Hariri: We want nothing but the truth


Lebanon Prime Minister Saad Hariri stressed on Wednesday during an Iftar banquet organized by the administrative body of the Federation of Beirut Families Associations at the Phoenicia Hotel his “commitment to the course of the U.N. investigation, and the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) as the relevant authority for achieving justice.”

“There are developments that are being described as rapid, and which call for defining positions, and I have taken it upon myself to tackle issues in a calm approach,” Hariri said in his speech

“Despite the uproar that is accompanying these developments , I see some things moving in the right direction, such as the data submitted (by Hezbollah) to the public prosecution,” Hariri added.

Hariri called for making dialogue “the means of exchanging views between leaders, resolving differences and promoting all that contribute to national stability.”

“What you hear from me is the truth. I speak on my behalf and no one can talk on behalf of Saad Hariri. I have a parliamentary bloc and a (political) movement, but some media outlets talk on my behalf or on behalf of sources close to me.

“Don’t believe any of this because nothing is true about it. We want the truth and nothing but the truth,” Hariri addressed the audience. Naharnet



5 responses to “Hariri: We want nothing but the truth”

  1. wallah ya saad if anybodys gonna bring unity to lebanon its you and me and many of us who share your vision.

    good job.

  2. Berytus Avatar

    This is Saad’s indirect attack against Nasrallah, when Nasrallah said in his speech last month, “hariri personally told me that the STL will indict members of Hezbollah, and he will not support these indictments.”

    I like the way he’s handling and countering the attacks of the STL. Very smart and very cautious.

  3. jadmalak Avatar

    TRUTH is never over rated, Allah ma3 Libneien and every seeker of Justice…God Bless Saed Hariri, your doing great following the footsteps of the MAR7OOM Rafic Hariri

  4. Jean Haddad Avatar
    Jean Haddad

    Saed Hariri is changing his tone I hope for better

    Am so jealous, everynight he got an invitation set with speech

    When are we next? Any invitation on the way to ya libanan debaters????? Dream on…..guys

  5. Yes,Mr.Hariri ,the truth and justice!!Without them there will be no stability !With no stability,there will be no progress!

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