moment” to uncover the name of the mediator who was dispatched by Sayyed to PM Saad Hariri to ask for $15 million in return for giving up his case.

Sakr, in remarks published Wednesday by An-Nahar newspaper, accused Sayyed of “intimidating people”



19 responses to “Sayyed wants to sue the state at a Human Rights court”

  1. People like Sayyed shouldn’t have the right to press charges as they have deprived people from their rights throughout the entire periods they were in power…now that they are powerless they want to use the same law they have stepped on. These people are heartless and senseless

    1. criminals have no rights to the legal system of the state they should be in prison where they belong

      how could this guy ask for justice that he denied for his fellow citizens for years in the past

    2. criminals have no rights to the legal system of the state they should be in prison where they belong

      how could this guy ask for justice that he denied for his fellow citizens for years in the past

  2. People like Sayyed shouldn’t have the right to press charges as they have deprived people from their rights throughout the entire periods they were in power…now that they are powerless they want to use the same law they have stepped on. These people are heartless and senseless

  3. i guess the only that have the right to press charges against the Lebanese state and ALL its politicians are the Lebanese people.. nonetheless Sayyed has been deprived of his sovereignty for four years amid false accusation and he is somehow entitled.

    1. george haddad N.J Avatar
      george haddad N.J

      Jamal this S.O.B you talking about deprived many improsoned lebanese of their rights. He sent them to the torture chambers. this is not all guilty of all that. He is also guilty of cooperating with the Syrian regime and HA to assasinate hariri. If he was not HA supporter and they back him too. he would have been eliminated long time ago.

      Deprived my ass.. We should have the victims families whom he tortured and some whom responsible for killing so many lebanese under his regime to poke him with needles until he dies of bleeding.

      May he rot in hell and all those who stands by this evil man.

    2. george haddad N.J Avatar
      george haddad N.J

      Jamal this S.O.B you talking about deprived many improsoned lebanese of their rights. He sent them to the torture chambers. this is not all guilty of all that. He is also guilty of cooperating with the Syrian regime and HA to assasinate hariri. If he was not HA supporter and they back him too. he would have been eliminated long time ago.

      Deprived my ass.. We should have the victims families whom he tortured and some whom responsible for killing so many lebanese under his regime to poke him with needles until he dies of bleeding.

      May he rot in hell and all those who stands by this evil man.

  4. i guess the only that have the right to press charges against the Lebanese state and ALL its politicians are the Lebanese people.. nonetheless Sayyed has been deprived of his sovereignty for four years amid false accusation and he is somehow entitled.

  5. Tarie Al Fanarie Avatar
    Tarie Al Fanarie

    I think its time to tie this Monkey up and have a Cobra go at him. May as well do that to Wahab and Aoun too. Oh what would hezbollah do after those trio are gone..they will have no spokesman.. Pity!

  6. Tarie Al Fanarie Avatar
    Tarie Al Fanarie

    Can someone please shut this guy up. First Wahab, then Aoun and now its this Monkey again. Who let the Dog out..It must his body Nassrallah. Mashallah and ya barektallah..

  7. Tarie Al Fanarie Avatar
    Tarie Al Fanarie

    Can someone please shut this guy up. First Wahab, then Aoun and now its this Monkey again. Who let the Dog out..It must his body Nassrallah. Mashallah and ya barektallah..

  8. I ask how many individuals suffered on the hand of sayyed and some of them are dead. Before he claims innocence, we should unearth the dead to bear witness for his cruel treatments of the innocents and release people who are still in jail because of false pretenses and money extortion.The truth will come out and then he gets his day in court, that slimy traitor and coward. My dad spent a year in jail because of his involvement, I have no sympathy for this bastard.

  9. I ask how many individuals suffered on the hand of sayyed and some of them are dead. Before he claims innocence, we should unearth the dead to bear witness for his cruel treatments of the innocents and release people who are still in jail because of false pretenses and money extortion.The truth will come out and then he gets his day in court, that slimy traitor and coward. My dad spent a year in jail because of his involvement, I have no sympathy for this bastard.

  10. Damn, people like that make me ashamed of being Lebanese. The hell with Nasrallah and his militia.

  11. Damn, people like that make me ashamed of being Lebanese. The hell with Nasrallah and his militia.

  12. before him it was the Cow tonge WAHABB now it is the syrian mule turn hee hong,hee hong. those people are funny in Lebanon no security will pull them in for questioning.

  13. before him it was the Cow tonge WAHABB now it is the syrian mule turn hee hong,hee hong. those people are funny in Lebanon no security will pull them in for questioning.

  14. Tony Smish Avatar

    Would someone put this pig out of his misery….

  15. what I don’t understand is why the families of AlSayed victims sue the hell out of him, this criminal belongs in prison and the only way for those families it get their revenge is to drag his little ass to court forever……

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