50 people caught on camera in Hezbollah-al Ahbash clash


Information Minister Tarek Mitri briefed the media following the Cabinet meeting that was chaired by President Michel Sulleiman at Baabda Palace.

Borj Abi Haidar clash

“Authorities will interrogate 50 people in Beirut’s Borj Abi Haidar’s street battles after cameras caught pictures of them, Information Minister Tarek Mitri announced Wednesday.”

“50 people will be interrogated after surveillance cameras caught pictures of them indicating their possible involvement in these events,”

“The Cabinet was briefed by Justice Minister Ibrahim Najjar on the arrests of 12 suspects in last Tuesday’s fighting which was sparked by a dispute over a parking space and quickly developed into street battles with machine gun fire and rocket-propelled grenades.”

This development comes after a bloody street battle that shook the Borj Abi Haidar neighborhood in the Lebanese capital on August 24, pitting supporters of the Iranian backed Hezbollah against the pro-Syrian Al-Ahbash militants —also known as the Association of Islamic Charitable Projects. 3 people were killed in the clash including a Hezbollah senior official.

The cabinet agreed that clashes similar to the Bourj Abi Haidar fighting must be dealt with by the national-unity government, Mitri said, adding that “maintaining civil peace is the responsibility of all political parties.”

New appointments

The Cabinet also approved new administrative and judicial appointments.

Among the appointments were:

– Magistrate Mary Denise Moushi Chairperson of the Legislation and Legal Adviser at the Justice Ministry

– Magistrate Ali Ibrahim Deputy Director of Finance

– Judge Abdul Latif al-Husseini Government Commissioner of the State Shoura Council.

– Danny Nicola Gideon , General Manager of the Ministry of Industry.

– Ahmad Adnan Tamer , Director of the Tripoli Port Investment Authority


Prime Minister Saad Hariri told the cabinet that his Syria visit was planned and that he discussed latest regional and domestic developments with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Hariri traveled to Syria Sunday night to have a pre-dawn Suhour meal with Assad.

New commission

The cabinet also agreed to form a commission headed by Prime Minister Saad Hariri and including Energy Minister Gebran Bassil, Public Works and Transportation Minister Ghazi Aridi, Interior Minister Ziad Baroud and Environment Minister Mohammad Rahhal to take suitable measures concerning consequences of heavy rainfall.



11 responses to “50 people caught on camera in Hezbollah-al Ahbash clash”

  1. they’re using the same techniques we use here in canada when riots happen. i think its a great idea cos those videos are very admissible in court.

    what does ahbash mean for crying out loud.

  2. Tony

    It’s in reference to the group’s founder, Abdullah al-Harari Al Habashi. He was born in Ethiopia.

  3. so if he’s born in ethiopia how does that tie to them being in lebanon and backed by syria.

    what did this guys do.

  4. Tony,

    Al Habashi settled in Lebanon in 1950 where he taught religious studies and cultivated a personal following.,eventually established his organization. He Maintained a strong relations with the Syrian government

    After his death in the early 90’s, Nizar al Halabi became the group’s leader. He himself was killed in 1995 by Ahmad Abdul Karim al Saaid, known as Abu Mihjin, who headed “Asbat al Ansar”or the League of Partisans

    1. Leborigine Avatar

      Why doesn’t he move this group to syria if he maintains a high profile with them. So we have an ethiopian, who has recruited some Lebo’s in the 50’s and becomes good buddies with syria to serve their interests in Lebanon???????WTF!!Every quarter, i hear of some small gang in Lebanon that has been there for years and none of them have got anything to do with Lebanon, and most of them come from countries which need these psychopaths more than Lebanon does. Prophet, here it comes, another fantastic line from the legend, your namesake. “Pity the nation divided into fragments,

      each fragment deeming itself a nation.

  5. holy macaroni dude. dont any of these people ever dream of opening some charity?

  6. lol. They are the charities,lol

  7. TONY, THIS IS A GOOD LINK IF YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THEM.http://www.aawsat.com/english/news.asp?id=2343&section=3

  8. The good thing about the incident is that both ha and the ahbash are scum, so bateekh ykasir ba3do. It is always fun to see assholes eliminate each other.

  9. Fadi Abboud Avatar
    Fadi Abboud

    They should have Cameras set up all over Lebanon -especially Hezbollah dominated areas-

  10. george skhn Avatar
    george skhn

    lebanon will never get any better as long as the people keep voting for the same politician again and agin a…….a……, only special miracles needed to save our lebanon

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