National Dialogue session kicks off in Beiteddine


A national dialogue session aimed at discussing the defense strategy kicked off at the summer presidential palace in Beiteddine , el Shouf of Mt Lebanon.

Prior to the session President Suleiman and Speaker Nabih Berri held a closed door meeting

Defense Minister Elias al-Murr did not attend to health reasons. Also FPM leader Michel Aoun did not attend, but no reasons were given for his absence.


Next sessions is October 19

The national dialogue session to address the national defense strategy in Beiteddine Palace adjourned on Thursday, and committee members scheduled the next meeting for October 19, according to local reports.

“Good intentions and goodwill made the national dialogue session atmosphere excellent,” President Michel Suleiman was quoted as saying following the dialogue session.

Lebanese Forces leader Samir Geagea submitted to the committee a proposal on national defense strategy, but Hezbollah MP Mohammad Raad described Geagea’s proposal as “not encouraging”.

According to a statement issued by the LF’s media office Geagea proposed full Lebanese Armed Forces’ (LAF) deployment in the South and to place Hezbollah units under the Lebanese army’s control.

The participants agreed Thursday to continue discussions on the national defense strategy in light of the Adaisseh border skirmish and the need to better arm the Lebanese army.

Free Patriotic Movement leader MP Michel Aoun called President Michel Suleiman on Thursday morning to inform him that he would be absent from the national dialogue session due to health reasons, MTV reported, without elaborating further.



5 responses to “National Dialogue session kicks off in Beiteddine”

  1. Well, the simple facts are that half of the country is occupied by Hezbollah which is stronger than the army, the electoral districts were gerrymandered and the diaspora disenfranchized so no, the talks won’t really come to anything. Especially as Obama sold Lebanon out.

  2. Whats for lunch?

  3. Lebster Avatar

    Here we go again for the 20000th time…blah blah blah blah blah blah…

  4. hey check it out guys, its the usual suspect or is it the dirty dozen. maybe its hogans heroes – NOT.

    charlie’s angels?

  5. You guys… we have been very hard on those poor guys, they’re there to make sure we live a happy comfortable life in Lebanon full of joy and prosperity.. they already took care of all our needs of electricity, nice roads, good jobs for anyone that needs a job, good health system peaceful country etc, and noew we accuse them on not doing enough. they all had to stop their schemes, disrupt their smuggling and their milia activities just for us….. they are all elites, no one ran a militia, killed or bombed anyone, threatened anybody, called each others every bad word in the book..they are very innocent of all the bad doings, can’t you see them sitting next to each others very nicely… they even had a working lunch of falafil, so they won’t waste the county’s money…I think we deserve all of them beacuse we as people put them up there, next time elections comes along, choose who is the most qualified to fill that position not based on his religion, or his political affiliations to Syria, Iran, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,USA, France atc….

    I wish we learned anything through out what happened in Lebanon over the years because of those mafia DON’s

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