Experts say Hezbollah evidence is ‘very weak’


Asharq al-Awsat newspaper reported Wednesday that Military experts in Beirut praised the “technical capability ” of Hezbollah, but said the link between the aerial footage and the 2005 assassination of Ex-PM Rafik Hariri was “very weak.”

Other military experts, however, criticized the lack of “technical accuracy,” saying the footage “addressed public opinion not familiar with the technical capabilities,” added Asharq al-Awsat

The paper quoted retired Brig. Gen. Nizar Abdul Qader as saying that Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah “wanted through this information to show circumstantial evidence that can switch the blame into Hariri’s assassination from Hezbollah to Israel.

This comes after Hezbollah leader tried Monday night during a televised press conference to present evidence including footage he said came from Israeli Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) monitoring Hariri to prove that Israel was behind the assassination of Hariri

He said the aerial footage shown by Hezbollah during Nasrallah’s Monday press conference “may not be directly linked to the Hariri assassination.”



250 responses to “Experts say Hezbollah evidence is ‘very weak’”

  1. If akhmed the terrorist had info on the assassination on Hariri that could implicate the israelis, you wonder why is he coming out with it now!!! WEAK is a mild way to put it as full of crap. The irony is that today with alll the technology, h/a’s hassoun is using brain washing technique that only his believers and followers would adopt.

    1. George Haddad N.J. Avatar
      George Haddad N.J.

      Yes Hassoun followers will believe him no matter what. If he told them that if you eat a bowl of crickets will make you strong, then will believe him. They’re after all pretty naive and plain stupid. What its even sadder he’s taking the whole sect with him in order to defend the honor and goals of Iran. Such a pittifull murderer..

      1. Sandman Avatar


        George W. Bush told us all the US is going to Iraq to establish a democracy and we all believed him. It is called “The Cult of Personality”. Sometimes used for good other times used for bad.

        In any case, you should listen to the song here

      2. Sandman Avatar


        George W. Bush told us all the US is going to Iraq to establish a democracy and we all believed him. It is called “The Cult of Personality”. Sometimes used for good other times used for bad.

        In any case, you should listen to the song here

      3. Sandman Avatar


        George W. Bush told us all the US is going to Iraq to establish a democracy and we all believed him. It is called “The Cult of Personality”. Sometimes used for good other times used for bad.

        In any case, you should listen to the song here

    2. George Haddad N.J. Avatar
      George Haddad N.J.

      Yes Hassoun followers will believe him no matter what. If he told them that if you eat a bowl of crickets will make you strong, then will believe him. They’re after all pretty naive and plain stupid. What its even sadder he’s taking the whole sect with him in order to defend the honor and goals of Iran. Such a pittifull murderer..

    3. George Haddad N.J. Avatar
      George Haddad N.J.

      Yes Hassoun followers will believe him no matter what. If he told them that if you eat a bowl of crickets will make you strong, then will believe him. They’re after all pretty naive and plain stupid. What its even sadder he’s taking the whole sect with him in order to defend the honor and goals of Iran. Such a pittifull murderer..

  2. If akhmed the terrorist had info on the assassination on Hariri that could implicate the israelis, you wonder why is he coming out with it now!!! WEAK is a mild way to put it as full of crap. The irony is that today with alll the technology, h/a’s hassoun is using brain washing technique that only his believers and followers would adopt.

  3. Constantin Avatar

    Who cares what the experts say. The important thing is that Hizbullah is very strong, and the word of the strong will rule. Hassan does not believe in experts, and if they think that the Hizb’s evidence is very week, it is not important. The important thing is that the Hizb thinks its evidence is very strong, and this is what matters, doesn’t it? Whatever Hassan says is always RIGHT!

    I am almost convincing myself….

    For heaven’s sake these people do not recognize any experts’ opinion, they will do and say whatever they want and implement their own agenda of disguising the truth at any cost….so that they remain in POWER.

    1. Or until they are taken out by 1) Israel (and believe me, this time, it will be done right) 2) Majority of Lebanese sects uniting with other Arab nations and 3) HA decides to move to Iran.

      1. Hey…don’t thumb me down because of option one. Believe me, I am totally against the Israelis and believe they are also scum in the own ways…but in all honesty, this may (could) be the only option (and painful) option that the Lebanese have. Otherwise, accept the fact that our country will be ruled by a dictator and his gangster who at will can do, say or impose any of their threats on all of us.

      2. Hey…don’t thumb me down because of option one. Believe me, I am totally against the Israelis and believe they are also scum in the own ways…but in all honesty, this may (could) be the only option (and painful) option that the Lebanese have. Otherwise, accept the fact that our country will be ruled by a dictator and his gangster who at will can do, say or impose any of their threats on all of us.

      3. Hey…don’t thumb me down because of option one. Believe me, I am totally against the Israelis and believe they are also scum in the own ways…but in all honesty, this may (could) be the only option (and painful) option that the Lebanese have. Otherwise, accept the fact that our country will be ruled by a dictator and his gangster who at will can do, say or impose any of their threats on all of us.

      4. Sami, I really wanna understand this notion that HA is gonna rule lebanon. HOW?

        because you people BELEIVE that he ignites wars with Israel when he wants to.

        but why dont you do your own research and realize that Israel is not waiting for HA to ignite a war. all these thing are pre-planned.

        there are many many articles, books, and independant journalists who have talked about this.

        just please do your research before you claim that you know the truth and that HA is to blame for everything bad in Lebanon.

      5. Sami, I really wanna understand this notion that HA is gonna rule lebanon. HOW?

        because you people BELEIVE that he ignites wars with Israel when he wants to.

        but why dont you do your own research and realize that Israel is not waiting for HA to ignite a war. all these thing are pre-planned.

        there are many many articles, books, and independant journalists who have talked about this.

        just please do your research before you claim that you know the truth and that HA is to blame for everything bad in Lebanon.

      6. Sami, I really wanna understand this notion that HA is gonna rule lebanon. HOW?

        because you people BELEIVE that he ignites wars with Israel when he wants to.

        but why dont you do your own research and realize that Israel is not waiting for HA to ignite a war. all these thing are pre-planned.

        there are many many articles, books, and independant journalists who have talked about this.

        just please do your research before you claim that you know the truth and that HA is to blame for everything bad in Lebanon.

      7. Cathy. Obviously your research is as good as those provided by HA with respect to their so-called “evidence” on who killed Rafik. Called it what you like but I guess I will to hand one more brainwashed individual to the HA clan.

      8. Cathy. Obviously your research is as good as those provided by HA with respect to their so-called “evidence” on who killed Rafik. Called it what you like but I guess I will to hand one more brainwashed individual to the HA clan.

      9. Cathy. Obviously your research is as good as those provided by HA with respect to their so-called “evidence” on who killed Rafik. Called it what you like but I guess I will to hand one more brainwashed individual to the HA clan.

      10. One more simple thing Cathy: If HA truly cared about it’s people (country) then why the hell don’t they disarm and hand all to a legitimate Lebanese Army. They can easily enlist with the LAF. Please don’t feed me that they need to be a “resistance” against any Israeli aggression. Do you think the LAF or let alone the rest of the world (Arabs & all) will allow Israel to do anything to Lebanon? To the contrary, this will only strengthen & protect our country. Plain & simple and whether you and/or your HA followers will ever want to admit, the main purpose of HA is to protect Iran’s interests – PERIOD!

      11. One more simple thing Cathy: If HA truly cared about it’s people (country) then why the hell don’t they disarm and hand all to a legitimate Lebanese Army. They can easily enlist with the LAF. Please don’t feed me that they need to be a “resistance” against any Israeli aggression. Do you think the LAF or let alone the rest of the world (Arabs & all) will allow Israel to do anything to Lebanon? To the contrary, this will only strengthen & protect our country. Plain & simple and whether you and/or your HA followers will ever want to admit, the main purpose of HA is to protect Iran’s interests – PERIOD!

      12. One more simple thing Cathy: If HA truly cared about it’s people (country) then why the hell don’t they disarm and hand all to a legitimate Lebanese Army. They can easily enlist with the LAF. Please don’t feed me that they need to be a “resistance” against any Israeli aggression. Do you think the LAF or let alone the rest of the world (Arabs & all) will allow Israel to do anything to Lebanon? To the contrary, this will only strengthen & protect our country. Plain & simple and whether you and/or your HA followers will ever want to admit, the main purpose of HA is to protect Iran’s interests – PERIOD!

      13. Sami, I am not brainwashed at all.

        this was all over the western media because it was Seymour Hersh (an american jewish journalist) who uncovered it since he was the one that uncovered the abu-ghraib scandal, and shed light on the WMD situation in Iraq back when Bush had lied about them to invade.

        trust me, I am the last one to listen to propaganda…I check all sides not just one.

      14. Sami, I am not brainwashed at all.

        this was all over the western media because it was Seymour Hersh (an american jewish journalist) who uncovered it since he was the one that uncovered the abu-ghraib scandal, and shed light on the WMD situation in Iraq back when Bush had lied about them to invade.

        trust me, I am the last one to listen to propaganda…I check all sides not just one.

      15. Sami, I am not brainwashed at all.

        this was all over the western media because it was Seymour Hersh (an american jewish journalist) who uncovered it since he was the one that uncovered the abu-ghraib scandal, and shed light on the WMD situation in Iraq back when Bush had lied about them to invade.

        trust me, I am the last one to listen to propaganda…I check all sides not just one.

      16. Sami I agree with you, I would love to see HA evetually integrated into our LAF.

        I just dont think now is the right time.

        Look even Hariri refused to disarm them claiming that there is still danger of an israeli invasion when the US was pressuring him before he was assassinated.

        sami you say “Do you think the LAF or let alone the rest of the world (Arabs & all) will allow Israel to do anything to Lebanon? ”

        first of all the LAF cannot do anything in front of the IDF and this is not me, or nasrallah, this is coming from internation experts who all agree that the IDF along with the american army are the strongest armies in the world.

        the only reason that the american army is still not able to defeat a bunch of bearded retards in afghanistan, is that fighting against people that act as a militia, makes it very hard for even the strongest army to defeat.

        Also, you think the rest of the world wouldnt allow it, but it went on for 22 years an no one stopped it.

        in 2006 there were over 1000 casualties and no one stopped it until Israel had no choice because it was looking ridiculously bad in front of the international community.

        I mean, really, who exactly can stop them?

        the US invaded Iraq when the UN nations had voted against it, yet it didnt care and went in.

      17. Sami I agree with you, I would love to see HA evetually integrated into our LAF.

        I just dont think now is the right time.

        Look even Hariri refused to disarm them claiming that there is still danger of an israeli invasion when the US was pressuring him before he was assassinated.

        sami you say “Do you think the LAF or let alone the rest of the world (Arabs & all) will allow Israel to do anything to Lebanon? ”

        first of all the LAF cannot do anything in front of the IDF and this is not me, or nasrallah, this is coming from internation experts who all agree that the IDF along with the american army are the strongest armies in the world.

        the only reason that the american army is still not able to defeat a bunch of bearded retards in afghanistan, is that fighting against people that act as a militia, makes it very hard for even the strongest army to defeat.

        Also, you think the rest of the world wouldnt allow it, but it went on for 22 years an no one stopped it.

        in 2006 there were over 1000 casualties and no one stopped it until Israel had no choice because it was looking ridiculously bad in front of the international community.

        I mean, really, who exactly can stop them?

        the US invaded Iraq when the UN nations had voted against it, yet it didnt care and went in.

      18. Sami I agree with you, I would love to see HA evetually integrated into our LAF.

        I just dont think now is the right time.

        Look even Hariri refused to disarm them claiming that there is still danger of an israeli invasion when the US was pressuring him before he was assassinated.

        sami you say “Do you think the LAF or let alone the rest of the world (Arabs & all) will allow Israel to do anything to Lebanon? ”

        first of all the LAF cannot do anything in front of the IDF and this is not me, or nasrallah, this is coming from internation experts who all agree that the IDF along with the american army are the strongest armies in the world.

        the only reason that the american army is still not able to defeat a bunch of bearded retards in afghanistan, is that fighting against people that act as a militia, makes it very hard for even the strongest army to defeat.

        Also, you think the rest of the world wouldnt allow it, but it went on for 22 years an no one stopped it.

        in 2006 there were over 1000 casualties and no one stopped it until Israel had no choice because it was looking ridiculously bad in front of the international community.

        I mean, really, who exactly can stop them?

        the US invaded Iraq when the UN nations had voted against it, yet it didnt care and went in.

      19. Again Cathy answer my question: Why not DISARM? Merge with the LAF? I don’t care about anything else but one thing: MY COUNTRY! These mobsters turned their firearms on their own people and will not think twice about doing it again. The people of Lebanon are sick and tired of living under the law of the gun and currently this law is being dictated by HA and the consequences will be the lives of many Lebanese. Don’t forget, these are the same group who hid their weapons in schools, hospitals, etc. SICK!

      20. Again Cathy answer my question: Why not DISARM? Merge with the LAF? I don’t care about anything else but one thing: MY COUNTRY! These mobsters turned their firearms on their own people and will not think twice about doing it again. The people of Lebanon are sick and tired of living under the law of the gun and currently this law is being dictated by HA and the consequences will be the lives of many Lebanese. Don’t forget, these are the same group who hid their weapons in schools, hospitals, etc. SICK!

      21. Again Cathy answer my question: Why not DISARM? Merge with the LAF? I don’t care about anything else but one thing: MY COUNTRY! These mobsters turned their firearms on their own people and will not think twice about doing it again. The people of Lebanon are sick and tired of living under the law of the gun and currently this law is being dictated by HA and the consequences will be the lives of many Lebanese. Don’t forget, these are the same group who hid their weapons in schools, hospitals, etc. SICK!

      22. But Sami, you are not reading fully my posts. I have explained why they can’t disarm at the moment and why even if they do integrate into the LAF, the LAF will become stronger but will never be strong enough to defeat the most powerful army in the world, i.e. the IDF.

        UNLESS, the LAF builds bunkers and underground tunnels and starts acting like a militia.

        you tell me how come the american almighty army still hasnt defeated bearded retards in afghanistan??

        really why sami? because they are not fighting an army with equal weapons, they are fighting people that are hiding in caves, tunnels, etc.

        THIS is why HA was NOT DEFEATED by the IDF in 2006 otherwise, they would have been blown to pieces.

      23. But Sami, you are not reading fully my posts. I have explained why they can’t disarm at the moment and why even if they do integrate into the LAF, the LAF will become stronger but will never be strong enough to defeat the most powerful army in the world, i.e. the IDF.

        UNLESS, the LAF builds bunkers and underground tunnels and starts acting like a militia.

        you tell me how come the american almighty army still hasnt defeated bearded retards in afghanistan??

        really why sami? because they are not fighting an army with equal weapons, they are fighting people that are hiding in caves, tunnels, etc.

        THIS is why HA was NOT DEFEATED by the IDF in 2006 otherwise, they would have been blown to pieces.

      24. But Sami, you are not reading fully my posts. I have explained why they can’t disarm at the moment and why even if they do integrate into the LAF, the LAF will become stronger but will never be strong enough to defeat the most powerful army in the world, i.e. the IDF.

        UNLESS, the LAF builds bunkers and underground tunnels and starts acting like a militia.

        you tell me how come the american almighty army still hasnt defeated bearded retards in afghanistan??

        really why sami? because they are not fighting an army with equal weapons, they are fighting people that are hiding in caves, tunnels, etc.

        THIS is why HA was NOT DEFEATED by the IDF in 2006 otherwise, they would have been blown to pieces.

      25. Cathy….why do you continue to dwell on this so called IDF attack on Lebanon? Why would they want to attack Lebanon? Jesus! I know and agree that Israel is shit but let’s get our views straight: Israel does not and will not attack Lebanon. Even if you insist that they are after our country, the world will not stand still without severely retaliating against them in every manner. It won’t happen!

      26. Cathy….why do you continue to dwell on this so called IDF attack on Lebanon? Why would they want to attack Lebanon? Jesus! I know and agree that Israel is shit but let’s get our views straight: Israel does not and will not attack Lebanon. Even if you insist that they are after our country, the world will not stand still without severely retaliating against them in every manner. It won’t happen!

      27. This is precisely what HA has cemented (conditioned) their followers to believe in order to maintain this status quot: Israel is going to invade us and we are your only hope! Sorry but that BS!

      28. This is precisely what HA has cemented (conditioned) their followers to believe in order to maintain this status quot: Israel is going to invade us and we are your only hope! Sorry but that BS!

      29. This is precisely what HA has cemented (conditioned) their followers to believe in order to maintain this status quot: Israel is going to invade us and we are your only hope! Sorry but that BS!

      30. One more thing now that you got me started Ms. Cathy. You state: THIS is why HA was NOT DEFEATED by the IDF in 2006 otherwise, they would have been blown to pieces.

        Are you nuts? HA was not defeated? Most all the casualties (children & all) were victims of HA cowardly way of hiding behind them, using them as shields! Thank God that Israel stopped when it did because it could have been much worse. It’s funny how some people like yourself still believe Nasrallah’s claim of VICTORY. It was a major loss to them and all of us!

        Enough and peace on earth!

      31. One more thing now that you got me started Ms. Cathy. You state: THIS is why HA was NOT DEFEATED by the IDF in 2006 otherwise, they would have been blown to pieces.

        Are you nuts? HA was not defeated? Most all the casualties (children & all) were victims of HA cowardly way of hiding behind them, using them as shields! Thank God that Israel stopped when it did because it could have been much worse. It’s funny how some people like yourself still believe Nasrallah’s claim of VICTORY. It was a major loss to them and all of us!

        Enough and peace on earth!

      32. One more thing now that you got me started Ms. Cathy. You state: THIS is why HA was NOT DEFEATED by the IDF in 2006 otherwise, they would have been blown to pieces.

        Are you nuts? HA was not defeated? Most all the casualties (children & all) were victims of HA cowardly way of hiding behind them, using them as shields! Thank God that Israel stopped when it did because it could have been much worse. It’s funny how some people like yourself still believe Nasrallah’s claim of VICTORY. It was a major loss to them and all of us!

        Enough and peace on earth!

      33. tayeb sami I provided you with the afghanistan example and iraq and you tell me that im listening to HA”s BS.. tayeb whatever u say…

      34. tayeb sami I provided you with the afghanistan example and iraq and you tell me that im listening to HA”s BS.. tayeb whatever u say…

      35. tayeb sami I provided you with the afghanistan example and iraq and you tell me that im listening to HA”s BS.. tayeb whatever u say…

      36. sami habibi I am not beleiving nasrallah’s claim of victory…I am listening to what the israeli media was saying about this war and what ALL western media said about this war….

        its unbeleivable how you guys dont wanna hear the truth…

        Olmert was asked to give his resignation because the war was considered a huge military defeat fo them….

        it doesnt matter how many casualties, leh how many casualties sar raye7 bi iraq…did the US claim victory???

        ba3den habibi, u wanna beleive the BS that he was hiding behind children, ma wa2ta fajjarou a building in qana, there were NO connections to HA and the UN called them on it and ISRAEL CAME OUT AND SAID WE ARE VERY SORRY IT WAS A MISTAKE, JUST EVERY SINGLE CIVILIAN TARGET, THEY SAY IT WAS A MISTAKE, YET THEY HAVE THE MOST SOPHISTICATED WEAPONS….

      37. sami habibi I am not beleiving nasrallah’s claim of victory…I am listening to what the israeli media was saying about this war and what ALL western media said about this war….

        its unbeleivable how you guys dont wanna hear the truth…

        Olmert was asked to give his resignation because the war was considered a huge military defeat fo them….

        it doesnt matter how many casualties, leh how many casualties sar raye7 bi iraq…did the US claim victory???

        ba3den habibi, u wanna beleive the BS that he was hiding behind children, ma wa2ta fajjarou a building in qana, there were NO connections to HA and the UN called them on it and ISRAEL CAME OUT AND SAID WE ARE VERY SORRY IT WAS A MISTAKE, JUST EVERY SINGLE CIVILIAN TARGET, THEY SAY IT WAS A MISTAKE, YET THEY HAVE THE MOST SOPHISTICATED WEAPONS….

      38. sami habibi I am not beleiving nasrallah’s claim of victory…I am listening to what the israeli media was saying about this war and what ALL western media said about this war….

        its unbeleivable how you guys dont wanna hear the truth…

        Olmert was asked to give his resignation because the war was considered a huge military defeat fo them….

        it doesnt matter how many casualties, leh how many casualties sar raye7 bi iraq…did the US claim victory???

        ba3den habibi, u wanna beleive the BS that he was hiding behind children, ma wa2ta fajjarou a building in qana, there were NO connections to HA and the UN called them on it and ISRAEL CAME OUT AND SAID WE ARE VERY SORRY IT WAS A MISTAKE, JUST EVERY SINGLE CIVILIAN TARGET, THEY SAY IT WAS A MISTAKE, YET THEY HAVE THE MOST SOPHISTICATED WEAPONS….

      39. What have u been smoking Cathy? One too many trips to the sheeba farms? Your in cloud 9. Post 2006 and thereafter the UNIFL found many weapon depots hidden inside schools, homes and hospitals. Go ahead and tell me that UNIFL is also part of the Israeli conspiracy like your friend Hassan is claiming about the STL.

        Give me a break. You are indeed irritating.

      40. What have u been smoking Cathy? One too many trips to the sheeba farms? Your in cloud 9. Post 2006 and thereafter the UNIFL found many weapon depots hidden inside schools, homes and hospitals. Go ahead and tell me that UNIFL is also part of the Israeli conspiracy like your friend Hassan is claiming about the STL.

        Give me a break. You are indeed irritating.

      41. What have u been smoking Cathy? One too many trips to the sheeba farms? Your in cloud 9. Post 2006 and thereafter the UNIFL found many weapon depots hidden inside schools, homes and hospitals. Go ahead and tell me that UNIFL is also part of the Israeli conspiracy like your friend Hassan is claiming about the STL.

        Give me a break. You are indeed irritating.

      42. Sami, I didnt say that they didnt hide weapons in these places bass also, do not think that the 1000 casualties were only a result of that.

        im not smoking anything, are you denying the qana incident? I heard with my own ears on american media the spokesperson for the israeli govt apologizing over and over for many incidents in lebanon that killed hundreds of civilians and saying it was a mistake, and even having the hosts of the show laugh when she claimed it was by mistake.

        she would start by saying that HA hides behind children, bla bla, when she was sked why so many casualties on the lebanese side, and then when the reporter would bring UN complaints and accusations, she would then say, oh it was a mistake and Israel deeply regrets it.

      43. Sami, I didnt say that they didnt hide weapons in these places bass also, do not think that the 1000 casualties were only a result of that.

        im not smoking anything, are you denying the qana incident? I heard with my own ears on american media the spokesperson for the israeli govt apologizing over and over for many incidents in lebanon that killed hundreds of civilians and saying it was a mistake, and even having the hosts of the show laugh when she claimed it was by mistake.

        she would start by saying that HA hides behind children, bla bla, when she was sked why so many casualties on the lebanese side, and then when the reporter would bring UN complaints and accusations, she would then say, oh it was a mistake and Israel deeply regrets it.

      44. Sami, I didnt say that they didnt hide weapons in these places bass also, do not think that the 1000 casualties were only a result of that.

        im not smoking anything, are you denying the qana incident? I heard with my own ears on american media the spokesperson for the israeli govt apologizing over and over for many incidents in lebanon that killed hundreds of civilians and saying it was a mistake, and even having the hosts of the show laugh when she claimed it was by mistake.

        she would start by saying that HA hides behind children, bla bla, when she was sked why so many casualties on the lebanese side, and then when the reporter would bring UN complaints and accusations, she would then say, oh it was a mistake and Israel deeply regrets it.

      45. one last thing, what do you think of those little israeli girls writing on the “sawarikh” from israel, with love and laughing?

        does this show you how their kids are racist and brainwashed too??

      46. Unfortunately your opinions are ‘overly’ biased supported by rubbish HA claims.

      47. Unfortunately your opinions are ‘overly’ biased supported by rubbish HA claims.

    2. Or until they are taken out by 1) Israel (and believe me, this time, it will be done right) 2) Majority of Lebanese sects uniting with other Arab nations and 3) HA decides to move to Iran.

    3. Would your last name possibly be Cathy Hassan Nasrallah?

      1. tayeb Sami, khalas, I am not gonna debate further if you’re gonna start accusing me….

        mish ma32oul, ma fi wa7ad yikoun 3am ya3teh his opinion, iza ma ken ma3koun khalas that means issmeh hassan nassrallah?

        khalas, have it your way.

        Shalom Sami.

      2. Unfortunately your opinions are ‘overly’ biased supported by rubbish HA claims.

      3. Unfortunately your opinions are ‘overly’ biased supported by rubbish HA claims.

      4. sami when you begin to insult cathy cos she’s giving an opinion you dont like, it really shows how weak you are as a person my friend.

        just cos we want a unted lebanon and we defend and attack all sides doesnt mean we like these sides.

        a referee doesnt have to like the teams he’s referreeing but he will be fair to both.

        even though cathy has defended or shown understanding to HAjust like me, we both shook our heads at his speech cos it was full of holes.

        being fair and neutral is a very strong trait and god gave this gift to us to test our discipliner to use it without emotion.

        i honestly could care less if all these parties kill each other and the expats come and rule lebanon but it aint gonna happen so we have to work with these families to UNITE with each other and work together for the good of lebanon and NOT each other.

        cathy, i’m with you on this one.

        maybe in the future sami, i will side with you cos i have no bias to anybody.

        even if israel tears down its walls and co-exists with the palestinians i will embrace it and become its ally.

        until then, i hate their present apartheid system.

      5. sami when you begin to insult cathy cos she’s giving an opinion you dont like, it really shows how weak you are as a person my friend.

        just cos we want a unted lebanon and we defend and attack all sides doesnt mean we like these sides.

        a referee doesnt have to like the teams he’s referreeing but he will be fair to both.

        even though cathy has defended or shown understanding to HAjust like me, we both shook our heads at his speech cos it was full of holes.

        being fair and neutral is a very strong trait and god gave this gift to us to test our discipliner to use it without emotion.

        i honestly could care less if all these parties kill each other and the expats come and rule lebanon but it aint gonna happen so we have to work with these families to UNITE with each other and work together for the good of lebanon and NOT each other.

        cathy, i’m with you on this one.

        maybe in the future sami, i will side with you cos i have no bias to anybody.

        even if israel tears down its walls and co-exists with the palestinians i will embrace it and become its ally.

        until then, i hate their present apartheid system.

      6. Tony, I agree with you.

        I actually did agree with Sami that one day we will need only our LAF to defend us without any militias and that HA be integrated in the LAF.

        but I gave my arguments as to why I think now might not be the time to do this. it doesnt mean I like Nasrallah or that im married to him, or whatever stupidities people have been saying.

        Hell I have seen probably 2 speeches in my life for this guy including the last one.

        I dont really care for what Nasrallah says as I DO NOT base my opinions on him at all.

      7. Tony, I agree with you.

        I actually did agree with Sami that one day we will need only our LAF to defend us without any militias and that HA be integrated in the LAF.

        but I gave my arguments as to why I think now might not be the time to do this. it doesnt mean I like Nasrallah or that im married to him, or whatever stupidities people have been saying.

        Hell I have seen probably 2 speeches in my life for this guy including the last one.

        I dont really care for what Nasrallah says as I DO NOT base my opinions on him at all.

      8. Sami she is not an HA member, this imbicile you have been chatting away with belongs to SSNP and her allegance is to bashar. She apposes the return of jailed lebanese, against border demarcation and HA dismantling their arsenal. She also suffers from jumblatt syndrome as she switches and shifts her opinions to try and make herself look like she is diplomatic. Read some of her idiotic posts in other topics and you will realize what a waste of sperm she really is.

        a7lan Sami

      9. Maria get a life man! lol

        what a loser you are!

    4. Would your last name possibly be Cathy Hassan Nasrallah?

  4. Constantin Avatar

    Who cares what the experts say. The important thing is that Hizbullah is very strong, and the word of the strong will rule. Hassan does not believe in experts, and if they think that the Hizb’s evidence is very week, it is not important. The important thing is that the Hizb thinks its evidence is very strong, and this is what matters, doesn’t it? Whatever Hassan says is always RIGHT!

    I am almost convincing myself….

    For heaven’s sake these people do not recognize any experts’ opinion, they will do and say whatever they want and implement their own agenda of disguising the truth at any cost….so that they remain in POWER.

  5. If you are going to give a thumb up or down, I suggest that you write down your opinion, instead of hiding just like your leader hassoun. Let’s see you true colors.

    1. cathy even president suleiman himself said that its not time for HA to disarm so i guess people like to attack us as if we made these decisions instead of really looking in depth as to why even harriri would say that its not time yet.

      if we are to look at their guidelines in terms of strengthening the IDP, flushing out all spies, restructuring the LAF, training the police force, settling the STL, aligning HA with lebanon’s goals by telling it privately they’re sorry they treated the shiites like garbage, demarcating borders, gas, oil exploration, electricity, road, bridges, we can see that they have quite a distance to go before HA’s arms should even be questioned.

      dismantling HA right now would leave lebanon so vulnerable. okay, for arguments sake lets say HA was already dismantled and the LAF is on the front line with the weaponry it has. okay?? we are now saying HA is gone and LAF is here with the limited weapons it has.

      okay, israel with its tree incident pulls the LAF into the fight knowing HA is gone. does anybody honestly think that israel would not have invaded?

      like what person is gonna tell me that this would not have happened.

      all these years tht israel has invaded lebanon was only to force us to agree to peace while it pushes many palestinians into camps.

      well i’m proud that lebanon has stood tall and proud all these years by not being a pushover like egypt and jordan who arent even on its borders.

      like cowards they sold out to the israeli snake and even recently the king of jordan himself has stated that the peace agreement has not brought any benefits from israel who takes water from the jordanian waters, sells it back to them at 4 (i dunno the exact amount) times the cost and to the palestinians at an astronomical rate.

      why dont you people get into the habit that before you start offering empty advice that will lead our country to destruction, start thinking of this concept: FOR EVERY ACTION THERE’S A CONSEQUENCE.

      what will happen if HA disarms (action)? will syria come back in for fear of israel coming close to its borders?(consequence). will israel invade? (consequence). will the US force lebanon to make peace with israel?

      will the muslims christians druze plot against the shiites again?

      what will happen if the LAF is left standing alone right now? can it defend us against israel?

      what happens if we dont flush israeli spies from all the parties? will we have more harriris dying?

      what happens if we dont sign peace with syria adn open embassies? will we ever be able to get those prisoners that some of you have mentioned?

      actions vs consequences.

      1. Again Tony,

        I could not have said it better.

        You understand exactly what I’m saying. 🙂

      2. Again Tony,

        I could not have said it better.

        You understand exactly what I’m saying. 🙂

      3. Again Tony,

        I could not have said it better.

        You understand exactly what I’m saying. 🙂

      4. moustapha Avatar

        Thumbs up bro. I find logic in your words. But i just have lost so much trust in this socalled party of God that i dont trust that when the time comes they will own up to their part of what needs to be done to show their true patirotism.

        And plesae allow me to disagree with anyone who says they have been patriotic or have given Lebanon a victory. Till now they have done more then “nada” they have disected the Lebanese population. Most people not supporting Hizb or Aounieh are intimidated by them. CONSTANTLY. And yes we seem weak now bess its only because we dont want another civil war. It would be easy to show force but we all know how that will end up and hamdillah most of us being intimidated are keeping our cool for the sake of the whole country.

      5. moustapha Avatar

        Thumbs up bro. I find logic in your words. But i just have lost so much trust in this socalled party of God that i dont trust that when the time comes they will own up to their part of what needs to be done to show their true patirotism.

        And plesae allow me to disagree with anyone who says they have been patriotic or have given Lebanon a victory. Till now they have done more then “nada” they have disected the Lebanese population. Most people not supporting Hizb or Aounieh are intimidated by them. CONSTANTLY. And yes we seem weak now bess its only because we dont want another civil war. It would be easy to show force but we all know how that will end up and hamdillah most of us being intimidated are keeping our cool for the sake of the whole country.

      6. moustapha Avatar

        Thumbs up bro. I find logic in your words. But i just have lost so much trust in this socalled party of God that i dont trust that when the time comes they will own up to their part of what needs to be done to show their true patirotism.

        And plesae allow me to disagree with anyone who says they have been patriotic or have given Lebanon a victory. Till now they have done more then “nada” they have disected the Lebanese population. Most people not supporting Hizb or Aounieh are intimidated by them. CONSTANTLY. And yes we seem weak now bess its only because we dont want another civil war. It would be easy to show force but we all know how that will end up and hamdillah most of us being intimidated are keeping our cool for the sake of the whole country.

      7. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

        ya toni,

        1- seriously,don’t you think hezballah’s weapons have other purposes than that of the resistance job?????

        i can give some hints:

        a- keep the lebanese government and the lebanese institutions down and under pressure, by issuing veiled threats to use force in the event the gov decides on some critical issues not to their liking.

        b- keep the internal security and the armed forces down by refusing to disarm until after the fortifying and rearming of the laf which is not gonna happen under the current circumstances and here is why:

        no country on earth at least in the developed world will agree to supply the laf with serious weapons without preset conditions.

        the pro western nations have all of them almost the same condition , they basically want to make sure their weapons will not end up in hezballah’s hands. meaning: THEY WILL SURELY REQUEST THE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT TO DO SOME THING ABOUT HEZBALLAH’S MILITARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE RECEIVING THOSE WEAPONS.

        as far as weapons that could originate from non western countries, ie iran, north korea…etc… i dont know how serious they could be, to supply the laf, they too will have a set of conditions that could probably please h/a and cos. but that will have also a high price tag in terms of lebanon’s independence sovereignty and international relations with the west not to mention the severence of ties between lebanon and its expats worldwide, most of them located in western countries.

        c- protecting all kinds of activities legal or otherwise, fundings, weapons and or merchandise transfers h/a and cos. are currently engaging in freely, locally or worldwide from the control of the local government.

        d- hezballah and cos have a very heavy loyalty debts to a lot of countries mainly iran and syria. they are part of an anti western coalition, they abide by its directives and orders.

        that is why h/a’s weapons purpose is not only to defend lebanon or to liberate shebaa farms it has a much bigger regional and international role to play.

        this is where most of the lebanese dont agree with and guess what, this is the crucial point, the core of the matter, that no one is talking about : how to detangle h/a from the mess they got themselves into with the rest of the silent population subdued by daily intimidations and forced to follow as sheeps, under the shiny resistance slogan, without totally destroying the whole country??????

      8. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

        ya toni,

        1- seriously,don’t you think hezballah’s weapons have other purposes than that of the resistance job?????

        i can give some hints:

        a- keep the lebanese government and the lebanese institutions down and under pressure, by issuing veiled threats to use force in the event the gov decides on some critical issues not to their liking.

        b- keep the internal security and the armed forces down by refusing to disarm until after the fortifying and rearming of the laf which is not gonna happen under the current circumstances and here is why:

        no country on earth at least in the developed world will agree to supply the laf with serious weapons without preset conditions.

        the pro western nations have all of them almost the same condition , they basically want to make sure their weapons will not end up in hezballah’s hands. meaning: THEY WILL SURELY REQUEST THE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT TO DO SOME THING ABOUT HEZBALLAH’S MILITARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE RECEIVING THOSE WEAPONS.

        as far as weapons that could originate from non western countries, ie iran, north korea…etc… i dont know how serious they could be, to supply the laf, they too will have a set of conditions that could probably please h/a and cos. but that will have also a high price tag in terms of lebanon’s independence sovereignty and international relations with the west not to mention the severence of ties between lebanon and its expats worldwide, most of them located in western countries.

        c- protecting all kinds of activities legal or otherwise, fundings, weapons and or merchandise transfers h/a and cos. are currently engaging in freely, locally or worldwide from the control of the local government.

        d- hezballah and cos have a very heavy loyalty debts to a lot of countries mainly iran and syria. they are part of an anti western coalition, they abide by its directives and orders.

        that is why h/a’s weapons purpose is not only to defend lebanon or to liberate shebaa farms it has a much bigger regional and international role to play.

        this is where most of the lebanese dont agree with and guess what, this is the crucial point, the core of the matter, that no one is talking about : how to detangle h/a from the mess they got themselves into with the rest of the silent population subdued by daily intimidations and forced to follow as sheeps, under the shiny resistance slogan, without totally destroying the whole country??????

      9. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

        ya toni a,

        seriously, don’t you think hezballah’s weapons have other purposes than that of the resistance job?????

        i can give some hints:

        a- keep the lebanese government and the lebanese institutions down and under pressure, by issuing veiled threats to use force in the event the gov decides on some critical issues not to their liking.

        b- keep the internal security and the armed forces down by refusing to disarm until after the fortifying and rearming of the laf which is not gonna happen under the current circumstances and here is why:

        no country on earth at least in the developed world will agree to supply the laf with serious weapons without preset conditions.

        the pro western nations have all of them almost the same condition , they basically want to make sure their weapons will not end up in hezballah’s hands. meaning: THEY WILL SURELY REQUEST THE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT TO DO SOME THING ABOUT HEZBALLAH’S MILITARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE RECEIVING THOSE WEAPONS.

        as far as weapons that could originate from non western countries, ie iran, north korea…etc… i dont know how serious they could be, to supply the laf, they too will have a set of conditions that could probably please h/a and cos. but that will have also a high price tag in terms of lebanon’s independence sovereignty and international relations with the west not to mention the severence of ties between lebanon and its expats worldwide, most of them located in western countries.

        c- protecting all kinds of activities legal or otherwise, fundings, weapons and or merchandise transfers h/a and cos. are currently engaging in freely, locally or worldwide from the control of the local government.

        d- hezballah and cos have a very heavy loyalty debts to a lot of countries mainly iran and syria. they are part of an anti western coalition, they abide by its directives and orders.

        that is why h/a’s weapons purpose is not only to defend lebanon or to liberate shebaa farms it has a much bigger regional and international role to play.

        this is where most of the lebanese dont agree with and guess what, this is the crucial point, the core of the matter, that no one is talking about : how to detangle h/a from the mess they got themselves into with the rest of the silent population subdued by daily intimidations and forced to follow as sheeps, under the shiny resistance slogan, without destroying the whole country??????

      10. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

        ya toni a,

        seriously, don’t you think hezballah’s weapons have other purposes than that of the resistance job?????

        i can give some hints:

        a- keep the lebanese government and the lebanese institutions down and under pressure, by issuing veiled threats to use force in the event the gov decides on some critical issues not to their liking.

        b- keep the internal security and the armed forces down by refusing to disarm until after the fortifying and rearming of the laf which is not gonna happen under the current circumstances and here is why:

        no country on earth at least in the developed world will agree to supply the laf with serious weapons without preset conditions.

        the pro western nations have all of them almost the same condition , they basically want to make sure their weapons will not end up in hezballah’s hands. meaning: THEY WILL SURELY REQUEST THE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT TO DO SOME THING ABOUT HEZBALLAH’S MILITARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE RECEIVING THOSE WEAPONS.

        as far as weapons that could originate from non western countries, ie iran, north korea…etc… i dont know how serious they could be, to supply the laf, they too will have a set of conditions that could probably please h/a and cos. but that will have also a high price tag in terms of lebanon’s independence sovereignty and international relations with the west not to mention the severence of ties between lebanon and its expats worldwide, most of them located in western countries.

        c- protecting all kinds of activities legal or otherwise, fundings, weapons and or merchandise transfers h/a and cos. are currently engaging in freely, locally or worldwide from the control of the local government.

        d- hezballah and cos have a very heavy loyalty debts to a lot of countries mainly iran and syria. they are part of an anti western coalition, they abide by its directives and orders.

        that is why h/a’s weapons purpose is not only to defend lebanon or to liberate shebaa farms it has a much bigger regional and international role to play.

        this is where most of the lebanese dont agree with and guess what, this is the crucial point, the core of the matter, that no one is talking about : how to detangle h/a from the mess they got themselves into with the rest of the silent population subdued by daily intimidations and forced to follow as sheeps, under the shiny resistance slogan, without destroying the whole country??????

      11. VOICE OF TRUTH Avatar

        ya toni a,

        seriously, don’t you think hezballah’s weapons have other purposes than that of the resistance job?????

        i can give some hints:

        a- keep the lebanese government and the lebanese institutions down and under pressure, by issuing veiled threats to use force in the event the gov decides on some critical issues not to their liking.

        b- keep the internal security and the armed forces down by refusing to disarm until after the fortifying and rearming of the laf which is not gonna happen under the current circumstances and here is why:

        no country on earth at least in the developed world will agree to supply the laf with serious weapons without preset conditions.

        the pro western nations have all of them almost the same condition , they basically want to make sure their weapons will not end up in hezballah’s hands. meaning: THEY WILL SURELY REQUEST THE LEBANESE GOVERNMENT TO DO SOME THING ABOUT HEZBALLAH’S MILITARY ACTIVITIES BEFORE RECEIVING THOSE WEAPONS.

        as far as weapons that could originate from non western countries, ie iran, north korea…etc… i dont know how serious they could be, to supply the laf, they too will have a set of conditions that could probably please h/a and cos. but that will have also a high price tag in terms of lebanon’s independence sovereignty and international relations with the west not to mention the severence of ties between lebanon and its expats worldwide, most of them located in western countries.

        c- protecting all kinds of activities legal or otherwise, fundings, weapons and or merchandise transfers h/a and cos. are currently engaging in freely, locally or worldwide from the control of the local government.

        d- hezballah and cos have a very heavy loyalty debts to a lot of countries mainly iran and syria. they are part of an anti western coalition, they abide by its directives and orders.

        that is why h/a’s weapons purpose is not only to defend lebanon or to liberate shebaa farms it has a much bigger regional and international role to play.

        this is where most of the lebanese dont agree with and guess what, this is the crucial point, the core of the matter, that no one is talking about : how to detangle h/a from the mess they got themselves into with the rest of the silent population subdued by daily intimidations and forced to follow as sheeps, under the shiny resistance slogan, without destroying the whole country??????

      12. Brazzar Tony zawadta kteer with mizzbel’ah nut huggery…..There true colors came out May 5 2008, as they proved to be a hijacking force, not just your typical “resistance”

        I wont discredit the fact that they liberated the south and have become a force that makes IS think twice about attacking but this hijacking of a nation is not a solution for peace and had they called it a day and packed up after summer 06 while their popularity was sky high, libon could have moved forward as 1 nation, instead they bankrupted the city with their sit in and attacked everybody in a show of force, 7ililna 7al mashkil ya brazzar Tony

    2. cathy even president suleiman himself said that its not time for HA to disarm so i guess people like to attack us as if we made these decisions instead of really looking in depth as to why even harriri would say that its not time yet.

      if we are to look at their guidelines in terms of strengthening the IDP, flushing out all spies, restructuring the LAF, training the police force, settling the STL, aligning HA with lebanon’s goals by telling it privately they’re sorry they treated the shiites like garbage, demarcating borders, gas, oil exploration, electricity, road, bridges, we can see that they have quite a distance to go before HA’s arms should even be questioned.

      dismantling HA right now would leave lebanon so vulnerable. okay, for arguments sake lets say HA was already dismantled and the LAF is on the front line with the weaponry it has. okay?? we are now saying HA is gone and LAF is here with the limited weapons it has.

      okay, israel with its tree incident pulls the LAF into the fight knowing HA is gone. does anybody honestly think that israel would not have invaded?

      like what person is gonna tell me that this would not have happened.

      all these years tht israel has invaded lebanon was only to force us to agree to peace while it pushes many palestinians into camps.

      well i’m proud that lebanon has stood tall and proud all these years by not being a pushover like egypt and jordan who arent even on its borders.

      like cowards they sold out to the israeli snake and even recently the king of jordan himself has stated that the peace agreement has not brought any benefits from israel who takes water from the jordanian waters, sells it back to them at 4 (i dunno the exact amount) times the cost and to the palestinians at an astronomical rate.

      why dont you people get into the habit that before you start offering empty advice that will lead our country to destruction, start thinking of this concept: FOR EVERY ACTION THERE’S A CONSEQUENCE.

      what will happen if HA disarms (action)? will syria come back in for fear of israel coming close to its borders?(consequence). will israel invade? (consequence). will the US force lebanon to make peace with israel?

      will the muslims christians druze plot against the shiites again?

      what will happen if the LAF is left standing alone right now? can it defend us against israel?

      what happens if we dont flush israeli spies from all the parties? will we have more harriris dying?

      what happens if we dont sign peace with syria adn open embassies? will we ever be able to get those prisoners that some of you have mentioned?

      actions vs consequences.

    3. cathy even president suleiman himself said that its not time for HA to disarm so i guess people like to attack us as if we made these decisions instead of really looking in depth as to why even harriri would say that its not time yet.

      if we are to look at their guidelines in terms of strengthening the IDP, flushing out all spies, restructuring the LAF, training the police force, settling the STL, aligning HA with lebanon’s goals by telling it privately they’re sorry they treated the shiites like garbage, demarcating borders, gas, oil exploration, electricity, road, bridges, we can see that they have quite a distance to go before HA’s arms should even be questioned.

      dismantling HA right now would leave lebanon so vulnerable. okay, for arguments sake lets say HA was already dismantled and the LAF is on the front line with the weaponry it has. okay?? we are now saying HA is gone and LAF is here with the limited weapons it has.

      okay, israel with its tree incident pulls the LAF into the fight knowing HA is gone. does anybody honestly think that israel would not have invaded?

      like what person is gonna tell me that this would not have happened.

      all these years tht israel has invaded lebanon was only to force us to agree to peace while it pushes many palestinians into camps.

      well i’m proud that lebanon has stood tall and proud all these years by not being a pushover like egypt and jordan who arent even on its borders.

      like cowards they sold out to the israeli snake and even recently the king of jordan himself has stated that the peace agreement has not brought any benefits from israel who takes water from the jordanian waters, sells it back to them at 4 (i dunno the exact amount) times the cost and to the palestinians at an astronomical rate.

      why dont you people get into the habit that before you start offering empty advice that will lead our country to destruction, start thinking of this concept: FOR EVERY ACTION THERE’S A CONSEQUENCE.

      what will happen if HA disarms (action)? will syria come back in for fear of israel coming close to its borders?(consequence). will israel invade? (consequence). will the US force lebanon to make peace with israel?

      will the muslims christians druze plot against the shiites again?

      what will happen if the LAF is left standing alone right now? can it defend us against israel?

      what happens if we dont flush israeli spies from all the parties? will we have more harriris dying?

      what happens if we dont sign peace with syria adn open embassies? will we ever be able to get those prisoners that some of you have mentioned?

      actions vs consequences.

  6. If you are going to give a thumb up or down, I suggest that you write down your opinion, instead of hiding just like your leader hassoun. Let’s see you true colors.

  7. I love how funny it was when they asked him why didn’t you come up with the information before. He said they told him you shouldn’t no one is knocking on your door asking for information. Way to be a model citizen…. If a friend of mine got assassinated and I had information about his murderers that it was our common enemy I would be screaming bloody murder from day #1 and show all the evidence I had and wouldn’t rest until justice is served.

    1. Wake up ya loubnan - Tony Frei Avatar
      Wake up ya loubnan – Tony Frei

      Under the Lebanese law if you hide evidence from the court of law you are guilty. So why doesn’t apply on HA leader of hidden evidences even if they are crap.

      nassrallah main objective wasn’t to convince Lebanese at all but to make his followers believe that HA isn’t running away from murder and he was able to get. He doesn’t give a damn about the STL because war is much closer to our door than the indictment. HA will avoid a civil war by engaging the army against Israel then taking over the war in the sake of defending Lebanon and the army. God knows if he will take control of army commands.

    2. Wake up ya loubnan - Tony Frei Avatar
      Wake up ya loubnan – Tony Frei

      Under the Lebanese law if you hide evidence from the court of law you are guilty. So why doesn’t apply on HA leader of hidden evidences even if they are crap.

      nassrallah main objective wasn’t to convince Lebanese at all but to make his followers believe that HA isn’t running away from murder and he was able to get. He doesn’t give a damn about the STL because war is much closer to our door than the indictment. HA will avoid a civil war by engaging the army against Israel then taking over the war in the sake of defending Lebanon and the army. God knows if he will take control of army commands.

    3. ma ya moustapha we have to understand why HA is angry. look at what it had to do to finally get a seat in the parliamnet. if the lebanese government represents all lebanese why are the harriris and the saudis and the christians not wanting to grant them representation. theres something wrong with the picture.

      i’m more fearful from the other side as to why are the shiites not allowed to be presented in the parliament. will they later ask for generals, leaders, MPs who served tea to the israeli army, made alliances with israel to be brought to justice? are these parties protecting themselves?

      why was southern lebanon never protected? it doesnt make sense to me and as a lebanese i protest the bad treatement of any lebanese from the government cos thats whats causing division.

      the proof is in the pudding habeebi. when nasrallah said that HA told the LAF we’re here if you need us and let the LAF take control as they stood on high alert, how can one not see that HA is aligning itself with lebanon’s vision but there are outside forces trying hard to keep the division alive.

      i mean how convenient could it be that the US congressman in charge of giving lebanon money is a strong jewish supporter of israel.

      do you not see anything wrong with the picture that they are punishin the lebanese for unting with HA and HA cooperating with the LAF just like they punished the palestinians for voting in hammas.

      ya3ni yo habeebi we have to look at everybodys actions cos you cant hide the truth that comes out of their actions.

      if i extend my arm in peace to hizbollah and the US and israel stops funding me and i and hizbollah are lebanese, i’m gonna hug the living daylights out of hizbollah, the christians, gemayel, aoun (tfeh), jumblstt, gaegae (yuck) just to piss them off.

      why do you think the DFM said we dont want american money? cos its coming with conditions? tooz bi haik masari oo kiss icht akbar israeli yalli biddo yikhaleena 3am in’etil biba3idna.

      i envision somebody who is well versed with web designing to design a web site for lebanese that the sole purpose of this site is to organise yearly trips to lebanon for the sole purpose of marching in beirut holding many flags that say i’m a durzi, i’m a christian, i’m a shia, i’m a sunni, i’m orthodox, i’m catholic and one lebanon one army one people.

      the druze have a druze convention that meets every eyar in a different city in the united states and its a great event that i have attended twice to interact with fellow druze.

      imagine if someone on this site can build a site specifically for lebanese to organise peace rallies in lebanon every year.

      i bet you like the saying goes: “if you build it they will come”

      build this site and i assure you that lebanese will come for the specific purpose of meeting in downtown beirut for the people to show solidarity for the country and not the government.

      i have a dream……

      1. moustapha Avatar

        Brother T:

        “why was southern lebanon never protected?” – This question can only be addressed to the ruling entity of that time, the same entity which is/was the hand that feeds the southern lebanese. That same hand that used to be in control of Lebanon.. ask Syria why wasnt the South protected.With all due respect, I say to keep the southerners in a need for dependency of someone and by impoverishing them they can stir their emotions and thoughts with food and money and tell them your allegance is to “me”.. see how you are in need and how i am providing.

        “i’m more fearful from the other side as to why are the shiites not allowed to be presented in the parliament.” – Not allowed to be presented thats not fair bro. The head of the parliment is the uncontested Champion of the Shiaa nabih Berri who doesnt allow any other Shiaa figure to take hold of the mantel. As soon as Rafik hariri was assasinted and Syria began to withdraw their troops the Hizzy IMMEDIATELY announced the making of a Political wing. Y? well coz their previous political wing decided to withdraw. And as soon as that happened they had to split the shares of the seats with Amal. And ever since there have been Hizzy and amal representatives in parliment(bumpy road every now and then due to greed).

        Speaking of unfair is it fair to lose an election and then accept the results by forcing the winners to share the government by intimidating the winners with weapons? Yes yes unity government.. i like the idea behind it but how they imposed the idea was out right disgusting. We put our hand out and they take advantage of it and say we will take the other hand as well or else we cut them both off and take it by force. Same with the minicupality elections.

        Tony! I am 100% with you on the subject that.. no matter what i am saying i will never ever side with a non lebanese on my own lebanese brother even though i believe they could be conspirators in the whole reginoal wars taking place, and even though i havent seen any positive from them. When i talk to foreigners I never go against hizzy for 1 reason that is the hizzy is us Lebanese’s internal prob. and we will deal with them.. hineh all they need to know is the Israelis are the only core of the issue, and i truely believe that. No one can convince me otherwise.

        And to be fair idealy i liked the stance with regards to the events that took place with the LAF. And to be honest I feel happy hearing Nassrallah give the Zionists the middle finger every time he says TelAviv is as vulnerable as Beirut and he teases them hmmmm.. we might or might not have the weapons to hit your planes na na na naaaa lol! But serisouly this is all talk and BS when it comes down to it.. My family feel unsafe and insecure with the instability of Lebanon and my hand is on my heart for all of lebanon all the time cause we have to worry for the Snake outside and the Socalled Bretheren inside.

        If there is someone i truely despise it would be the Israelis who have done nothing but spread chaos,hate, death and sorrow.

        Bijah hal Ramadan il Kareem, I pray that Allah yi7meh Lebnan wileh fiya ou yib3ad kil il fitan, ou yihdeena lan’3amil ba3d mitil ma il 2ikhweh mafrood iy3amlo ba3don.


      2. Funnily enough Tony, you started insulting my name when you didn’t agree with what I said and you label everyone who disagrees with you as a Jew even when they aren’t.

    4. ma ya moustapha we have to understand why HA is angry. look at what it had to do to finally get a seat in the parliamnet. if the lebanese government represents all lebanese why are the harriris and the saudis and the christians not wanting to grant them representation. theres something wrong with the picture.

      i’m more fearful from the other side as to why are the shiites not allowed to be presented in the parliament. will they later ask for generals, leaders, MPs who served tea to the israeli army, made alliances with israel to be brought to justice? are these parties protecting themselves?

      why was southern lebanon never protected? it doesnt make sense to me and as a lebanese i protest the bad treatement of any lebanese from the government cos thats whats causing division.

      the proof is in the pudding habeebi. when nasrallah said that HA told the LAF we’re here if you need us and let the LAF take control as they stood on high alert, how can one not see that HA is aligning itself with lebanon’s vision but there are outside forces trying hard to keep the division alive.

      i mean how convenient could it be that the US congressman in charge of giving lebanon money is a strong jewish supporter of israel.

      do you not see anything wrong with the picture that they are punishin the lebanese for unting with HA and HA cooperating with the LAF just like they punished the palestinians for voting in hammas.

      ya3ni yo habeebi we have to look at everybodys actions cos you cant hide the truth that comes out of their actions.

      if i extend my arm in peace to hizbollah and the US and israel stops funding me and i and hizbollah are lebanese, i’m gonna hug the living daylights out of hizbollah, the christians, gemayel, aoun (tfeh), jumblstt, gaegae (yuck) just to piss them off.

      why do you think the DFM said we dont want american money? cos its coming with conditions? tooz bi haik masari oo kiss icht akbar israeli yalli biddo yikhaleena 3am in’etil biba3idna.

      i envision somebody who is well versed with web designing to design a web site for lebanese that the sole purpose of this site is to organise yearly trips to lebanon for the sole purpose of marching in beirut holding many flags that say i’m a durzi, i’m a christian, i’m a shia, i’m a sunni, i’m orthodox, i’m catholic and one lebanon one army one people.

      the druze have a druze convention that meets every eyar in a different city in the united states and its a great event that i have attended twice to interact with fellow druze.

      imagine if someone on this site can build a site specifically for lebanese to organise peace rallies in lebanon every year.

      i bet you like the saying goes: “if you build it they will come”

      build this site and i assure you that lebanese will come for the specific purpose of meeting in downtown beirut for the people to show solidarity for the country and not the government.

      i have a dream……

    5. ma ya moustapha we have to understand why HA is angry. look at what it had to do to finally get a seat in the parliamnet. if the lebanese government represents all lebanese why are the harriris and the saudis and the christians not wanting to grant them representation. theres something wrong with the picture.

      i’m more fearful from the other side as to why are the shiites not allowed to be presented in the parliament. will they later ask for generals, leaders, MPs who served tea to the israeli army, made alliances with israel to be brought to justice? are these parties protecting themselves?

      why was southern lebanon never protected? it doesnt make sense to me and as a lebanese i protest the bad treatement of any lebanese from the government cos thats whats causing division.

      the proof is in the pudding habeebi. when nasrallah said that HA told the LAF we’re here if you need us and let the LAF take control as they stood on high alert, how can one not see that HA is aligning itself with lebanon’s vision but there are outside forces trying hard to keep the division alive.

      i mean how convenient could it be that the US congressman in charge of giving lebanon money is a strong jewish supporter of israel.

      do you not see anything wrong with the picture that they are punishin the lebanese for unting with HA and HA cooperating with the LAF just like they punished the palestinians for voting in hammas.

      ya3ni yo habeebi we have to look at everybodys actions cos you cant hide the truth that comes out of their actions.

      if i extend my arm in peace to hizbollah and the US and israel stops funding me and i and hizbollah are lebanese, i’m gonna hug the living daylights out of hizbollah, the christians, gemayel, aoun (tfeh), jumblstt, gaegae (yuck) just to piss them off.

      why do you think the DFM said we dont want american money? cos its coming with conditions? tooz bi haik masari oo kiss icht akbar israeli yalli biddo yikhaleena 3am in’etil biba3idna.

      i envision somebody who is well versed with web designing to design a web site for lebanese that the sole purpose of this site is to organise yearly trips to lebanon for the sole purpose of marching in beirut holding many flags that say i’m a durzi, i’m a christian, i’m a shia, i’m a sunni, i’m orthodox, i’m catholic and one lebanon one army one people.

      the druze have a druze convention that meets every eyar in a different city in the united states and its a great event that i have attended twice to interact with fellow druze.

      imagine if someone on this site can build a site specifically for lebanese to organise peace rallies in lebanon every year.

      i bet you like the saying goes: “if you build it they will come”

      build this site and i assure you that lebanese will come for the specific purpose of meeting in downtown beirut for the people to show solidarity for the country and not the government.

      i have a dream……

  8. I love how funny it was when they asked him why didn’t you come up with the information before. He said they told him you shouldn’t no one is knocking on your door asking for information. Way to be a model citizen…. If a friend of mine got assassinated and I had information about his murderers that it was our common enemy I would be screaming bloody murder from day #1 and show all the evidence I had and wouldn’t rest until justice is served.

  9. Sandman Avatar

    I believe the corect spelling is “very weak” not “very week”.

    Use the spell checker genius.

  10. Sandman Avatar

    I believe the corect spelling is “very weak” not “very week”.

    Use the spell checker genius.

  11. Sandman Avatar

    I believe the corect spelling is “very weak” not “very week”.

    Use the spell checker genius.

    1. hey moustapha finally got back from work bro but i wrote a note t myself to read your post and respond.

      you have a lot of very good points my friend.

      the first one my friend is i will never ask syria why they didnt protect the south. the reason being is that syria wasnt in lebanon to protect the lebanese. syria was in lebanon to protect syria from israel getting too close to its borders. syria at the time it was in lebanon i believe was sucking more than 50% of the gdp from lebanon so, that answers your first question to me.

      your second point my friend i totally disagree with cos i dont believe i have the authority to take food from anybodys mouth be they shia, sunni, christian or durzi. people behave better and offer their soul whe treated with dignity honor and respect.

      let the shia thrive and prosper. who knows, they might actually surprise you as to what they can contribute to lebanon.

      head of the parliament is not the same as having seats in a parliament. i had no idea they withdrew. do you know the reason why they withdrew the first time? i like to know the specific reason which will answer their reasoning.

      sorry to ask but are amal shia? sorry bro i’ve been gone a long time and i really could careless about the parties. but is amal shia?

      why would they share the seats?

      i totally agree with you that their actions at times are irrational but look who they’re dealing with? our MPs are far from normal. they’re all ex-prisoners, thieves, mafias, killers and traitors. i keep saying we’re a dysfunctional family so we need to make sure this family gets along cos there’s been many stabs in the past.

      patience my brother, HA will eventually disantle. progress is one step at a time and one hurdle at a time.

      i agree with all your other points re the LAF and israel.

      too bad your family feels unsafe cos my family feels very safe. maybe cos we’re up in the mountains. but my dad thinks it will be safe for another year cos all the hoopla is just pressure on various parties to unite and get on board with the unity.

      take care bro.

      1. moustapha Avatar

        Good morning Tony,

        Well I didnt quite understand the response to my first point. What I was trying to say is after the cease fire and all the militias dropped Syria was given the seat in Lebanon. Most factions didnt have weapons and if they did they were on a leash until they didnt anymore. Except for Hizzy. The whole south was sealed to the rest of Lebanon by SYRIA and no one would go to the south or come out of it. Syria gave Hizballah FULL authority over the south that not even the LAF or internal security forces made it in. That was a redline. So that is what i meant by the hand that fed them becuase their econonmy wasnt much of one they had to get an income somehow to live and Syria was that source through the Hizzy.

        Dont see what it had to do with you having authority or not. This was the situation in Lebanon the Shiaa were forced to make a living (be fed) by Syria in order to control them. Wasnt talking about taking food from the Shiia. (confused with the response)

        Tony bro the Shiaa have the means to prosper and have always been able to if they wanted especially after syria made it out. infact they are from the richest in the country now and they are prospering even more. look at all the major cities that are not shiaa neighborhoods the population of Shiaa has increased tremendously and for them to own houses in these cities now it means big money. No one had stopped them from prospering.

        They have always had high positions in the government, even in the LAF. They had control over the EDL which means control over the fuel that comes in to feed our electricity.

        They have gone through hard times but it isnt the rest of the Lebanese’s fault. And we have gone through hradt times and NOW we are still going through hardtime BECAUSE OF THEM.. Internaly speaking not to mention we are also dealing with this Izzy Bullshit with them.

        I didnt bring up the subject of the shiaa mp’s withdrawing.. but since you bring it up its a good point. Why did they withdraw from the government? and why did the head of parliment seize the doors of the parliment? What was it that they needed to hijack the functioning of the government? I actually forgot the facts of that event and since Tony doesnt know either i hope someone could refresh our memories.

        With regards to Amal yes they are Shiaa and their leader was Moussa Sader who before he disappeared on a trip to Libya and Italy was a GREAT MAN who wanted TO UNITE all the Lebanese during the civil war. Instead once which ever entity got rid of him our lovable Berry came along and has been grooming all the amal people to become thugs and lowlifes that stay on the streets to intimidate anyone not from amal. After the Hizzy came to power there were many fights between the two groups i mean to the death due to the power shift between the ruling shiaa parties it used to be exlusively for amal but then it shifted now to the point where hizzy is the ruling one and Amal are the ones who do the dirty internal work for the hizzy. ITs a priceless double team.

        I know this isnt said alot but there are many MP’s out there who are speaking logic and not confronting but trying to find a cmopromise so that we dont get into a civil war. There is a change in our government and we are always putting are hand out for the better good. EXAMPLE:

        This Karam guy got arreseted for being an Israeli spy.Even though the FPM are 7ayawanat and speak anything but logic and do whatever it takes to put down march 14, the MP’s of March 14 said if one guy is a traitor it doesnt mean his whole group is nor their leader. I MEAN IF the person who was convited was from M14 they would have stepped all over him/her in the media to gain politically. We are always giving our hand out, always. And there is no return because they believe they dont need to since they have the big guns. Thats just Bullshit! they should ahve accused him and his whole party, they should have not stood down to a national unity governement and had a MAJORITY government just like stipulated in the constitution of Lebanon, the LAF should have attacked every single man with weapons on the streets of Beirut in may 2008.. instead we did the opposite for every single major event.. WHY because we have built so much since the civil war and we dont want to just say F**k it because they are arrogant and dont care if their actions cause a civil war or not. Lehh likano mish hineh il ti3bo 3ala ta3meer libnan. Yes they were in the south protecting.. but their leaders were in the government also steeling when Hariri was building Lebanon.

        Unity shouldn’t be superficial and based on intimidations. It should be based on a sincere compromise from both sides. Our side has been compromising one after the other.. its time they do the same.

        Khair inshallah

    2. hey moustapha finally got back from work bro but i wrote a note t myself to read your post and respond.

      you have a lot of very good points my friend.

      the first one my friend is i will never ask syria why they didnt protect the south. the reason being is that syria wasnt in lebanon to protect the lebanese. syria was in lebanon to protect syria from israel getting too close to its borders. syria at the time it was in lebanon i believe was sucking more than 50% of the gdp from lebanon so, that answers your first question to me.

      your second point my friend i totally disagree with cos i dont believe i have the authority to take food from anybodys mouth be they shia, sunni, christian or durzi. people behave better and offer their soul whe treated with dignity honor and respect.

      let the shia thrive and prosper. who knows, they might actually surprise you as to what they can contribute to lebanon.

      head of the parliament is not the same as having seats in a parliament. i had no idea they withdrew. do you know the reason why they withdrew the first time? i like to know the specific reason which will answer their reasoning.

      sorry to ask but are amal shia? sorry bro i’ve been gone a long time and i really could careless about the parties. but is amal shia?

      why would they share the seats?

      i totally agree with you that their actions at times are irrational but look who they’re dealing with? our MPs are far from normal. they’re all ex-prisoners, thieves, mafias, killers and traitors. i keep saying we’re a dysfunctional family so we need to make sure this family gets along cos there’s been many stabs in the past.

      patience my brother, HA will eventually disantle. progress is one step at a time and one hurdle at a time.

      i agree with all your other points re the LAF and israel.

      too bad your family feels unsafe cos my family feels very safe. maybe cos we’re up in the mountains. but my dad thinks it will be safe for another year cos all the hoopla is just pressure on various parties to unite and get on board with the unity.

      take care bro.

  12. How much more stupid can you people be?

    You doubt Israel killed Hariri?

    Ok, no problem. Like I said before, The USA threatened Hariri many times to disarm Hizballah and Hariri ALWAYS refused because he said they are the force that got rid of Israel from Lebanon.

    The Very fact that people want to ignore the Israeli possibility just goes to show that maybe Lebanon has ALOT more Spies then we currently think.

    After Hariri’s death, you guys were waving the American flag,& thanking the Americans asking them to support you to kick Syria out.

    A year later, Israel came in, FULL with USA Support and USA Weapons to destroy your country and your fellow citizens.

    What did you guys do?? Your PM Received Condoleeza Rice with open arms and a big smile on his face – yet when he went in front of the Arabs, all he could do was cry.

    You guys all talk about how Hassan Nasrallah is in hiding – OF COURSE HE WILL when Lebanon is full of spies specifically tasked with Killing him!

    Didn’t your brave leaders run away to France, Saudi Arabia everytime a small firecracker went off in Lebanon after Hariri’s death?

    Stop with the stupid insults, because they just make you guys look stupid, and for ONCE please use your brains.

    Today you saw the Americans aren’t arming the LAF because they see them now as a threat to Israel. They don’t give a DAMN about Lebanon or it’s peace and security if it stands in the face of Israel one little bit.

    This is something Nasrallah has ALWAYS said, they don’t want anyone standing in the face of Israeli/USA Agenda in the Middle East – yet some of you are still stupid to think they want to help you guys out.

    Plus, he said Israeli warplanes were in the sky in THE SAME TIME Hariri was killed over Beirut. He said if you dont wanna believe it, just go check the Air Traffic records, satellites…w/e and it will prove this point.

    1. Sandman Avatar


      It astonishes me how willing the Lebanese are willing to sell themselves to an outsider. Most of the time they really don’t care who they sell out to.

      No doubt some Lebanese are proud self respecting people but there is a huge number of them who are just dying to become servants and slaves to some outside power.

    2. Sandman Avatar


      It astonishes me how willing the Lebanese are willing to sell themselves to an outsider. Most of the time they really don’t care who they sell out to.

      No doubt some Lebanese are proud self respecting people but there is a huge number of them who are just dying to become servants and slaves to some outside power.

    3. peter and sandman, I pitty your remarks: at least unlike the arabs the united states did not sell off palestine, it is the arabs who cannot build a consensus on how to deal with israel and broker a peace deal for the palestinians. Yet, egypt, jordan and other staunch foes of israel have already sign a peace agreement with it. So go figure before you call the Lebanese slaves to others. As matter of a fact you are probably one of them. Have a good night!!

    4. peter and sandman, I pitty your remarks: at least unlike the arabs the united states did not sell off palestine, it is the arabs who cannot build a consensus on how to deal with israel and broker a peace deal for the palestinians. Yet, egypt, jordan and other staunch foes of israel have already sign a peace agreement with it. So go figure before you call the Lebanese slaves to others. As matter of a fact you are probably one of them. Have a good night!!

    5. peter and sandman, I pitty your remarks: at least unlike the arabs the united states did not sell off palestine, it is the arabs who cannot build a consensus on how to deal with israel and broker a peace deal for the palestinians. Yet, egypt, jordan and other staunch foes of israel have already sign a peace agreement with it. So go figure before you call the Lebanese slaves to others. As matter of a fact you are probably one of them. Have a good night!!

    6. OK, let’s say that’s true and such aerial records/images exist and have not been doctored to look like like they were taken on the day of the Hariri murder. Why would H/A not have found such records and shared them earlier? Also, why wouldn’t H/A share them now with the STL which is investigating the crime? The answer is obvious… H/A said he would cooperate with a newly formed government committee but not with the STL… Knowing that such a committee would not be formed, he thinks he can fool everyone… Such a committee, if extablished instead of the STL, would be afraid of new assassinations and subject to intimidations. H/A supporters within the committee would jeopardize the efforts of the investigation and make it seem as a treason to even think to accuse H/A rather than Israel… So honest people on the committee would be labeled as Israeli spies just because they dared accuse H/A.

      The Truth is that H/A hates Israel to death, anyone that is perceived to believe is common love and peace between people (i.e. Rafik Hariri) was thought to be a threat to H/A’s existence. So he was eliminated as many other like him.

      1. Dandan, your explanation as to why HA hasnt submitted the evidence from before is a matter of your personal interpretation.

        I could say that even though, morally, he should have presented the evidence as soon as he had it,

        maybe he didnt want to, cos at the time, HA wasnt accused, so if he were to bring the evidence and accuse Israel, he probably thought that a)no one would beleive him in lebanon and would say that here he goes again blaming israel

        b) Israel can seek revenge and either ignite a military operation or use their intelligence to implicate HA in the murder

        but now, rumours were coming out that the STL was gonna implicate them, so he had no choice but to present the evidence.

        the fact that he wants a lebanese commission is understandable being that the STL has mihandled the investigation from the beginning.

        this is what I have trouble with, you may not trust or beleive nasrallah, but how can all the other political leaders still say that the STL has the authority and we trust them…. so many loopholes, so many “false witnesses”, lack of looking into other evidence…..

      2. Dandan, your explanation as to why HA hasnt submitted the evidence from before is a matter of your personal interpretation.

        I could say that even though, morally, he should have presented the evidence as soon as he had it,

        maybe he didnt want to, cos at the time, HA wasnt accused, so if he were to bring the evidence and accuse Israel, he probably thought that a)no one would beleive him in lebanon and would say that here he goes again blaming israel

        b) Israel can seek revenge and either ignite a military operation or use their intelligence to implicate HA in the murder

        but now, rumours were coming out that the STL was gonna implicate them, so he had no choice but to present the evidence.

        the fact that he wants a lebanese commission is understandable being that the STL has mihandled the investigation from the beginning.

        this is what I have trouble with, you may not trust or beleive nasrallah, but how can all the other political leaders still say that the STL has the authority and we trust them…. so many loopholes, so many “false witnesses”, lack of looking into other evidence…..

      3. Dandan, your explanation as to why HA hasnt submitted the evidence from before is a matter of your personal interpretation.

        I could say that even though, morally, he should have presented the evidence as soon as he had it,

        maybe he didnt want to, cos at the time, HA wasnt accused, so if he were to bring the evidence and accuse Israel, he probably thought that a)no one would beleive him in lebanon and would say that here he goes again blaming israel

        b) Israel can seek revenge and either ignite a military operation or use their intelligence to implicate HA in the murder

        but now, rumours were coming out that the STL was gonna implicate them, so he had no choice but to present the evidence.

        the fact that he wants a lebanese commission is understandable being that the STL has mihandled the investigation from the beginning.

        this is what I have trouble with, you may not trust or beleive nasrallah, but how can all the other political leaders still say that the STL has the authority and we trust them…. so many loopholes, so many “false witnesses”, lack of looking into other evidence…..

    7. OK, let’s say that’s true and such aerial records/images exist and have not been doctored to look like like they were taken on the day of the Hariri murder. Why would H/A not have found such records and shared them earlier? Also, why wouldn’t H/A share them now with the STL which is investigating the crime? The answer is obvious… H/A said he would cooperate with a newly formed government committee but not with the STL… Knowing that such a committee would not be formed, he thinks he can fool everyone… Such a committee, if extablished instead of the STL, would be afraid of new assassinations and subject to intimidations. H/A supporters within the committee would jeopardize the efforts of the investigation and make it seem as a treason to even think to accuse H/A rather than Israel… So honest people on the committee would be labeled as Israeli spies just because they dared accuse H/A.

      The Truth is that H/A hates Israel to death, anyone that is perceived to believe is common love and peace between people (i.e. Rafik Hariri) was thought to be a threat to H/A’s existence. So he was eliminated as many other like him.

    8. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
      Tarie AL Fanarie

      Peter you call you call two tons of bombs firecrackers? you call blowing up rafik hariri with 18 people firecrackers? you call the bomb that killed Gibran tueni and walid Eido, and wisam eid and many others firecrackers? didn’t these so called firecrackers kill all these people? you’re so insensitive and your comments are very rude just like your hezbollah masters. You want to hide the truth go ahead. But nobody can hide it from God and all the criminals will face justice in some kind of form or another. To us lebanese who do not of course support your Nassrallah. Believe there is no difference between Hezbollah and israel. They’re both the enemies of Lebanon and syrian gov’t and of course iranians mullahs. We have had enough lies and deceit and killing. you insult the families whose their loved one killed by your leader and thug and traitor to Lebanon Nassrallah and his beloved Syrian intelligence. Why don’t you come out and tell us your real name Peter? if you call these bombs firecrackers i hope you and hezbollah gets lots of them. let’s see whether you will be still writing here you idiot.

      1. Tarie, can I just ask you a question?

        can you at least acknowledge that the people that suffered the most and will suffer the most if Israel invades again would be the shias from the south? excuse me I mean the LEBANESE shias from the south?

        so to put HA on the same level as Israel is a bit far fetched. They remain formed of lebanese citizens.

        you have the right t your opinion by saying that they are bad for Lebanon etc. and they might be, but so are all other political parties, yet we dont put them on the same level as Israel.

      2. Tarie, can I just ask you a question?

        can you at least acknowledge that the people that suffered the most and will suffer the most if Israel invades again would be the shias from the south? excuse me I mean the LEBANESE shias from the south?

        so to put HA on the same level as Israel is a bit far fetched. They remain formed of lebanese citizens.

        you have the right t your opinion by saying that they are bad for Lebanon etc. and they might be, but so are all other political parties, yet we dont put them on the same level as Israel.

      3. Tarie, can I just ask you a question?

        can you at least acknowledge that the people that suffered the most and will suffer the most if Israel invades again would be the shias from the south? excuse me I mean the LEBANESE shias from the south?

        so to put HA on the same level as Israel is a bit far fetched. They remain formed of lebanese citizens.

        you have the right t your opinion by saying that they are bad for Lebanon etc. and they might be, but so are all other political parties, yet we dont put them on the same level as Israel.

      4. Tarie, I am not trying to insult the martyrs who were killed in any way. I am trying to make a strong point to all the people on here who say “Oh Hassouni is hiding in a bunker and he’s a coward and blah blah blah”

        Lets say even if he is in a bunker, at least he is still in Lebanon. And he has every reason to hide because as the Israelis reported a few months ago, they came close 2 times to assassinating him. And Like I said, i’m sure some of the Israeli spies have the specific duty to cary out this task.

        When the martyrs were assassinated, Hariri, and many others ran away to Saudi Arabia, France, Egypt, America and god knows where else.

        To me, I cannot see a strong Lebanon from leaders who wish to run away when the situation gets tough. If they wanna hide in bunkers too…go ahead, but at least Hassan Nasrallah did not run away to another Country like your leaders did.

        And for those of you who doubt Nasrallah’s credibility you should know that the Israeli Media themselves made polls asking Israelis who they trust more, and MANY of them said they trust Nasrallah more then their own leadership.

        In the 2006 War, the Israelis kept saying they wiped out half of Hizballah’s rockets and killed half of the leadership.

        What was the reality? The Israelis themselves said Hizballah was MORE powerful after the war then before it, and all their leadership was still in place.

        And how can you guys equate Hizballah with Israel? The Shiia are the ones who suffered the most under Israeli Occupation, and the only reason why some Christians suffered is because they betrayed their country to work for Israel in the South Lebanese Army, and they got their proper punishment for this (Just as would happen in any other country if you chose to work with the enemy)

        And if you guys doubt that Israel is our enemy, just remember, they don’t give a damn about the Christians, but only to use you to kill your fellow citizens and to help them in the end to kill off the Palestinians so they can create their racist Jewish Only State. And when you guys are done helping them to kill the Palestinians and Shiias of Hezbollah, they will come after YOU to set up their long awaited “Greater Israel” on Lebanese land.

        Besides, if you think Israel is only worried about some weapons that Hizballah has, I just read a report that Israel was going to bomb heavily the Lebanese Army last week (to teach them a lesson as the Israelis said) for killing their soldier.

        It seems like some of you want to do like the Japanese. They drop some bombs on you and you want to surrender. This is not the Lebanon I know. For let them drop ALL their bombs on us – it will never make us bow down to them, and if we all shall die from their bombs, we will make sure that they drown in our blood.

      5. Tarie, I am not trying to insult the martyrs who were killed in any way. I am trying to make a strong point to all the people on here who say “Oh Hassouni is hiding in a bunker and he’s a coward and blah blah blah”

        Lets say even if he is in a bunker, at least he is still in Lebanon. And he has every reason to hide because as the Israelis reported a few months ago, they came close 2 times to assassinating him. And Like I said, i’m sure some of the Israeli spies have the specific duty to cary out this task.

        When the martyrs were assassinated, Hariri, and many others ran away to Saudi Arabia, France, Egypt, America and god knows where else.

        To me, I cannot see a strong Lebanon from leaders who wish to run away when the situation gets tough. If they wanna hide in bunkers too…go ahead, but at least Hassan Nasrallah did not run away to another Country like your leaders did.

        And for those of you who doubt Nasrallah’s credibility you should know that the Israeli Media themselves made polls asking Israelis who they trust more, and MANY of them said they trust Nasrallah more then their own leadership.

        In the 2006 War, the Israelis kept saying they wiped out half of Hizballah’s rockets and killed half of the leadership.

        What was the reality? The Israelis themselves said Hizballah was MORE powerful after the war then before it, and all their leadership was still in place.

        And how can you guys equate Hizballah with Israel? The Shiia are the ones who suffered the most under Israeli Occupation, and the only reason why some Christians suffered is because they betrayed their country to work for Israel in the South Lebanese Army, and they got their proper punishment for this (Just as would happen in any other country if you chose to work with the enemy)

        And if you guys doubt that Israel is our enemy, just remember, they don’t give a damn about the Christians, but only to use you to kill your fellow citizens and to help them in the end to kill off the Palestinians so they can create their racist Jewish Only State. And when you guys are done helping them to kill the Palestinians and Shiias of Hezbollah, they will come after YOU to set up their long awaited “Greater Israel” on Lebanese land.

        Besides, if you think Israel is only worried about some weapons that Hizballah has, I just read a report that Israel was going to bomb heavily the Lebanese Army last week (to teach them a lesson as the Israelis said) for killing their soldier.

        It seems like some of you want to do like the Japanese. They drop some bombs on you and you want to surrender. This is not the Lebanon I know. For let them drop ALL their bombs on us – it will never make us bow down to them, and if we all shall die from their bombs, we will make sure that they drown in our blood.

      6. Tarie, I am not trying to insult the martyrs who were killed in any way. I am trying to make a strong point to all the people on here who say “Oh Hassouni is hiding in a bunker and he’s a coward and blah blah blah”

        Lets say even if he is in a bunker, at least he is still in Lebanon. And he has every reason to hide because as the Israelis reported a few months ago, they came close 2 times to assassinating him. And Like I said, i’m sure some of the Israeli spies have the specific duty to cary out this task.

        When the martyrs were assassinated, Hariri, and many others ran away to Saudi Arabia, France, Egypt, America and god knows where else.

        To me, I cannot see a strong Lebanon from leaders who wish to run away when the situation gets tough. If they wanna hide in bunkers too…go ahead, but at least Hassan Nasrallah did not run away to another Country like your leaders did.

        And for those of you who doubt Nasrallah’s credibility you should know that the Israeli Media themselves made polls asking Israelis who they trust more, and MANY of them said they trust Nasrallah more then their own leadership.

        In the 2006 War, the Israelis kept saying they wiped out half of Hizballah’s rockets and killed half of the leadership.

        What was the reality? The Israelis themselves said Hizballah was MORE powerful after the war then before it, and all their leadership was still in place.

        And how can you guys equate Hizballah with Israel? The Shiia are the ones who suffered the most under Israeli Occupation, and the only reason why some Christians suffered is because they betrayed their country to work for Israel in the South Lebanese Army, and they got their proper punishment for this (Just as would happen in any other country if you chose to work with the enemy)

        And if you guys doubt that Israel is our enemy, just remember, they don’t give a damn about the Christians, but only to use you to kill your fellow citizens and to help them in the end to kill off the Palestinians so they can create their racist Jewish Only State. And when you guys are done helping them to kill the Palestinians and Shiias of Hezbollah, they will come after YOU to set up their long awaited “Greater Israel” on Lebanese land.

        Besides, if you think Israel is only worried about some weapons that Hizballah has, I just read a report that Israel was going to bomb heavily the Lebanese Army last week (to teach them a lesson as the Israelis said) for killing their soldier.

        It seems like some of you want to do like the Japanese. They drop some bombs on you and you want to surrender. This is not the Lebanon I know. For let them drop ALL their bombs on us – it will never make us bow down to them, and if we all shall die from their bombs, we will make sure that they drown in our blood.

      7. Cathy…the number one threat to come against the Lebanese people from Israel is going to be directly linked to HA – PERIOD. Take that out of the formula (HA) and the chance of any aggression on Lebanon are slim to none. Please spare me these comments to Tarie!

      8. Cathy…the number one threat to come against the Lebanese people from Israel is going to be directly linked to HA – PERIOD. Take that out of the formula (HA) and the chance of any aggression on Lebanon are slim to none. Please spare me these comments to Tarie!

      9. Cathy…the number one threat to come against the Lebanese people from Israel is going to be directly linked to HA – PERIOD. Take that out of the formula (HA) and the chance of any aggression on Lebanon are slim to none. Please spare me these comments to Tarie!

      10. you know what Sami, I think you and people who are convinced like you that without HA, Israel poses no threats, will only be convinced if HA was disarmed, so I hope to God it happens.

        even if Lebanon will pay a heavy price, it is only then will you see the truth.

      11. you know what Sami, I think you and people who are convinced like you that without HA, Israel poses no threats, will only be convinced if HA was disarmed, so I hope to God it happens.

        even if Lebanon will pay a heavy price, it is only then will you see the truth.

      12. you know what Sami, I think you and people who are convinced like you that without HA, Israel poses no threats, will only be convinced if HA was disarmed, so I hope to God it happens.

        even if Lebanon will pay a heavy price, it is only then will you see the truth.

      13. Cathy with all due respect, you are indeed brainwashed and don’t take this personal, many like yourself are. Living on/by fear that Israel is about to ravage you can easily persuade your ordinary person to worship such a clan like HA. Once again, the only threat to Lebanon will be directly linked to HA.

        HA must DISARM and let the country be united under one gov’t. and one army!

      14. Cathy with all due respect, you are indeed brainwashed and don’t take this personal, many like yourself are. Living on/by fear that Israel is about to ravage you can easily persuade your ordinary person to worship such a clan like HA. Once again, the only threat to Lebanon will be directly linked to HA.

        HA must DISARM and let the country be united under one gov’t. and one army!

      15. Cathy with all due respect, you are indeed brainwashed and don’t take this personal, many like yourself are. Living on/by fear that Israel is about to ravage you can easily persuade your ordinary person to worship such a clan like HA. Once again, the only threat to Lebanon will be directly linked to HA.

        HA must DISARM and let the country be united under one gov’t. and one army!

      16. Yes Cathy…it appears that the majority are ignorant and you and your HA followers are the chosen ones. Let me know when you wake up so I can tell you that it was all a bad dream! LOL!

      17. Yes Cathy…it appears that the majority are ignorant and you and your HA followers are the chosen ones. Let me know when you wake up so I can tell you that it was all a bad dream! LOL!

    9. Tarie AL Fanarie Avatar
      Tarie AL Fanarie

      Peter you call you call two tons of bombs firecrackers? you call blowing up rafik hariri with 18 people firecrackers? you call the bomb that killed Gibran tueni and walid Eido, and wisam eid and many others firecrackers? didn’t these so called firecrackers kill all these people? you’re so insensitive and your comments are very rude just like your hezbollah masters. You want to hide the truth go ahead. But nobody can hide it from God and all the criminals will face justice in some kind of form or another. To us lebanese who do not of course support your Nassrallah. Believe there is no difference between Hezbollah and israel. They’re both the enemies of Lebanon and syrian gov’t and of course iranians mullahs. We have had enough lies and deceit and killing. you insult the families whose their loved one killed by your leader and thug and traitor to Lebanon Nassrallah and his beloved Syrian intelligence. Why don’t you come out and tell us your real name Peter? if you call these bombs firecrackers i hope you and hezbollah gets lots of them. let’s see whether you will be still writing here you idiot.

    10. Peter, you are wasting your time.

      These people’s hate for HA is far greater than their need to know the REAL TRUTH.

      its funny I was talking with some fellow lebanese who live in Canada, and a lot of them were against HA when they used to live in Lebanon. They have been here for 2 yrs and they said, you know, when you look at the situation from the outside and you read about many things that most lebanese in lebanon dont even have access too, you realize your perspective is much different than when you are living in lebanon following all thse dumb politicians who only care about themselves.

      of course some lebanese who live outside are still ignorant and dont really do their own research.

      1. HA’s raison d’etre is Israel. They are a malignancy born out of a malignancy. They will pick fights with Israel to justify and further their existence and all of Lebanon will suffer.

      2. HA’s raison d’etre is Israel. They are a malignancy born out of a malignancy. They will pick fights with Israel to justify and further their existence and all of Lebanon will suffer.

      3. HA’s raison d’etre is Israel. They are a malignancy born out of a malignancy. They will pick fights with Israel to justify and further their existence and all of Lebanon will suffer.

      4. Karim that is your opinion and you have the right to it.

        but do not claim that this is based on facts.

        I have stated in my other posts articles written by veteran journalists, one of them is an american jew, acclaimed worlwide for his credentials and his uncovering of many other lies and coverups of the US/ISRAEL. In his article, he wrote long and clear, backed by many documents found, that the 2006 war was preplanned by the US/ISRAEL, one of the reasons was that Israel never accepted the humiliating military defeat in 2000 and the fact that they had to withdraw by force.

        otherwise, please just someone answer me, why on earth did they stay so long in lebanon??

        the shias welcomed them when they were in to get rid of the PLO and HA was only formed after they refused to leave and deepened their invasion.

      5. Karim that is your opinion and you have the right to it.

        but do not claim that this is based on facts.

        I have stated in my other posts articles written by veteran journalists, one of them is an american jew, acclaimed worlwide for his credentials and his uncovering of many other lies and coverups of the US/ISRAEL. In his article, he wrote long and clear, backed by many documents found, that the 2006 war was preplanned by the US/ISRAEL, one of the reasons was that Israel never accepted the humiliating military defeat in 2000 and the fact that they had to withdraw by force.

        otherwise, please just someone answer me, why on earth did they stay so long in lebanon??

        the shias welcomed them when they were in to get rid of the PLO and HA was only formed after they refused to leave and deepened their invasion.

      6. Karim that is your opinion and you have the right to it.

        but do not claim that this is based on facts.

        I have stated in my other posts articles written by veteran journalists, one of them is an american jew, acclaimed worlwide for his credentials and his uncovering of many other lies and coverups of the US/ISRAEL. In his article, he wrote long and clear, backed by many documents found, that the 2006 war was preplanned by the US/ISRAEL, one of the reasons was that Israel never accepted the humiliating military defeat in 2000 and the fact that they had to withdraw by force.

        otherwise, please just someone answer me, why on earth did they stay so long in lebanon??

        the shias welcomed them when they were in to get rid of the PLO and HA was only formed after they refused to leave and deepened their invasion.

      7. Obviously, you have all the facts and you must be right if you found some jew who said 2006 was a US/Israel cover up.

        By the way, how come I’ve never heard of your authoritative facts? Or, is the proof like HA’s proof in this case?

        In 2006 HA went too far with Israel and Israel went way too far in return. Or was it the other way around, but who cares. It always looks one way from one side and the opposite from the other. And then, Israel just couldn’t seem to stop its destructive machine. And who suffered? That’s the proof.

        Those two will just keep going at it and Lebanon will suffer. And you will just keep on sighting some commentators (there will always be one for each side of an issue, no matter how unknown) and keep cheering HA on.

        But, yes, my opinion is based on facts and please do not claim that it is not.

      8. Obviously, you have all the facts and you must be right if you found some jew who said 2006 was a US/Israel cover up.

        By the way, how come I’ve never heard of your authoritative facts? Or, is the proof like HA’s proof in this case?

        In 2006 HA went too far with Israel and Israel went way too far in return. Or was it the other way around, but who cares. It always looks one way from one side and the opposite from the other. And then, Israel just couldn’t seem to stop its destructive machine. And who suffered? That’s the proof.

        Those two will just keep going at it and Lebanon will suffer. And you will just keep on sighting some commentators (there will always be one for each side of an issue, no matter how unknown) and keep cheering HA on.

        But, yes, my opinion is based on facts and please do not claim that it is not.

      9. Obviously, you have all the facts and you must be right if you found some jew who said 2006 was a US/Israel cover up.

        By the way, how come I’ve never heard of your authoritative facts? Or, is the proof like HA’s proof in this case?

        In 2006 HA went too far with Israel and Israel went way too far in return. Or was it the other way around, but who cares. It always looks one way from one side and the opposite from the other. And then, Israel just couldn’t seem to stop its destructive machine. And who suffered? That’s the proof.

        Those two will just keep going at it and Lebanon will suffer. And you will just keep on sighting some commentators (there will always be one for each side of an issue, no matter how unknown) and keep cheering HA on.

        But, yes, my opinion is based on facts and please do not claim that it is not.

      10. Karim, I am not claiming to have all the facts. I dont know if you live in the west or in Leb. but here we heard about this report and it was brought down by mainstream media and he was called an anti-semite.

        Karim, there a lot of excellent independant reporters out there who uncovers truths day after day but they are obviously not covered by the mainstream media, rather you need to do your own research….

        have you ever heard of an organization for israeli soldiers who have deserted the IDF because they think its absolutly immoral what Israel is doing in palestine, since they have orders to kill, women, children, doesnt matter….

        they are thousands but I only found out about them through 60 MINUTES on CBS go figure!

        did you know that CNN and their reporters were banned from Israel for an amount of time because they ran a story about a jew who met this pali girl in the US and they fell in love and she brought him to meet her family (christian)and he was on CNN saying that his parents and all jews are raised to hate arabs and that they are fed a lot of propaganda until he came and saw with his own eyes that it wasnt true.

        a lot of stories Karim, you just need to look around further outside of the dumb political lebanese propaganda by our misleading political leaders (all included)

      11. Karim, I am not claiming to have all the facts. I dont know if you live in the west or in Leb. but here we heard about this report and it was brought down by mainstream media and he was called an anti-semite.

        Karim, there a lot of excellent independant reporters out there who uncovers truths day after day but they are obviously not covered by the mainstream media, rather you need to do your own research….

        have you ever heard of an organization for israeli soldiers who have deserted the IDF because they think its absolutly immoral what Israel is doing in palestine, since they have orders to kill, women, children, doesnt matter….

        they are thousands but I only found out about them through 60 MINUTES on CBS go figure!

        did you know that CNN and their reporters were banned from Israel for an amount of time because they ran a story about a jew who met this pali girl in the US and they fell in love and she brought him to meet her family (christian)and he was on CNN saying that his parents and all jews are raised to hate arabs and that they are fed a lot of propaganda until he came and saw with his own eyes that it wasnt true.

        a lot of stories Karim, you just need to look around further outside of the dumb political lebanese propaganda by our misleading political leaders (all included)

      12. Karim, I am not claiming to have all the facts. I dont know if you live in the west or in Leb. but here we heard about this report and it was brought down by mainstream media and he was called an anti-semite.

        Karim, there a lot of excellent independant reporters out there who uncovers truths day after day but they are obviously not covered by the mainstream media, rather you need to do your own research….

        have you ever heard of an organization for israeli soldiers who have deserted the IDF because they think its absolutly immoral what Israel is doing in palestine, since they have orders to kill, women, children, doesnt matter….

        they are thousands but I only found out about them through 60 MINUTES on CBS go figure!

        did you know that CNN and their reporters were banned from Israel for an amount of time because they ran a story about a jew who met this pali girl in the US and they fell in love and she brought him to meet her family (christian)and he was on CNN saying that his parents and all jews are raised to hate arabs and that they are fed a lot of propaganda until he came and saw with his own eyes that it wasnt true.

        a lot of stories Karim, you just need to look around further outside of the dumb political lebanese propaganda by our misleading political leaders (all included)

      13. oh and CBS got complaints from AIPAC about that report btw.

      14. oh and CBS got complaints from AIPAC about that report btw.

      15. oh and CBS got complaints from AIPAC about that report btw.

      16. Cathy, I’m on this side of the atlantic like you are. Apologies if I went too abrupt with you. I just don’t like it when someone tells me I don’t know my facts. I know my share.

        Nonetheless, unlike you, I am not a fan of conspiracy theories. Yes, mainstream media is biased and independent reporters do have their place, but you can find one to support any opinion you like. I am sure you can find some demented Arab who thinks that Israel is always right and keeps uncovering “facts” to prove this. You just have to “do your own research”.

        On Israel and its actions, we mostly agree. I do think they never know when to stop (to answer your previous question on why they did not leave the south). For them, somehow, force is the only security, never trust. Though, I am sure from their perspective, there are not too many to trust. (We don’t trust our own leaders for good reason either.) In any case, they took lack of trust and unjustified use of force to a whole new level.

        On HA, here we will have to disagree. Unlike Israel, which can exist without HA, HA would not and cannot exist without Israel. HA will do everything it can to keep the conflict simmering. They need it.

        And, by the way, HA is doing what it can.

      17. Cathy, I’m on this side of the atlantic like you are. Apologies if I went too abrupt with you. I just don’t like it when someone tells me I don’t know my facts. I know my share.

        Nonetheless, unlike you, I am not a fan of conspiracy theories. Yes, mainstream media is biased and independent reporters do have their place, but you can find one to support any opinion you like. I am sure you can find some demented Arab who thinks that Israel is always right and keeps uncovering “facts” to prove this. You just have to “do your own research”.

        On Israel and its actions, we mostly agree. I do think they never know when to stop (to answer your previous question on why they did not leave the south). For them, somehow, force is the only security, never trust. Though, I am sure from their perspective, there are not too many to trust. (We don’t trust our own leaders for good reason either.) In any case, they took lack of trust and unjustified use of force to a whole new level.

        On HA, here we will have to disagree. Unlike Israel, which can exist without HA, HA would not and cannot exist without Israel. HA will do everything it can to keep the conflict simmering. They need it.

        And, by the way, HA is doing what it can.

      18. Karim no prob. I guess we will just agree on some things and agree to disagree on others 🙂

      19. Cathy,

        You have made us all dumber today with your armchair warrior attitude. Western media does not make you understand the situation better then the citizens of Lebanon living with the ramifications of Hezbollah’s actions. I want to thank Sami for his standing up to ignorance such as Cathy’s.

      20. Cathy,

        You have made us all dumber today with your armchair warrior attitude. Western media does not make you understand the situation better then the citizens of Lebanon living with the ramifications of Hezbollah’s actions. I want to thank Sami for his standing up to ignorance such as Cathy’s.

      21. Cathy,

        You have made us all dumber today with your armchair warrior attitude. Western media does not make you understand the situation better then the citizens of Lebanon living with the ramifications of Hezbollah’s actions. I want to thank Sami for his standing up to ignorance such as Cathy’s.

      22. Jeff, western media helps you understand outsiders goals for your countries and the plan is bigger than little HA.

        than you for calling me an ignorant just because you dont agree with me.

      23. Jeff, western media helps you understand outsiders goals for your countries and the plan is bigger than little HA.

        than you for calling me an ignorant just because you dont agree with me.

      24. Jeff, western media helps you understand outsiders goals for your countries and the plan is bigger than little HA.

        than you for calling me an ignorant just because you dont agree with me.

      25. and btw jeff, what warrior attitude?

        I actually had very civil debates with everyone….

      26. and btw jeff, what warrior attitude?

        I actually had very civil debates with everyone….

      27. and btw jeff, what warrior attitude?

        I actually had very civil debates with everyone….

      28. one more thing Jeff, I dont listen to only western media, I have relatives in Lebanon, I listen to all news outlets (israeli, lebanese, american, independants)

      29. one more thing Jeff, I dont listen to only western media, I have relatives in Lebanon, I listen to all news outlets (israeli, lebanese, american, independants)

      30. one more thing Jeff, I dont listen to only western media, I have relatives in Lebanon, I listen to all news outlets (israeli, lebanese, american, independants)

      31. Jeff, you are the one brainwashed by FOX/SKY news and the rest of the mainstream media outlets. But you’re so brain washed that you have become blind as a bat.

      32. Jeff, you are the one brainwashed by FOX/SKY news and the rest of the mainstream media outlets. But you’re so brain washed that you have become blind as a bat.

      33. Jeff, you are the one brainwashed by FOX/SKY news and the rest of the mainstream media outlets. But you’re so brain washed that you have become blind as a bat.

    11. Peter, you are wasting your time.

      These people’s hate for HA is far greater than their need to know the REAL TRUTH.

      its funny I was talking with some fellow lebanese who live in Canada, and a lot of them were against HA when they used to live in Lebanon. They have been here for 2 yrs and they said, you know, when you look at the situation from the outside and you read about many things that most lebanese in lebanon dont even have access too, you realize your perspective is much different than when you are living in lebanon following all thse dumb politicians who only care about themselves.

      of course some lebanese who live outside are still ignorant and dont really do their own research.

  13. How much more stupid can you people be?

    You doubt Israel killed Hariri?

    Ok, no problem. Like I said before, The USA threatened Hariri many times to disarm Hizballah and Hariri ALWAYS refused because he said they are the force that got rid of Israel from Lebanon.

    The Very fact that people want to ignore the Israeli possibility just goes to show that maybe Lebanon has ALOT more Spies then we currently think.

    After Hariri’s death, you guys were waving the American flag,& thanking the Americans asking them to support you to kick Syria out.

    A year later, Israel came in, FULL with USA Support and USA Weapons to destroy your country and your fellow citizens.

    What did you guys do?? Your PM Received Condoleeza Rice with open arms and a big smile on his face – yet when he went in front of the Arabs, all he could do was cry.

    You guys all talk about how Hassan Nasrallah is in hiding – OF COURSE HE WILL when Lebanon is full of spies specifically tasked with Killing him!

    Didn’t your brave leaders run away to France, Saudi Arabia everytime a small firecracker went off in Lebanon after Hariri’s death?

    Stop with the stupid insults, because they just make you guys look stupid, and for ONCE please use your brains.

    Today you saw the Americans aren’t arming the LAF because they see them now as a threat to Israel. They don’t give a DAMN about Lebanon or it’s peace and security if it stands in the face of Israel one little bit.

    This is something Nasrallah has ALWAYS said, they don’t want anyone standing in the face of Israeli/USA Agenda in the Middle East – yet some of you are still stupid to think they want to help you guys out.

    Plus, he said Israeli warplanes were in the sky in THE SAME TIME Hariri was killed over Beirut. He said if you dont wanna believe it, just go check the Air Traffic records, satellites…w/e and it will prove this point.

  14. How much more stupid can you people be?

    You doubt Israel killed Hariri?

    Ok, no problem. Like I said before, The USA threatened Hariri many times to disarm Hizballah and Hariri ALWAYS refused because he said they are the force that got rid of Israel from Lebanon.

    The Very fact that people want to ignore the Israeli possibility just goes to show that maybe Lebanon has ALOT more Spies then we currently think.

    After Hariri’s death, you guys were waving the American flag,& thanking the Americans asking them to support you to kick Syria out.

    A year later, Israel came in, FULL with USA Support and USA Weapons to destroy your country and your fellow citizens.

    What did you guys do?? Your PM Received Condoleeza Rice with open arms and a big smile on his face – yet when he went in front of the Arabs, all he could do was cry.

    You guys all talk about how Hassan Nasrallah is in hiding – OF COURSE HE WILL when Lebanon is full of spies specifically tasked with Killing him!

    Didn’t your brave leaders run away to France, Saudi Arabia everytime a small firecracker went off in Lebanon after Hariri’s death?

    Stop with the stupid insults, because they just make you guys look stupid, and for ONCE please use your brains.

    Today you saw the Americans aren’t arming the LAF because they see them now as a threat to Israel. They don’t give a DAMN about Lebanon or it’s peace and security if it stands in the face of Israel one little bit.

    This is something Nasrallah has ALWAYS said, they don’t want anyone standing in the face of Israeli/USA Agenda in the Middle East – yet some of you are still stupid to think they want to help you guys out.

    Plus, he said Israeli warplanes were in the sky in THE SAME TIME Hariri was killed over Beirut. He said if you dont wanna believe it, just go check the Air Traffic records, satellites…w/e and it will prove this point.

  15. ilovelebanon Avatar


  16. ilovelebanon Avatar


  17. ilovelebanon Avatar


  18. Personally I never said I liked Egypt or Jordan.

    2nd, AMERICA themselves have Criticised Israel for doing things that work contrary to Peace with the Palestinians, just like the Settlements.

    Even when Joe Biden was in Israel, they couldnt stop but tell the world they are going to build settlements in East Jerusalem.

    What did the Americans do? Any Sanctions or cutting off ties?


    They Criticise Israel in one hand for working against Peace, and in the other hand give Israel the very weapons to carry out the same actions they are criticising them for!

    Please tell me too ya Ali, what exactly about my remarks don’t you like? Did I say ANY lies in my remarks? Because i’m not one to lie.

    But if YOU hate Hassan Nasrallah and his followers, please tell me, is it really because of his actions/personality/history or is it a religious thing?

    I saw with my own eyes some Sunnis saying they wanna fight Hizballah, purely because of the fact that they hate Shiias. And Christians who wanna fight muslims because they dont want Lebanon to be for anyone but Christian.

    I want you guys to open your eyes and realise that this is NOT the way of God – AND it truly pushes other people away from following religion when they see this type of talk and behaviour.

    I wish Lebanon to be for ALL religions because that is what the world loves the most about Lebanon.

    1. Youssef Avatar

      Thumbs up to you Peter, very well structured comments / arguments.

      Unfortunately to some the truth hurts. Those same individuals and groups are unable to forgive and move forward for the sake of Lebanon and its future.

      They talk of “blind followers” yet they themselves are blinded by hatred.

      Again, well done.

      Peace to you my friend and to every human that preaches peace and harmony amongst all races, religions, cultures etc.

    2. Youssef Avatar

      Thumbs up to you Peter, very well structured comments / arguments.

      Unfortunately to some the truth hurts. Those same individuals and groups are unable to forgive and move forward for the sake of Lebanon and its future.

      They talk of “blind followers” yet they themselves are blinded by hatred.

      Again, well done.

      Peace to you my friend and to every human that preaches peace and harmony amongst all races, religions, cultures etc.

      1. thumbs up to peter and youssef.

      2. thumbs up to peter and youssef.

      3. thumbs up to peter and youssef.

    3. Peter, you are absolutley right.

      the politics in Lebanon have turned into a religion/sectarian war….

      as a christian, I was APPALLED when I heard some of the Geagea followers say, in front of everyone, “I dont want my kids to go with muslims to school” and these guys were people that had high rankings in the lebanese forces.

      and vice versa from muslims.

      it is sad when they dont realize that Israel and the US dont give a crap about lebanon or the christians in lebanon or the sunnis in lebanon.

      Their goal is to ensure that Israel accomplishes its goals without any resistance in the middle east. PERIOD.

    4. Peter, you are absolutley right.

      the politics in Lebanon have turned into a religion/sectarian war….

      as a christian, I was APPALLED when I heard some of the Geagea followers say, in front of everyone, “I dont want my kids to go with muslims to school” and these guys were people that had high rankings in the lebanese forces.

      and vice versa from muslims.

      it is sad when they dont realize that Israel and the US dont give a crap about lebanon or the christians in lebanon or the sunnis in lebanon.

      Their goal is to ensure that Israel accomplishes its goals without any resistance in the middle east. PERIOD.

      1. Sandman Avatar


        I could not agree more. Iraq is ina shambles and 500,000 deaths of innocent civilians later, it looks much worse than when it was udner Saddam’s brutal regime.

        Just today in the news I could not believe what I was reading (see URL below). It is like the US just wants to rid itself of the Iraqi problem because it took them 7 years to realize that it was a mistake getting involved.

        Please read this press release

      2. Sandman Avatar


        I could not agree more. Iraq is ina shambles and 500,000 deaths of innocent civilians later, it looks much worse than when it was udner Saddam’s brutal regime.

        Just today in the news I could not believe what I was reading (see URL below). It is like the US just wants to rid itself of the Iraqi problem because it took them 7 years to realize that it was a mistake getting involved.

        Please read this press release

      3. Sandman Avatar


        I could not agree more. Iraq is ina shambles and 500,000 deaths of innocent civilians later, it looks much worse than when it was udner Saddam’s brutal regime.

        Just today in the news I could not believe what I was reading (see URL below). It is like the US just wants to rid itself of the Iraqi problem because it took them 7 years to realize that it was a mistake getting involved.

        Please read this press release

      4. Sandman, I know, it really is so sad that so many civilians paid the price for what??

        I love the Matt Damon movie, I beleive it was called green zone…based on a true story… shows exactly why they went in there and not only ruined Iraq, but opened the door for so much more terrorism… never before was there such a rise in radical islam….most were pious but moderates….unfortunatley, again the US/ISRAEL doesnt care about the chaos it provokes, only their own agendas and interests.

      5. Sandman, I know, it really is so sad that so many civilians paid the price for what??

        I love the Matt Damon movie, I beleive it was called green zone…based on a true story… shows exactly why they went in there and not only ruined Iraq, but opened the door for so much more terrorism… never before was there such a rise in radical islam….most were pious but moderates….unfortunatley, again the US/ISRAEL doesnt care about the chaos it provokes, only their own agendas and interests.

      6. Sandman, I know, it really is so sad that so many civilians paid the price for what??

        I love the Matt Damon movie, I beleive it was called green zone…based on a true story… shows exactly why they went in there and not only ruined Iraq, but opened the door for so much more terrorism… never before was there such a rise in radical islam….most were pious but moderates….unfortunatley, again the US/ISRAEL doesnt care about the chaos it provokes, only their own agendas and interests.

    5. Peter, you are absolutley right.

      the politics in Lebanon have turned into a religion/sectarian war….

      as a christian, I was APPALLED when I heard some of the Geagea followers say, in front of everyone, “I dont want my kids to go with muslims to school” and these guys were people that had high rankings in the lebanese forces.

      and vice versa from muslims.

      it is sad when they dont realize that Israel and the US dont give a crap about lebanon or the christians in lebanon or the sunnis in lebanon.

      Their goal is to ensure that Israel accomplishes its goals without any resistance in the middle east. PERIOD.

  19. Personally I never said I liked Egypt or Jordan.

    2nd, AMERICA themselves have Criticised Israel for doing things that work contrary to Peace with the Palestinians, just like the Settlements.

    Even when Joe Biden was in Israel, they couldnt stop but tell the world they are going to build settlements in East Jerusalem.

    What did the Americans do? Any Sanctions or cutting off ties?


    They Criticise Israel in one hand for working against Peace, and in the other hand give Israel the very weapons to carry out the same actions they are criticising them for!

    Please tell me too ya Ali, what exactly about my remarks don’t you like? Did I say ANY lies in my remarks? Because i’m not one to lie.

    But if YOU hate Hassan Nasrallah and his followers, please tell me, is it really because of his actions/personality/history or is it a religious thing?

    I saw with my own eyes some Sunnis saying they wanna fight Hizballah, purely because of the fact that they hate Shiias. And Christians who wanna fight muslims because they dont want Lebanon to be for anyone but Christian.

    I want you guys to open your eyes and realise that this is NOT the way of God – AND it truly pushes other people away from following religion when they see this type of talk and behaviour.

    I wish Lebanon to be for ALL religions because that is what the world loves the most about Lebanon.

  20. Personally I never said I liked Egypt or Jordan.

    2nd, AMERICA themselves have Criticised Israel for doing things that work contrary to Peace with the Palestinians, just like the Settlements.

    Even when Joe Biden was in Israel, they couldnt stop but tell the world they are going to build settlements in East Jerusalem.

    What did the Americans do? Any Sanctions or cutting off ties?


    They Criticise Israel in one hand for working against Peace, and in the other hand give Israel the very weapons to carry out the same actions they are criticising them for!

    Please tell me too ya Ali, what exactly about my remarks don’t you like? Did I say ANY lies in my remarks? Because i’m not one to lie.

    But if YOU hate Hassan Nasrallah and his followers, please tell me, is it really because of his actions/personality/history or is it a religious thing?

    I saw with my own eyes some Sunnis saying they wanna fight Hizballah, purely because of the fact that they hate Shiias. And Christians who wanna fight muslims because they dont want Lebanon to be for anyone but Christian.

    I want you guys to open your eyes and realise that this is NOT the way of God – AND it truly pushes other people away from following religion when they see this type of talk and behaviour.

    I wish Lebanon to be for ALL religions because that is what the world loves the most about Lebanon.

  21. George Haddad N.J. Avatar
    George Haddad N.J.

    Sandman as far as your comments on G. Bush that he sold us on the idea that going into iraq to spread democracy. Frankly i never believed him and even though i didn’t like Saddam but it was a bad idea to enter Iraq for frankly it could been used against Iran and even fight al Qaada. So what’s done is done but to me history will tell us if Iraq is going to become somewhat demoratic or is it going to divide. The latter what many people are fearing and no matter what Saddam was still better than having al Qaada there. to Me it was like the israeli lobby got into his camp and steered it in the wrong way.

    1. Sandman Avatar

      George, I completely agree with you.

    2. Sandman Avatar

      George, I completely agree with you.

    3. Sandman Avatar

      George, I completely agree with you.

    4. George we agree for once 🙂

    5. George we agree for once 🙂

    6. George we agree for once 🙂

  22. George Haddad N.J. Avatar
    George Haddad N.J.

    Sandman as far as your comments on G. Bush that he sold us on the idea that going into iraq to spread democracy. Frankly i never believed him and even though i didn’t like Saddam but it was a bad idea to enter Iraq for frankly it could been used against Iran and even fight al Qaada. So what’s done is done but to me history will tell us if Iraq is going to become somewhat demoratic or is it going to divide. The latter what many people are fearing and no matter what Saddam was still better than having al Qaada there. to Me it was like the israeli lobby got into his camp and steered it in the wrong way.

  23. George Haddad N.J. Avatar
    George Haddad N.J.

    Sandman as far as your comments on G. Bush that he sold us on the idea that going into iraq to spread democracy. Frankly i never believed him and even though i didn’t like Saddam but it was a bad idea to enter Iraq for frankly it could been used against Iran and even fight al Qaada. So what’s done is done but to me history will tell us if Iraq is going to become somewhat demoratic or is it going to divide. The latter what many people are fearing and no matter what Saddam was still better than having al Qaada there. to Me it was like the israeli lobby got into his camp and steered it in the wrong way.

  24. Is it a surprise ? A week evidence for a stupid suspicion brought by a dumb tribunal.

    Feedback : Will UNIFIL get out ? They did nothing while justifying their presence to forbid frontier violation.

  25. Is it a surprise ? A week evidence for a stupid suspicion brought by a dumb tribunal.

    Feedback : Will UNIFIL get out ? They did nothing while justifying their presence to forbid frontier violation.

  26. Is it a surprise ? A week evidence for a stupid suspicion brought by a dumb tribunal.

    Feedback : Will UNIFIL get out ? They did nothing while justifying their presence to forbid frontier violation.

  27. tarie al fanarie Avatar
    tarie al fanarie

    Cathy I agree with you that Shiites suffered a lot or i shall say most southern lebanon suffered. But during the civil war everyone suffered. Christians got slaughtered and same with muslims. But let me put it this way, Israel had no quarrels with Shiites in the south. Imam Moussa al Sadr did not fight them when plo were shelling israel. The marines when entered lebanon during the early 80’s did not have problems with the Shiites in Southern Beirut. I remember a US marine jumped over the top of israeli tank and ordered the israeli crew to stop advancing. The shiites hailed him as the hero and they were happy with the americans. Then Khomeini was in power then and he somehow changed and turned the shiites against the Marines. The marines did not attack shiites and Marines were there to protect everyone even though they supported the gov’t then. But also Khomeini turned the Shiites against israel. Not that were friendly with them. But in the old days many shiites and christians worked in israel. They would drive over to the border and work and comeback peacefully to Lebanon. Until PLO changed that and same with Khomeini. So i am not execusing the israelis and i have gone to Khiam prison and saw it on the inside. I was disgusted what i heard what the israelis did. The fact is if you want to forget the attrocities of the syrians against lebanon but not the israelis against lebanon, then that seems to be double standard. I do not favor neither country and i have lots of respect and love for my shiites brothers and sisters. All i am saying the hezbollah goals are not lebanese and they’re purely iranians. If geagea was to implement israeli goals in order to have the christians let’s say stay in power. I would totally reject him and even reject having christians controlling everything. I would love to have shared powers and even presidency and PM and all around. No need for specific sect to control one position or another. It should be based on merits and qualifications. Sorry to divert here but all i can say in the beginning there were no quarrels between shiites and israel. Also 60% of Lahd army were shiites. There were lots of shiites fighting with the LF. I am not 10 thousands of course but there were shiites fighting with the phalangists and even some involved with the killing with LF in sabra and shatilla. Lebanon with regrets accepted palestinians to settle in lebanon and i heard those in charge got paid for it. But in Lebanon we should have govt and people rejected them and forced israel to keep them there. But since we accepted them, we also allowed them to declare war on israel. I am not siding still with israel, but how can israel defend itself if arafat keep sending his fighters and shoot over the borders? or send trained martyrs? so israel had enough and it decided to occupy part of the south to lesson the effect of the bombing of their cities. Again i am not defending israel and never will. But one has to be objective and logical. Its our fault to accept palestinians in our country. Not only the fought israel from our land they turned their guns on us too. In the beginning there no problems between southernrs and israelis check your history. It was the PLO and iran who changed the course of peace to war. Look at the people who live in the disputed farms. they’re begging the israelis not to hand the farms over to lebanon and keep it under israeli control. And here we are fighting over farms that truly do not belong to us and only syria and these people do not want to be part of lebanon. Now answer me my question why is hezbollah is fighting for these farms? If you read the history and geography of Lebanon these farms were never ever part of lebanon. Syria is extending the war by verbally saying these are lebanese. when lebanon asks them to show documents and signed over these farms to us. Its falling on deaf ears? ask any historians in lebanon and they agree with me these farms are not lebanese period. so why fight for them? you want to fight then you going to suffer? if israel do not wish to settle palestinians in their rightfull land then israel is going to keep suffering for life..

    1. Chuck Lanka Avatar
      Chuck Lanka

      Thumbs up Tarie. Well said

    2. Chuck Lanka Avatar
      Chuck Lanka

      Thumbs up Tarie. Well said

  28. tarie al fanarie Avatar
    tarie al fanarie

    Cathy I agree with you that Shiites suffered a lot or i shall say most southern lebanon suffered. But during the civil war everyone suffered. Christians got slaughtered and same with muslims. But let me put it this way, Israel had no quarrels with Shiites in the south. Imam Moussa al Sadr did not fight them when plo were shelling israel. The marines when entered lebanon during the early 80’s did not have problems with the Shiites in Southern Beirut. I remember a US marine jumped over the top of israeli tank and ordered the israeli crew to stop advancing. The shiites hailed him as the hero and they were happy with the americans. Then Khomeini was in power then and he somehow changed and turned the shiites against the Marines. The marines did not attack shiites and Marines were there to protect everyone even though they supported the gov’t then. But also Khomeini turned the Shiites against israel. Not that were friendly with them. But in the old days many shiites and christians worked in israel. They would drive over to the border and work and comeback peacefully to Lebanon. Until PLO changed that and same with Khomeini. So i am not execusing the israelis and i have gone to Khiam prison and saw it on the inside. I was disgusted what i heard what the israelis did. The fact is if you want to forget the attrocities of the syrians against lebanon but not the israelis against lebanon, then that seems to be double standard. I do not favor neither country and i have lots of respect and love for my shiites brothers and sisters. All i am saying the hezbollah goals are not lebanese and they’re purely iranians. If geagea was to implement israeli goals in order to have the christians let’s say stay in power. I would totally reject him and even reject having christians controlling everything. I would love to have shared powers and even presidency and PM and all around. No need for specific sect to control one position or another. It should be based on merits and qualifications. Sorry to divert here but all i can say in the beginning there were no quarrels between shiites and israel. Also 60% of Lahd army were shiites. There were lots of shiites fighting with the LF. I am not 10 thousands of course but there were shiites fighting with the phalangists and even some involved with the killing with LF in sabra and shatilla. Lebanon with regrets accepted palestinians to settle in lebanon and i heard those in charge got paid for it. But in Lebanon we should have govt and people rejected them and forced israel to keep them there. But since we accepted them, we also allowed them to declare war on israel. I am not siding still with israel, but how can israel defend itself if arafat keep sending his fighters and shoot over the borders? or send trained martyrs? so israel had enough and it decided to occupy part of the south to lesson the effect of the bombing of their cities. Again i am not defending israel and never will. But one has to be objective and logical. Its our fault to accept palestinians in our country. Not only the fought israel from our land they turned their guns on us too. In the beginning there no problems between southernrs and israelis check your history. It was the PLO and iran who changed the course of peace to war. Look at the people who live in the disputed farms. they’re begging the israelis not to hand the farms over to lebanon and keep it under israeli control. And here we are fighting over farms that truly do not belong to us and only syria and these people do not want to be part of lebanon. Now answer me my question why is hezbollah is fighting for these farms? If you read the history and geography of Lebanon these farms were never ever part of lebanon. Syria is extending the war by verbally saying these are lebanese. when lebanon asks them to show documents and signed over these farms to us. Its falling on deaf ears? ask any historians in lebanon and they agree with me these farms are not lebanese period. so why fight for them? you want to fight then you going to suffer? if israel do not wish to settle palestinians in their rightfull land then israel is going to keep suffering for life..

  29. tarie al fanarie Avatar
    tarie al fanarie

    Cathy I agree with you that Shiites suffered a lot or i shall say most southern lebanon suffered. But during the civil war everyone suffered. Christians got slaughtered and same with muslims. But let me put it this way, Israel had no quarrels with Shiites in the south. Imam Moussa al Sadr did not fight them when plo were shelling israel. The marines when entered lebanon during the early 80’s did not have problems with the Shiites in Southern Beirut. I remember a US marine jumped over the top of israeli tank and ordered the israeli crew to stop advancing. The shiites hailed him as the hero and they were happy with the americans. Then Khomeini was in power then and he somehow changed and turned the shiites against the Marines. The marines did not attack shiites and Marines were there to protect everyone even though they supported the gov’t then. But also Khomeini turned the Shiites against israel. Not that were friendly with them. But in the old days many shiites and christians worked in israel. They would drive over to the border and work and comeback peacefully to Lebanon. Until PLO changed that and same with Khomeini. So i am not execusing the israelis and i have gone to Khiam prison and saw it on the inside. I was disgusted what i heard what the israelis did. The fact is if you want to forget the attrocities of the syrians against lebanon but not the israelis against lebanon, then that seems to be double standard. I do not favor neither country and i have lots of respect and love for my shiites brothers and sisters. All i am saying the hezbollah goals are not lebanese and they’re purely iranians. If geagea was to implement israeli goals in order to have the christians let’s say stay in power. I would totally reject him and even reject having christians controlling everything. I would love to have shared powers and even presidency and PM and all around. No need for specific sect to control one position or another. It should be based on merits and qualifications. Sorry to divert here but all i can say in the beginning there were no quarrels between shiites and israel. Also 60% of Lahd army were shiites. There were lots of shiites fighting with the LF. I am not 10 thousands of course but there were shiites fighting with the phalangists and even some involved with the killing with LF in sabra and shatilla. Lebanon with regrets accepted palestinians to settle in lebanon and i heard those in charge got paid for it. But in Lebanon we should have govt and people rejected them and forced israel to keep them there. But since we accepted them, we also allowed them to declare war on israel. I am not siding still with israel, but how can israel defend itself if arafat keep sending his fighters and shoot over the borders? or send trained martyrs? so israel had enough and it decided to occupy part of the south to lesson the effect of the bombing of their cities. Again i am not defending israel and never will. But one has to be objective and logical. Its our fault to accept palestinians in our country. Not only the fought israel from our land they turned their guns on us too. In the beginning there no problems between southernrs and israelis check your history. It was the PLO and iran who changed the course of peace to war. Look at the people who live in the disputed farms. they’re begging the israelis not to hand the farms over to lebanon and keep it under israeli control. And here we are fighting over farms that truly do not belong to us and only syria and these people do not want to be part of lebanon. Now answer me my question why is hezbollah is fighting for these farms? If you read the history and geography of Lebanon these farms were never ever part of lebanon. Syria is extending the war by verbally saying these are lebanese. when lebanon asks them to show documents and signed over these farms to us. Its falling on deaf ears? ask any historians in lebanon and they agree with me these farms are not lebanese period. so why fight for them? you want to fight then you going to suffer? if israel do not wish to settle palestinians in their rightfull land then israel is going to keep suffering for life..

  30. tarie al fanarie Avatar
    tarie al fanarie

    My applogy for the long post Cathy!

    1. No prob. Tarie 🙂

      I agree with a lot of what you said. I actually said the same in my other posts, that the shiaa welcomed israel to get rid of the PLO at the beginning but it was after realizing that Israel had deepened its invasion even after arafat was out, that HA was created.

      when you say that I wanna forget about the syrian crimes but not the israelis, no not at all, I think I was really misunderstood.

      what I was saying is that as of now, lebanon now, as far as I know, and I might be wrong, is not living under the same fear of Syria as it was 10 years ago or more….

      but Israel still poses present threat.

      anyway, we are just gonna agree to disagree 🙂

      1. tarie al fanarie Avatar
        tarie al fanarie

        No believe or not i agree with you totally on the israelis threat and no one can deny and ignore it. After all we might be fighting for the same thing. But we also have internal threats. This threat is not just political its gotten deadly long time ago and its not willing to allow democracy or co-existance if they don’t have it their way. Its like saying Some Part of the US Admin. do not want us to fight israel with the weapons provided to the LAF. Then its no different also from Iran telling Lebanon fight the israelis and we can support you all you like. Its like Syria said long time ago, you want me to give you peace then i take over and control the country and the economy. Do you know for 30 yrs the profits from casino du liban went to the syrians? the airport? the tariffs? I remeber seeing one guy who had veggies in his truck. He was stopped by Syrian soldiers and they told him they want some of his veggtables. He told them this is my livelyhood and i can’t simply hand it to you. Well this guy was beating so badly and no one dared to do or say anything to them. So the truth is everyone and especially from outside want to control us. Until we remove the inside threat then i am not going to help you fight the outside threat. Hope you dig what i am saying.

      2. tarie al fanarie Avatar
        tarie al fanarie

        No believe or not i agree with you totally on the israelis threat and no one can deny and ignore it. After all we might be fighting for the same thing. But we also have internal threats. This threat is not just political its gotten deadly long time ago and its not willing to allow democracy or co-existance if they don’t have it their way. Its like saying Some Part of the US Admin. do not want us to fight israel with the weapons provided to the LAF. Then its no different also from Iran telling Lebanon fight the israelis and we can support you all you like. Its like Syria said long time ago, you want me to give you peace then i take over and control the country and the economy. Do you know for 30 yrs the profits from casino du liban went to the syrians? the airport? the tariffs? I remeber seeing one guy who had veggies in his truck. He was stopped by Syrian soldiers and they told him they want some of his veggtables. He told them this is my livelyhood and i can’t simply hand it to you. Well this guy was beating so badly and no one dared to do or say anything to them. So the truth is everyone and especially from outside want to control us. Until we remove the inside threat then i am not going to help you fight the outside threat. Hope you dig what i am saying.

      3. tarie al fanarie Avatar
        tarie al fanarie

        No believe or not i agree with you totally on the israelis threat and no one can deny and ignore it. After all we might be fighting for the same thing. But we also have internal threats. This threat is not just political its gotten deadly long time ago and its not willing to allow democracy or co-existance if they don’t have it their way. Its like saying Some Part of the US Admin. do not want us to fight israel with the weapons provided to the LAF. Then its no different also from Iran telling Lebanon fight the israelis and we can support you all you like. Its like Syria said long time ago, you want me to give you peace then i take over and control the country and the economy. Do you know for 30 yrs the profits from casino du liban went to the syrians? the airport? the tariffs? I remeber seeing one guy who had veggies in his truck. He was stopped by Syrian soldiers and they told him they want some of his veggtables. He told them this is my livelyhood and i can’t simply hand it to you. Well this guy was beating so badly and no one dared to do or say anything to them. So the truth is everyone and especially from outside want to control us. Until we remove the inside threat then i am not going to help you fight the outside threat. Hope you dig what i am saying.

    2. No prob. Tarie 🙂

      I agree with a lot of what you said. I actually said the same in my other posts, that the shiaa welcomed israel to get rid of the PLO at the beginning but it was after realizing that Israel had deepened its invasion even after arafat was out, that HA was created.

      when you say that I wanna forget about the syrian crimes but not the israelis, no not at all, I think I was really misunderstood.

      what I was saying is that as of now, lebanon now, as far as I know, and I might be wrong, is not living under the same fear of Syria as it was 10 years ago or more….

      but Israel still poses present threat.

      anyway, we are just gonna agree to disagree 🙂

    3. No prob. Tarie 🙂

      I agree with a lot of what you said. I actually said the same in my other posts, that the shiaa welcomed israel to get rid of the PLO at the beginning but it was after realizing that Israel had deepened its invasion even after arafat was out, that HA was created.

      when you say that I wanna forget about the syrian crimes but not the israelis, no not at all, I think I was really misunderstood.

      what I was saying is that as of now, lebanon now, as far as I know, and I might be wrong, is not living under the same fear of Syria as it was 10 years ago or more….

      but Israel still poses present threat.

      anyway, we are just gonna agree to disagree 🙂

  31. tarie al fanarie Avatar
    tarie al fanarie

    My applogy for the long post Cathy!

  32. tarie al fanarie Avatar
    tarie al fanarie

    My applogy for the long post Cathy!

  33. moustapha Avatar

    peter, youssef, cathy:

    The muslims of Lebanon are not perfect and have their faults, and the Christians of Lebanon have their faults also. But I like how it turns out that every sect has become secterian and the Shiaa are victim of it. This is false and unfair. The Shiaa were secluded in the south due to the order of the leading entity in our government “Syria.” not the Lebanese. Yes the Shiaa have suffered but that doesnt mean all the other sects havent. And when we all dropped our weapons the Shiaa were allowed to keep theres for the Syrian agenda or should i say regional powers agenda.

    Look at Al-Manar do you see any lebanese who are not Shiaa working for it? (seems secterian to me)

    My Shiaa friends would enter a mosque to pray, or at school we would gather to pray, or even if i am with my shiaa friend they take a few steps away to pray by themselves and refuse to pray side by side with me or any muslim who is not shiaa. They never respond to my question why and brush the question off(This one thing really baffled me.. seems secterian to me)

    When the 2006 war took place all the Shiaa of the south came to Saida, Beirut, etc.. The people of those cities and not to mention the hariri foundation sheltered,fed, and provided all there needs. They contributed the halls and school facilities at the Rafik Harriri High School. They would take the plates they ate from that had rafik hariri foundation on them and step on it. All the pictures of rafik hariri were taken down and they put up Hassan Nassrallah’s pics up. Not to mention the state that school was left in. (seems secterian to me)

    Most(not all) my younger sister’s friends who are shiaa in her school Hate something by the name Hariri yet they attend his school… go figure.. they openly kuss him out in school. Mish manti2. There are 10 different schools in Saida no need to go the RHHS. But then again Hariri was the one who renovated every freakin school in town.. i guess they figured it would be the same.

    Last i remember the 96 people who died in May 2008 events were not Shiaa but commoners from beirut. And last I remember the only party that is constantly blackmailling the whole country with.. if this or this happens we will create another May 07 2008 event. (seems secterian to me)

    Last I remember Dahieh, Baalbek and most Shiaa places are where security forces need permission to enter. (seems secterian to me)

    Also last i remember the Shiaa of the south were the ones who camped for 2 years on the door steps of the Beirutieh and intimidating,provoking,harrasing them and trashing the whole downtown area. Taking our economy even further back then it is and making the common beiruteh person (who is not shi3e) life hell. Dont remember anyother sect doing that in their area(seems secterian to me)

    The Hashish of our country are controled and managed by whom? The mafia’s of the Bekaa are from what sect? And what did it take to be able to have “some” crack downs on them? wasnt it Nassrallah’s consent?

    Which sect can shoot an army officer and have the person who killed the army officer get away with it by just saying it was a mistake get over it or bare the wrath of our guns.

    I can go on and on and on.. But the point is before you point your fingers on the muslims and christians of Lebanon mis-treating the Shiaa and just blindly hating the Shiaa please get the facts straight and look at the Shiaa’s actions towards their fellow brethren in Lebanon and make a fair judgment.

    The Shiaa of Lebanon are essentially LEBANESE and they have no place to go but to be among us and to full fill their role of what lebanon is, because Lebanon is not complete without them. But up until now they are the ones who are mostly not fullfilling their roles of completing Lebanon due to them being the MOST secterian and forcing everyother sect around them to buildup the same sentiments towards them.


    1. Moustapha,

      you are right, I never claimed that there is not sectarianism within the shiaas. I said ALL of lebanon has become divided on sects, including HA.

      what I was saying is that the shiaas were the primary victims of israel, meaning that if they fear Israel more than anyone else in lebanon, its understanble. Thats all I was saying.

    2. Moustapha,

      you are right, I never claimed that there is not sectarianism within the shiaas. I said ALL of lebanon has become divided on sects, including HA.

      what I was saying is that the shiaas were the primary victims of israel, meaning that if they fear Israel more than anyone else in lebanon, its understanble. Thats all I was saying.

  34. moustapha Avatar

    peter, youssef, cathy:

    The muslims of Lebanon are not perfect and have their faults, and the Christians of Lebanon have their faults also. But I like how it turns out that every sect has become secterian and the Shiaa are victim of it. This is false and unfair. The Shiaa were secluded in the south due to the order of the leading entity in our government “Syria.” not the Lebanese. Yes the Shiaa have suffered but that doesnt mean all the other sects havent. And when we all dropped our weapons the Shiaa were allowed to keep theres for the Syrian agenda or should i say regional powers agenda.

    Look at Al-Manar do you see any lebanese who are not Shiaa working for it? (seems secterian to me)

    My Shiaa friends would enter a mosque to pray, or at school we would gather to pray, or even if i am with my shiaa friend they take a few steps away to pray by themselves and refuse to pray side by side with me or any muslim who is not shiaa. They never respond to my question why and brush the question off(This one thing really baffled me.. seems secterian to me)

    When the 2006 war took place all the Shiaa of the south came to Saida, Beirut, etc.. The people of those cities and not to mention the hariri foundation sheltered,fed, and provided all there needs. They contributed the halls and school facilities at the Rafik Harriri High School. They would take the plates they ate from that had rafik hariri foundation on them and step on it. All the pictures of rafik hariri were taken down and they put up Hassan Nassrallah’s pics up. Not to mention the state that school was left in. (seems secterian to me)

    Most(not all) my younger sister’s friends who are shiaa in her school Hate something by the name Hariri yet they attend his school… go figure.. they openly kuss him out in school. Mish manti2. There are 10 different schools in Saida no need to go the RHHS. But then again Hariri was the one who renovated every freakin school in town.. i guess they figured it would be the same.

    Last i remember the 96 people who died in May 2008 events were not Shiaa but commoners from beirut. And last I remember the only party that is constantly blackmailling the whole country with.. if this or this happens we will create another May 07 2008 event. (seems secterian to me)

    Last I remember Dahieh, Baalbek and most Shiaa places are where security forces need permission to enter. (seems secterian to me)

    Also last i remember the Shiaa of the south were the ones who camped for 2 years on the door steps of the Beirutieh and intimidating,provoking,harrasing them and trashing the whole downtown area. Taking our economy even further back then it is and making the common beiruteh person (who is not shi3e) life hell. Dont remember anyother sect doing that in their area(seems secterian to me)

    The Hashish of our country are controled and managed by whom? The mafia’s of the Bekaa are from what sect? And what did it take to be able to have “some” crack downs on them? wasnt it Nassrallah’s consent?

    Which sect can shoot an army officer and have the person who killed the army officer get away with it by just saying it was a mistake get over it or bare the wrath of our guns.

    I can go on and on and on.. But the point is before you point your fingers on the muslims and christians of Lebanon mis-treating the Shiaa and just blindly hating the Shiaa please get the facts straight and look at the Shiaa’s actions towards their fellow brethren in Lebanon and make a fair judgment.

    The Shiaa of Lebanon are essentially LEBANESE and they have no place to go but to be among us and to full fill their role of what lebanon is, because Lebanon is not complete without them. But up until now they are the ones who are mostly not fullfilling their roles of completing Lebanon due to them being the MOST secterian and forcing everyother sect around them to buildup the same sentiments towards them.


  35. moustapha Avatar

    peter, youssef, cathy:

    The muslims of Lebanon are not perfect and have their faults, and the Christians of Lebanon have their faults also. But I like how it turns out that every sect has become secterian and the Shiaa are victim of it. This is false and unfair. The Shiaa were secluded in the south due to the order of the leading entity in our government “Syria.” not the Lebanese. Yes the Shiaa have suffered but that doesnt mean all the other sects havent. And when we all dropped our weapons the Shiaa were allowed to keep theres for the Syrian agenda or should i say regional powers agenda.

    Look at Al-Manar do you see any lebanese who are not Shiaa working for it? (seems secterian to me)

    My Shiaa friends would enter a mosque to pray, or at school we would gather to pray, or even if i am with my shiaa friend they take a few steps away to pray by themselves and refuse to pray side by side with me or any muslim who is not shiaa. They never respond to my question why and brush the question off(This one thing really baffled me.. seems secterian to me)

    When the 2006 war took place all the Shiaa of the south came to Saida, Beirut, etc.. The people of those cities and not to mention the hariri foundation sheltered,fed, and provided all there needs. They contributed the halls and school facilities at the Rafik Harriri High School. They would take the plates they ate from that had rafik hariri foundation on them and step on it. All the pictures of rafik hariri were taken down and they put up Hassan Nassrallah’s pics up. Not to mention the state that school was left in. (seems secterian to me)

    Most(not all) my younger sister’s friends who are shiaa in her school Hate something by the name Hariri yet they attend his school… go figure.. they openly kuss him out in school. Mish manti2. There are 10 different schools in Saida no need to go the RHHS. But then again Hariri was the one who renovated every freakin school in town.. i guess they figured it would be the same.

    Last i remember the 96 people who died in May 2008 events were not Shiaa but commoners from beirut. And last I remember the only party that is constantly blackmailling the whole country with.. if this or this happens we will create another May 07 2008 event. (seems secterian to me)

    Last I remember Dahieh, Baalbek and most Shiaa places are where security forces need permission to enter. (seems secterian to me)

    Also last i remember the Shiaa of the south were the ones who camped for 2 years on the door steps of the Beirutieh and intimidating,provoking,harrasing them and trashing the whole downtown area. Taking our economy even further back then it is and making the common beiruteh person (who is not shi3e) life hell. Dont remember anyother sect doing that in their area(seems secterian to me)

    The Hashish of our country are controled and managed by whom? The mafia’s of the Bekaa are from what sect? And what did it take to be able to have “some” crack downs on them? wasnt it Nassrallah’s consent?

    Which sect can shoot an army officer and have the person who killed the army officer get away with it by just saying it was a mistake get over it or bare the wrath of our guns.

    I can go on and on and on.. But the point is before you point your fingers on the muslims and christians of Lebanon mis-treating the Shiaa and just blindly hating the Shiaa please get the facts straight and look at the Shiaa’s actions towards their fellow brethren in Lebanon and make a fair judgment.

    The Shiaa of Lebanon are essentially LEBANESE and they have no place to go but to be among us and to full fill their role of what lebanon is, because Lebanon is not complete without them. But up until now they are the ones who are mostly not fullfilling their roles of completing Lebanon due to them being the MOST secterian and forcing everyother sect around them to buildup the same sentiments towards them.


  36. I know Tarie and these stories are atrocious, thats why I think we are all happy that at least Syria is out of Lebanon, even if they still meddle in politics which everyone around us does….

    and I agree, eventually, HA will have to disarm and agree on democracy and co-existence.

    My only issue is the timing, thats all.

  37. I know Tarie and these stories are atrocious, thats why I think we are all happy that at least Syria is out of Lebanon, even if they still meddle in politics which everyone around us does….

    and I agree, eventually, HA will have to disarm and agree on democracy and co-existence.

    My only issue is the timing, thats all.

  38. I know Tarie and these stories are atrocious, thats why I think we are all happy that at least Syria is out of Lebanon, even if they still meddle in politics which everyone around us does….

    and I agree, eventually, HA will have to disarm and agree on democracy and co-existence.

    My only issue is the timing, thats all.

  39. tribunal should be for G.W. bush and Tony Blair first, then I can believe other tribnunals. Especially one that went one way (syria) with confidence and authority, then makes 180 degree turn. Now they want to accept HA’s evidence. What a joke.

    Maybe they are just happy they are getting paid and would not mind it going on forever.

  40. AF Free Lebanon.

    A Brave Lebanon who stands up and fihts oppression whether from within or from without!

    FREE LEBANON of Syriana and Iranian Occupation .

    Nasrallah should be the Iranian Ambassador to Lebanon

  41. american Avatar

    we americans need to wake up and stop funding the terrorist state that is Israel!

    God Bless this man that is telling the truth!

    1. american we should bombard america with you tubes that state just this specific point. california is bankrupt that its resorting to selling drugs to pay its debt off and the federal government is sending money in the billions to israel.

      wake up america. your country is sinking while you’re being lied to that israel is your ally.

      no ally will kill JFK and re-write the US foreign policy to favor one country.

      enough is enough.

      why doesnt the federal governemt step in and give california the billions in funds it deserves than helping a foreign country that has embarrased all the american presidents, vice presidents, envoys and the american people.

      how arrogant israel.

      turn the tap off already.

      1. American Avatar

        Tony, you’re right but it seems your country men don’t understand that.

        I have majored in political science but have become fascinated with middle east politics.

        I have to say, when I hear people like Peter, Cathy and yourself’s argument, you all sound like you know what you’re talking about.

        The only counter reply you get is that you guys are syrian spies, or that you are brainwashed by Hezbollah’s leader.

        I think it’s the other way around.

      2. American Avatar

        Tony, you’re right but it seems your country men don’t understand that.

        I have majored in political science but have become fascinated with middle east politics.

        I have to say, when I hear people like Peter, Cathy and yourself’s argument, you all sound like you know what you’re talking about.

        The only counter reply you get is that you guys are syrian spies, or that you are brainwashed by Hezbollah’s leader.

        I think it’s the other way around.

      3. American Avatar

        Tony, you’re right but it seems your country men don’t understand that.

        I have majored in political science but have become fascinated with middle east politics.

        I have to say, when I hear people like Peter, Cathy and yourself’s argument, you all sound like you know what you’re talking about.

        The only counter reply you get is that you guys are syrian spies, or that you are brainwashed by Hezbollah’s leader.

        I think it’s the other way around.

    2. american we should bombard america with you tubes that state just this specific point. california is bankrupt that its resorting to selling drugs to pay its debt off and the federal government is sending money in the billions to israel.

      wake up america. your country is sinking while you’re being lied to that israel is your ally.

      no ally will kill JFK and re-write the US foreign policy to favor one country.

      enough is enough.

      why doesnt the federal governemt step in and give california the billions in funds it deserves than helping a foreign country that has embarrased all the american presidents, vice presidents, envoys and the american people.

      how arrogant israel.

      turn the tap off already.

    3. american we should bombard america with you tubes that state just this specific point. california is bankrupt that its resorting to selling drugs to pay its debt off and the federal government is sending money in the billions to israel.

      wake up america. your country is sinking while you’re being lied to that israel is your ally.

      no ally will kill JFK and re-write the US foreign policy to favor one country.

      enough is enough.

      why doesnt the federal governemt step in and give california the billions in funds it deserves than helping a foreign country that has embarrased all the american presidents, vice presidents, envoys and the american people.

      how arrogant israel.

      turn the tap off already.

    4. Walid Khouri Avatar
      Walid Khouri

      I am a trained linguist and beyond certainty of doubt the person claiming to be “American” is not a native (i.e. he or she was not born in the U.S.). So Mr. American, would you like to enlighten us and let us know where are you from REALLY?

      1. tayyib okay walid dont get jealous. american forgot to mention you habeebi. 🙂 🙂

        i love you brother walid.

      2. tayyib okay walid dont get jealous. american forgot to mention you habeebi. 🙂 🙂

        i love you brother walid.

      3. Walid Khouri Avatar
        Walid Khouri

        lol 😀

      4. Walid Khouri Avatar
        Walid Khouri

        lol 😀

      5. Walid Khouri Avatar
        Walid Khouri

        lol 😀

    5. Walid Khouri Avatar
      Walid Khouri

      I am a trained linguist and beyond certainty of doubt the person claiming to be “American” is not a native (i.e. he or she was not born in the U.S.). So Mr. American, would you like to enlighten us and let us know where are you from REALLY?

    6. Walid Khouri Avatar
      Walid Khouri

      I am a trained linguist and beyond certainty of doubt the person claiming to be “American” is not a native (i.e. he or she was not born in the U.S.). So Mr. American, would you like to enlighten us and let us know where are you from REALLY?

  42. american Avatar

    we americans need to wake up and stop funding the terrorist state that is Israel!

    God Bless this man that is telling the truth!

  43. american Avatar

    we americans need to wake up and stop funding the terrorist state that is Israel!

    God Bless this man that is telling the truth!

  44. prophet Avatar

    Is seems to me that the sectarian issue is important to most posters . I suggest that everyone of you fine people get together and start some kind of movement to promote the idea of democracy for all. No sectarian constitution, No sectarian quota. All citizens are equal, and have same duties, responsibilities and rights. I bet you won’t find many supporters on the ground. We all sit and criticize the “other” sect and accuse them of being sectarian, yet no one admits that He Or She is sectarian. We’re all perfect , but it’s always the “other” one or sect that is wrong. For God’s sake they couldn’t even pass an optional bill that allows civilian marriage. Who were the first to oppose it? “The Guardians of the faiths”. Everyone is trying to change the world, yet no one is willing to change himselfor Herself. Hypocrisy rules in Lebanon, if not in the whole world.

  45. well american all we can do my brother is keep walking down the middle of this field filled with mines and the truth will eventually reveal itself.

    all these years that israel has lied to the american people, never in a illion years did they think that the internet will become a beacon of light. israel now and all its agents are bombarding the web to keep bombarding it with their lies to keep the american people subdued.

    i’m really surprised how many arabs havent even read the jewish protocols of the higher elders of zion which outlined their whole vision of controlling the media to presidents issuing statements re fighting for the word “FREEDOM” which people will sign up to blindly without even knowing that they will be ready to give up their freedom in order to fight it such as in the case 911 where people were willing have chips implanted in them or carrying ID cards at all times. if thts not new world order i dunno what is.

    the lebanese are not immune to this fear tactic strategy by their leaders who are always chanting their race’s extinctiion if they dont remain strong which makes the people of that race rally behind these leaders.

    little do all these people know that the leaders are only worried about their own dynasties ending cos under the ottoman empire, christians, muslims and jews actually enjoyed living in harmony so their arguments are invalid.

    this is why i know for a fact that for 1) we cant get rid of these families and 2) we’re not in charge.

    we do have one power and that is not signing up to their paries nor voting.

    if ALL the lebanese dont vote, it will send a huge message to these paries that the lebanese are for lebanon and for some human beings who are squibbling over money.

    anyway, so our arguments continue.

  46. well american all we can do my brother is keep walking down the middle of this field filled with mines and the truth will eventually reveal itself.

    all these years that israel has lied to the american people, never in a illion years did they think that the internet will become a beacon of light. israel now and all its agents are bombarding the web to keep bombarding it with their lies to keep the american people subdued.

    i’m really surprised how many arabs havent even read the jewish protocols of the higher elders of zion which outlined their whole vision of controlling the media to presidents issuing statements re fighting for the word “FREEDOM” which people will sign up to blindly without even knowing that they will be ready to give up their freedom in order to fight it such as in the case 911 where people were willing have chips implanted in them or carrying ID cards at all times. if thts not new world order i dunno what is.

    the lebanese are not immune to this fear tactic strategy by their leaders who are always chanting their race’s extinctiion if they dont remain strong which makes the people of that race rally behind these leaders.

    little do all these people know that the leaders are only worried about their own dynasties ending cos under the ottoman empire, christians, muslims and jews actually enjoyed living in harmony so their arguments are invalid.

    this is why i know for a fact that for 1) we cant get rid of these families and 2) we’re not in charge.

    we do have one power and that is not signing up to their paries nor voting.

    if ALL the lebanese dont vote, it will send a huge message to these paries that the lebanese are for lebanon and for some human beings who are squibbling over money.

    anyway, so our arguments continue.

  47. well american all we can do my brother is keep walking down the middle of this field filled with mines and the truth will eventually reveal itself.

    all these years that israel has lied to the american people, never in a illion years did they think that the internet will become a beacon of light. israel now and all its agents are bombarding the web to keep bombarding it with their lies to keep the american people subdued.

    i’m really surprised how many arabs havent even read the jewish protocols of the higher elders of zion which outlined their whole vision of controlling the media to presidents issuing statements re fighting for the word “FREEDOM” which people will sign up to blindly without even knowing that they will be ready to give up their freedom in order to fight it such as in the case 911 where people were willing have chips implanted in them or carrying ID cards at all times. if thts not new world order i dunno what is.

    the lebanese are not immune to this fear tactic strategy by their leaders who are always chanting their race’s extinctiion if they dont remain strong which makes the people of that race rally behind these leaders.

    little do all these people know that the leaders are only worried about their own dynasties ending cos under the ottoman empire, christians, muslims and jews actually enjoyed living in harmony so their arguments are invalid.

    this is why i know for a fact that for 1) we cant get rid of these families and 2) we’re not in charge.

    we do have one power and that is not signing up to their paries nor voting.

    if ALL the lebanese dont vote, it will send a huge message to these paries that the lebanese are for lebanon and for some human beings who are squibbling over money.

    anyway, so our arguments continue.

  48. To Tony.

    Israel is trying to create a two state solution. That doesn’t equal aparthied. Unfortunately, the current situation in the West Bank is one which is like aparthied but I ask you to recall that it was agreed to by both sides as an interim. If the Palestinians make reasonable demands then we should give them their freedom. Otherwise we might have to give them their freedom unilaterally. If we hadn’t had so much bad blood between us and if Judaism and Islam didn’t have inbuilt exclusivity and mutual hostility then maybe living together would be possible. The Lebanese civil war wasn’t really a great advert for consociationalism or co-existence. Even Belgium can’t cope.

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