Mitri briefs the media on cabinet session


Lebanon’s Information Minister Tarek Mitri briefed the media following Wednesday’s cabinet session at the Baabda palace :

Mechanism for administrative appointments

Mitri said that the ministers need more time to discuss the proposed mechanism for administrative appointments. The cabinet will meet again on Monday at the Baabda Presidential Palace to further discuss the issue, he added.

This comes after the committee tasked to propose the administrative-appointments mechanism submitted their proposal to the cabinet.

“Most of the ministers expressed their opinions, and there is no obstacle preventing an agreement over a mechanism,” he said, adding that there were some attempts to improve the proposed system.

Mitri also said that there is no deadline for the administrative appointments, but added that it is necessary to finalize them soon.

Once the standards of the mechanism are agreed upon with the possibility of a few amendments, then the cabinet will quickly make a new round of appointments, he also said.

Municipal election

All relevant ministries are ready for the municipal elections—set to begin May 2 in Mount Lebanon—Mitri said, without elaborating any further.

Qatar visit

Mitri said that , President Michel Suleiman briefed the cabinet on his visit to Qatar on Tuesday and said that his delegation held discussions with Qatari officials that might benefit Lebanon.



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