Countdown to Jumblatt’s visit to Syria: March 18


Jumblatt 031310

Hezbollah issued a statement on Monday that its secretary general, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, informed Progressive Socialist Party leader MP Walid Jumblatt that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is ready to meet the PSP leader, the statement added.

However, Hezbollah did not specify the date of Jumblatt’s , but OTV reported that the PSP leader will visit Damascus on March 18

According to the statement, Nasrallah has been playing a mediating role between Jumblatt and Assad at the former’s request.

Damascus decided to accept Jumblatt’s visits following his latest statements on Syria, the Resistance and Palestine, the statement said, referring to Jumblatt’s interview on Al-Jazeera television.

The PSP leader told Al-Jazeera on Saturday that he had previously made some inappropriate comments about Assad “in a moment of anger and loss.” In 2007, Jumblatt branded Assad “the dictator of Damascus… a monkey, snake and a butcher, a liar… and a criminal.”

Following the announcement by Hezbollah on Monday , Jumblatt told Al-Manar television that “the page is turned with Syria,” adding that he has a lot to tell Syrian President Bashar al-Assad when the two meet.

Jumblatt expressed gratitude for Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Speaker Nabih Berri, Lebanese Democratic Party leader Talal Arslan and Tawhid Movement leader Wiam Wahhab’s efforts to make possible his expected visit to Damascus, Al-Manar added.

Folowing his interview with al Manar , Jumblatt discussed with Speaker Nabih Berri over the phone his upcoming trip to Damascus .

Jumblatt whose father , Kamal Jumblatt was assassinated by the Syrian regime is under heavy criticism from within the Druze community and the PSP for being so anxious to visit Syria.

The al Akhbar newspaper reported on Monday that a new group calling itself the “Free Druze” has distributed a statement in the Shouf region of MT Lebanon criticizing Druze leader for “underestimating the minds of fellow Druze citizens.”

“Congratulations on having the blessing of forgetfulness, the blessing of switching policies and moving arms from one shoulder to the other,” added the statement .

The Free Druze group criticized the PSP leader’s “twisted policy.”

“Your twisted policy is no longer a source of confidence,” the statement said

“The mask fell and Socialism is buried. Enough underestimating the minds of the Druze.” The statement added.

“We will not allow you, or your lawmakers or your men to use us to make a fortune in the name of the Druze,” the statement threatened.



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