Khoury opposes amending or discussing Lebanese-Syrian treaties


khoury nasriSecretary General of the Higher Lebanese-Syrian Council (HLSC) Nasri Khoury told NBN television on Friday that the Fraternity, Cooperation and Coordination Treaty (FCCT) signed between Lebanon and Syria in 1991 should neither be amended nor up for discussion.

Khoury claimed that President Michel Suleiman also opposes any modifications to the treaty.

According to March 14 alliance , both (The Higher Lebanese-Syrian Council and the Fraternity, Cooperation and Coordination Treaty , FCCT ) should be scrapped because Lebanon and Syria now enjoy diplomatic relations and hence there is no need for such agreements.

The HLSC council’s headquarters are in Syria and many in Lebanon accuse Khoury , a member of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party ( SSNP) of bias towards Syria and see no justification for the council.
