Hezbollah agreed to provide evidence to Lebanese authorities


Hezbollah announced its readiness to hand over to the Lebanese authorities the footage allegedly intercepted from Israeli surveillance planes of the site of the assassination of Lebanon’s former PM Rafik Hariri prior to his murder on Feb .

Image from video of what is claimed to be Israeli reconnaissance aircraft footage intercepted by Hezbollah, showing the area of the death of slain Lebanese prime minister Rafik Hariri, displayed during a video press conference by Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah held in a southern suburb of Beirut, Lebanon, on Monday Aug. 9, 2010.

“Data and evidence in Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah’s possession has been made public … Hezbollah, however, doesn’t trust the International Tribunal or the international investigation,” Hezbollah MP Nawaf Mousawi said in remarks published Friday by Ad-Diyar newspaper.

He said Hezbollah was ready to provide such information to the Lebanese judiciary.

In response to a question about Lebanese authorities giving the data to Special Tribunal for Lebanon Prosecutor

Daniel Bellemare, Mousawi said: “So what, it’s their business.”

Bellemare has officially requested Lebanese authorities to provide all the information in possession of Hezbollah.

Attorney General Judge Said Mirza told National News Agency (NNA) Wednesday that (STL)’s Wednesday statement was referring to Lebanon’s attorney general when it requested all the Hezbollah information in the possession of Nasrallah pertaining to Hariri’s murder .”

A well-informed political source, however, expressed concern that Bellemare’s request was “merely an attempt to enhance the credibility of the International Tribunal.”

“We hope that they (tribunal) will take this issue seriously,” the source told Ad-Diyar. “We will wait and see.”

This comes after the Hezbollah leader tried Monday night during a televised press conference to present evidence including footage he said came from Israeli Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) monitoring Hariri to prove that Israel was behind the assassination of Hariri. He also presented a confession from a suspected Israeli spy .



9 responses to “Hezbollah agreed to provide evidence to Lebanese authorities”

  1. i really hope they hand over more than just this footage.

    dunno if the confession is admissable cos if its given under duress, the courts at time dismiss such evidence.

    1. Let’s clarify what HA said. They will only hand it to the Lebanese judiciary stressing the STL is not legitimate nor will it intimidate them. Hizbullah was quoted saying: it doesn’t trust the International Tribunal or the international investigation.

      Bottom line: If we are indeed indicted, what are you going to do about it?

      It will be interesting to see how the country will react post release of report.

  2. The Hezbollah should ask to be retire of terrorist list before collaborating ; logical, that isn’t the lebanese authorities which took defense of the country despite the frontier violation during the last war.

    Feedback : Hariri did go in France, any change with UNIFIL & what has been done – or just with sales in Louis Vuitton’s shop ?

    1. Oui m’est La Pluie Tombe..

  3. Do you think a damn aerial picture of the bomb site constitute concrete/strong evidence that Israel did the bombing?

    Give me a break!

    1. Suspicious monitoring of Rafiq al-Hariri, his motorcade routes, plus aerial surveillance the day before and of his assassination? Seems more concrete then any information we have thus far that people like you want to implicate Hezbollah with. Don’t forget that when the STL was falsely accusing Syria, their ‘evidence’ was that Syria was capable of monitoring Rafiq al-Hariri’s movements, the van that exploded had Syrian plates, and they even cited a minor political disagreement between the Syrian president and EX-prime minister. If this circumstantial and easily-fabricated nonsense is enough to indict an entire country, then video evidence, so far the only evidence we have in the case, of highly suspicious monitoring should be more then enough to hang Israel.

  4. joe you are brilliant man with this picture we can hang israel well done this picture prove one thing syria and HA are guilty like hell and nasralla running out of ideas so he strated the bull as usuall

  5. Walid Khouri Avatar
    Walid Khouri

    I think HA hackers used Israeli intelligence to monitor Hariri’s movements… lol 😛

  6. Alfredo Avatar

    This satellite image means nothing, it can be obtained by anyone on the internet, big deal! Nasrallah is clearly running out of options and needs to deflect attention away from his problem. Lebanon needs a real impartial investigation and should not be bullied by the local military power of Hezbollah.

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