March 14 Official: Hezbollah wants STL toppled


March 14 secretariat-general coordinator Fares Soaid said Saturday that Hezbollah chief Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah has given Saudi King Abdullah and Premier Saad Hariri the option of civil peace or justice.

Soaid was referring to the possibility of indictment of Hezbollah by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon in the assassination of former Premier Rafik Hariri.

Soaid told Voice of Lebanon radio that Nasrallah is asking Saudi King Abdullah and Premier Saad Hariri to engage in a battle to topple the Special Tribunal for Lebanon.

He said Nasrallah believes that if Abdullah and Hariri failed to neglect the rulings of the court, they would be responsible for a Sunni-Shiite strife in Lebanon.

Nasrallah said in last Tuesday speech

“In the past weeks, we made a lot of efforts. We formed a team to review all the details. I will present evidence during the August 9 press conference proving that Israel was plotting to accuse Hezbollah of killing Rafik Hariri.”

Nasrallah added: “I have information. We accuse Israel of killing Rafik Hariri on February 14, 2005.”

Soaid said : Even if Israel had a hand in Hariri’s murder, no one should accuse any side of involvement in the killing before the international tribunal issues its rulings.



6 responses to “March 14 Official: Hezbollah wants STL toppled”

  1. Leb-Syrian Avatar

    If he has evidence that it was Israel, then why is he still threatened by the STL? Something doesn’t add up here.

  2. Leb-Syrian Avatar

    I dont think that the absolute truth will ever be uncovered, this is when i put my trust in god, and say karma is a bitch, what goes around comes around, and whoever it may be, every dog has their day.

  3. Leb-Syrian Avatar

    I dont think that the absolute truth will ever be uncovered, this is when i put my trust in god, and say karma is a biatch, what goes around comes around, and whoever it may be, every dog has their day.

  4. leb-syrian as a neutral observer to this whole mess, i see a problem of the “scape goat” theory and international meddling.

    its obvious that certain families and countries wanna see HA defeated and dismantled so lebanon can remain vulnerable.

    its obvious that certain families and countries wanna keep the strife alive among the lebanese cos its scaring them how turkey iran syria are uniting with new trade and economic agreements that will boost their economies.

    HA can see that and so can i. if the STL will only indict HA for the killing of hariri (MHRIP) i will honestly laugh at the outcome cos look at:

    1) the amount of spies including in the HA organisation there are

    2) israel just recently tested the LAF’s resolve to fight them with the stupid tree incident.

    3) israel is very angry that the LAF and HA are actually cooperating with each other.

    4) which idiot will actually believe that the HA single handedly plotted the whole thing?

    sorry but this poster doesnt and i dont even support HA nor am i a shiite buti do support calm and peace for my country and that means that all sides stop their bickering like children and get along.

    the STL has been in my opinion the biggest mistake in lebanese histoy.

    the Hague would have been a much better place for that process to take place.

  5. leb-syrian i forgot to mention that i agree with your points.

  6. i agree with what goes rounds come rounds nasrallah day;s will come even if he;s hidding under ground except if he agree and give his arms to the lf and lets the people of lebanon live and not defend syria and iran let then solve there problems by them self for change thats if they are men engouh

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